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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Hipólito Mora Sentenced To Prison

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

The Second Criminal Court, based in Apatzingán, sentenced Hipólito Mora Chávez to one year in prison and fined him more than 6,000 pesos.

According to the Michoacán Trial Court, Mora is charged with the deprivation of liberty of a person identified in court only with the initials of C.A.M.S.

In a report card of the Superior Court of Michoacán, it explained that the common law courtroom found sufficient elements to fully prove the accountability of Mora Chávez.

It noted that the ruling issued against Mora Chávez also includes the suspension of political rights.

The disappearance of the victim, as it was revealed, would have occurred in February 2014 in the municipality of Yurécuaro.

It should be mentioned that Hipólito Mora is currently free on bond for the criminal proceeding 210/2014, in which he is accused of the offence of deprivation of liberty.

Source: Excelsior


  1. Afghans and Iraqi trying to cross through sonoyta captured

    1. It's what they say....but don't believe the media her in the states.

    2. Does Pena Nieto know about this ? He is probably in on it. "Help! USA, the Cartel we protect is sending extremists to your borders! Help send PMC and agents to secure this nation. In return I give you full access to water oil and mineral resources"

      Yea... More like "hear he hear he! All in favor of overthrowning Mexican Congress say 'aye'"

    3. Afghans and Iraqi trying to cross through sonoyta captured,,,,,,I need the link so I can callarte el hociko

    4. 5:34 pm, Pura Paja. Wrong, old news, and disproven, months, ago. Some militia wack-wad out a Arizona stirred that noise up, Ted Knight stupidly picked it up, then, VICE kicked it wide open and told it like it was.The dealio had to do with MX criminals smuggling plutonium for Middle Easterners through the States--ALL b.s. Callate voz pajudo.

  2. Put the whole lot of them in prison. Auto defense members, narcos and politicians. They are all the same shit in Mexico.

    1. Why the autodefensa like Hipólito and Mr.Meireles?

    2. I don't quite understand.Did the person he supposedly deprived of liberty are they permanently disappeared or if it was a kidnapping I thought the sentence is 40-80 years and a suspension of political activities is that just during the sentence?

    3. Amen to that ! Can't trust anyone.

    4. No, AD aren't like the corrupt gob. This charge is also bs, the court case a sham

    5. Like evrything else there are currupt auto defensas get rid of the root of evil on all sides

    6. I wrote the 8:44 comment. IMHO many of the AD groups have been infiltrated by narcos and aren't as trustworthy as when Dr. Mireles was at the height of his leadership. Mr. Mora appeared to be on the same page with Dr. Mireles initially but took the wrong path. When he realized his mistake it was too late. Just like everything else corruption has played a role in ripping a part a noble undertaking started by Dr. Mireles. Do I want Dr Mireles freed? Yes. Do I believe the AD can make a difference in the future? Not like I use to.

    7. 2:53 all sides?, and who is to do that the corrupt government?, for the benefit of the cartels?, I think that the AD are the least of our worries... besides for a justice system that mirrors that of the U.S., Hipolito isn't being given the chance to confront his accusers...

    8. el americano was not even a "juersa rural" when he and his assassin sicarios ATTACKED and got hipolito mora's son murdered, among other victims of the attack, some of the murdered where even his own followers, killed by mistake, by friendly fire, but oh well that's business, collateral casualties, shit happens....
      --when attacked, Hipolito Mora and his followers still were juersaz rurales in good standing, they were in their lands, standing their ground, they did not murder nor went murdering anyone, and are expected and supposed to be grateful, on their knees, kissing the ground el americano walks on, representing "general burrolas" and "giniral CIENPEDOS" PARAMILITARIES, doing the terrorism sponsored by the state and the federal government for them...
      --and we are supposed to accept and follow "giniral armchair" conspiracy theory that "ALL of them are the same"?

    9. 7:41am, Exactly.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ok this may sound really stupid but how borderland beat is all based in reports from mexico and the drug war. There should be a borderland beat for syria and iraq like the same style .... that would be very very interesting and would catch the attention since more sadness is happening over there

    1. 11:07 I speak for all of us here on BB. Kiss are assss
      If u want that type in info there is fox msnbc etc.
      We come here to get Narco news that USA does not have and some news that mexico is afraid to share
      This site is almost like our drug dealer every morning when i need a fix i come here and i can go about my day

    2. Great idea, you should start it.

    3. How are people supposed to report on Syria and Iraq from Mexico? BB reporters are knowledgeable about what is happening in Mexico.
      Maybe YOU should go to Syria and start such a blog.

    4. I get what your saying. That would be actually very good. Instead of plaza bosses they would be army generals and militia commanders as well as isis sicarios.

    5. There are billions of blogs, they specialize in nobody visits them ever!!!
      --You can google a few thousand a day, it is part of the "game" the Web is polluted and corrupted by so many mamadas, the only good thing about it is it is still there free and ready accessible, my niggahs, be careful where you thread...

    6. lol you could try liveleak?

    7. 11:07 -Not stupid at all! I find interesting perspectives and current events from Syria and Libya on you tube. Some (unlike Fox and MSNBC) appear as neutral reporting but there is also biased propaganda too. I used to visit Libya annually with Italian friends in the 90s and it was amazing country - and Damascus an Allepo in Syria are amongst the oldest cities on earth. I pray for both country people. Buenos suerte!

    8. Check out Al Jazeera English, very informative.

  5. I recently watched Cartel Land. I never knew Dr. Mireles cheated/had an affair with a younger girl. Lost respect for him as a person as it shows bad character that he can't keep his family in check. Not sure if he's the legit deal or not anymore. I hope I'm wrong!

    1. If, you do your research on Carte Land, including BB posts, you will learn that the filmmaker didn't have a clue or good sources. Quit buying the corporate media hype!

    2. Exactly. Just like when news sources were circulating saying that The Knights Templars were into child organ trafficking. It was just a bunch of smear tactics.

      I'm not saying los Caballeros Templarios were saints, but just because one supposed member was caught in such an organ ring, doesn't mean the group supported or even dealt with child organ trafficking.

      You really gotta watch out for bullshit. even on this site.

    3. 11:43 - Men having affairs in Mexico and most countries I have visited (except England, Canada, USA) the culture is different and a girlfriend is accepted as long as husband take care of his family and respect his wife by keeping affair discreet. In Leon, Mazatlan, Culiacan, Durango, DF, etc I have friends that "go out" every Thursday night of the year and it is understood and questions are not asked by wifes where they go. Funny : When I studied in USA my papa ask me why Bill Clinton affair was in news (he sees CNN International) and after I tell him things different in USA he says serious to me that Mexicans would think Mexican President was homosexual if he did not have sancho.

    4. @12:21... I wouldn't allow that movie to affect how I feel about the doctor at all! That film maker, he wasn't very knowledgeable about the circumstances in Mexico, especially with AD. Allow the actual truth, to help you make your decisions about people, not some bs gossip.

    5. Try and party every night 7 days a week for a while...after work...
      --you need your uppers, but after a while they don't work

  6. 8:44 hipolito mora is not the same as el americano the army the poolice or the government, his murdered son should be proof enough, if you are not muy pendejo with a big mouth...

  7. Replies
    1. If the government backs up el americano no matter what, they can't be the same...
      --The original all volunteer AutoDefensas were not paid or promised anything, until el Castillo de kagada came promising the sky, the moon and the stars to those that followed his lying ass...
      --once divided, el Castillo de kagada put his money on the worst AD, el americano...

    2. No, they didn't. The media demonizes them, people fall for it.

    3. Yes they did I would Say 80% turned out to be the same or worse power money corrupts people

    4. 5:39 I guess you are proposing Honest Abe's armies intervention, since they are soo honest and moral...Dr Mireles is in prison for more than a year, Semei Verdia and about 1 000 other AutoDefensas, and nestora salgado, because they are all the same, volunteers, not authorized by the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia or the US, and are stealing the bread and butter of blackwater, academi, or Xe private warriors for the billions and billions...they are sooo honest...
      --->Arms prices soar, dealers stocks prices soar, theyus have had sompim to do with terrorist attacks all over Europe and the Arab usual, and it will come up in 10 or 20 years, as usual...
      --it just took 3 or 4 "terroristas" and 3 or 4 "martyrs" to get all of the europas, the US, russia, england and the american continent scrambling for their arses safety, controls and more poolice and weapons and special security services, wuuuh...
      --that motherfackin' Eric Prince "the prince of darkness" must be laughing his shitty ass off that the world is sooo stupid....

  8. And how could we know what the truth is... Info is from "mexico".

  9. 8:30 you would think that the cartels on all the border towns would be protecting it as well from terrorist just to get in good with the u.s I feel the cartels are going to get a lot of heat from the u.s government for los coyotes trying to bring them across the Sonora desert who ever is running the sonoyta p

    1. Doesn't matter what the reason those scumbags don't think ahead $ talks especially in the here and now for that next fix or payoffs.

  10. who ever is running the sonoyta plaza is going to get a lot of heat from the ups that's heat they do not need right now specifically when it's crop season!

    1. The US planted them Arabs there to grab support for more weapons and💅 security on the borderlands, puro pinchi pedo, I mean tiatro of us security companies...

  11. menos van a dejar llegar algo

  12. Desde tierra caliente. ¿Apatzingán?
    It is the same justicia to see a black man with el juez in EUA Mississippi. To see la fecha el juez came here when Castillo had power here. Pobrecito Michoacan.

  13. It's obvious the Mexican Government will not allow Hipolito and the good DR. to join forces again. They are scared to death of these guys and people like them who can energize the people and shine a light on the corruption...

    1. Second that. FREE MEXICO VIVA EL PUEBLO!

    2. 10:24, Agree totally with that. The people, el Pueblo is ready, a leader who can unite everybody is the LAST thing the murdering, corrupt gob wants.


    1. El americano le pago a borderland beat para que no la hagan de pedo.
      Una tarjeta de epn de Soriana sin fonds y un cheque de hule, lo normal nomas.

    2. Primero que todo, what's with the all caps? Deja la vina con BB y andate por otro lado. We appreciate BB, if u can't, go some place else to get your jollies. No joden.

  15. Yes I get why you would question the Dr.'s integrity but, he himself states that this wife sympathized with the Teplarios when the AD's started their movement. You have to remember that it was an all out war for a while down there. You can't blame the man for falling for a young girl during hard times

  16. Mexico = Bizarro-world

    1. Mexico's own government and billionaire family scions have not "control-demolished" the Latinoamericana Tower yet...
      --with the help of mexican intelligence services, if only because they are sooo stupid...

  17. Enuff with the Mexico bashing, Trompetas.

  18. One year for kidnapping? Yeah, right. The corrupt ruling class will never stop harassing the citizens seeking a better life for all Mexicans.

    1. Because the citizens just do nothing but take it

    2. For colusion on the kidnapping, Dr Mireles must have his arrest warrants waiting for him, because they know each other...
      --The point was: make sure el americano is not mentioned, and do not release hipolito somehow, "...a la verga con el hipolito, no quiere entender..." dijo el mamericano...

  19. Country of cowards that lets this kind of thing happen.

    1. @7:07 of pendejos blaming a whole country for the sins of a few US puppets.
      --not everybody reads inflammatory news, reports, or comments about conspiracy theories that make people think and take another look at things...
      --I wonder what is your contribution to the strugle, @7:07?
      Other than "mommy, popó...mommy..." comments?

  20. It's sad too hear about his incarseration but in a sense it's not surprising. All the autodefensas leaders are getting killed or incarserated by the goverment. The frug money is too much for the Mex government to pass on $$$$ peaces of shit!!

    1. Compared to the gold and silver in the iron ores, the avocados, mangoes, melons, lemmons, all legal and well paid by US importers, and the steel produced, the drugs are a most pitiful excuse for problems in the state of michuakkkan, ownerrship of all state property is at stake, depopulation by state sponsored terror, the political persecutions are all part of another game by the vultures of global capitalism, and wait until the time the private military takes off the mask, they with their private air force, navy and intelligence, their US granted impunity, who do not have to answer to anybody, not even the US Congress or the mexican government, much less the mexican proles, rabble, asalariados, or idle indians...or the arcs they themselves have created and nursed all their life...and changed their name from Blackwater US to Blackwater Worldwide, Academi or Xe...there is a report says Erik prince estimates 15 billion take from the US government for just trying to eradicate or at least control drug trafficking from mexico to the whatever 'they' make from what 'they' let in...
      --What can you expect from someone who has been given such absolute power, but such absolute corruption?
      --Soo much for being a Christian Fighters for freedom like Erik Prince and co.

  21. Wasn't El amerikano N the u.s.a prior 2 going back 2 Mexico ?


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