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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Mexican Mayor Sacrificed Herself to Save Family

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

Juanita Ocampo, the mother of the mayor of Temixco, recounted how at least seven armed and masked individuals broke into their house on Saturday morning in search of her daughter and murdered her before her eyes.  She said Gisela never received any protection from the authorities.

Juanita Ocampo, the mother of the mayor of Temixco, recounted how at least seven armed and masked individuals broke into their house on Saturday morning in search of her daughter, who was pulled from her room and murdered in the living room before her eyes. 

“I told them [the masked people] that if they wanted to kill me, to kill me first.  But she said: ‘I am Gisela [Mota]’.  Then they took her because she was very valuable, very valuable, and that’s why they took her.  They took her from her room and killed her in the living room,” said Mrs. Juanita during a tribute that took place on Monday to the council in the Congress of Morelos.

“In the family were my grandchildren, my granddaughter, who had just given birth the night before, the little boy, and we were all attacked in such a way,” she added.

 She revealed that in addition to killing Gisela Mota, the assailants beat the rest of the family.

She accused that her daughter never received protection from the authorities.

“They never put any type of security for my daughter, any, I went outside and screamed, because everyone in the house was attacked, my grandchildren, she was the one that said I am Gisela, she gave herself in order for them to release us,” she said.

Juanita Ocampo said that she asked Governor Graco Ramírez Garrido Abreu for justice for Gisela.

“I approached (the governor) at the tribute they made for her, I asked for justice for my daughter, aside for everyone, but especially for her, he said yes, that they will act,” she said.
A clandestine grave with five bodies was found Monday by Morelos authorities derived from the investigations of the murder of the mayor of Temixco, Gisela Mota Ocampo.

The finding occurred at the site Las Torres in the community of Alpuyeca, in the municipality of Xochitepec, Morelos.

Unofficial information published in the local press reports that one of the bodies belongs to a ministerial police of Guerrero who is reported as missing.

On Saturday morning, an armed commando assassinated PRD Mayor Gisela Mota Ocampo inside her home.  The assailants were traveling in a truck and three of them were detained hours after committing the crime.

On Monday, the president of the PRD party, Agustín Basave Benítez, accused the failed strategy in regards to fighting crime in part by the federal government has led to the vulnerability of mayors throughout the country.

In an interview, the leader of Sol Azteca lamented the assassination of the mayor of Temixco, Gisela Mota Ocampo, and revealed that so far in the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto, there have been over 40 mayors that have been assassinated.

“Mayors are in absolutely vulnerable, and how are those mayors going to confront the monster of organized crime, if they have no weapons.  So far in this administration, there have been over 40 mayors assassinated,” said Basave.

The PRD leader said that after the assassination of the mayor, there is a substantive issue that not only summarized what happened in Morelos, but what is happening across the country.

He said that the issue of insecurity and violence has to be faced from the federal government and proposed a change of strategy in combat.

It should be the Ministry of Finance that should fight against money laundering and undermine the finances of criminals, not just bring them down with bullets,” said Agustín Basave.

Source:  Sin Embargo


  1. Replies
    1. I was fdeeply sadded my the assassination. Now I am incredibly mad at what happed to famile. Prayers to all. Peace.

  2. Very tragic. This has to stop or a revolution is coming.

    1. A revolution is coming please man if our people really wanted to end this shit they would have done so years ago.instead our people sell their votes for money they keep their mouth shut in the face of corrupt politicians in all honesty it's embarrassing that this type of corruption and non sense has existed for so long. A revolution please if they wanted change it would have happened long ago. Just look at that former president Salinas he fucked Mexico over harder than anyone ever has stole a shit load of money and they didn't do shit to him.

    2. You and what army?

    3. Volunteers needed to fight against peña nieto's sicarios armed with obama's weapons...and US taxpayer's funds

    4. 4:48 AM You hit it right on the head,you are so right,there is not much anyone can do when the Mexican people sell their vote for a torta...a people that look at narcos like national heroes....a pueblo that is indifferent to all the violence and long as they have their tele novelas and don't miss their soccer games they don't mind living their lives "EMPINADOS"....and that's the truth!!!!!!

    5. Blame the US for all the ills of Mexico...
      Meanwhile you see a young woman being kidnapped and dont do shit,,millions of you dont do shit,but blame the US.Easy cop out,blame the gringo

    6. In mexico the poor stay poor and the rich stay rich the government is corrupt.this will never long as america is addicted to drugs things will never change

    7. Christopher Chavera-What do Americas thirst for drugs have to do with the corrupt Mexican gov?Think about it the poor would be poorer if there were no cut involved for the rich in the drug trade if there was no drug trade.The percentage stolen for municipalities would be much higher.

  3. Young woman... undoubtedly one of the best an brightest coming up... nut yet thats nothing new, this is happening weekly. Smart young people trying to make a difference snuffed out for very little reason. The aunt sxreaming for bodyguards.. well then it would be that many dead bodyguards... plus the dead mayor, hell sounds like the assasins didnt even make it to see the sunrise the next morning.. shit is wack. When do we declare mexico a failed state?

    1. Mexico is not a failed state, what is falling there are the corrupt practices of the "neo-liberalism" and its narco-politics but who cares? It all brings "state owned properties in the pockets of private industry "captains" with lot of drug money to "invest"

    2. Right On, 10:57.

    3. 3:16 Yer welcome, how is that about incendiary comments?
      atentamente 10:57...

  4. No mas con los que se Les hace facil


  5. This won't stop 'till the Antichrist comes and put peace worldwide for 3 1/2 years and then..........forget 'bout it.
    From Chiraq.

  6. Speechless and horrified, this family's pain is palpable. Que en paz descanse Doña Gisela Mota Ocampo. (40 Mayors assassinations are on EPN. He can't run a country, he has to GO!)

  7. Its funny how u never post my comments chivis. And i bet since im posting one for you, you will post. U aint good anyways u old hag!!

    1. I have not been moderating, for weeks. I just began helping yesterday. But I am certain if Lucio and DD did not post your comments it was because they are inflammatory, rude or a personal attack. If this is an example of "your work" I say to L and DD "good work guys"

    2. He probably writes a 30 page boring book w/o any meaning..

      --leave the pendejos to their bile and frustrations, waaah waaah waaaah!!!

  8. Another Great Mexican Hero God Bless her

  9. El norte de korea acaba de tirar una bomba nuclear en su area nomas como prueba pero mejor la ubiera tirado en mexico para acabar con todo este desmadre y enpesar de nuevo

  10. God bless her family i two lost 2 of my brother to organize crime and know mi and my mother move to sinaloa were el chapo doesnt let his man kill innocents i just wish peace in mexico for every one feliz dias de reyes to all bb moderaters and who see this message

    1. Shut the fuck up! Sinaloa narcos kill innocent people just for looking at their silicone filled girlfriends or someone crashing into them in a bar. Sinaloa also now has a highet murder rate than Chihuahua by like double. So don't keep bullshitting and telling us us that same old song that Chapo doesn't let innocents get hurt!

    2. 9:15 The Latin Kings thank you, we are as humble as Almighty.

  11. take this message and read it clearly.

  12. No autodefensas in Temixco, I'm guessing. If there ever were a revolution, it would have happened through the AD movement, which is the only real hope the Mexican people have against gangs of heartless, vicious animals. Instead of fearing the AD movement, the Feds should encourage its growth in all states, and protect it. In that way maybe they could generate enough sheer manpower to protect the public and its elected officials.

    1. 10:08 the state is affraid of the sheer manpower of any real AutoDefensas, that is why the "state" and the federal government corrupt them and try to impose their "mando unico" gestapo in the best KGB tradition.
      --besides, Cuauhtemoc Blanco needed some straightening, he was the one refusing to accept mando unico in his city of cuernavaca and graco ramirez needed to "deliver" his message...

  13. Raza ya agarraron al mayito zambada esta saliendo en las noticias nacionales.

  14. The Mayors have one tool they have decided not to use. As head of security they can allow all county citizens to carry weapons within the county without fear of being arrested by municipal police.

    If everyone in the county is packing then, the mayor can be protected by the citizens.

    1. 7:15 "A proper regulated militia" does not allow for everyone being armed...
      --and that would get on the way of the mexican enemies of the mexican people, all their own government, all of it...

  15. THIS will not go unpunished for the GROUPs involved

    1. "They came in jumping walls on the back of the house", masked, clearly a paramilitary operation, then they hunt for some patsies to murder and blame for it...narvarte murder style, the mexican mando unico using their training in action...get the preps quick, before the nosy start blaming javer duarte or worse, graco ramirez, the "next president of the Estados Unidos Mexicanos"


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