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Saturday, November 21, 2015

Mexico approves the extradition of El Mayito Zambada to the United States

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Zetatijuana article

[ Subject Matter: El Mayito Zambada
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required]

Reporter: Ines Garcia Ramos
The extradition of Ismael Zambada Imperial, son of the narco trafficker from the Sinaloa Cartel, Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, to the United States was conceded by the Secretary of Exterior Relations of Mexico.

A Judge of the Sixth District in Federal Penal Processes, with base in Reclusio Oriente, moved the extradition to the United States of Zambada Imperial, the country where he will find his brothers Vincente Zambada and Serafin Zambada, also on narco trafficking charges.

However the legal team of "El Mayito Gordo", as he is identified in District Court of Southern California, promoted an amparo against the motion, to get a provisional suspension of the order submitted by the Government of the United States.

In March of 2014, the Federal Prosecutor of the District of Southern California, presented an accusation against the son of "El Mayo Zambada", together with 14 other narco traffickers for the crimes of conspiracy to commit illegal introduction in to the United States Marijuana, Cocaine and Methamphetamine through the frontier of Tijuana into California and the East coast of the United States.

After the decision of the Judge, to endorse the extradition order it was considered that the United States Government had complied with the relevant guidelines, and so negotiations had been conducted for the delivery of Ismael Zambada Imperial, arrested in Sinaloa.

In November of 2014, after an operation by the Marines in "El Ranchito de los Burgos", located 60 kilometers from Culiacan, the son of "El Mayo" Zambada stayed imprisoned in the Puente Grande Maximum Security Prison in Jalisco.

In July of 2014, the American Judge submitted an apprehension order for the youngster born in 1984 and the accusation was kept secret until January of 2015, when the Prosecutor of the District of Southern California announced the charges and those accused.

Among the accomplices of "El Mayo Gordo", who is signalled as leading a cell of the Sinaloa Cartel charged with the transit of drugs into California, are Rene Arzate Garcia "La Rana" and his brother Alfonso Arzate Garcia "El Aquiles".

The same with his younger brother, Serafin Zambada Ortiz and Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa "El Chino Antrax", who is on the point of receiving his sentence from the District Court of Southern California, after being declared guilty of the charges of narco trafficking.

Original article in Spanish at Zetatijuana


  1. Otro menso que se creia invensible, asi terminan todos los que estan en eso. Luego sigue el chapulin

  2. Just a show for the world to see that the U.S of A and Mexico are doing justice but they are really working with each other lol this guy will cop a plea deal and get less than 8 years in prison, get out and continue his great career. Now the Mex government is going after cartel de snitches's main enemy CJNGay in Jalisco and Michoacan to eliminate cjng. I've been following this site for years and now the show is predictable to me. CDS will allways be the favorite cartel for Mex and U.S, the rest are just kept in line and kill the bosses or put them in prison when they start to get big. CDS will allways be big and their bosses will remain untouchable. Real shit

    1. 1:49 - correct except nobody remains untouchable when they don't follow the USA/PRI cartel rules. The Z40s, Tutas, Arturo BL and soon to be Mencho don't last but the pawns that stick to trafficking, pay mordida to PRI &Salinas de Gortari and provide useful information to DEA, CIA, etc survive longer. However; Chapo, Azul, Mayo Cuinis, etc are expendable once the political elite or USA decide it's time. Chapo has too much world wide notoriety after the assassination of Cardinal Posadas; and Cuinis made a strategic mistake by not managing Mencho's wrecklessness and other rackets outside trafficking.

      Remember that Amado Fuentes was killed and he operated smart with a low profile and well run organization funding the elite in Mexico; yet he was replaced for reasons we may never know.
      In the end it is the USA/PRI cartel and their pawns are allowed to remain "cartel bosses" as long as they play by the rules.

    2. We know why Amado Fuentes was taken out
      - la perra

    3. 9:44
      Was he the one that started smoking crack and giving interviews to reporters?

    4. EL CHAPO did not murder the cardenal posadas ocampo by confusing the cardenal posadas Ocampo with himself, and himself with the arellano felix gang, so why was el chapo imprisoned for that?
      --The cardenal had been bitching for a looong time about his "cut" of the drug trafficking, that is why he got killed, by the Atracomulcos hank rohn's gang, their useful idiots AFO and their secuaces from califa...
      --Amao Carrillo juentes also got cogido en el DF, like el barbas, nearby, la barbie, nearby, Betty la fea, and his tocayo vicente zambada niebla...all because the chilangos from Atracomulco wanted their business, this is federal and state police, politicians and businessmen, el H same thing, but he got cogido doing business with el PVEM, all of them and el PRI and co. That is why big capos and their kids fall in mexico, their politician associates stick it to them in the ass...
      --but the juniors will be free soon and they will be able to live free when their time is done and over with, ain't that priceless?

    5. Why was Carrillo killed?

    6. 10:32 no sir. That was Pablo Acosta that worked with Fuentes. It's still a little murky as to why the Lord of the Skies was taken out.

    7. The Lord of the Skies kidneys blew up on him; twice, he was officially declared dead. The kidneys were his "STRIKE 3!" Don't know about the cracked out interviews, but dude was flamboyant, for sure.

    8. 10:32am - your likely thinking of Pablo Acosta Villarreal. He moved a bunch for Amado until Amado decided Pablo was a liability b/c he was too violent and flamboyant. Amado flew under the radar (pun intended :))

      8:52am - we'll likely know. His surgeons were killed after the "surgery" that killed him.

    9. For betraying the colombians, stealing their 20 ton load of CACAINA AND THE WHAREHOUSE IT WAS STORED IN, AFTER MURDERING.EL TIO OCHOA FROM COLOMBIA, Don pablo acosta and DFS AGENT ruben aguilar guajardo who became boss of juarez after the CIA, DFS murdered pablo acosta to make room...for DFS mafia and it's agent Aguilar guajardo himself, that happens when you murder your godfather, yes even in mexico, dorothy...

    10. no that was Pablo Acosta amado had Pablo killed by the military and took over jaurez

    11. Ok so who was the one who gave the interviews and smoking crack? Is there interviews on video? Ill look around when i know the name..

    12. Just a couple things: Pablo Acosta was related to Amado Carrillo Fuentes, forget if they were in-laws, cousins or Amado is Pablo's nephew. Acosta is who shows Amado, then a cop, how the smuggling gig works, because Amado being a cop is key handy. Pablo Acosta is a legend, who's been operating 30 years, smuggling this and that for gringo customers across the border. He was respected and liked on both sides of the law, as well as, along both sides of the US border by customs officials and border police. He didn't do violence to maintain his enterprise, that's not to say he never fired a bullet. Amado is Pablo's pet, he intends for him to pick up the baton when he's retired. Two things happen. The first gives us insights into Amado's dark side, when he shoots six men in cold blood. A shipment was said to be "lost," Pablo has Amado check it out. Amado knows the six didn't rip it off--he did. Pablo isn't convinced the men stole the merchandise. Amado shot the men in front of Pablo, who is said to have been horrified. Amado's explanation is that even though the men were innocent, their deaths were a message: Lose product, get la merca stolen--you're dead. In the following months, Acosta is killed by Amado Carrillo Fuentes' sicarios. Acosta's already un viejito, old, sick and disgusted with his protege. Amado takes Pablo Acosta's fiefdom to the skies, turns it into an empire. The lighter side of the Lord of the Skies is he was extremely personable, easy to like and generous to many, many people. The doctors who are said to have operated on him, at one point, then, later reported to have been murdered as a result, in fact had never seen the guy. Two were medical personnel, three were interns and one hospital resident doctor were killed, their bodies discovered around the DF in the weeks following the buzx that Carrillo Fuentes died in surgery, but the rumors about his demise, at the time, are greatly exaggerated. Ultimately, his karma catches up to him, the reports of his "3rd" time dead are very likely true.

    13. What everybody wants to know is, what happened to carrillos fuentes 20+ billion dollars he presumably made during his short career as mexico capo de capos, after stealing the bizz from the colombians...

      Who forgot that carrillo was chapos mero padre? he sent him to the slamer with the help of the guatemalan president right @ la perra?

    14. 8:52am
      Revenge...the hit was ordered from Colombia
      La perra

    15. Watch out for an article on Pablo Acosta coming your way soon

    16. Do not forget that comandante Guillermo Gonzalez Calderoni was cooperating with DEA, the gulf cartel, juan garcia abrego, and got help from the US to assault ojinaga and murdered pablo acosta for " don neto" ernesto fonseca carrillo, supposedly in prison for the kiki camarena "thingy"...
      All the chaquetero grasshopping chapulines paying and paying never get done...
      --but the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia on top of it, never ever anybody gets expossed...
      --ATRACOMULCANS MADE OFF WITH BEING THE BIIG CAPOS OF MEXICAN DRUG TRAFICKING, and hide behind the petticoats of the known capos like el chapo...
      And at the vanguard are the hank rohns, the azcarraga televisos, the NE mexico's cartels...and the CAF, contesting cd Juarez with cds...

    17. The Colombian hit for revenge would fit, too. The late 1990's, it's too late for Escobar, the Cali bros were over, that leaves FARC....

    18. Lol @ 10:53

      You know who might really know the truth, Clinton, Zedillo, both presidents in that period....also the other opponents aka big take over the drug traficking.. The dude was apparently getting too powerful and had the mexican government by the tanates, so they decided to take him out....Narcos getting replaced all the time as usual...Whos nxt to go down with the take down?? Make ya betts bitches & gentlemanns....

    19. Pablo Acosta was from Ojinaga. He was an O.G. Trafficker. Amado Carrillo Fuentes was just an associate back in late 70's to early 80's. Acosta was his hook up.

    20. Whos the hook up in juarez now

    21. I thought Don Neto got out of prison because he was terminally ill, under some kind of arrest at his daughter's place.

  3. Jajajajaja! No se aguite mijo (tito), que acabo su papa y su cartel seguiran libres como las aguilas mientras a usted lo visita su negrote en la carcel y lo acuesta a dormir! Y no hay ni Madre que su papa quesque tan chingon y poderoso en Mexico pueda hacer para liberarlo! Pero confio que con sopladera le reduscan la sentencia!

    1. No seas pendejo el Mayito nomas le 8 años y sale libre, fuera un cualquiera le dieran vida. Esa es la diferencia de ser taquache y de ser patron. Oh y que pinche negro, con la feria que tienen estos vatos agarran su propia celda. Ya no mires tantas películas mamón.

  4. They just say that to make the US happy. The truth is he will be out by Christmas.. MR zambada paid millions so the charges could be dropped. Atte el morroñis de la palma navolato, sinaloa ajuuaa

    1. Zerafin and vicentillo will also be out by christmas! Aaaaaajjjjjjjjjjjuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaa..
      Atte. El tigre de la sierra.

    2. Encerio morronis? Como tu estas cercas de ellos, consigame la connecta de ellos?

    3. Christmas 2030!!!

    4. Xmas 2016 ?
      CDS plea bargain kings

    5. I didn't know that compa "El tigre de la sierra" that just shows how much power Mr zambada and guzman have. Wow. Simply amazing. Fierro atte el morroñis de la palma navolato, sinaloa ajuuaa.

    6. Guys its all part of the plan. Vicente getting raped by blacks is also part of the show no worries. Lol

    7. Rape's not funny. But, since it's been brought up, "Guys," what's mentioned above is a more of an AB prison white supremacy scene. Bet ya didn't know that that the conviction rate for violent sexual assault and rape in the States is predominately higher for Caucasian males? Mid twenties to mid forties, demographically.

    8. hes gonna be out, pero con el fundillo bien aguado

      att: otro pendejo que se cree que un rancho rascuacho de Sinaloa

    9. Sorry but blacks don't touch paisas in the pinta. Much less rape. The paisa car is too strong. They stick to raping white boys who chose to run alone outside of a car.

    10. So vicente is not getting raped, even if he did snitch.To let someone so famous and important to get raped would be too much disrespect for the Mexican car. It would never happen

    11. And then extraterrestrials abduct our white brothers to the space ships and probe them, all the time, I have never heard of mexicans or blacks or indians or chinese getting abducted by extraterrestrials from outer space, according to victims themselves it is a white victims crime...

    12. 2:58am
      Apperantly, extraterrestrials are racist they only like white folks.

  5. Wow since u guys know everything and how things are run why in the hell you visit this site

    1. To see stupid ignorant remarks from dumb people like you lol

  6. I thought his dad has all the juice?!

  7. Why don't they get El Mayo?

  8. Good, see you in 10 years.

  9. U idiots, there scared to stay in mex. Their happy to go do time in USA. A big war is gona pop up, besides when chapo got busted at first then they arrested zambadas, cuz big mayo was to scared for their lives

    1. THAT'S interesting. On the run to the safety of security maximum under USA control... y'a don't suppose it's all a ploy? This Narcos-Zetas Extradition Exodus is curious. What if these guys are leaving MX prisons for some Club Narco Rancho Deluxe a la Escobar's Cathedral complete with cosmetic surgeons and dancing girls? A few piles of $ are swapped for new ID matching a new face y listo el pollo , the kids are back in biz...or, not. Peace out...

  10. 3:36 yes!!! thats what I'm always thinking when I read the comments section. Makes me laugh. There should be a new word for people that are addicted to studying narco information and consider themselves highly qualified experts on it. ha

    1. Read the last 3 years of boderland beat stories, you will be almost an expert. You sound fairly new...

    2. @5:43 and his novia at @3:36 we may not be correct 100% of the time, but without a budget or mordida kickbacks, we are always closer to the truth and the true criminals in mexico, the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia...
      --and one, two or three pinchis narcos free or in prison do not distract 👤us from that...

    3. Groupies, dude.

  11. This seems strange, El Mayo has never been captured. But they capture all of his sons, el chapo is captured but they never his sons. El Mayos sons can be extradited but they hold the extradition of a Zeta. Seems to me wl Chapo will be killed along with El Mayo at some point but mayo is making way for his sons to ne out completely with mew identity in the United States if he is ever killed. El Chapo is the one who had all the power with the CIA and UNITED STATES so he is kool with his fate one day. Maybe somebody can add to this theory, but it most definitely seems this way

    1. 6:06 - I think your calculus on Mayo is pretty correct but I think you over estimated Chapo's security and future. He's a dead man walking b/c he has world wide notoriety thanks to the mistaken assassination of Cardinal and the prison escapes.

    2. El Melvin and Popeye killed the Cardinal not Chapo. Chapo was the target of Ramon Arellano.

      -Los Pollos Hermanos

    3. Carretonero, you never know when you are wrong, el chapo is a drug trafficker, and never has been a global princess, he and el mayo just do and do not have much to do with narco-poolitician pseudo aristocRATAS del DF... they just send the real owners of the drug trafficking business their part, unlike amao, or los setas rateros que no pagan ni anque los maten...

    4. Como que si no?

    5. Some people are tight fisted, but the Monterrey Genes that paralyze people's elbows is all monterrey, they regiomontanos are bien codos, and really will not part with their money, not even to save their own mamas, they spread the sickness to all of the northeart mexico, the gulf cartel...they no pagan ni aunque los maten...

  12. Mayito gordo made a agreement whit the USA goverment who are they trying to fool , i has a US veteran can tell you CIa ,fbi and Dea work for chapo guzman the only thing they care abouth is money , chapo is so powerful he can have the whole world for him self god bless mexico and his people this is coming from a gringo American

    1. Mr Veteran i hate to burst that cloud of haze you are in but...If anything,its the other way around..America doesnt work for anyone..America is where the strings are pulled and it is where the seat of power is..I am not saying they are not co conspirators,but i seriously doubt chapo give orders to the white fact i know he doesnt..And as far as being powerful enough to have the whole planet you sound like a fool...If he were so powerful he wouldnt be on the run.If you say him being on the run is just a show,then why would he have to put on this kind of show if he's so powerful..All he would have to do is force ppl to accept the lifestyle he lives or at least keep quiet and he could travel this whole world you claim he could own..NO ONE MAN will ever control the world,its impossible..this coming from a black american.

    2. I confer with you my fellow american!!

    3. Mayito Gordo is obviously gay. you can see a picture of him in las vegas hugging his younger lover while at the same time pretending to be holding hands with his blond gf. LOL that's why he would never go back to mexico. Ondeado was the only one that made sure nobody disrespected him and now he is dead. He knows nobody will take seriously is the super macho narco world of sinaloa. i bet he's in witness protection and living in Castro, San Francisco.

    4. It is a team effort, right? the money making, the fall guy making and the covering up, all on the team effort except the money, that is private, privatized, secret, for reasons of national scurity, the real biiig perps CAN AND WILL NOT BE EXPOSSED

    5. Because the 'aristocracy' and the aristocrats can't leave on just peanuts you know.. They must steal, kill or do whatever to get their lamb meat on the table...

  13. ...bye and good riddance. Too bad the Americans don't keep a special 'green room' ready for guys like this... you know, the one with the gurney where they strap you down and fill you full of happy drugs.. phenobarbital works well ...then its light out... permanently.

    1. Haha you have no idea how much the goverment is doing el mayo a favor, proberly in some deal with the justice dept for some drug routes into mexico.

  14. Put an American uniform on him and drop him off in Syria, well see how long he lasts with ISIS

    1. No need for a uniform. Just put a crucifix around his neck and a bible in his hand.

  15. He'll be out by Christmas....... Just not this Christmas.... Lol. Unless, just maybe, if his daddy gives up chapo on a silver platter!!! .....Maybe!

  16. Orale compas free the Zambada clan Sinaloa-Jalisco por vida

    1. Orale vatos loco, you should be ashamed of your self

  17. Thats where he stores all that money..

  18. 9:16 I
    That's a lot of storage space

  19. Nobody is stupid enough to go after El Mayo. Never been caught.

  20. All top leaders are working with or for the us gov. , this is just to get him to the states so he can spill some beans on some bs then go in to PC , el
    Mayo just moving his chess pieces around and protecting his fam bam, the zambada/imperial clan are deep in california so i know they have protection in the prison system here and everybody knows they are informants but what can you do when the biggest cartel backs them up "us gov,dea, cia , ect" , so stop listening to the corridos pendejos ,as far as el chapo well hes just the face but if you really know there is always someone pulling the strings of the puppet , they are all snitches , nobody is as bad ass as they claim to be but if they are they get murked or arrested , they only one i do question is el mochomo ? Wasnt he suppose to get sent back to mex? Or released already?

  21. This is mayo cleaning his kids names people so when they are free there will be no more running from cops just laughing in their faces when they start spending all of mayos fortune that he has forbthem

    1. This may be true or a decent theory at least. We don't know what goes in behind the curtain but we know the Zambada family is worth billions. It would make some sense to let the heirs pay there dues to he US govt and come out free and wealthy. Let's not forget El Niño's plea agreement - if you don't know or remember it is a great deal for the family as a unit. None of the Zam family will serve a life sentence.

    2. True or theory, either way, I'm liking it. A lot. It's reasonable.

  22. Would love to see pics of him reacents ones last I herd he was quadriplegic left like that after a gun fight

    1. Really? Wouldn't he have to have specialized hospital care if he were quadriplegic?

  23. These dudes ain't your average neighborhood street dealers they don't go in general population

  24. I am confused. A Southern California DA gets the nod from a 6th District Court judge, July, 2014; the arrest is November, 2014; the apprehension order is kept under wraps until January, 2015, when the DA makes the "announcement." Then, the defendant's mouthpiece motions for a delay to extradition. Then, what? Where's the kid? MX or US? Inquiring minds, etc.....

  25. zambada =rataz= k agan UN corrido De ser rataz viva los zambada piedreros

  26. So who is going to oversee El Mayo's cows & milk operations now? This is going to put a hurting on Kellogg's cereal business in Mexico.

  27. You know I don't understand why Mayo Zambada allow 3 of his sons go over to the U.S. Law enforcement agencies the Sinaloa cartel has got to have an agreement with the DEA I mean there just has to be I mean really as powerful as he supposedly is he has let 3 of his boys go to US prisons it's either the cartel has some kind of agreement or at least mayo does that's really strange he has had this happen just to his family

  28. How does mayo Zambada allow 3 of his sons to go to the U.S. I mean he's the real power in the Sinaloa cartel I mean there has to be a deal with the DEA between the Sinaloa group and the DEA I mean 3 kids I mean El Chapo busted out of jail and this dude seemingly allows his kids to be shipped off to uncle sams members only motel I mean common that's just strange everybody

    1. Maybe it's all plan

    2. My guess is chapo snitched. Just clearing the path for his kids to take over next generation instead of the zambadas after big M passes away somewhere in the forest.

    3. Because mz is not as powerfull as you think 3 of his sons gone chapo escapes his son was in jail but release you know who the powerfull one is.

    4. The deal is they will get to out live the others so much money why get to gredy they will become protective informants granted citizenship basically a new life with there millions intact!!!

  29. Replies
    1. Who do you think is the worse in all aspects, loera or el mz?

  30. Hahahaha good joke

  31. Meanwhile no body mentions el azul one of mz closest allies perhaps....azul has been in the drug 'game' since the 70s, he worked with felix gallardo back in those days, apparently that is how all of them got started by traficking mota into the US.... Felix gallardo, azul, rcq, mz, loera as "farmers"

  32. wow your dont think El Mayo has people in the US that will watch his son in prison. Moron. Youve been watching too much gangland.

  33. In 10yrs the zambadas will out of business. mayo has made millions of $$$ and made big profits in other businesses for his family comfortable. That's what i think why his boys are beign capture and taken to the US and given sweet deals.

    1. Thats a silly thought. They never quit in this game.

  34. Mayo Zambada lost. El20peña,el11MP,ElM1,El5 chino,zerafin, mayito,and vicente. Hes done JT .is getting out,

  35. MZ lives and travels back and forth from mx to tx.
    i know a santero who provides ''spiritual services'' to MZ.
    from what the old tymer says this dude MZ plays no games.


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