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Monday, November 9, 2015

Suspects arrested, in the Tamaulipas killings of filmmaker's father and brother

By Lucio R. Borderland Beat

On Sunday there were arrests in the kidnapping and murder case of the father and brother of filmmaker Alejandro Gómez Monteverde.   The “Bella”, “Little Boy” filmmaker is married to actress and former Miss USA, Ali Landry. 

In September, Juan Manuel Gomez Fernandez and Juan Manuel Gomez Monteverde, were kidnapped in Tampico, Tamaulipas and found deadin  ejido El Chachalaco, Pueblo Viejo, Veracruz.  The victims were killed even though the family followed demands by the kidnappers and paid the ransom in full.

Authorities announced the arrests, and said that there were 20 lines of investigations on the men for kidnapping and murder. 

In fact, when the arrest was conducted, at a Madero hotel, they were holding 5 migrants forced off a bus, 3 Guatemalans, and 3 Hondurans, including a 4 year old girl.  They had been held for two days waiting to see if relatives were going to pay the ransom demand.

Those arrested:

Gerardo Díaz Pérez, 24 (leader of the group),  Luis Ramón Godínez Alvarado 28,  Jorge Alberto Melo Pimentel  20,  Julio César Hernández Leal  22,  Leopoldo del Ángel Martínez  19,  Aurelio Balderas González  26.


  1. Screw the arrests, put a few bullets in the scum heads.

    1. That's real smart idiot. How about some due process to insure these young men weren't framed as is routine and BB recently posted a vid showing? Is it b/c their brown, speak a different language than you, or maybe that they are poor and not your friends or family that you find a summary execution appropriate?

    2. Due Process apply, first thing first, the mexican Miranda Rights need be read first, they read: "ya te agarré, ya te chingastes" right after a Gancho al Higado to soften the "presumed guilty" prisoner, and then the waterboarding to look clean for the judge and unos chicharrazos por todo el overthere pa' que cante, y chifle, güey!!!

  2. Christian Lopez PalafoxNovember 9, 2015 at 3:44 PM

    Criminals #3 and 5 would make great protagonists in telenovelas, such handsome men.

    1. Christina if you want to be president of all the mexicans, you need to court all the votes of all the ugly people...

    2. Christian Lopez PalafoxNovember 11, 2015 at 9:01 AM

      I might send them to the gas chamber just because of their looks haha

    3. 9:01am - Ha ha that is so funny. Hey - I think you might find the book Mien Kampf a good read, or maybe even some videos I've seen of different looking people who walked around naked with no ass and their ribs showing through their skin getting gassed. Their looks were different too.

  3. Leave the kidnappers to the mercy of their victims' mothers, daughters, sisters and wives.

  4. they can't freelance u got to pay in order to work so who did they pay z or cdg?

    1. They probably were paying no piso b/c has they been they would have been executed - unless CDG is just doing propoganda to claim they just move dope and don't shit on their fellow Mexicans.

  5. Time for capital punishment in Mexico. Line them up at an Army firing squad. Might be interesting if they have to shoot their criminal partners instead of citizens.

  6. That looks like an evolution timeline..

  7. It makes me wonder why they had 20 lines of investigation and only up to now, they finally catch them. How many lines do you need to>

    1. It takes a while to convince the presuntos culpables to confess, what's news...
      --"ya te agarré, ya te chingastes..."
      Eliminating troublesome contradictions to avoid involving Comandante Lorena style fack ups, with two whole sets of kidnappers confessed and proven guilty on two different courts for the kidnapping for ransom of niño marti, who got murdered...
      Comandante Loren was friend and associate of genaro garcia luna and Luis cardenas palomino, AFI and PJF nothin' and nobody...

  8. Scary that there is no mention of any affiliation with a cartel. So your average citizens are now getting up and employing themselves as kidnappers? This is exactly why there is very little trust for the immigrants on the US side of the border. Happy to see these idiots were caught. I was wondering what had become of that kidnapping situation of the father and the brother. Good job on that case.

    1. It's not scary it is reality. First a cartel has enough financial power to not risk pissing off the politicians that protect them with low margin express kidnappings. Second, just as in the US most criminals are not aligned with a national gang like crips, bloods, etc and that is the same in Mexico. Their loose networks, gangs, or friends that are criminals and who probably accidentally got a gang de Golfo ally, or had not paid the gang de Golfo for the right to terrorize their neighbors.

    2. According to master criminal gang banger Rick Ross, aka freeway, all the biggest and the smallest US Gangs are associated to the CIA, DEA, NSA, NAVAL INTELLIGENCE, THE AIR FORCE, BORDER PATROL, US GOVERNORS, CHURCH LEADERS, POWERFUL US POOLITICIANS, through their designated players they call "rogue agents"...

  9. I had plenty to say until I saw the photos of these degenerates. It makes me sick. Young punks, they pull this shit because Mexico has no death penalty. There is something to be said about public caneings, eye for and eye.

    1. 5:27 you need to see the photos of Luis Cardenas Palomino, then research his record, biography and life, you can see him on Aristegui crying over his daddy, and speaking to reporters on youtube...he pretty...
      --Ugly people do not own crime in mexico 100%, you know?

    2. 5:27pm- your ability to determine ones guilt, ethics, morality etc from a picture is very impressive. I'm also in awe of your ability to determine why these people (whom you seem to know are guilty) pursue these crimes. You share many similar insights to that of the Taliban, Aryian Brotherhood and other highly intellectual groups that also possess this ability. You are to be commended!

    3. 7:51 +1, fully agreed...

  10. I always wonder how people like this feel the rest of their life, do they ever think about killing this nice old man even after his relatives paid and just want to cry or kill themselves? I'm sure they are poor and in a desperate place, maybe they have been terrorized by their parents or others, but all of these young men can't be totally free of basic human empathy. Maybe the leader of them is a total heartless sociopath , but I cant imagine they all could be that evil to the core. Has there ever been an article or video where they talk to someone whom used to kidnap and murder innocent people for money and explains how they feel about that later in life?

    1. Did it ever occur to you that as was the case with the dumped bodies in Veracruz by the Criminals Nuevo from Guadalahara these people may be innocent? I mean because they are brown and speak Spanish their likely guilty but it is a possibility that they might have been setup b/c their families aren't rich, politically connected, and the elected officials needed someone arrested for this high profile crime so they can look competent and keep getting elected and stealing from this that elect them.

    2. Kidnapping poolice are soo stupid, they allow their victims to see their faces, and then explain, you know too much, now I have to kill you...and find somebody to blame for pedo dijo el tapado...

  11. Scene was uglier than the one before. Tamaulipa se quedo con todos los feos.

    1. Todos los changos de otros estados se mueven a tam los criminales

  12. This is a good thing. Those men arrested, they are so young. What a shame, those men and all the other victims! I am so relieved that some people were actually rescued and didn't suffer from the same fate as those killed.

  13. Glad they caught these dirty bastard . To bad they werent killed and buried in the trash dump

  14. Hard to believe those nice looking boys would do something so heinous

  15. They should of been shot..

  16. Just escape goats....what type of investigation was carried out to determine these were the culprits

    1. What kind of question is that? Of course tha same one like always,they (chota) cruise down the street y a los que ve mas pendejos los suben a la patrulla a punta de macanazos y orale guey al sotano culero ....

    2. 10:23 knows the drill by heart, I recommend you for jefe de la polesia...

  17. Ugly motherfuckers!! A face only a mother can love, I think?

    1. I'm sure your relatives are just as beautiful babosa.

  18. What a bunch of inbred uneducated ignorant looking bunch of animals

  19. I don't what to imagine what they were going to do with that 4 year old girl but pretty sure they were going to kill her and for that only they deserve the worst give this aholes hell

  20. Now THESE are the kind of criminal and human that are the lowest of the low and dont deserve human rights.
    A four year old little girl? Imagine the terror of her mother? These people are migrants,they dont have money's, yet these fuckin dogs hold them and sometimes murder them? I'm sorry but, this goes beyond anything, kidnapping migrants has to stop

  21. I really do hope these are the right guys that way Alejandro can have closure. These stupid little punks need to be punished!!!

  22. Get a rope and drag these pieces of shit behind a truck until they fucking die and then do it again.

    1. 10:34 this is not texas, you know? Not yet...

  23. los cabrones de mierda,,tu putas merecer judicia delos carteles,,,cortar los penis,y cortar los cabezas,,,quemar infierno putos

      "what about the presumption of innocence" the US is trying to implant on mexican law enforcement? And they need competent legal assistance too...

  24. All these cartels that claim to kill kidnappers and rapists should allowed t o buy these at auction, for use as props accompanying their narcomanta, claiming the kill kidnappers and rapists. This way, those dicks don't have to use innocents for props.

  25. Mr.Alejandro Gomez Monteverde send one of your freinds over to the prison they're being held at pay one of the cartels or even a hungry gangbanger to see they all go to SLEEP. Its that easy if it were my ppl I wouldn't hesitate its the Mexican way of justice its done all over Mexico!

  26. They already cancelled their own tickets as human beings. These POS really are "the face of evil." Put their heads in boxes and Fed Ex them to the nearest toxic waste dump for disposal. UPS their bodies to Los Pinos.

  27. I just looked at some articles about cartel affiliation and found nothing. maybe you guys can try.

    Lucio says that because of the location where the men were kidnapped, south of the bridge and where they were dumped in Ver, if he had to put money on it he would say it is a cell from Zetas.

    And IMO...although no one asked, these could be the culprits. if not, they for sure are bad-bad-bad scum who hang at the bus terminal to prey on migrants for victims

  28. Look at these slime ball indios no offense to good indio mexicans but the majority of criminals captured in tamaulipas always look like that, broke lazy fuckers no le kieren chingar al trabajo so they fuck with civilians

  29. Mexico can not have mexican criminals extradited back to mexico, but can send to honduras anybody they pick to blame for any crime they need to clear...hahahaaa...
    --make me puke...

  30. interesting looking set of characters jaja

  31. Hondurans are are like puerto ricans talk shit about mexicans even before mexicans messed with them

  32. Fucking mugrosos ... look at them they
    all look like rats. How are these rats going around kidnapping people... most people in Mexico are Cowards

    1. 12:46 it is easy being cowards in mexico, that is what Shock and Awe poolitics bring and leave, arm in arm goose stepping with the US paramilitary, it's US trained mexican gorilla paramilitary, thousand of piraña poolice officers, and billions of dollars in second hand US military surplus sold as new to the US taxpayers for sale or charity to their mexican governing narco-mierdocracia lackeys... but it is not cowardice, it is precaution, until the pressure blows it all up... one of these days...

  33. Maybe if these migrants would've stay n their country this would'nt happen.


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