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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Coastal Municipalities Lay Out Conditions for Signing the Mando Unificado

By: Rodrigo Caballero | Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

Aquila, Michoacán— Before signing the so-called Mando Unificado (Unified Command), the municipalities of Chinicuila, Coahuayana and Aquila laid out some conditions in a cooperative agreement between the communities of the coastal sierra region of Michoacán.

Some of these conditions include the cancellation of arrest warrants against Héctor Zepeda Navarrete, Germán Ramírez Sánchez, Fredy Cruz Martínez and Evanivaldo Arceo Rojas who are currently members of the Community Police Force and Fuerza Rural in the area.

The agreement includes seven points including the freedom of José Manuel Mireles Valverde, Cemeí Verdía Zepeda and Agustín Villanueva Ramírez, as well as over the 300 autodefensa members who are regarded as political prisoners.

Furthermore, it appeals that Article 115 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States to be respected since it states that each municipality is responsible for its own safety, which they believe that the Mando Unificado would violate their sovereignty.

The agreement was signed by communal and municipal representatives of the three municipalities and included guidelines on where they should conduct evaluations for the new police, as well as prohibiting people linked to organized crime from entering the corporation.

It should be worth noting that the Secretary of the Interior, Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, chaired the creation of the Mando Unificado in Michoacán on November 9 but did not mention how many municipalities had joined the agreement.

In his speech, the governor of Michoacán, Silvano Aureoles Conejo, said that “some problems” must be resolved before the 112 municipalities of the state, not counting Cherán since it is governed by its own traditions and customs, join the police agreement. 

Source: Michoacán 3.0


  1. Les van a dar permiso de ingresar al Mando Unico para partirles su madre de uno por uno...
    Como a las "juersaz ruralez"...

    1. Manda Unica, mucha burlada, mucho ruido, mucho HP

    2. Manda Unica = Genocide 4 Profit

  2. Wow that's incredible!Has the gov signed this or if not when?They are really standing up to the BS!Good for them.They are growing more united.Thats the way it should be but would the gov honour their share of the bargain,thats the 64 dollar question.

    1. 12:04 You win 64 cents, of a peso...about $0.03 usd...
      --We all know perfectly that the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia has:
      On the basis of past and present criminal behaviour, they should be in court answering for their many many crimes instead of pontificating about new half assed agreements they do not intend to keep with hopelessly and poorly armed indians...
      --let's say they release Semei Verdia, and when are they going to resuscitate the young kids and older people the soldiers murdered while arresting Semei verdia?
      --Are they going to dig them out of giniral burrola's ass to watch the peace parades?

    2. You are 51yo canadiana??

    3. 9:15 las muchachas aqui son de 35 a 40 güey, but none of your business grampas.

    4. 9:15 PM, tal vez, un dia dijo aqui por BB que el hermano era del rcmp. Quien sabe si es cierto--a mi me parece que no es prudente decir semejantes cosas por estos lados, por eso me lo recuerdo.

    5. Boy some of you guys really pay attention.Im not a spy.Im only a free spirited traveller who loves to motorcycle your country and wants to know whats going on in the countries I travel.

    •Mother and three minor children murdered in guerrero, the government says CDS elements came from sinaloa to murder them...I guess they expertly evaded all the military in the state, but what could one mother and 3 minor children could have done to the "CDS sicarios"?
    Puras putas mentiras...

    1. You got that info from Estrella tv. Esos estan peor que el Blog del Narco. Dicen puras mamadas.

      Yo solo veo ese noticiero para ver a Adriana Ruggiero.

    2. She or her husband maybe lost some drugs or owed money, you never know down there. They got cessnas they can land anywhere no seas güey

    3. You assume it was CDS?

    4. I was flipping channels, I do not have time to see the reporters or their husbands, or the channels or the commercials, but they clearly said CDS, so they must be sticking to their shit, CDS must have Machete helping them now, tomarra, jorge rivero will be helping los zetas, or sompim', and los Alamadas...
      nooo, Dios guarde l'ora, no se la vanacabar...

  4. They may as well sign their death warrants.

    1. someone has to... eventually people stop dying, that is when change begins...

    2. That's not exactly how genocide works, 7:30 PM.

  5. after watching cartel land I feel like there's no hope it's sad to say

    1. Cartel Land is not worth your trouble. The documentary has been discredited in detail. There are a couple BB articles that make this pretty clear.Check it out :-)

  6. When ever the Goverment gets envolved , there are dead autodefenzas all over Michoacan. I'm sure the autodefenzas don't trust the goverment but there is not much they can do. The government killed or inprisoned all high autodefenza leaders and many others. They have to play the politic game or get killed. Real spit

    1. My blessings go to these brave men!!

  7. Desde tierra caliente
    The coming of many new gendarmenias policia to Michoacan is for this reason. Gobernacion has many halcones and Mexico has seen this coming. Every PRIISTA can be a halcone. Osario Chong is said to have doscientos halcones in Michoacan. This is why it is hard to work justice here. Sus vecinos may be ojos y orejas de goberncion. It is needed the change of gobernacion del estado before it is stop this traición

    1. Miguel angel Osorio chong, emperor KAACHING-CHONG CHANG, jefe del z43 aka el lazca, and "el nuevo general Durazo" enrique francisco galindo ceballos , WITH PEÑA NIETO, javier duarte de ochoa, cesar duarte, el pelon moreira, viejidio cantu, el bronco rodriguez, el gobernador Conejo orejas de burro, el gobernador chinquinquiro de chiapas, y todos los demas son zetas, Elite Zetas, they have been behind a the murders kidnappings and disappearances all over mexico all these years el PAN was in charge, both as criminals also or provocateurs, and every crime boss they bring down for good is just to keep his money and his business from their government perch...I hope this makes it clear for you and everybody else...
      --ya ni televisa la despista tanto...

  8. Why doesn't the government exploite the opportunities it has.. Ie if the police r so underpaid and take bribes they know where illegal proceeds r located. Allow them to keep whatever they can prove was acquired through such means. U have 1000 officers given this opportunity do u really think they would risk waiting and missing the opportunity for instant wealth.. I feel this is the quickest solution but unfortunately would never happen.

    1. 12:o7 unfortunaterly, every cop on the street must deliver the take to his/her commander, the Mormon church demands and other cults suggest 10% of the take be for their benefit, in the drug business, the poolice demands 90% of the take to kick upstairs, you get to keep 10% to pay for your gun and supplies...
      That is why the poolice officers on the street have too many gangbangers and sicarios murdering each other for their turf...
      --Poolice officers' greed is nothing compared to that of their chiefs and commanders, and mexican governing narco-mierdocracia, many real poolice officers are not happy about that, and many are talking, listen...

  9. And narry a word about the good doctor in the agreement?

  10. This just made some cartels enforcer wing into a legit force. People will turn up missing left and right.

    1. El Americano has been quiet for a while. Since they heard him on the radio organizing the an attack on the auto defensas. Maybe his group(s) are included

  11. ¿Whom benefits from having mando único in México in the short and long term?

    Create one other police department.

    Preventiva, Tránsito, Municipal, Estatal, Turismo, Judicial, Federal, PGR, .... and we add Única; You know the other police forces will NOT be dismantled.

    Which Police Chief in the right mind wants to take orders from another Chief or have his corporation dismantled?

  12. Ya erA horA nomas falta que lo Hagan en Oreos lados

    1. All the government sponsored poolice forces and AutoDefensas are corrupt, they will not get paid, will have to extort and murder their way into consolidation and never have a shot at decency, by design...the mando unico are just like the juersaz ruralez, but that name has took too much crap on its shitty name and reputation...
      --new name, same old shit, freshly stirred...and crap... no difference...

  13. BLO fighting CJNG for Jalisco according to the DEA

  14. I can't shake the feeling that these poor people are signing their death warrants. God, I hope I am wrong and that this is all legitimate progress for Mexico.

  15. THEY gonna have chicken legs to do their part in getting arrested for being troublemakers, and drug trafficking narcos, next...when the government sicarios, military and several police corporations start killing them and their families one by one...


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