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Saturday, November 14, 2015

Mexico puts the brakes on the U.S. extradition of Zetas founder“El Hummer”

Lucio R. Borderland Beat translated and republished from Univision

A federal judge in Mexico halted the extradition to the United States of Jaime Gonzalez Duran, alias "El Hummer", founder and a leader of operations of the criminal group Los Zetas, to grant him a permanent indictment suspension, in order for him to file an appeal, as requested by the defense.

This comes despite the fact that the Mexican Foreign Ministry had already agreed to send to the US where he is sought on charges of drug trafficking.

In March 2015, Gonzalez Duran was sentenced by a judge in Tamaulipas to a sentence of 35 years in prison finding him responsible for the kidnapping and killing of four members of the Mexican Federal Investigation Agency, which operated in the state of Nuevo Leon.


  1. Damn 35yrs for killing 4 agents, hahahaha what a joke.

  2. The wire transfer of money as requested must have been completed for this to happen. What a crock. One would think that Mexico would rejoice to get rid of its domestic terrorists.

    1. Wrong. They aren't domestic terrorists, gringajo. That's the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave's specialty.

  3. why do these savages have more rights then a citizen suffering in Mexico

    1. Try to know the good levers to pull, the zetas are zetas for Zapata Oil Co. well invested in stealing oil from iran, iraq, tamaulipas, other Arab states, and oil drilling, even if they have never drilled anything but DRY HOLES...all the oil they ever trafficked was stolen, pirated, black market oil...they also use other names like arbusto oil, la compañia, CIA and cia...
      The real oil men are the rockefellers, thanks to grampas, not to them grandchildren of privilege that only know to corrupt everything they touch and turn it into shit,

  4. Haha! And Chapo thought he was the only one that could get appeals in Mexico against extradition. I wish this guy would escape also so that the loudmouth Sinaloenses could really STFU!

    1. They prefer to stay in they are safer in jail and can still run their buissness from the inside ... Chapo escaped because he was days away from being sent to the u.s.

    2. 8:35 Chapo's tunnel took more than 'a few days' to be dug...he did not spend one year wishing wishy washy wishes or "wishing" to grow a pair, of wishy washy wishes...

    3. El hummer may be muy chingon, but el chapo has many ma y more years in the business and many many more billions of pesos and dollars to buy cheap hummers, new or from the junk yard...
      --this here "hummer" has only too many miles in the muffler...

  5. Hey maybe he will escape. Mexico is so pushing itself away from future help. Real bad idea as the US has presidential debates and campaigns going on. Mexico's wish may soon come true once the new uncaring president steps up in the US. Heaven forbid it is Trump. Mexico would be lucky to get a dollar if he is president. lol All Mexico will have is Chapo to take care of them all. Will he? You decide.

    1. Nobody campaigning right now is fit for public office with the exception of Bernie Sanders, who is just too old. Some one new has to step up who isn't a politician, but whom Americans like and trust. A George Clooney or an Angelina Jolie, a Brad Pitt! Same ol' same old politics aren't going to cut it this time, folks.

  6. Amparos for sale should be answered with CBP revoking the privilege of the judge to enter the USA . Mexico would be outraged at "interference with it's judicial system". So when the judge enters the USA he should be treated to a level III secondary inspection, vehicle and person. Payback is a bitch.

  7. Well, that's an interesting development, but why? Does US figure Hummer will be busy in Mexico for the the next 35 years, so why not save a couple tax dollars instead of dragging him north to prison? Or, are the reasons slightly more sinister? Is there an official, unspoken moratorium in place against extraditing Zetas to the States on drug trafficking or murder and kidnapping charges? If, the Z are getting the FARC treatment on extradition to gringolandia, again, the real question would be "Why?" What would these two POS criminal groups have in common in Mexico other than mayhem, death and trafficking violence, drugs as well as weapons and people, that the Feds and EPN have to keep which gobs are paying for Zetas heinous acts on fellow Mexicans and the FARC's atrocities --carried out in a foreign country. Corruption Never Sleeps....

    1. Gringolandia....pero cuando nos quejamos del racismo de los norteamericanos allí todo está con madres. Descoje bien tus palabras para que no te escuches tan naco. Enséñate a tener le respeto a todos. Que no tus padres te dieron esta educación ?

    2. @10:52 Professor carlos hank gonzalez, professor carlos jonguitud barrios, and la chaky se robaron los centavos de la educacion, los US se los apropiaron, tambien...
      ...en gringolandia, asi que aqui te chingas, con todo respeto...güey

    3. @3:34 One wrong doesn't justify another wrong. Get your head out of your culo puñeta.

    4. Masses una con la mano y otra con la otra mano...
      --If the "educated" teachers, leaders and pooliticians do not know what education is in spite of haven even attended harvard, yale or MIT universities, or la sorbonne, or London schools, or the UNAM...
      --Why is the rabble supposed or expected to have some "educaishun"?

    5. 10:52AM, que pena con ud but wtf r u going on about? Y para el resto de esta paranda de pajudos hechando carreta hasta los codos--no joden. The US is racist, this isn't news. Ethnic hate flourishes in N. America, too. Stupidity is world wide. Yours is showing...

  8. 35 years for killing and kidnapping govt officials?! Wow the law is fucked up

    1. That's like the FARC can only get 8 years "Restricted Liberty" IF they are found guilty of war crimes. Justice? Yeah, right.

  9. Of course OG Zetas are PRI spoiled brats that gave hell to PAN regimen.

  10. 5he most Elite Setas can not afford to send soo many live witnesses to the US, la barbie is one too many already...
    --here's just hoping his chingas que se llevó en la carcel mexicana to make him shut up are forgotten and la barbie SINGS about everything he knows once and for all, if he does not sing, you know, the mexican and US government have "fixed it all up" as always...

  11. Oh, he can get an appeal from a crooked judge. Sounds like they are afraid of his making a deal with USA...probably know alot of corrupt government officals. Just my two cent. Peace to all innocents.

  12. One of the original zetas. Stayed loyal to cdg after the split.

    1. i don't think he had much choice because he was already arrested when the split happened...

  13. Did he? Wasn't he already in prison? I thought that it was El Taliban who stayed with CDG or at least broke off from Trevino Morales.

    1. El taliban never quit el golfo, they were better pay, that helped him kick zetas nalgas in the ass and split from them, las zetas never recovered, por culeros...

    2. 8:41 you obviously don't know anything .... El 50 and his brother were demoted by lazcano so el puto 50 felt hurt so he switched sides and betrayed a lot of zetas before he did... el z 40 went looking for him personally .....not to mention his men los talibanes are working for the zetas again... Golfos if you can still call them that that is .only are strong in matamoros and reynosa for now but I'm pretty sure they will not last next year

    3. Chapulines keep jumping sides all the time, but when el taliban kicked zetas en las nalgas, se acabo el lazca, el z40 aka el barril de menudo con patas, z42 el mongolito, the friendship with el bertie boy moreira, and el zeta horse ranch...
      They can reorganize, pura gente nueva, ooops, but the ones that were there are all gone for not paying el taliban and many other associates, even el taliban is gone...

    4. I heard a different story 8:41. At the end of Z50 freedom he was hiding for dear life because Z40 was winning. More Zetas started backing 40 rather than El Taliban. Taliban being arrested probably saved his life.

  14. Que este no fue el guey que se echo a Valentin Elizalde

    1. Valentín Elizalde se lo cargo el payaso por cantar del nabo.

    2. Gonzales-Duran mando a los gatilleros a matar al gallo de oro; cantante Sinaloense.

      The extradition is just suspended. There is no permanent amparro.

  15. Hummer gave lots of $$$ to lazca? Who gave lots of $$$ to governor. Who gave lots of $$$ to Pena who became Jefe. A group kills next in line to be Governor. (but his honest brother wins) but who states publically Geno is siempre Su amigo. The FBI (in McAllen) helped police in Victoria with training etc. USA government gives millions for Merida. ATF? What were they Thinking! Where did Hummer buy All those pow pows? Maybe us gov. rather he stay in Mexico until those involved reach retirement. That fool did have a tricked out hummer! Vive El Gallo de oro! That tragedy was because of a woman. Nada mas. El Coyote

    1. 9:53 coyote, What woman?

    2. Because of a woman? Explain.

    3. 8:47 and 11:36 The legend is in 2006 El Hummer had singer Valentin Elizalde killed after a concert in Reynosa for allegedly singing a song to El Hummer's woman who was in the crowd. Others say it's because Valentin sang the song "A Mis Enemigos" at the same concert in Reynosa. The song is suppose to be a pro CDS song directed at the Golfo/Zetas. Supposedly he was warned by the Golfos to not sing the song in Golfo territory but he did it anyway. Valentin was called El Gallo de Oro also. I hope that helps. Sorry El Coyote I had to give up the info to these readers.

    4. No Paso nada. Estabien. El Coyote

    5. Oye nadie sabes nada sobre porque mataran en reynosa un amigo de ciudad Victoria dueno de cascada disco.mataran en el tarde afuera un restaurant y pusieron un carta por la ventana de Su coche. Recompensa ok Como 2003. Gracias Su ex esposa era de Pharr Texas. El coyote (no se k dice la carta).

  16. This guy is one of the original zetas. Aint he the one that was USA army and went awol?this guy Shld get extradited.the only one cuss he's a defector of USA armed forces.the rest of this drug traffickers Mexican or Colombian Shld stay in their country.

  17. He will have a difficult time in American jail if he is known as El "Hummer", LOL...

    1. He is a specially trained soldier taught in the school of the Americas he is the Mexican version of a green beret I don't think he'll have any trouble when he goes to the other side that's if he ever goes to the u.s.

    2. Pinchi naco is no green beret, all he ever was is sinsemilla, look, he is in prison, in mexico, for hell's shakes!!!
      --The kaibil training of the SOA makes no soldiers, it makes mata amarrados y violadores, de monjitas y padrecitos, gallinas y lo que sea...

    3. 3:39 say whatever you want. he was an acknowledge marksman and one of the best gafes of his time.

    4. 9:26 Was el hummer better than el lazca or lieutenant arturo guzman decena?, noope, and for all his good soldiering, he is a prisoner...

    5. He's still alive. So in essence he came out on top. There's always the possibilty he can someday escape or somehow end up free like Caro Quintero. So he lives 2 fight another die. The wise don't grow to be old by being stupid.

    6. if we has still out he wouldn't have let lazcano break off the gulf cartel because of 40s greedyness . he would have kicked both of their asses.

    7. Maybe z40 got el hummer first, out of the way, no room but for el menudo con patas at the top with el lazca...
      --z1, arturo guzman decena's death is suspicious too...

  18. wtf happened to Eduardo Trejo Ponce aka Priciliano Yepis? he whacked a bunch of cops in mexico city before he went independent.

  19. Big money paid to the Mexican government by the cartels halting this. This is one more sign of why the US should not trust the Mexicans. It is only a matter of time before the US halts all aid to Mexico. Our government is playing too many games with the Americans. America is the most powerful country in the world (when Obama is not president). Why do we cheat them?

  20. El hummer jefe de LA plaza de reynosa antes que el metro toda LA fanca fronteriza de reynosa era 100% zeta el fue el que dio LA orden que nadie podia traer hummers en reynosa mas que el asta cuando crusaban LA aduana hummers de tx las devolbian por que no tenian permiso del hummer

    1. Reynosa era primeramente del Óscar Guerrero Silva Whinny Pooh hasta que el hummer lo traicionó por mamon.


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