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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Shootouts in Antúnez, Michoacán: 3 Injured, 1 Dead

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

A series of shootouts Saturday morning in Antúnez, municipality of Parácuaro, Michoacán, left three people injured and one dead by gunfire.

The first shootout occurred around 09:00 hours at the main entrance of the community of Tierra Caliente.

An hour later, another shootout occurred near the main square, which stopped for a few moments and then reignited for about 45 minutes.  This shootout left three people injured, whose identity are still unknown, and one person dead, who according to the authorities was involved in the shootout.

Hours before, Jesús Barragán, commander of the Fuerza Rural of Uruapan, was injured by armed gunmen, who apparently were trying to kill him, according to authorities of the Attorney General of the State (PGJE) (Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado).

The status of the police commander was reported as delicate.  He is being treated at a hospital in the region under heavy security.

 Shootout Footage:

Source: Informador


  1. There were 7 killed, NOT 1 and 3 injured. This is a firsthand account from someone who heard the shots and knew the people involved. 7 killed.

  2. This is nothing compare to the shoot outs in tamaulipas , i dare michocanos to come to mataulipas cause they only brave in their shit hole and when they come out they walk whit shit in their pants

    1. go to Michoacan and say that brave heart! pendejo lol

    2. Lmao you wont go to tamaulipas yourself i bet you. Michoacanos actually had the balls to stand up for themselves and their communities. What do the faggets frm tamaulipas do? Hide in their house? Fuckin little fagget acting like you living that shit bet you still living wit mama

    3. They didn't stand up for there selfs idiot it was just cjng with their auto defensas they ones who tried look what happened dead son locked up or killed

    4. Mejor callate ojete que estas quemando el rancho chingona la raza fe Tamaulipas, pero gente como tu es una mierda por que eso es lo que hablas pura mierda I bet your one of those zetas panochones or mamadores? August 24,2015 @12:41

  3. Well here is a good vacation ad for tourist" only in michoacan."....come for the food & culture, stay for the violence and live shot outs.....

  4. Templarios are coming back for there turf they got apatzingan back and now antunez working there way to nuevz italia and then uruapan

  5. CNN, NBC and FOX reports on the violence in Iraq, but keeps quiet on the mass slaughter in the war on drugs. Mexico's dead soon outnumber those killed as a result of the destruction of Iraq.

  6. Policia rural commanders and PGJE agents need to go, soon as possible and leave michoacan to itself, they were not needed by the Real AutoDefensas, when they liberated michuacan from las templarias, in spite of the corrupt army and police ...

  7. Policia Estatal Fuerza Rural

    Escuchabamos la frecuencia clandestina de radio por la cual el americano movilizaba a toda su gente al poblado de antunez, camionetas de lombardia y nueva Italia entraron por la carretera vieja mientras el americano atacó por la entrada principal del arco de bienvenidos Antunez, la orden era clara Matar a Lico, " no regresen hasta que traigan la cabeza de lico por que ya estuvo no quiere entender pos se lo va a cargar la verga" se escuchó por radio la orden, otra voz contesta " hay mucha gente que lo apoya, gente del pueblo que no traen armas ahí que hacemos? "Matenlos a la verga a todos los que se atraviesen matenlos o que se entregue lico si no quiere más muertos" se escuchaba por la frecuencia privada sólo para gente del americano cuyas antenas repetidoras se ubican en el puente de buenavista y el varal, LICO sería Federico Villegas exlider autodefensa comandante de antunez quien hace poco fue detenido por negarse a entregar las armas y posteriormente hace unos días fue levantado por los H3 de Simón el americano quienes le advirtieron que si continuaba interponiéndose en los asuntos de chanda sería asesinado con toda su familia, federico Villegas LICO levantó una denuncia por privación de la libertad pero esta no procedió pues el Américano negó los cargos, desde ese día son varios los hechos sangrientos que se han suscitado en antunez y los alrededores, entre ellos la ejecución del brazo derecho de chanda apodado el gallito a quien chanda habría ejecutado por supuestamente apoyar a lico, tambien la ejecución del jefe de sicarios y punteros la coquena ejecutado por el brazo armado de Paracuaro que apoya a lico y el pueblo de antunez, hace cosa de días, este grupo de Paracuaro se tipo de frente con un retén de chanda quienes al intentar ejecutar al grupo de Paracuaro suscitaron el enfrentamiento donde supuestamente chanda fue herido, extrañamente el gobierno federal hace mutis en los sucesos y desconoce los autores y motivos del baño sangriento aunque ya se a denunciado la identidad de los responsables de levantones y asesinatos, Luis Antonio torres el americano y Gilberto Gomes romero Chanda.

    Michoacan podría ahorrarse muchos muertos si enviaran toda la fuerza del estado a capturar a Simón el americano y su grupo sanguinario del cual la chanda forma parte.

    1. Thanks Mars for putting it that way, 5he puto gobierno o never let's the plain clear truth come out, it had to be el americano, bet his ass will not last long...and i hope his boys co.e down with him
      -- what is the military zone commander saying about el americano? He probably will say he don' now nothin' he was on vacation in Europe with el jefe supremo...

  8. Friday thu Sunday there were two other attacks,m other than Uruapan, on AD's in Mich:


    Details, fotos:

    They're setting up barricades again, even though the Govt. says they will stop them:

    "Governor" recognizes the obvious:

    1. The AutoDefensas are trying to regroup, the former juersaz rurales are still doing their crimes, but now with unofficial complicity from the army and police, not as state sponsored rurales, the proof is where el americano is still allowed to deny his crimes, and that becomes the "historic truth", just like when he denied it was him on the photo with la puta tuta when he was templaria...
      --The state of michoacan has its paramilitary sicarios on el americano and co. Guardias Blancas murdering for the state, and at will, like the gates, the Herculos and the guerreros unidos, all shock brigades for the states...wink wink...

    2. 8.22
      Thanks for your input bro

  9. Another good summary:

  10. It was El Americano and his trolls attacking the town.

  11. !Viva el pueblo mejicano pacifico y tanquilo!
    Al diablo con los demas...

  12. @9:36 you, our queen of the dumbass ignorant hating commenters, as usual did not lose one minute before heading the Ignorant, hating, Dumbass Commenter, parade...

  13. La last 17 victims were all from Uruapan Michoacán so they know exactly who they assassinating.

  14. Americano was injured in the battle.


    1. At least, good news, I hope so, at least un balazo en las nalgas al maderfacker...
      A la verga con las nalgas mantecosas del americano, no quiere entender...

  15. patr of 9:36. I meant to say. Watch all these hating ignorant comments ABOUT Michoacanos. like the tamaulipas menso at 9:53. I trip out because every time there is a Michoacan article people post stupid shit against michoacanos that does not make sense

  16. How do I submit photos of some of the people wounded/killed

    1. ' How do I submit photos '
      Bro,I think its

      You may be able to get in touch with Chivis and go from there?

    2. Find Chivis' email address or someone else reporter here. Or upload them to imgur and paste links here in comments?


      readers have sent us some outstanding exlusives, chapo, 40, videos, members of lct, zetas and cdg and lately el gallito.


    4. Chivis have you never used them up to this point? I imagine certain blogs will jump all over them at the first opportunity?Hopefully you can use them in feature stories?You know people are wildly interested in 40/Chapo?Keep that tan brown,deeper the catch a cool breeze...

    5. we have used all and most media gave us credit. gallito is just begun being used, mostly blogs. it is ours, I have the full photo, blogs have not given us credit no matter. we appreiate readers being a part of what we do


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