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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Guerrero: 7 dismembered/tortured bodies discovered, as unstoppable violence continues

Lucio R. Borderland Beat from Bajopalabra and AIG

The bodies of seven people were found this morning in day in Chilpancingo, capital of Guerrero.

The bodies were found at two different points; Three of the bodies were found on Vicente Guerrero boulevard, opposite the entrance of the colonia Tatagildo colony north of Chilpancingo

In addition, four more bodies were found near colonia 4 de Marzo,  in the vicinity of Cerrito Rico.

All bodies were male gender,  and all showed signs of torture, beatings, dismemberment and several were bound hand and foot.

The bodies were taken to Semefo of the capital, where  three of the victims have been identified; Erick David Gatica Telangueño, 20, orginally from  Zumpango, Víctor Zaldívar 15, of Chilpancingo, and Eduardo Ezequiel Arcos 18, also of  Chilpancingo

The three victims were  identified by relatives as being those who were abducted on Tuesday, from  a mechanic workshop in the Colonia del Sur in the capital city.   (graphic images on following page)

Yesterday, Mayor of Chilpancingo, Marco Antonio Leyva, said that recent violence has caused the deployment of 3200 of various security corporations, (armed forces/police) in the capital and outlining areas. 


  1. it's la Familia Michoacan that got together again to take over Michoacan, Guerrero, Guanajuato, estado de Mexico and Morelos. That's what they said in a manta recently, saying El Chango Mendez restructured the Cartel insted of splintered groups that scatered when they arrested El Chango, and killed el mas loco.

  2. No municipal "actorities" are to take any action, it is forbidden by law to have municipal police, because the federal government's "mando unico" or la polesia Nazional want to enforce the "empire of law" with THEIR POLICE CORPORATIONS RUNNING STATE POLICE...
    affirming their monopoly of power, then they dedicate themselves to kidnap, extort, and murder the oppositors left and right...
    Cuauhtemoc Blanco and mayors of morelos state are fighting to kick all non municipal police forces, and are being accused by 2,3,4,faces governor graco ramirez of being narcos and terroristas allied 5o cartels "that do not allow the governor and his gang of robbin' murderers to 'operate' in peace"...
    The supreme court of justice of mexico, sides with the perredista governor because he has turned to be one more peña nieto lambeculo...
    --same story on all the states of the republica mexicana...

  3. Mexico is the wild west. The longest they keep on trusting the government for protection all this is genocide will continue...back on the wild west every one had a gun, Just in case the sheriff wasn't able to mexico there is no law, they could pretend they have laws and enforcement, but they need to change the mexican constitution, and have a 4th ammendment the right to bear arms and open carry.

    1. Read Mexico's constitution before you comment.

    2. Article 10 - The inhabitants of the United Mexican States have the right to possess arms, in their residences, for their security and legitimate defense with the exception of those prohibited by federal law, and those reserved for the exclusive use of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and National Guard. Federal law will determine the cases, conditions, requisites, and places in which the bearing of arms by inhabitants will be authorized.

    3. Essentially...they need a new constitution

    4. Right, so they have to be home to have a gun? Conceal and carry?

    5. we are only allowed .22caliber pistols

    6. here is what is not allowed and what is:

      Article 11 of Ley Federal de Armas de Fuego y Explosivos lists prohibited "military firearms" in México.

      They include (prohibited):

      full-auto and semi-auto handguns larger than 380

      revolver .357 Magnum or larger

      rifles larger than .30 caliber

      shotguns larger than 12ga or with a barrel shorter than 25".

      Allowed hand gun calibers are .380 auto, .38 and .22.

      Allowed long guns: rifles no larger the 30 caliber; shotguns 12, 20 and 410 with barrels longer than 25”

    7. Well with that list, a water gun should suffice. Anything that would actually defend you is excluded. Maybe there was an amendment say with the exception of cartels, being they are the only ones allowed to carry all of the excluded. Also guns may be too expensive for the average person struggling to feed a family. So sad for those innocent people to live in fear all the time.

    8. Well that is the problem law.the government supposed to protect the cities and the people. They tax and implement the law so a civilized society grows.....but when you have narcos criminals and drugs corruption, a new addition to the Constitution is needed, kind of what doctor mireles used to say In the many speeches given around michoacan , a way to protect your family and friends...weapons and the ability to legally open or conceal carry at all times for protection....

  4. The hell did they do to the legs of the guy in the first pic? Also you can see on the body next to him where an incision into the stomach was made above the belt buckle and parts of the intestines have been pulled out. More of rojos vs unidos?

    1. That's what I thought too looks like he was in a crash or something

    2. That is modern interrogation methods enhanced with the power of impunity, nobody does it like the mexican army and police, the chilean Caravana de la Muerte just killed by gun and corvo after torture to exact confessions, what are the chances in mexico?
      --looks like somebody needs to regret demanding disappearances stop, and there you go, there are your carcasses, bury them and don't mess with the "government"

    3. Being shot at close range with a .308 (AK) will inflict the same wounds.

    4. 4:17 PM who uses a .308 ak? most are 7.62-39.

  5. Lucio,

    What does it mean various security corporations? Does the city hire protection?

    1. I wasn't sure what word to use, but they are agencies, some police as in state police, some federal and also army etc. they did not give the list but I would assume those are the agencies called on and maybe the Marina. Sorry for the confusion.

    2. I think they're referring to the 3,500 military troops and 200 federal police that arrived in Chilapa yesterday - right before the 7 bodies were found in nearby Chilpancingo. SMH (in disgust)

    3. Law enforcement agencies.

    4. Guerrero has been flooded every year with 10 000 soldiers and more for special emergencies every year since MEXICO 68, AND STILL CAN NOT FINISH "THE JOB" because the job should be a "contract on the guerrero government" full of corrupt politicians sent from los Pinos on el DF

    5. 5:25/4:21 that is what Lucio said. but saying law enforcement would not be accurate by itself, the article and others in Mexico said "various corporations" which included armed forces.

    6. Federal and state police corporations the government sends AND charges the municipios for...
      Mando Unico, Policia Nazional, Policia judicial, federal y estatal, agencies federal de investigaciones, agencies estatal de investigaciones, SSP FEDERAL SSP ESTATAL, policia ministerial, pgr federal y estatal navy, army, air force...
      --and all of them just come to lift the bodies after they put "yellow tape" on the dumping areas, after they themselves do the kidnapping, tortures and murders, they are organized crime themselves.

    7. Hey thanks josie, I see you have improved your reporti-show a whole lot, on the forum you could have faster interaction with some real russian ballet caliber ballerina primadonnas to advance your career to main board, one or several reports at a time...I hope you are josie...lopez...

  6. Wow. Looks like they went through hell before death.

    1. Seems like them killers just don't give a rat ass when torturing or murdering their supposed contras, those son of bitches must had been on some heavy drugs, meth, coka, heroin when they went on that killing spree. Or maybe not... envy, hate, rage..

    2. Just "under orders" my friend, just following "orders", from way up high above

    3. Orders from the "creators" ??? ... In this world 'humans' appear to be the main lab rats, thousands of years of "evolution" and look where we stand, chimps appear to do better than us. . . This world is nothing but a jungle with too many animals in it. (Literally)

      Who the hell gives some animals the power to destroy not only the same species but the whole damn world? In this planet??? I guess they just got there by destroying other things in their path to the "high above place" and no body did much about it. How you like your GMO? ...Your CLIMATE change? ... your "WORLD BANK"? ... Your "IMF". ... The last thing they need to accomplish is armageddon, so they can keep the world to themselves and their elite associates pigs, that is if the atmosphere survives. Like mars much? Rats, pigs. How about snakes?? have no much saying in mars? Smfh.

    4. The US National Security Administration can not give names, but they are the nationwide protectors of some of the worst criminals the world has ever seen, all of them americans, they order who does what in mexico, for governance and for drug trafficking, they just pick their choices, they are the animals high above, all their records are quickly "classified"

  7. Mexico's ISIS. Barbarism defined. This activity makes the country of Mexico look third world and it does not have to be.

    1. You don't know what third world is, poor thing.

    2. Love the way privileged people blanket every corner of the earth with their norms...If you haven't a clue to what this means educate yourself...

    3. If the white man stop snorting perico, then there is hope for a better mexico. But then again, how will families live ? And survive and eat? Que viva el contrabando, y arriba la gente del chapo atte el morroñis de la palma navolato, sinaloa ajuuaa.

    4. Maybe if the brown man stopped blaming everyone else,and took some responsibility instead of always looking the other way,but kinda doubt it

    5. For once Morronis I agree with you. World citizens(especially Americans) needs to do a better job explaining to kids about illegal drugs and impacts. If my school showed me pictures of mutilated bodies for the drug trade, I would have paid better attention. Cheers to your Thanksgiving!!

    6. Aahhh tenias ke ser tu valee ya duérmete culero

    7. Morronis your everywhere mis respetos kompa

    8. 6.41
      'If the white man stop snorting perico'
      Why doesnt the brown man stop making and smuggling it across the border ? Mexico is one of the biggest manufacturers of illegal drugs on the planet,take responsibility.

    9. @1130 supply and demand my friend. Mexicans/Latinos give the white man drugs because they are addicted. The day they stop asking for drugs and using drugs that's the day Latinos will stop making/ selling them. So stop smoking Crack, ok? Atte el morroñis de la palma navolato, sinaloa ajuuaa.

    10. We make it for you white man

    11. 6:41 your emphasis on forcing the "brown man" to shoulder his "part of the blame" makes you look like the asshole you always wanted to be...
      --Specially when the "Opium Wars" started on the 1700's and have been a business of the White Man ever since...
      --please, 11:30 stop being stupid for heavens' shakes, which snorts perico is not what matters, who benefits from it IS what matters...

    12. It ain't about the brown the yellow the white or the black hey it's all 'bout that green ya'll heard....?

    13. If black men went to sweden or Austria to launder drug proceeds it would not work, that is the exclusive business of whitey.
      Para no esta chingando, narco-televisa was caught not long ago with televisa vans, millions of televisa dollars and televisa cocaine in nicaragua, with real televisa reporters moving shit for televisa, areli Gomez , sister of a televisa executive is in charge of investigating televisa drug trafficking now? And televisa friend/employee eduardo medina mora is about to become chief justice at the mexican supreme court to find televisa innocent?
      Convicted felon "Laura de America" has exclusive contract with televisa, for 10 million dollars (I don't know if yearly)
      And she got 30 million pesos from angel aguirre rivero to celebrate her birthday (????) While he does not have the money due the escuela normal Isidro Burgos de Ayotzinapa and chose to kidnap and disappear the students...
      --what the fack is going on with narco-televisa and peña nieto's regime? Are they trying to prevent their ass from being prosecuted by blaming "the narcos" again?

    14. Should be worrying about Mexico not the US.
      Are you the asshole bangin on about white man?Thats expected from your lame ass,how long you been spewing your race shit on here,not nice people bottom line,the romantic shit is all that.How can you people hate and blame the US so much for Mexicos problems that are generational?
      Young sicarios in Nuevo Laredo cant wait to jump in trucks to patrullando la plaza and you people want to shift blame?This isnt about drugs its cultural.

    15. 'We make it for you white man'
      Leave it to Mexicans to bring it all down to race.
      Your making it for yourselves now brown man.

    16. Fuck Mexico,people always crying,sort it out yourselves,you made the country you have

    17. Says the white man on his way to go buy some shit from paco lol

    18. makes sense and straight to point

    19. Cocaine = money = green and violence... stop asking for cocaine ( white man) then crime will go down. Guaranteed. Atte el morroñis de la palma navolato, sinaloa ajuuaa.

    20. 8:03 you are the pendejo generational, you chose to ignore the culture of corruption that is eating up the US on all fronts, after just exporting their BS for so many years, the US has contaminated itself with "selective memory" for its selected exclusive pendejos. It is all ancient history, güey pendejo.

    21. I dont know who is crying we are just stating facts, if people (mostly americans) stop demanding it the other people will stop making its simple demand and supply , supply and demand no matter how you put it, there has to be a buyer for the company to make the product if not there would be no need to make

    22. Why do ppl always argue and fight? This is ALL God's world His ppl and His creations.This is horrible what is happening in Guerrero and I'm sure all over Mexico. I know as many white drug dealers as I do Hispanic/Mexican it's not about races. Some ppl always blame the different races but that's because we can't take responsibility. These terrible things can't keep going on this has to end or God himself will end it. I am American my husband is Mexican he is from Guerrero and he is there now as I write this and I pray for him each day that God will bring him back home safe to his children and me. There's no sense for this type of torture. God will make sure that these ppl pay dearly one day He will return. Pray for the other countries don't accuse and say it's their fault. These terrible things that are happening now it's the devil. The devil is controlling these ppl who are torturing these ppl kidnapping and raping young girls. This is horrible I pray that God will do something to take over their lives and stop this torturous stuff from happening. Please let's all try and work together to try and stop these horrible things from happening instead of arguing and fighting. It's doing nothing but starting drama and that we do not need. God bless you all and I pray for each and everyone of you out there and especially all those who are being held captive now and those who are being beat abused and awaiting their deaths I pray God will hold you all and take you into His arms.

  8. No calling card? Thats unusual. Probably los rojos killing ppl

  9. 8 facts about the man who runs the Sinaloa drug cartel — and it's not Joaquín 'El Chapo' Guzman

    1. Mayo is not a "wartime concilleree". Qouting the Godfather movie. Mayo knows the business end of the drug game from top to bottom but when things get heated up he is no Chapo. This allowed La Linea to almost completely take over Chihuahua again and conflicts to grow inside the same CDS so that the cartel could not entirely finish taking over Mexico as a whole after Chapos second capture. Before that second capture Chapo had a huge or close to dominating precense in almost half of Mexico. Now it only has that amount of controll in only about seven of 29 (I think), states in the Mexican republic. Most of those in the west.

  10. How many sick, sadistic,p.o.s.are there in Mexico?

    1. Probably less than the sick, pos that buys the drugs that causes the demand for this.

    2. I wouldn't call people addicted to drugs sick

  11. Look at that one poor bastards leg all mangled. These people are sick.

  12. Chapo gets jailed now, now war starts between cartels trying to take control over plazas etc. Chapo has control over drug business believe it or not

    1. chapo has no say south of sinaloa. only contols PARTS of Sinaloa, PARTS of Chihuahua, PARTS of Durango and PARTS of Sonora. thats all. your idol is all show. sorry to break it down to you

    2. Everything is under "control" until a spark out of nowhere lights it all up, then nothing can stop the big fire....

    3. 10:59 is right on point. I have a feeling sinaloa cartel is going to get wiped out soon. El chompis

    4. 10:59 is not right chapo/CDS has control of 75% of drug business In Mexico and rest are cartels trying to overcome his power, your actually on point yes my idol A Man Whose Built an Empire from Rags to Riches, absolutely his in jail and not enjoying anything but his a Drug Lord Whose name will always be on the map of history just like Al Capone Pablo Escobar which you your kids your grand children will read/hear his name several times in life Like it or Not

    5. El cartel de sinaloa, se ha "aliniado" con el cartel de los pinos/atracomulco, pero no les ivan a avisar a toda la "sociedad" en las noticias de sociales or on forbes...

    6. lets not be speculators people that's how "Untrue Chismes" go around lol Lets Be Real on what's going on... In 1 hand we have Mexico/USA controlling all this Corruption and the other we have Organized Crime controlling our streets from both sides of the border.... at both times there Both the Evil ones... we're just society putting up with all corruption and trying to survive around it.... What's worst? Getting a Legal prescribed drug? and getting hooked on it like most of society has? or Buying a gram of cocaine? and feeling the same pleasure a prescribed drug will make you feel? ITS ALL JACKED UP...

  13. Nasty picture penis in guys ankle this is sad

  14. They must have confessed, and the heroic mexican armed forces forgot about the manta, sorry. They were too busy returning the carcasses to save "the presidente" from another 43 spectacle...
    --Now you have bodies, they can be recognized, what is your problem?

  15. En los ranchos desapareces a los contras. Y ni quién te ponga el dedo. Sin testigos se la pelan. - El Soldado Perdido

  16. See this is what happens when theres two groups fighting in the zame state. The gov should regulate that and just let 1 groupe control the state with no killings or wars like it used to be before

  17. Off topic what about the war in colima cds and cjng whos winnin

  18. Did the cut their dicks off? Look at the guy with the blue shorts looks like they did and also they brutally broke all his bones i guess he was still alive when they did this. God help mexico.

  19. This ain't got nothing to do with these bufoons but I hear 500 kilos and 1000 and so on of Mexican marijuana busted on the border my question is this who smokes that dirt weed its horrible..they say a thousand pounds is a quarter of a million dollars how is this possible its not worth 10$ for 4grams who do they sell that crap too who is even able to move that ..if a pound of the good Cali or Colo weed is 3200-4000 and that's for the good stuff how can they even make any money growing it I hear more and more stories of American's smuggling in American marijuana into Mexico I'm lost with what the border patrol claim when they say we busted 1000lbs worth 250,000..anyone else think they full of it..

    1. If you're talking 250,000 dollars for 1,000 lbs of Mexican weed I'd say that's pretty light. Even for that shit lol. I'm with you though man...who smokes that??

    2. Wonder the same.

      With so many home growers exactly who smokes the brick.

      Right about $2.00 a gram vis a vis high quality at $20.00 in dispensaries and from independent commercial growers.

      Would think oversupply out west.

      Could be it all goes eastern US.

    3. No the white house stacks it up for a raining day

    4. I mean rainy day

    5. Plenty of good popcorn coming thru the border.why pay 10 to 20 bucks a gram when you can buy good popcorn for much less.all though cartels switched to heroin and meth while coke still big.marihuana still makes them plenty of money

    6. @ 5:21 Nobody smokes Mexican dirt weed on the east coast. It is either grown in a home or sent from Canada and is all high grade @ 3-4,000 a pound. We have $ over here.

    7. Bullshit everything but dro wich can be anything from kind bud to real hydro but all the weed in all them corners in NYC in jersey in Baltimore Philly comes from the other side.

    8. @ 5:34 You cannot possibly be from the east coast. Nobody sells Mexican dirt weed on the corners of any of the major east coast cities.If anything is being sold on the corners, its heroin. High grade marijuana comes from Canada.

  20. These guys should start trafficking avocados & limes. Americans love those foods.

    1. Ct already does menso

    2. That's why autodefenzas exist in Michoacan, because cartels take profit from the local farmers, michoacan is the number one export of avocados and limes to the U.S. so there is much profit. real spit

    3. Can we blame the US for buying advocado and creating violence in Michoacan?

    4. 1:38 PM
      'avocados & limes. Americans love those foods'
      Everyone loves those foods big brain,i wonder why we all didnt think to grow and export?Dayum

  21. Damn, was all that really necessary..

  22. When are the USA going to stop fueling this?
    When you buy coke, this is what you are contributing to!
    This is horrific.

    1. Stop making excuses for violence. Mexicans always making excuses, that's why Mexico can't progress as the fine country it could be.

    2. Maybe here in Mexico we should show the Americans first that Mexicans can live without coke, meth and other drugs. the whole society and even the poor use drugs here. Mexico cannot expect someone else to do something that they are not doing themselves. I live in Chihuahua here and street sales are everywhere. Even in the smallest pueblos they have people that deliver the drugs to the houses. It is shameful to blame the problems here in Mexico on someone else. Sounds like something a child would say or an adult with the education of a child.

    3. Not an excuse but a cold hard fact.

    4. 11:35 Exactly. Americans buy it because some one supplys it to them, mexicans sell it because they get plenty of dollars from it. Both motha fackers benefit from it, the loosers are the ones caught in the middle of those supposedly "drug wars". Sometimes they got nothing to do with it, but they still pay the price. Isn't that some madcow shit?

    5. Oh go away,talk about naive idiots,then again its not naivete,its hate.Go read a little instead of apportioning blame,that circle goes round and round,patheticcc

  23. Animals,wether these guys are criminals or not nobody deserves to go out like that.

  24. Sad thing is the guys who did this has family. And when death/revenge comes knocking on their doors. The ones hurt are the family! Sad circle. The whole world needs to hit the reset button!

  25. What is going on in mexico you will never hear of any of it on American tv or print media. It is far worse than iraq, Syria or Afghanistan. There will be an end point to this. The mexican people are tired of this shit. It is becoming a failed state. Thanks to bb for bringing to light what is going on.

    1. Ive been to Iraq and to Mexico and U know for a fact that Mexico has more casualties than afganistan or Iraq. Mexico just doesnt have much publicity.

    2. I fought as a soldier in iraq. Please don't disrespect me sir. I am a mexican as well. You don't have to use bad language either. Thank you.

    3. Take no notice snr there seems to be more and more idiots everywhere,at least you have experience on what you speak on.

  26. They is prices for cocksuckers and they is prices for serious customers, we all share the differences, just because you get high paying high price does not mean it is worth it, real connoisseurs know the difference, it is the size of the sucker...

  27. Chavalos parece que agarraron al Mayo en Sonoyta

    1. Come on man.. stop advertising lies.

    2. El mayo or El memo

  28. How can people do this to each other let alone your own race? They really went through hell, but who knows if they are rival cartel members who have done the same thing to others.

  29. Chavalos parece que agarraron al mencho en sonoyta

  30. This is barbarity at its finest. The people who did this are animals. No respect given. The Italian mafia was violent and made moves without impunity BUT at least they managed to keep some of their humanity and operated under a moral code.

    1. Really? Roy DeMeo's crew killed their victims then cut there throats to drain blood then they dismembered them. The mob chopped ppl up all the time. They tortured ppl as well. Example tony spilotro squished a guys head in a vice while he was alive. Im italian n kno alot bout mob history n by no means were they different. They also didnt follow there moral code as u said. U could get whacked cuz ur capo liked ur wife n wanted u out of the way. The difference is they didnt film it n they usually buried the victims instead of leaving them n the street. Tf tampa Florida

    2. I've dated two people in the Mob and this shite gets no respect and there was a moral code. Does the Mob press innocent children into working for them/assasinating people for them? Do they kidnap for profit? Are family members NOT in the business murdered? Heck some family members, like Myer Lansky's kids weren't even aware of their father's or so-called uncles business dealings till they were adults.


    3. The mexican mob lets no bread crumbs on the table, and the table scraps is their part, maybe some doggy treats, the rich amigos on the north take all the profit and launder it, mexican atrocities is the result...

    4. Damn some ppl with knowledge about the mobile in the US.there's no question the people in this article are one of thousands of people being tortured in Mexico.but in the USA people used to get tortured as well. As mentioned above the Chicago outfit was vicious forget spilothro read about the 42 gang from chicago the people that filled the outfits ranks after theold timers started dying or retiring like mad Sam dstefano also read about murder Inc.not the rappers the mobs enforcement arm.yes there were rules but vicious nevertheless.

    5. The mob didnt do certain things because it would bring heat or unwanted attention which is bad for business n gets in the way of money. Money was everything not ur so called moral code. N yes the mob has kidnapped ppl. N killed families. Read up on ur mob history buddy. N yes they used minors for many things. Nicodemo scarfo used to drive around to dump bodies with phil leonetti when he was in his early teens. Haha bro u must be ignorant to the fact or just stupid

    6. See what hollywood does to pendejos?

  31. US gunships fighting Los Memos en Sonoyta.

  32. Does anyone know what is going on in Sonoyta? Federal agents from Arizona entered Sonoyta with backup from 5 Black Hawks. Agarraon al memo? Andan diciendo que cayeron 2 pesados por aquellos rumbos.

  33. They're so young! I LOVE Mexico, and I grieve for all the innocents on both sides of the border who are caught in the cross-fire! I'm just shocked that there are people in the world who could do this to another human being...

  34. Funny thing is, all the deviants that took part in these killings will be in the very same spot at some point in the very near future. What goes around, comes around and that's why when these deviants are video taped being killed they usually just sit and take it because it's all part of their life story. What a total waste when there could be so much more.


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