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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sinaloa Cartel: Heroin, Meth seizures up 300% in Arizona

Lucio R. Borderland Beat republish from Arizona KTAR Newsroom

Both heroin and methamphetamine seizures are up nearly 300 percent in Arizona over the past five years, a Drug Enforcement Administration report said.

The report, released Thursday, said methamphetamine seizures have increased 294 percent. After the United States cracked down on chemicals used to make the drugs over the past decade, the DEA said drug cartels in Mexico have become the leading manufacturer and supplier of meth that winds up the United States.

The DEA said the cartels have “super laboratories” capable of producing hundred-pound quantities of the drug. The cartels have an easier time getting their hands on the necessary chemicals because of less-restrictive Mexican laws.

The agency called heroin a “serious and increasing threat” in Arizona. Seizures of the narcotic are up 246 percent in the past five years, the report said.

The report said the rise of heroin usage is directly attributable to the increase of opiate-based prescription drugs. As people use the prescriptions, they become addicted and later turn to heroin to meet their needs.

The DEA called Mexican cartels and the drugs they sell “the greatest criminal drug threat to the United States.” It specifically cited the Sinaloa Cartel, which operates along the Mexico-Arizona border, as one of the worst.


  1. Oh shit chapo is now a terrorist?they created the drug now it's a threat chapo better stay in a cave with no human contact lol dead man walking

    1. The usa made it and imported it from other countries now all of a sudden it is mexico fault because of their laws lol what a joke

    2. The United States did not create or invent crystal meth. It was created in the late 1880's by a German scientist. The Japanese developed it into a more potent drug. But the United States has nothing to do with the origin of the drug.

      Adolf Hitler fed crystal meth to the German Nazi soldiers so they could fight longer and would be meaner. Meth is used by countries all over the world.

      It is a drug widely abused in the Czech Republic. There it is called Pervitin and is produced in small hidden laboratories and a limited number of larger ones. Consumption is primarily domestic but Pervitin is also exported to other parts of Europe and Canada. The Czech Republic, Sweden, Finland, Slovakia and Latvia reported amphetamines and methamphetamine as accounting for between 20% and 60% of those seeking drug abuse treatment.

      In Southeast Asia, the most common form of methamphetamine is a small pill—called a Yaba in Thailand and a Shabu in the Philippines.

      I guess you locos are going to blame the Americans for inventing cocaine as well, huh?

    3. Take that 5:20 in yer monkey face. Lol

      Hitler used to take meth too. The maniac had his own private doctor, he gave him his meth shots. @ 11:25 Isn't another german scientist who invented that as well??

    4. Americans just market it to americans, and send the money offshore for those that invented the drugs to invest it in buying american industries by the dozen, put the american workers on unemployment lines and send their jobs to china, all for promises of trickle down economic benefits from the "globalization"...
      All tax free and carefully subsidized by the American government with tax breaks...

  2. This is all a cover up. Mr guzman has a deal with the DEA. The DEA confiscates those drugs but they distributE for guzman. 75% of the drugs they confiscate go to the market. 25% they keep for personal use. ( a taX so guzman can keep sending drugs.) Everyone is getting there drugs and money. Therefore everyone is happy. Atte el morroñis de la palma navolato sinaloa. ajuuuaa

    1. You are insane. Take off your tinfoil hat.

    2. Bro you need to go some one where you must be that Jose Lopez dude huh lol

    3. Atte. la nana que te pario hijo de tu puta madre.

    4. Fack is is the truth, drug trafficking business does not belong to mexicans at all...
      President of World Drug Trafficking DTO'S"...
      --Gaviria" a colombian, says "peña nieto" is about to speak at some meeting of OPED, Organization of the los Paises exportadores de Drogas, and should demand "action from the US" about legalizing drugs, since mexico has put so many deaths and murders and crimes because of drugs...
      --what escobar I mean gaviria forgets to say is that peña nieto has been a part of some of the thickest drug trafficking for the last 15 years, bosses mexican cartels, is a murdering butcher of mexicans by the dozens and that it has got worse since he took over in 2012...

    5. PS, MILLENNIUM informs about a lot of positive mexican reports, to which I says, ya valió madre "millenium"...

  3. On any city in the US you have specialist doctors "treating pain" with all kind of pills, whatever their patients diagnose and prescribe, the door will fill the paperwork for the pharmacy and as many refills as necessary...and if we go back to who invented anphetamines, cocaine and heroine, we discover that they also invented how channel funnel almost all the money it generates, to their European banks.
    Arizona also engineered with ALEC and CCA laws to stick it to the mexican illegals and criminals to make them work for free for them on top of collecting luxurious payments from government agencies and border control, patrol, customs...
    --now trafficking must go trough the gulf to the east coast, mexico needs no more breaks, the TransPacific protocols are a done deal, pemex is down and out, CFE follows, even carlos slim is a narco-petrolero now...
    --We need to make money to finance the privatization of everything cuba now, caballero!!!
    --viva la Cuba Libre!!!

    1. haha, you are all over the place, but keep drinking, it's still early.

    2. Holy fuck...what are you saying you drunken shmuck

    3. I've never heard of a mexican or Latin American doctor experimenting with monkeys to see how addicted they can get... to drugs, of course...
      Those that invest on the research are always ready to jump on the development by any means necessary, including marketing illegally until it's gets made legal...come what comes, no fear...
      --That ain't me baby..
      @10:0 no comprenda, no entienda, hagase may go away...heheheee...
      --The practice of voluntary ignorant bestiality shall be banned some day

  4. It's sure not just AZ . We have a terrible problem in N CA , the Mx dealers get arrested with POUNDS , let out on OR , disappear and with in days they are replaced by new ones . Must be running it out of PBSP.......Pelican Bay Prison , Crescent City CA

  5. When I have to go to Houston to work with addicted teenagers. The number one drug they are addicted to is heroin. For $10.00 they get high for 6 to 8 hours. Cheaper than painpills and 96% pure. As many busts are made,there are tons that make it through. My heart bleeds for these young teenagers. I have never heard a 13 year old say I want to be a junkie when I grow up. Bless all innocents. Excellent post as always. Also, I've heard that the bloods are delievering whatever drug you need. Call them up 15 min.home delievery.So freaking sad. Peace.

    1. I thought heroin did not last thst long let alone hours

    2. You guessed wrong. It depends on factors such as quality, tolerance and delivery method (iv, im, smoke, etc). But yeah, usually it wears off 6-8hrs after use, meaning you start withdrawal. Its DEF not like cocaine where you gotta do it every 5min in order to not crash.

  6. You do not need a DEA "investigation" to figure this out. Not news whatsoever....

  7. You See.. It goes to show me that alot of You were right on your Comments.. That it is Da U. S. Government the Biggest Drug Dealers in the world.. Just like the Vietnam Times when they allow heroin n Then Crack into our Communities.. Now they're doing it thru pharmaceutical companys.. No wonder Hillary Clinton said she was very strongly against this company's.. Vote Hillary Ppl.. Sad to learn the true Datk side of our government.. Like Donald Trompas would say.. IT'S HUUUGE BUSINESS.. and yea sad But True... What has this world come up to.. DRUGS & WARS Make alotssss of money..

    1. Why do think they wanted her out with lies about emails and this and that she's just another jfk Lincoln I don't think she will make it to be prez

    2. Don't even think she is the best choice for president just because she is a woman. The email scandal is not her first shady deal, Blackwater? Travelgate? .... Makes her moral ethics, very very questionable... Just because bill clinton did a pretty good job, doesn't necessarily mean she is going to do the same. Voters need to do some serious research if they want things to get better for this country...

  8. Maybe the government and pharmaceutical companies that are owned by the politicians should of not gotten American teens hooked on opiates. I told them, try medicinal.....

  9. its all a bunch of bullshit IF THE DUMMY'S WANT TO USE IT LET THEM DO IT IT'S THERE BODYS THAT WILL GET FUCKED UP SO IT$$ ALL ABOUT $uply and demand we make it you want it the down side is on you IF YOU ARE THAT DUMB THEN ITS ok....

    1. But if you never made it in the 1st place nobody would be tempted and don't tell me somebody else would.

    2. 11:25. If your chold went in to have their wisdom teeth removed and got a rx for pain pills. And, 30 days later was addicted would you have the same freaking mentality? Yes, kids do at times have pill parties and steal them from their parents medicine cabinet. Then they too get addicted. 90% of the worlds pain pills are used in the USA. That's insane. Addiction can bappen to anyone. With you lumping all addicts in the F*CK them let them die shows you need to either get a medical degree.a heart or stop talking crap. Someone might believe you. Scary. Grazie BB. Peace.

    3. Addiction to $$$ fuels the drug markets, the legalization, the research and the ensnaring of addicts...

  10. The DE A is obsolete it shud be disbanded they are so out of touch with reality
    they have not adapted since the 1980s
    all they do is provide statistics without real results
    they are too shorthanded andnoverwhelmed

    1. I know right, they still cry over kiki camarena like it would of happened yesterday

    2. Kiki Camarena still hurts like if was yesterday, people got too used to kidnapping, torturing and murdering on top of their drug trafficking after Camarena, I know it is "just old news" for a pompous ass like you...@7:01 from the school of #ya superenlo, #ya me canse, #ya chole con tus quejas...

    3. Kiki became a liability for his masters. The guilty parties were never jailed or even charged. DEA still plays dumb in 2015, humming the sad song of Kiki's and his pilot's awful murders to the tune of Stars And Stripes Forever in the key of HP. DEA = LIARS & CRETINOS.

    4. 701 a mi me califikan en la revista de los millonarios, de rikos influyentes ke kargan billetes🎶 Pero mi rikesa es la amistad de mi gente🎶 Cry me a river bro..

    5. #asdesersupariente pa k sigas llorando. Ya Ni. Su. Vieja. le llora. tanto wei

    6. This is not about anybody's crying, it is about the impunity kiki camarena's murderers enjoy and have enjoyed for more than 30 years...güey
      --Su vieja y la tuya valen puro sheet, maybe, you prosecute that...

  11. Drugs are bad. The End.

  12. And production is probably up 5000% lol

  13. and this is why?? because the marijuana gAme is all messed up and the traffickers need other means of making money because there is no more money in marijuana so that's why the numbers meth and heroin and coke look the way they look!

  14. they should of never messed with the Mexican weed now here comes the violence more guns more homicide and more addicts thanks government


    1. If we legalize kidnapping, you think that will stop? How do we stop bank robbery, by giving away money? No... criminals do crimes, because they don't want to work.
      Legalizing mota won't do anything other than make the weed smugglers go to kidnapping, murder and running speed or heroin.
      Legalizing doesn't do anything but make room in prisons, that they are going to fill with SOMEBODY. Maybe political enimies of the Washington elite...

    2. Legalize the guillotines for government sponsored drug traffickers and their godfathers, and expropriation of their property...and their associates...

    3. Next, legalize prostitution, I mean pimping and pederastia for tourism purposes, white slavery and all slavery fack it, anything that makes money, because business is business...
      --What about cannibalism? Hannibal Lecter made it so en vogue...I am sure more people are practicing it now, and polygamy is coming back too...

    4. Nobody said legalize kidnapping Sor Pelotas.

    5. Everybody wants legalization for their criminal specialty, for the impunity and for the money, and for the future progress by hooking more customers, as if the current owners are going to give their turf away just like that, just because it is now "legal" will just bless their savings for them and they will be free to invest, how much do you have to invest, 2 or 3 macetas?

  16. @6:17 A cual de tus padres le sacaste lo gran pendejo?

  17. If the Cartels were smart, they would be dealing in hydrocodone. Selling these pills for $4-7 each, depending on quantity. There are millions of Americans that love hydrocodone, but will not risk taking heroin.

    If you do heroin, you can't go out in public. You're literally like a zombie. But if you pop a couple of hydrocodone pills, you can work, play, be the life of the party. The Cartels are missing out on billions of dollars here.

    This is one area the Cartels are lagging behind on.

    1. lol what? you can do heroin and work. it all depends on your tolerance. vicodin is a crap tier opiate just like tramadol. also if you don't have any tolerance and absue hydricodone you're going to puke a marathon just like the first time you shoot heroin.

    2. Big Pharma will not allow for some dirty drug trafficking cartel to come and steal their bread and butter, much of it paid for by insurers and medicare/medicaid/obamacare

    3. They are producing fake blues... its a pressed blue pill but its actually fentanyl not oxycodone.

    4. The cartels win either way. Since the crackdown on prescription painkillers like Norco & vicodin everybody switching to heroin. Green oxycontin's are going for $70 per pill (if you can find them) on the street. If they could start bootlegging those ,, INSANE $$$

  18. Never any good comments

    1. 12:37 but it's free, and you do not have to subscribe, and you can vent some anger here Instead of killing your family...

  19. I can see Your point here from Europe. :)

  20. Mexican law is actually stricter than US law regarding precursor chemicals for meth production. The meth producers in Mexico have to import the chemicals unlawfully from China. The DEA report preparers are on drugs.

    1. Mexican law is there to punish and scare bigger kickbacks, and only gets applied very 'selectiverly'to personas "non gratas"...keep dreaming...

    2. TOO funny.. That's why its being made in Mexico now. Easy access to the precursor chems. If the U.S. cooks had access to chems like the mex cooks do .. meth would be out of the profit portfolio of the Mexican cartels!

  21. Ive lived in az 36 yrs all my life I've met people from all region's of mex from cafs to sinaloa to familia mich and blo's the only thing I can say is az is a free market no one specific group is here they are all here

    1. 9:09 in Narizona, as in Roma all the roads lead to Gommorrah...
      I mean, white apache sheriff arpaio takes his cut, provides workers to Private Prison Industries and prisoners to CCA, all the partners make good money and the people can then enjoy some...

    2. Its land of the free.Theres no plazas to own so makes sense.They couldn't pull that owning the plaza shit in US.They would get deported.

  22. How is it that we have a serious drug use problem, but It becomes the fault of the person supplying the product. Only in the candy ass United States would that thinking fly. I'm a white Anglo American but come on the idiots using the drugs are responsible. Our failed society promotes the use as does law enforcement, lawyers and the for profit private prison system. And yes boys and girls there as many corrupt cops on this side of the fence.

    1. 6:53 you are blaming addicts, it compares to the victims of Oklahoma bomber Timothy Mc Veigh, if they had not been addicted to working in the Murrah building, they would not have been killed by the bombs somebody else put inside the building...
      --Drug traffickers should get lined up against the wall, because their greed for money is worse than drug addiction...
      --the taliban had production of opiates under control and almost eradicated, until somebody came with their war for profit to recover "their poppy fields" in afghanistan.

  23. Peluquerias Acapulco buisnesses got busted in tx selling heroin with links to the Mexican mafia.

    1. 12:04 Heheheee, have you noticed aaal the new hair nails beauty parlors and barber shops all over the US?
      But really, any little business will do to invest, deal some and launder money...
      --go for the full brazillian

    2. Is TEXAS mothaphaka. TX! .. Don't hate on the lone star state!

    3. Wow wow easy there pally' don't get overheated @ 11:11 He he

    4. Texas is the worse state in america. Let mexico have it back for fucks sake.

  24. LEGALIZE is NOT the answer........the closer we get in the Emerald Triangle , N CA , i.e.......just puts the mom and pops outta business and corporations take over. The Cartels are a criminal organization with one goal : making dinero ......they will just diversify even more into further uncharted territory.

  25. 1:43 england or spain ?

  26. Pura gente nueva ! Ariva agua prieta todos los burreros en 4 nos vemos en 12 dias cabrones .

  27. Agreed and us Indios are going to get your raza culture mexicanos fucked up on drugs also and reclaim Mexico for our true Aztec and Olmec empire that you raza culos stole from us!!

  28. I have read a lot of propaganda on the meth subject and the DEA does itself no justice spreading a bunch of bs about how the drug is made. It just like our American money it comes out of thin air a couple of secrets and some chemicals.

    We americans are so empathetic right now to drugs side effects with the actual ad campaigns of all these miraculous drugs until the end all the side effects are mentioned. Liver and Kidney disease, several that increase cancer risk, all these drugs were approved by the FDA yet they hated on Jack Kevoirkan (Dr Death).

    Maybe we need to quit being a nation of addicts and quit relying drugs to make us "feel" healthy whos side effects are going to kill us in the long run anyways. Maybe with everything we injest into our body that isn't food and water should be illegal. Maybe we would cure the disease of aging and stop death and dying. This is never mentioned with living a healthy lifestyle. only diet and exercise are involved in a healthy lifestyle. But a diet of medicine taken before or after food 3 times a day sounds like a diet all its own to me.
    We won't stop death with a magical pill that's only going to give us a better chance of getting a deadly disease.


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