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Monday, July 27, 2015

The engineers of El Chapo

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Zetatijuana article

[ Subject Matter: Engineers, El Chapo Guzman, tunnel building, Sinaloa Cartel
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required]

Far from the Mexican frontier from California to Arizona, in the storm drains of Culiacan, Sinaloa, and below "Altiplano" Cefereso no.1 in Alomoloya de Juarez, Mexico State, Joaquin Guzman Loera extended a network of underground passages both to distribute drugs and to escape from the authorities. The worlds most want Kingpin, discovered in Engineering, his best weapon and tool.

Reporter: Ines Garcia Ramos
In a cell of less than 8 square metres with a bed and a concrete floor, shower and toilet included, was the space where Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman waited for 1 year and 139 days, while under "Altiplano" a tunnel was excavated to facilitate his escape.

The leader of the Sinaloa Cartel who occupied cell number 20, in the supermax area of "Altiplano". The prison constructed to house 724 inmates, but since August 2014 has a inmate population of 1140, according to the statistics of the Federal Government.

Of the 260,000 square metres that make up the maximum security prison, 27,900 of those square metres are the prison buildings. The 232,100 remaining square metres are used as the security perimeter, waiting rooms and parking lots.

The prison has three "ring fenced" security areas. The first is 100 m out from Chapo's cell (Otis: this is the "super max" area of Altiplano, 66% of Altiplano is maximum security only), the second area is out another 100 metres, and a third security area goes out another 170 metres past the second.

From the outside, these ring fenced areas, seem to isolate the prison, in the Santa Juana Colonia, in the Municipality of Almoloya de Juarez in the state of Mexico. The walls are only surpassed in height by the watchtowers, whose tips look out from the prison courtyards.

To live close to the Altiplano prison, is mostly a tranquil life for the villagers of Santa Juana, except for the two filter roads.

One used by the Army and the other used by the Federal Police, the Calle Rancho La Palma, the road to the prison is often confused with another that leads to the Ejidal Colonia. Because of the location of the prison, these roads are not used frequently, and mostly used by workers at the prison, a small taxi company operates opposite the entrance, with a few other small shops.

Only on visiting days does the number of people increase in the Santa Juana Colonia. Outside of that, pastures with horses and cows, surround the maximum security prison.

A few metres from the entrance of CEFERESO no.1, is a tank and a humvee of the Mexican Army, they are the only units to be found close to the prison.

The engineers in the service of "El Chapo"

A group of architects, engineers and consultants for ZETA, agree that the construction of the tunnel through which Chapo escaped, required a minimum investment of a 1,500,000 pesos, as well as input from specialist engineers and topographical experts.

The tunnel was constructed 1500 metres from the prison, in the car park of a farm and a house with three rooms, a bath, a kitchen together with amenities, some parts of which were still under construction.

Up until February 27th of 2014, there was no construction according to satellite images. A year later, on July 15th 2015, there were buildings constructed with 170.4 and 85.88 square metres.

According to information from the Government of the State of Mexico, the land where the tunnel construction began, belongs to Calixto Estrada Castle since 1989.

Measurements carried out weekly, indicate that the venue exceeds 2500 square meters. From the prison, the tunnel starts in the floor of the cell where El Chapo was imprisoned, in a rectangular form 50 cm wide by 1.5 metres tall.

This small passage connect to a vertical shaft of 10 metres with stairs leading down to the tunnel which extends in a direct line 1500 metres until it ends with another vertical duct junction with the exit in the house under construction.

The tunnel has a ventilation system made from PVC tubes with a system for oxygen injection and extraction of carbon dioxide, electric pumps, earth work supports made from wood and rails on which an adapted motorcycle removed earth which had been excavated, and as a means of transport for drilling machinery.

Tanks of oxygen, fuel, piping and wooden containers were also found in place.

These characteristics are not foreign to the narco tunnels of the Sinaloa cartel and found along the frontier of Mexico, from California to Arizona.

According to calculations made by architects and engineers, around 2400 metres cubed of earth had to be removed to excavate the sub terrainian passage.

To have been transported in trucks with a capacity of 10 metres cubed, would have required 240 trips.

However, in this case the Secretary of the Government indicated that the earth had been spread out south east of the prison.

The resulting pile was 1 metre high and 2500 square metres in area. In its entirety the excavated earth could have totally filled and olympic stadium, mean while the tunnel length was equivalent to 15 football pitches.

The specialist consultants estimate that the tunnel took between 450 and 316 days, a little more than 45 weeks.

For example, considering four shifts of 6 hours had extracted four cubic metres of earth, depending on the hardness of the earth, they could have excavated up to 7.5 metres cubed per worked day.

Referring to the number of workers, the specialists conclude that an average of six people, a restriction on the number placed due to the narrowness of the tunnel.

While not dug with heavy machinery, the motorcycle found there served to accelerate the transfer of earth and materials.

In theory, the major part of the work was carried out with pick and shovel, and other assistance from tools like rotary drills for earth perforation.

El Chapo and the National Commission for Water excavating almost shoulder to shoulder

The Altiplano prison is bordered by line 2 of the Cutzamala system, a complex of aqueducts and pumping plants, which is amongst the largest in the world. It supplies water to both delegations of the Federal District and the Municipalities of the State of Mexico.

The National Commission for Water (CONAGUA), are in charge of operating and maintaining the aqueduct. Before and after the arrival of the narco trafficker, carrying out excavations to reinforce the tubular aqueduct.

For example on the 12th of April of 2015, Conagua reported a water leak at kilometre 35 and 190 of line 2 of the aqueduct, in the town of Almoloya de Juarez, the prison is found at the start of Kilometer 40 and 242 of the same line that required  two days of repairs.

In the works, were participating: 89 persons, that removed between 89 and 120 tons of earth, two excavators, and two retro-excavators, seven pumping teams, and 49 support vehicles like tractor trailers and trucks.

Weeks after, on Friday 1st of May, the mounds of earth produced by the excavation remained on the West side of the Prison. Reinforcing tubes weighing more than 25 tons, were resting on the side in the excavated tunnels.

Maximum security prison with minimum security foundations

After studying the engineering design ordered by "El Chapo", the prison authorities made a mistake putting "El Chapo" on the ground floor of the prison.

The narco trafficker not only counted on direct access to the floor of the prison, he was located in the basement of penitentiaries centre.

The depth of the concrete in the area in question, is about 12 centimetres, which was easily penetrated to create the opening in the floor through which "El Chapo" escaped.

The tunnel and its design follows the logic of other tunnels found in Sinaloa and Baja California constructed by the Sinaloa Cartel, digging under a bath or shower area.

When "El Chapo" was apprehended on 22nd of February of 2014, was on the fourth floor of a residential complex in Mazatlan. Days before, an operation failed to capture him, as he escaped through storm drains interconnected to houses and the drainage system in the city of Culiacan.
The entrance to the tunnels in his houses were under the bath tubs. ( Otis: see link to Chivis article on these tunnels).

The mark of "El Chapo" in the frontier narco-tunnels

Since the decade of the 1990's, more than 165 narco-tunnels have been discovered on the frontier between Mexico and the United States. Of these, 80 were detected between 2006 and 2015. According to the Department of National Security, the activity of narco-tunneling has increased 80% since 2008 and California is the region where the most sophisticated tunnels have been located.

Information from the Attorney General of California, indicates that the Sinaloa Cartel is the principal criminal organization in charge of constructing these tunnels. "The majority have been discovered in California and Arizona, territories controlled by the Sinaloa Cartel", explains the report.

More than 76 tons of marijuana and cocaine, the majority of which has been destroyed, whose value is estimated at 200 million dollars.

Precisely in the frontiers of San Ysidro and Mesa de Otay, close to Tijuana and Calexico - Mexicali, has increased the activity in construction of these passages indicate sources of intelligence.

On average, the narco tunnels found had a length of 600 metres, even though some have reached over 3 kilometres. Almost all have ventilation systems, lights and rails, like the construction that penetrated Altiplano.

The more elaborate, were constructed with steel doors with hydraulic actuators, elevators and reinforced walls.

And in the drains of Sinaloa

In the drainage systems of Sinaloa, "El Chapo" had a network of tunnels of escape and for transit of drugs. Between the 13th and 17th of February 2014, days before the capture of the capo

personnel of the PGR and the Marines, discovered the interconnections of seven houses that had escape tunnels into the storm drains of Culiacan, Sinaloa.

The entrances to the tunnels were under bath tubs in the houses, the openings had a width of 40 cm, and the connections a length of 1 kilometre to connect with other properties of Guzman Loera.

In this manner, he had been escaping from the Federal Authorities trying to capture him. For example, in a house located in the Guadelupe de Culiacan Colonia, "El Chapo" managed to escape from the Marines, through a tunnel who entrance was found protected with a reinforced steel door under a bath.

The ducts were lined with wooden panels and were equipped with lighting and ventilation systems.

Three members of the Sinaloa Cartel, escaped from Culiacan Prison, through a tunnel, on May 26th 2014: Adelmo Niebla Gonzalez, Rmaon Ruiz Ojeda and Adrian Campos Hernandez, fled through the passage of 160 metres in length with an exit, as in the case of "El Chapo", a building.

The escape alerts

The DEA informed the Mexican Government for 16 months, of the plans of Guzman Loera to escape the Federal penitentiary. According to the Wall St Journal, American functionaries alerted their Mexican counterparts about the risk of escape of the Sinaloan Capo.

Original article in Spanish at Zetatijuana


  1. El Senor es muy inteligente

    1. Contraband will always penetrate la frontera as it has since Capone controlled the Canadian/US plaza. Rather you wish death upon Chapo or not our society is better off now. EPN looks pretty bad now but by elections PRI government will benefit from security - in the awareness of corruption in government Mexicans are more sophisticated than Americans and Mexicans will accept embarrassment of Chapo escape for security of family and freedom from extortion. I've been driving between Torreon, Durango, Mazatlan, Culiacan and Mochis a lot the past few weeks and people and business from Jalisco to Sonora and as far east as Saltillo seem more relaxed.

    2. Mexicans are not embarrassed by EL GRAN SEÑOR DON EL CHAPO'S ESCAPE.
      maybe some mexican government officers are not happy or embarrassed about it, but con dinero baila el perro, now 5hey will spend some 10 billion more dollars on war materials from the US to defend theirselves from "el chapo", wuuuuh!

  2. You have to be really stupid to think chapo escaped through a tunnel.....that was built as a cover up, he walked out the front sean pendejos.

    1. Bien cierto 10:05 AM! q cuentos, q pan caliente, cual tunnel?!? Chapo strolled out the gates whistling "El Rey!"..."..una piedra en el camino...mi destino era...escapar y escapar y escapar!"

  3. I love how the DEA keeps bragging "We told Mexico he would try to escape". Yeah no shit sherlock. Every pud from here to Canada knew he would try. You couldnt be a little more specific??

    1. I doubt that they "keep bragging". They probably said it once and it keeps being reported ad nauseum.

    2. I love how people are clever after the fact

    3. Well said Bones. Its like saying "there will be a lot of weapons crossing the south border for cartels (no kidding)". That kind of statements are useless.

    4. While I agree in part, they referred to specific times and intel given to Mx Gob. Not just a "Chapo is going to escape"

      They intercept intel especially radio communication, which Mx does not have the capability as yet, That is how they tracked Chapo for the capture. Mx reacted that time giving US a specific time period to find his precise whereabouts with Mx forces. That is why you see our guys at the hangar perp walk.

      lets give the guys a little credit.

    5. BTW I asked Fred Burton of Stratfor if he thought chapo's next capture would be dead or alive.

      he thinks dead.

      I said I can't see him ever resisting, he is too smart and too much an optimist, but I could see an extrajudicial killing at point of capture.

    6. I agree Chivas. If he is ever caught again it will be a controlled "bust" on negotiated terms just like the last in Maza.

    7. The story repeats the same as Pablo Escobar will happen to chapo !!

    8. They did not care that the Worl Trade Center was going to be blown, they did not care about covering up for the real bombers, they do not care to debate the accusations of architects and engineers, and they do not care that reports have been put under secrecy for 30.years to protect the perps and the money they made off it, you think they'd care about chapo escape reports? "No comment"

  4. "Haiga sido como haiga sido" (fecal)
    A mistake has been corrected, el SEÑOR DON CHAPO IS GONE, el no esta solo...
    --Y la DEA y la PGR no se mandan solos, ni con peña nieto's ass in the middle...

    1. Tampoco el FBI se manda manda mas que el que deveras manda, only 'Moiseis' had an easier job of parting the waters with his tablas, EL SEÑOR DON CHAPO SE LA PARTIO A ALMOLOYA, EN EL MERITITO YOYO...
      I read somewhere that escaping from prison is a natural human endeavour, and no crime at all to be engaged on the enterprise...sending you to al hoyo is not illegal either...

  5. Arriba el chapo y Toda su gente, Mr guzman is already giving orders from la sierra.. they should just give up trying to capture him. Atte el morroñis de la palma navolato, sinaloa

    1. Ohh shit, another one?
      'Arriba Chapo and all his people '
      Give us a break

    2. Ohh shit, another HATER?! Give us a break... There's 2much hate in the world!..

    3. @10:45 yeah, spread YOUR LOVE AROUND, don't be a "hater" yourself Mr mrs missus, he/she, el chapo needs no love now, but he gots it, and he deserves it...
      --The mexican governing narco-mierdocracia needs no love, money pays their bills, and they will stretch every dollar all the way to their favorite money laundering banks, away from mexico of course...

    4. Before chopping off yore nose to spit on it, analyze the reasons behind the mutual hate, the poor have been called good for nothing wasters of air and food, and have been attacked, to the death, continuously, by exceptional rich men, their prophets of exceptionalism and their exceptional sicarios...
      --your ball, Hater...

  6. His escape was like James Bond. It's pretty obvious what happened. His connections into the Mexican government are so high level that his people found out who works there. The list of people employed by the prison is classified, but his people got to them. Guards were then threatened. Plata o plomo. Help Chapo escape or your family dies. Once he has them by the balls like this, they have no choice but to do what he says.

    1. James Bond only escapes on open air, from space, never from prison, only Mac Gyver would 3 scape before they close the prison doors on him, EL SEÑOR DON CHAPO WILL ESCAPE FROM ANYWHERE, but it will take his engineers a little while, el pinchi peña nieto can not escape from a chamber pot or a mentada de madre but he can imprison innocent people for eating a chicken leg, el madafacker...

  7. The engineers who dug n navigated there way to the precise location of Chapos shower stall should be given a scholarship to a US university im sure Chapo awarded them.already but a scholarship would be a bonus.

    1. Of course with a 40 cal to the temple what a reward

    2. You sound like an idiot please tell me you are being sarcastic the only award these guys got was a bullet in the back of their head read about what the others tunnel diggers got and please do not reproduce we have enough with you

    3. If they catch them, el chapo's engineers will.get a scholarship to almoloya at least, or a scholarship to an amerikkkan prison, they better keep quiet and working on some new more rewarding project....
      --Any other private contractor, amerikkkan or mexican would have charged 100 times more and they would be stuck at the half way there...
      --I hope the chapo engineers will be given an Oscar or some engineering award this year, any suggestions?

  8. Can someone give me a list of the new corridos for El Chapo.


  10. fuck chapo,he scared and on the run people like that dont sleep!

    1. All those people that do that for a living dont sleep

    2. Sounds like mencho 2

    3. Chapo is used to being on the run. He ran for decades going back to the 70s.

    4. Your obvious undertone of untenable jealousy undermines any credibility you might have written had there been anything of interest in what you wrote.

    5. We don't know it.
      Maybe he has a better sleep than us :-)

    6. Chapo is about to have better sleep when the goverment puts a bullet through his head.

    7. --Hey Jealous Josie, HI !!!
      Meth is more damaging than cocaine or marihuana, but you see the results, people bust ass working, I wish I knew if the tunnel diggers are buying from el chapo or el mencho their speed, but "el migueladas" seems to be better than both of them, he is free, nobody is persecuting him, how's about that?

  11. Thats what she said haha

    1. Murder, She Said, Angela Lansbury
      --Bloody murder! z40 did not get out, he is the guapo one, or at least el mamito, he muy guapo too... said chivis...

  12. so whetes the outside footage from the cameras outside

    1. It was included in the government released video footage.
      bot inside his cell and the camera footage outside the cell

    2. outside camera of altiplano to see any movement of cars helicopters peopleetc,,

  13. Not impressed one bit. There were so many people involved in this including government officials. No way this could be accomplished without their knowledge as well as all the prison staff. I'd be impressed if he actually pulled it off without a single person knowing. If anyone believes that to be the case, then maybe they are using the many drugs he supply. I will be impressed when the US uses its undisclosed technology to pinpoint exactly where all these idiots are sitting at that very moment. His tactics are all way to familiar anymore.

    1. You're a fool if you think the US can pinpoint everybody's exact location.

    2. If you dont think its impressive that chapo had major inside and outside help then i dont know what could impress another person who could do it the way he did..digging your own tunnel is the poor mans way.El chapo is too rich to get his hands dirty digging holes...i am amazed myself.

  14. Can anyone explain to me how you could dig a tunnel several kilometres long and come up in the one square metre that would allow this 'escape plan' to work? Even if you had detailed schematics and knowledge of which cell he was in how could it be done? You'd need military grade GPS that could somehow get a signal underground and through the structure of the prison wouldn't you? This just isn't credible. Or am I missing something? Could it be done with dead reckoning?

    1. Georefencing and blueprints.
      Most direct line led to cell 20
      He was moved to cell 20 2 weeks prior to escape

    2. Who ordered chapo's removal to cell 20 two weeks prior to his escape?
      And Are there any other tunnels under the almoloya?
      --Then there is the change of the guards, replaced with temporary office workers on the night of the escape, and peña nieto and 360 people escaping to france to be away from the crime scene...

    3. No you don't is obvious you don't work construction..all you need is the blue prints....digging a big ass Ditch underground is not that hard it just needs lots of like doing irrigation pipes, you Ned a blue print of how they supposed to go, a decent worker to measure correctly and that's neighbor is a construction expert and I asked him aboit the tunnel and he said is possible with the right equipment.... like digging tunnels for miners same idea except at a smaller scale...can you image how fast can you dig at 200 dollars and hour??

    4. The hole in Chapo's cell is dead center on the edge of his shower drain. Most likely the drain told them where to put the hole.

      Just my 2¢

    5. Very much doubt the dead reckoning,as you say,major collusion from who knows how many levels of authority?

    6. Or maybe the digging actually started in the prison cell and not the other way around..just saying..

    7. Compasses work underground as the earths magnetic field emanates from the earths core.

    8. He was moved to cell 20 so he could escape, the hole was there what more do you need to know.

    9. I realize that people who don't understand orienteering and navigation will find this to be a remarkable feat, but it really isn't. Its just a lot of hard work.

      I can walk a mile through hilly, wooded terrain and come out within 100 feet or so of where I want to come out, using only a compass. This tunnel isn't much more difficult than that. They know the start point, they obviously knew the end point (Chapo's cell), all they had to do was measure distance properly and make straight lines. That is very, very simple. The digging is the hard part.

    10. If we stop to consider the financial aspects of Chapo etc..
      Remember the monies caught with Zhenli Ye Gon..$200 mil,,18 mil peso,,
      €200.000 etc,,37 kilos of pure gold,huge amount diamonds,and Mr Ye Gon was with Chapo/CDS?This is a fraction of the monies all told,with this kind of money you can buy just about anyone,,anyone?

    11. Yep, I know compasses work underground and good construction workers can measure accurately but we're talking way less than arc-seconds of accuracy here. Just seems unlikely. Tunnel started in cell seems more credible - especially with his move to that cell two weeks before. Then if the guys digging from the other end took a couple of weeks to quarter around under the basement to find the shaft out of his shower, who cares? No risk of them coming up in the wrong spot. You wouldn't stage an op this costly and complex and then just hope / rely on getting you exit spot bang on. That works in kids stories (like Fantastic Mr Fox) but not the real world.

    12. Otis is right. In the Foro TV Paula Rojas video, where she walked through the whole tunnel, she says they used compasses.

    13. Engineers designing chapos tunnels have used mapping, blueprints and georefencers for years. even one degree off would put the tunnel out of the cell floor to another cell. Gps would not work well even in the confines of the prison structure.

      this is no different. and yes Chivis is correct, Chapo moved 2 wks prior.

    14. ps
      all but a couple low level prison employees remain arrested. all others released.

    15. It is called trigonometria, it will put you there with inches to spare, mexican mining engineers use that all the time, anybody in construction and mechanical production works with it, civil engineers too, hey, carlos slim helu is a civil engineer, and Jorge hank rohn too, maybe they helped, after all el chapo has made them a few billion dollars...

    16. The article says that El chapo employed specialists, Ok so let suppose they used a compass to get the original beaing, they dig down to whatever level has a decent resistance to collapse, then take down a surveyors theodolite. These come fitted with spirit level and laser.
      Take your bearing from the compass, line up the theodolite , and it will put a laser dot in the centre of the tunnel wall, keep digging and keeping it in the centre. Until you arrive at the foundations, consult the blue prints, look for the correct drains coming from the right part of the cell block as identified on the blue prints and dig up.

      As others have commented here, its really not that hard of a task.

    17. All you'd need is a total station, it's that gun that surveyors use. You could use a theodolite but that's pretty old school. As long as you have a clear line of site they can be extremely accurate in terms of direction and distance. They have one's that operate robotically now as well and can link up to machines. But you wouldn't even need anything that high end. They would need to know exactly where the cell was, as well as the locations of any other utility so some one would have to know the specs of the prison in relation to where the drilling is commencing. You'd pretty much need the whole engineering and utility map of the place and find a way to tie into the outer edges of it to get oriented. You wouldn't need GPS though. People built subways before they built satellites. I'm a surveyor so I figured I'd chime in on this.

    18. Digging the tunnel with lasers is not nice, it puts human diggers out of business, and now everybody is buying their own lasers to dig their own tunnels...

  15. I hope he retires and lives a long and happy life.

    1. I hope he gets cancer of the testicles

    2. I couldn't agree with you more. El chapo has done a lot to be where he Is today. He deserves a green card, and to retire in peace. Long live el chapo y Toda su gente, - el morroñis de la palma navolato, sinaloa.

    3. Most likely he will do neither

    4. Amen! Let the bad guy win for once .
      Regardless if its not him pumping the drugs some else will and possibly worst!

    5. Yeah yeah,like the many victims of his plaza battles

    6. I know we all cheer for the bad guy sometimes but this shit is weird?
      It's as though they personally know him and conveniently forget the carnage he's triggered by sending his convoys of heavily armed goons,GN,Salazars,Salgueiros etc into different towns and cities?Maybe the US helped him escape,to keep all that money flowing..arriba vamonos El Chafo

    7. Peña nieto already got that there pudricion en el horno, so much for good wishes, -----GOD is punishing epn por culero, he was already a millionaire and he did not need to murder anybody or steal anymore...

  16. Better than a hollywod action movie. I mean movies are fake but what this guy did is just incredible.

  17. "To have been transported in trucks with a capacity of 10 metres cubed, would have required 240 trips."

    The numbers are off. When dirt is excavated there is expansion of the excavated soil: Fluff Factor. This can be 30% to 50%. So there was around 350 big truck trips that were undetected.This is controlled by the Syndicate. I highly doubt That CTM ( Mexican Teamsters) would not know about this, There is no way that this organization would permit this, without getting paid.. Also CONAGUA is complicit.

    Chivas, your thoghts?

    1. Look at the picture of the escape house property. There is a wall at least 4 feet high, 150 x 150 feet, with a bunch of dirt inside. A tunnel 5280 x 2 x 5 feet (rounding for simplicity) would be 52800 cubic feet. A wall 150 x 150 x 4 can contain 90,000 cubic feet of dirt and nobody outside could see it. .

      There were no trucks needed. They put all the dirt inside the wall on the property.

  18. Congrats to Chapo, I hope he never gets caught and takes over all of Mexico trafficking and crushes the other cartels. He is the best bet for peace in Mexico .Fuck the DEA and US government! The US only makes things worse! Anything they touch gets worse

    1. AMEN!!! anit that the truth

    2. Why are comments like this allowed?
      Inane hysterical idiots whining their lives away blaming a people(no doubt) and a country?They are racist morons

    3. Cry us all a river..You'll at least be doing something constructive,instead of always whining like pathetic bitches..
      Then again,it might be freaky Millie hiding again,under his bridge?

    4. Yeah the us needs to stop sticking their nose in everyones buisness....

  19. so what was that on his bed in the video, that iPad looking thing. if it was some sort of tablet & there was wifi in the prison which he had a connection to, that could of been used to pinpoint his location at any time where ever he was.

    1. Good thinking Batman.
      Using the tablet with an application outside looking for it?Then again the money and help involved?The coordinates were probably given to Chaps people by EPN ?

  20. Mexico no change same same

  21. what happen to mireles? why arent you talking about the stop that there will be in mexico in august, no buying no working nothing.

    1. mireles needs to work for chapo if he ever wants to see freedom again

  22. Fuck chapo he's the one who started the wars for las plazas but u know what I got to give to the fucking guy viva Mexico!

    1. Many many Mexicans were killed directly by the aggression of CDS to own certain plazas.It is extraordinary what Chapo has done, but lets not to far making this fucker into a cultural Mexican hero?
      Sadly that will fall on deaf ears it is already happening.Sheep are easily led...

    2. Nope wromg calderon and osiel cardenas started it........

  23. on the bottom of the floor where they broke through the concrete how thick was it? second question how is it that nobody heard the pounding or drilling of the concrete? oh yeah forgot inside job.

    1. The article states the depth as 12 cm, that's just over four and a half inches.

  24. Do any of you fools really believe he escaped this time without the ok from both the US & Mexican governments? Nice show to make it look good, but governments want someone in charge they can work and deal with. The lesser of the evils. It's like the Pest Control guys, they control pests, they don't want nor ever will put a stop to them. If they did they would be out of business. Any one who thinks both governments really want to end the drug trade is pretty damn stupid. It's a big business that too many people make money off, from the prisions, to the lawyers, to the DEA and off coarse PRI gets it's cut. Simple money and economy at work. Chapo has proved to be the smartest player on the bad guy side of the equation and that earns respect from the good side. Without one, the other side makes no money.

  25. You fools ....El Patron Chapo Guzman has a special forces unit working for him best military Engineers ,Medics, explosive and demolitions experts and Assasins working for him .Pura Gente Nueva....

    1. No your a fool lol don't believe what corridos say all you need is one person that's knows plenty that will work for some bucks y in saludos pa la gente de Los Angeles Jalisco Sinaloa y michoacan

  26. 11:39 chapo should help him build a tunnel

  27. All the Google Earth satellite images and super high end surveillance spy satellites dicen no pasado nada!

  28. The chemical element method creates additional heat on account of the reaction between the metal and also the gas. the additional heat assists within the cutting method.

  29. I'm always curious on this subject and this post give me a lot of information. Anyway, I think it is not easy to escape that way at all. Thanks for sharing!

  30. Your post is very informative. Thanks very much!

  31. The chemical element method creates additional heat on account of the reaction between the metal and also the gas. the additional heat assists within the cutting method.


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