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Friday, March 11, 2016

Answering a Help Wanted ad found job seekers working for CJNG

Lucio R Borderland Beat  Material from Quadratin and El Universal

Job seekers answering the ad for a phony company, could find themselves working for El Mencho.

The Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion  have been distributing flyers in the Jalisco municipalities, of Tlaquepaque and Puerto Vallarta.

The flyers are “Help Wanted” notices for a nonexistent company named Segmex.  The positions advertised for were for guards and  bodyguards  and salaries started at the attractive sum of 3,000 pesos, about 170 dollars, per  week.

Those applicants with police, military or security experience would earn a higher wage.

The Jalisco attorney general, Eduardo Almaguer Ramírez. said in a news conference, "These criminals hand out these flyers on the streets to recruit people and incorporate them into the ranks of organized crime," as he held up one of the flyers used.
The contact person was an American, Johanna Hernandez, in Puerto Vallarta.  After a 10-day training session in the use of firearms, they were assigned to drug distribution roles. The state prosecutor’s office said the investigation followed the arrest of 13 suspected cartel members during a kidnapping investigation. Several gave evidence of the new recruitment scheme, said Almaguer.

There is a Facebook page opened for Segmex, “a private security firm”, but the page was opened in November, 2015 and only had a couple of post on that date, and nothing since. (image above)

During the arrest, authorities discovered a kidnapped security guard, who was being held pending a 1 million peso or 57k usd, ransom demand.


  1. Replies
    1. It's chapos people desperate move, mini lic losing ground

    2. 5:58 I think you are one desperate pendejo...
      --this post says most probably el mencho, in any case, "el chapo's people" is not very famous for being jalisquillos.

    3. Dude is just said cjng not everything that happens is on chapo unfortunately lots of cartels dork!

    4. I think cjng needs to kidnap a few brides to entice the prospects, that how isis been doing it...
      What I notice, is how easily isis advanced it's territorial conquest, exactly as efficient as Desert Storm within the limited abilities of a bunch of a-rab leadership tainted by religiositry and without a Schwatzkopf to lead them...
      --Piece of cake for Blackwater...

    5. 212. Email the ad and report back

    6. ... Mr. Prince's Blackwater Had Changed Its Company Name >>> Years Ago ... Many Other Contracting Companies Are In The "Mix" Now ...

  2. $170 a week to work for the cartel. Your looking at 730 dollars a month or a little under 12k pesos which is not to bad and can live decently off of this amount in Mexico. The problem is, if 70% of the jobs can't make this how are things suppose to change and I guess why wouldn't you take this job if your poor and have no chance. The economy sucks, the government sucks and is as corrupt as it gets so until you can make a decent wage working a regular job it will never stop. I mean a cop is probably making the same amount if not less. It's a mess over there and to be honest it will probably never change since there's so much money involved in the drug business all over the world.

    1. it's not bad? it's nothing when your expected to do or die against soldiers

    2. Do or die implies a 50/50 win lose situation, what they need to see is that if you lose it is a 100% loss, and they ain't no back ups for that, the house always wins, it is rigged too.

  3. Cartels going legit! I'll sign up if you don't take out taxes. I'll bust a cap in some asses!

    1. @2:44 Going legit and busting a cap in someone's ass? Hammer time and the rest of the 90's was over so long ago. Try 2 update your vocabulary baby girl. - El Sol Perdido

    2. Try to update your name " Sol " LMFAO

  4. dangerous job, mang)

  5. One more thing. I think you would see change in Mexico if the average worker had the opportunity to make 10000 pesos a month or 625.00 dollars. They don't even make that. The price for stuff is the same in Mexico and in the U.S.A. The rich get richer and the poor have no oppurtunity. They get involved in drugs because the owners/rich/government are greedy sacks of crap.

    1. The price for stuff in Mexico is the same as the usa? Ya right

    2. A forty rock is 2 dollars in mexico lots of crack jeads in mehexico

    3. I'm talking about living. Good, gas, phone, electricity , cable. Stuff like that is basically all the same. I've lived over there and go every year for a few weeks to visit. Clothes, tv, cars, stuff like that is more expensive but most people can't afford them anyways. Usually someone in the U.S will send money or take stuff over there.

    4. Just on border cities

    5. rent or housing is the key, in Mexico you can rent a house as cheap as 1000 pesos a month, that house.

    6. Mexican minimum wage is about 5.00 a day, if you are lucky...
      --There are luxurious jobs for some people with school or levers to pull or ass to sell, but they do not pay much either, and junk food is the menu usually.
      --these flyers are the pits, they do not promise any steaks, not even maruchan...
      --I guess the prospects will end up like those in veracruz and tamaulipas, robbing urban buses of public transport in the city or passenger busses on the highways, there are videos on you tube with robbers counting all the coins...

    7. @Brad Sweet
      a lot of stuff comes from USA, like all technology and many food, so the prices are even higher in Mexico because taxes and utility for the importers, so is very common to people with a medium to high income to cross the border to buy in USA cause prices are lower there.

    8. 7:36 mexican customs get the pendejos with their "BIG LOADS" on the way back, if they don't pay mordida, they lose the fayuca, even if it is second hand hand-me-downs...
      --Mexicans even got taxed heavily for las second hand nalgotas de la pinchi gaviota, y no eran importadas las güeyes...

    9. Shet, we the mexicans have been accused of stealing all the newspapers from the vending machine, we steal the cable, the electricity and the gas, we rent the beer like everybody in the world, we live for free, from free stuff, and there is plenty abandoned housing all over thanks to the narcos and the state sponsored terrorism, we can be independent miners and steal avocados and lemons all day, and save our 5 dollars a day salary...
      Great PRD politician and future mexican presidente FROM EL PRI Rosario Robles has said a mexican family can live with 12.00 pesos a day, and she is not giving ANY government money to families with more than 2 babies, they indians can not extort a living from the state...epn loudly applauds...

  6. Good to see cartels are starting to professionalize entry level scumbag, sicario positions.

  7. Cjng doing what the government does not do give out jobs

    1. Since when does government create jobs?

  8. I'm down to kill some chaputos.
    Y zetitaz sucias. Let the wolves eat each other up. Letsss gett iiiitttttttt.... Cjng-ctng

    1. 3:29 if you were sooo down, you'd be posting your nane and address, but noooo, you are all full of hot air and chicken ass plumas...

    2. Be careful because the wolves might decide to turn their attention on you

    3. 3:29 si ves uno de a deveras, te ensucias de a deveras...

  9. I thought cjng doesn't extort and kidnap

  10. They are really out of man power they are recruting people by force and kidnapping for money maybe they should had waited instead of neing greedy trying to take over other territories

    1. U got it all wrong they are not out of man power they are getting people to send to other states to take over

    2. Obviously they are

    3. 9:34 they are running out of volunteers regardless if they need more people to attack other states. Why else would they put a false ad and risk this kind of exposure if they could just recruit by word of mouth from the streets like they always do?

  11. I think the quotation marks blow the cover away "Segmex" wink, wink.

  12. Minimum wage is about 800 pesos a week in Mexico, or about $45 U.S. dollars. CJNG offers 3000 pesos a week or almost four times the minimum wage and they still have to resort to treachery to fill their ranks? This goes to show that most Mexicans are not the desperate for money-corrupt assasins that the racist Donald Trump and to a lesser extent the U.S. government and propaganfa media sites like to portray them as! Add to this a U.S. citizen found to be the recruiter for this particular cartel and this goes to show the level of involvement even Americans have reached in Mexico's drug cartels!

    1. that was a hook to recruit them, it doesn't mean that is what they were paid.

    2. @ 5:55 regardless of what they where eventually to be paid, the Narcos are getting so desperate to fill the ranks the have to resort to tricking people to join the cartel. CJNG is also said to be one of the wealthiest of cartels so I doubt they would eventually get paid much less if thats what you meant!

    3. If they get paid at all-lead or lead and maybe the applicant's families getting extorted sounds like.What scumbags!If they have to use deceit to recruit sounds like nobody wants to do it poverty or no poverty.It's just not worth it!

    4. Also, it is CHEAPER to recruit cheap sicarios for the secret mexican death squads, blackwater may be involved, because I am sure the CJNG has better ways of recruiting that these flyers, and the mexican military is reluctant to get too deep in more terrorismo de estado due to too many scandals already...

  13. anybody brave enough to email that email ..

    1. Funny I thought the same thing. This email is probably monitored heavy now by all kinds of government sources for details and schedules, not to mention the cartel themselves. I am sure some daring person has done it.

    2. I emailed them earlier in the day. I have yet 2 hear from them. If they were found out I'm sure the last thing they'd want would be 2 be associated with that email. - El Sol Perdido

    3. 170$ a week in Mexico is damn good

    4. They Set me.up for a "Interview" This week in guadalajara Hopefully i get the job hahaha

    5. Let us know how it turns out, yeh?! lol Don't forget to have your references & certificates ready...

    6. 4:45 ...And an address to send your cheques, with the beneficiaries of the insurance and the 401k...

  14. At least the US Marines gave its recruits 13 weeks training before sending boys to drive over IEDs or serve as AK47 bait in SE Asia. I was also assured of employment opportunities after life in the marines. What's the difference between CJNG's tactics and US military???

    1. Good point, they both kill for hire.

    2. US military does it for their country, CJNG does it for financial gain against their country. US military are lawful patriots, CJNG are money hungry scumbags.

    3. 5:30pm, Look up the Geneva convention, huge difference between cartels and gov. military.

    4. The US marines DO GET PAID, they also enjoy impunity for any crimes they may commit as long as they swear they did it for "God and Country"

    5. just think u can kidnap some poor person for couple hundred dollars, and be real macho

    6. @9:29; I agree US military are lawful patriots but they've also been used by the rich and powerful leaders THAT HAVE DECLARED WAR FOR PROFIT. American Revolution, working citizens not involved in smuggling were largely against it but the smuggling elite (John Hancock-Bill Gates of the day) and others funded propaganda and militia along with the other rich, tax cheating leaders. Civil War; again North and South rich politicians wanted to either avoid taxes or preferential pricing for cotton and other ag. The Watermelon War; 1903 US invaded Panama over access to isthmus for a canal to make shipping more profitable. Occupation of Haiti; 1915 Woodrow Wilson protecting interests of Corps. Banana Wars; 1903, 1907, 1911, 1912, 1919, 1924 and 1925 US invaded Honduras solely for benefit of United Fruit Co./Standard Fruit Co. and agriculture. Skipping several; African countries have been invaded several times since 1960s over commodities. Most recently Iraq War; US elite convinced America of false threats to capture oil control and increase presence in Persian Gulf. To conclude, I admire your patriatism and am a patriot too but read a little history and you'll see that US history is filled with "Might is Right" invasions solely for profit. This doesn't include approximately 20 invasions we've funded to overthrow demo elected governments to further financial profits of the elite and politicians.

    7. @9:31; I served for 24 years and know the Geneva Conventions 3 treaties and 4 protocols of 1949 and cartels are not defined or even referenced. Research before you wrote BS!!

    8. 3:28 your just brain washed dude!

    9. @3:28pm. I wrote the comment about the Geneva Covention. In your own words "cartels are not defined or even referenced"; hence, the huge difference between a goverment military and a cartel. You would have won the argument by pointing out I pulled a fast red herring on you but it went over your head: the Geneva Convention is irrelevant to what you asked in your first post, the recruiting tactics. Learn basic informal logic before you offer advice about research. By the way, I aso served.

  15. Now looking for a job is out of the question there. My goodness all that will exist is drugs. All the business will be extorted and closed. No jobs. What a wonderful place!

    1. Drug trafficking does not sustain itself from drug trafficking.
      --Rich kids, their parents, and the middle class, or what is left of it, is what supports drug trafficking, and the politicians and businessmen it "props up"...

  16. Arrre cabrones a echar chingasos aqui en Los Altos de jalisco a reventarr tetas en lagos de moreno CJNG

    1. CJNG sin puros morrillos no la hacen contra mi compa Chico h2 en nayarit

  17. Aora en allende coahuila segun los gates no puedea tener musica de narcos corridos. Por que si tienes te van a llevar arestado y te van a dar tu chinga. Y ellos andan hasta las manitas nomas porque los zetas les mataron a unos gates por andar cagando el palo y andarse pasando de verga con la comunidad ya que los gates estan cobrando piso en los 5 manantiales

    1. If they do not get paid, it is only natural that crime evolves from their police or military "training to serve", to helping themselves...

  18. Hello im from Norway, who loves Mexican culture and And im just wondering. How well trained are these cartel hitmen. And how is it possible that ex army or police deserted and then start working for the cartel. I mean in Norway desertion from the army is almost a death sentence! You can try to run away but the army in Norway will come and catch. I mean desertion is not skipping gymclasses. And the few criminals we got are badly trained a girl could beat them easily. Plz tell my Mexican friends

    1. Well, the vikes have their monopoly, and they have chosen to go straight, after stealing from everybody for thousands of years, it is good news they are the law, but where is the dirt???

  19. @ 6:11 & 7:11 How about you try that en ingis? The last I heard, this site was about trying to inform non spanish speakers about what was happening in Mexico.

  20. It appears they are copying ISIS's method of recruiting.

    1. ISIS does not recruit with paper flyers, do they?

  21. Yeah right
    $170 a week chance of OT que no?
    Don't forget to add the afternath:no head,bien pozoleado,torturado,ensabanado y con una pinche cartulina que diga: "esto les pasa a los que quieren hacer Benjamins facilito"

  22. I am experienced with all weapons and combat ready. The wages r to low, no experienced weapons
    handler will go to work for these guys, Plus they have no organization skills, it all about truf wars, How do u run the business when you r fighting all the time. absolutely no future with these guys. u guy with no experience think its great u will be dead in your first fire fight. Cartel has no leadership. What kind of army kills innocent people and thinks its cool. I know Mx. politicos make a lot of money off these guys, but someday Mexico will get a leader who will not put up with these cartels, Its coming
    the Mexican people revolt.

  23. I like this news that means its getting harder for these scums to recruit suckers i mean sicarios.

  24. They use this to recruit and on the flip side they can I'd law enforcement and feds that they didn't previously know about before.

  25. You should post my comment about trump. There was nothing wrong with it. Someone else had something to say and posted there's so why not post mine lucio

    1. @3:48. We have no way to know what comment was yours. We receive many Trump (and other candidates) comments everyday. But we don't want to turn the comment section of BB into a presidential political debate so they don't get posted. A few that are just political slip through. A few have some relevance to the issues that are relevant to what BB is about and they may get posted. But since making a determination whether a comment is political or issues (which we deal with) oriented is somewhat subjective on the part of the moderator, I generally do not post them. We were not singling you out.


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