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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Lux life at Topo Chico Prison

Lucio R. Borderland Beat
Entry to prison bar
Borderland Beat has published posts in the past,, about the luxuries enjoyed by leaders and top cartel members while spending time in Mexican prisons.

This week the Comunicación Social del Estado de Nuevo León, state agency released information and photos of luxury items and accommodations they found at Topo Chico prison.

Discovered in cells were minisplits (Air conditioning/heat units) high end mattresses, kitchens, and Mini-fridges.A full sized sauna, and bar was in the prison.  Painted on the ceiling inside the bar was a mural of Santa Muerte. (Below left)

The prison, located in the city of Monterrey, was the scene last Thursday of a deadly clash fight between two groups of inmates led by  leaders of the cartel Los Zetas. 

Ivan Hernández Cantú and  Juan Pedro Zaldívar Farías el Z-27, who were warring  for control of the prison. 49 died in the prison clash, many were killed by hammers, knives and wood clubs. 

The directors of the prison, protected criminals who controlled the prison, and are also accused of "drug trafficking, collection of “piso” and granting privileges" to some inmates.
Seized in Topo Chico were psychotropic pills, cocaine, marijuana and hammers 60 and 86 knives.

The prison has suffered from extreme overcrowding, so while most of the prisoners were so crowded many slept on the floor, the leader of one of the warring factions, Ivan Hernández Cantu, had king size bed, a 50 inch television  and luxury bathroom, plus the time the attack he had a “lady” companion at his side.

Additional photos on following page

items removed and destroyed
Santa Muerte shrines

What was discovered in the Topo Chico prison is business as usual throughout the Mexican prison system. Below are photos from a prison in Hermosillo, in the state of Sonora.

Al fresco cooking and dining

                                          Two Lux Cells above and 2 room cell below


  1. All the gods, all the heavens, all the hells , are within you. - Joseph Cambell

    - El Sol Perdido

    1. 12:45PM
      Nothingness lies coiled in the heart of being - like a worm.
      -Jean Paul Sartre

    2. Stop it already ano jundillo bro your so high you make no sense at all find a new hobby

    3. Thats common in Mexican prisons...Is that why El Chapo does not want to step into Supermax in Colorado? Hahahhaha what a pussy.

  2. The minimum federal prison in Wisconsin has golf, tennis, menu for which kind of steak you want. The key to your cell. Many Chicago politicians there

    1. absolutely!, any north-European prision looks better than a US motel.

    2. Why are they there?[the Chicago politicians]

    3. have a guess why they are there

    4. Because they are corrupt!
      -- but their sin was that they did not share properly with those that proved their corruption, that is why their peers sent them to "club prison"...
      --For the definite whistle blower, SHERMAN H. SKOLNICK, from Chicago, wheelchair bound, was "contempt of court" imprisoned a few times for finger pointing and whistle blowing without regard for the consequences, brought down a few politicians, businessmen, judges and lawyers, mexicans need someone like him, the US too, that mo'phaka was no pope...

    5. The Federal Prison system does not have a menu of steak, even at the Oxford (WI) camp. And there is no golfing at that facility, get the your facts straight. Been there....have you? If not, keep your mouth shut unless you state facts.

    6. 10:33 no por corruptos o rateros...
      --estan ahi porque no "repartieron"...
      --that makes stealing, robbing and not sharing a federal crime...
      --Obamanos is an incompetent coward politician because he does not spread enough corporate welfare around, he may be heading there...

    7. 8:31-I'm very surprised this hasn't happened in Mexico[not sharing the wealth,therefore snitching].Why?I'm sure they don't all share the wealth and would get greedy.Must be afraid of the hit squad.

  3. Wow...I wonder how chapo prison cell looks? Like really looks like..not what media says.

    1. He keeps getting rotated between cells.He probably thinks it sucks I'm sure.

    2. Reading the El Quijote is no fun, but maybe he has a tv to watch El Chapulin Colorado, at least on sundays...
      --Meanwhile, POLICIAS FEDERALES are reassigned to sinaloa and sonora from tamaulipas, in spite of some of them having been suspended or fired for corrupting like extortion, kidnapping or murder, with federal police jefes full knowledge...
      Says: valortamaulipeco,com

  4. When a country can't even control criminals inside its prisons, how the f*ck are they ever gonna control criminals outside its prisons?

    1. They do not want to control the penal

    2. Could agree more.. Talking of corruption today Loret de Mola (One of Televisa puppets) showed a clip of Rodrigo Vallejo, son of the Michoachan Ex-Gob. at one of the Pope's Mass in Michoangan.

    3. Pinchi gerber, isn't it "guonderfool" the mysterious ways of el $$$eñorrr? Found guilty, with videos and witnesses, out in no time because daddy says he didn't do it...
      --Dr mireles found not guilty but can't be released because he was not found innocent at the same time until they revise the paperwork properly next year...

  5. There is a guy in the comments from the 15 prison riots talking about something similar like this he was loked up there

  6. I like this article . The more light that shines on things the more likely it will be cleaned up . We have always known privilege can be bought in Mexican prisons . Shit there have been machinegun battles by inmates ! Expose expose expose and the problem will be addressed . Any prison gang leaders are often given small unnoticed perks . If nothing else just to acknowledge them . Helps keep the peace is the officials rationale . One big perk Ive seen is not to live out their life in segregation .
    Under responsible administration this leader should have lost his privilege to human contact and only be allowed his right to one hour of recreation per day .
    It does the country good to have things expose as often as possible

    1. Self governed prisons should not be cacique governed from the top, helped by goons of his own chosing, but by the prisoners that can chose who to send away, no perks for anyone, but exploiting prisoners is more important to the directors of the reclusorios where there are people for years and years without a formal accusation, without proof, and without a conviction, just because they have proven to be able to pay the extortion...

  7. Beach Vendor Shot Dead in Acapulco: Two American Tourists Witness Killing, Go On Eating and Drinking -


  9. What does the "lady" mean? like a lady boy or an actual woman??

    1. 2:05
      Sometimes real ladies are in men's prisons. Remember it's corrupt. LOL, though "lady boy".

    2. Toros pesados can have conjugal visits with anybody they want, in el topo chico they can chose any of the women in the women's prison section, other prisoner's wives and even with the guards, the guards also use their positions to have "access" to prisoner's women, and of course there are a lot of guys forking it in the "red light district" inside the prison, everything is for sale, just like on the US prisons, but the US had better gladiator fights videos, recorded by the guards themselves, now just the hottest gossip gets out, like when "Mr sensational" knocked up a few female guards that were using and abusing him"....all in the same prison, that mofaka knows his pimpin' business, gaddammint!!!

  10. None of that shit looks like lux to me. Just a way to pass time. Pool tables? Tv? An odd looking aquarium? Equal to books in a way to pass time. To me anyways. The real deal is the dead 49 and the control the inmates have over the place plus corruption.

    I agree they proly don't deserve any of the stuff but I'm more focused on the latter rather than the cheap trinkets.

    I know someone will say that in jail doing time all that stuff is a lux. I can agree with that to a small degree.

    1. You are not educated to how 99% of the prison population lives. this is prison life only for leaders. And it doesn't matter what it looks like to you, it is not allowed. try broadening the scope of what this represents. It represents blatant corruption and control by organized crime groups.

    2. Ok mommy dearest.

    3. They should take el papa, "pancho" visit the prison, jajjajajaja that would really be a major international joke...can you imagine, "hola mijos, ya estoy aqui el papa francisco" he will be like wow prison is not that bad...imagine peña nieto pues wow..

    4. Not op but I know what you're trying to say, Chivis. It's like that in every prison. In our prisons, our biggest gang will always have an elected leader of the prison. They tax everything, with interest. If you make 2 dollars, they tax 3 dollars. The rest is paid in favors. The prison guards are goons for them. Smuggling in drugs, phones, etc. And these thugs want to go to prison. Life is easier in there, and they gain more and more respect the more work they put in, in jail. It's disgusting and it doesn't work. These thugs are the worst, most obvious wastes of time, money and air in our country. They live for crime and jail. They bring up theirs and all the neglected children to be their slaves. To worship the gang. A never ending cycle of being babysat in jail. We don't need execution, although that would save a ridiculous amount of money for our country, we need hard, long hours of pointless labor for career criminals. Not the little guy who didn't pay his fine. I mean the rapist and killer, that does the gun gesture with his hand to grieving families in the court room. The ones who take away all security from the innocent. The ones who murder and their little slaves take the wrap for it.

    5. You nailed it Chivis! It's how they ended up with this things not the level of luxury..

    6. Fuck off Chivis.

    7. Leave chivis alone, ponganse comigo, pendejos

  11. how accurate was the portrayal of mexican prisons in the movie Get The Gringo with Mel Gibson?

    is it 50% accurate?
    or 100% hollywood bullshit?

    1. Except the gringo himself. He would have been killed. 0% true.

    2. About 75% accurate. They do allow your family to live with you in low level clearance prisons

  12. hopefully they killed Ivan Hernández Cantu in the fight.

    1. It's the other way around homie.

    2. Because he went chapulin and was a golfa, And got hisself an amparo against.being sent to another prison, comandante credo attracted this trouble to el topo chico, the other z comandante fought like a bitch to be declared NOT DANGEROUS and get sent to el topo, now we see why...
      But credo is said to have survived, I hope Jorge Ramos interviews both of them, and that someone reports who were the dead, credo's or the other z side?
      --Because the "commanders" did not participate, those culeros are not "dangerous"...they are former marinas too? no honor.

  13. I have a few friends with Santa Muerte shrines. Their adorned with money and liqour. Every so often when no one's looking I'll knock that bitch over for laughs. Afterwards my friends will wonder or ask what happened. And I always say she got to drunk and fell over. Lol. - El Sol Perdido

    1. Pinchi sol, robale los calzones a la Santa Muerte, si trai...y la sacas fotos pa ver si es cierto que esta como el Ken y la Barbie, nada que ver, I knew Barbie Benton when she was young stupid and in love, her mag cost me 25 cents (usd) en la garra.

  14. This is the real Get the Gringo movie.

    All people the actors portrayed are present on this jail and every other jail in México.

    No one is talking about the Director del penal and why he allowed this activity to take place.

    No one is talking about his counterpart at the Federal level.


  15. This reminds me of that nice mel gibson movie "Get the gringo" and this is just in mexico,imagine how the prisions are in venezuela!!!

  16. --Director of prisons (3) arrested, accused of murder...
    --Director of this topo chico prison arrested for murder...
    --One guard, arrested, for murder, shot one prisoner on the back, killed him...
    The real plotters may not come up, but televisa is having the time of their lives with this, now el bronco needs to court some nice televisa propaganda...

  17. What is the big deal this shit has been going on in Mexico for like about mmmmmm about forever yes
    I remember since i was a kid my dad would always tell me how much mexico was fuckkked.
    Do the research on Negro Durazo a hell of a character
    Like I said nothing new to mexico

  18. Banged up 23 hours a day.No iron bars to look through,no people to see,no one to talk to,a concrete bed with a plastic mattress,4 walls and a steel door with a fuckin letter box so they can check on you.
    Granted,no-one can get to you,but its a hard time in that little cell hole.Some cant take it and go on one at any time,anything just to get out that cell for a bit.

  19. How is it that the smaller groups make so much money? When you see that Coke cost 20k in northern Mexico after all the transport cost how is it so profitable do they go and sell it directly to the wholesale purchaser in la or something. I was under the impression large amounts where given on credit so after the lose loads of not just product going across but money coming back how is it they make so much.? I can see for a large cartel that buys in Peru for 2k and sells to the smaller groups throughout out Mexico as it travels to us and than also sell in USA but but how do the others make so much.

    1. They have numerous rackets.. not just selling coke. And its npt 20 a ki.. mpre like 5-10.. 20 would be what the first person on the us side pays, then it jumps to 30 for anyone down the line. Over here in florida you can expect to pay 28 to 32 a ki.. it does get cheaper the more you buy, and that goes for anyone in this process from processing countries to ens buyer. And out of one key, if broken down and cut a little, you should make upwards of 80 a ki.. so its very easy to make big money. And they dont do thia once a month. More like once a day. My brother went down for conspiracy to traffic 1,000 kilos of cocaine and heroin. He was paying 15 a ki on the us side for pure.. sometimes cheaper. The name of the game is quality and quantity. I moved 100 pounds of weed a week. To make real money you have to do it as many times as you can. And yes, after you prove how much you can move, and how quickly, they will take a chance and give you loads on credit. And if your foolish enough youll take it. But its only a matter of time before you get robbed, set up and arrested, or lose a load any number of ways

    2. Coke sells for $2.oo a six pack on the US, $1.29 from the machine, cold...
      Coca, cut too many times is more expensive, more hype than real, but the rich do get good shit, enough to overdose and die, their spoiled kids are more into H, very strong and overdose because they are not used to it, 'coincidentarly', since the Afghanistan war started, heroin related deaths on the US have been increasing 'exponentially', some of the dead have even been police officers' children, their pushers have been caught, and in one year they are free, no fine...
      --being rats worked for them I guess

  20. Puro topo chico prison homie

  21. Paque se hacen los Z de Monterrey, nadie los quiere de los demas zetas de otros Estados. Segun porque los de Nuevo Leon son bien mamones. Por eso andan formando su cartelito del Norte. Rumores dicen que los de NLaredo ya ni los apoyan tampoco los de Coahuila. Los de tamps andan mas desvalagados que las cabras. En fin ya no queda un mando bueno. Ya todos hacen los que se Les pega la gana.

    Ojala un dia la Marina o el ejercito se los meta a todos la bola de analfabetas.

    -Elver Gonon gente de Osorio Chong

    1. Jajaja tienen años diciendo que quieren tumbar a La Letra y no pueden y ahora menos ya que los Chaputos les estan tumbando las plazas en Sinaloa y Tijuana. Las Golfas en Tamaulipas cada vez mas debiles! Oyes y que no se te olvide el poder que le dio el LaZca a tu patron el Chino Chong!

    2. 2:02 these "commanders" were marinas, setas and golfas, I wonder how many of the dead had military experience in their curriculums, or in yours...
      --la gente de osorio "chon" se hinca bocagatas en cuatro patas.

  22. Jajajajaja la última foto esa taza roja yo también la tengo.Es de la Coca Cola como nos en canta la coca a los Regios.

    1. Es que la coca-cola hierve mas bien en esa taza en la 'maicro' y siendo de monterrey, es mas barato, para ahorrar unos centavos.

  23. The governor of Michoacan declared the end of the autodefensas saying they are no longer necessary as the government will now take over security duties with a veiled threat to any community who attempts to defend themselves of their own accord. Yeah i almost threw up reading it

    1. Ese pinche conejo se hace pendejo, asi nació...
      --las AutoDefensas necesitaron de no apoyo o reconocimiento oficial del estorbo de gobierno que hay en michoacan...
      Chinguen su madre el conejo pendejo y el giniral "burrolas asesinas"

  24. One my uncles was locked up in a mexican prison with people from nuevo leon he said the criminals from there are crazy motherfuckers most of em were z an they told him fucked up things they would do alot of intresting stories for movies based on true events

  25. Oh my gosh! Those fish in that tank above the microwave are Chivisitiss cichlids from lake patzcuaro. They're endangered and very expensive. These guys really are ballers.

    oh my gosh, is that a Cutco knife in that fancy open air kitchen...high rolling shit!

  26. When did your brother go down paying 15 a ki? Haven't heard prices like that in ma y many years.

  27. A year ago.. he was "supposedly" getting a hundred at a time


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