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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

EL Menchito once again free

Lucio R. for Borderland Beat

After prosecutors hailed the arrest of “el Menchito”, designating him as “number two man in Cartel Jalisco New Generation”,  (CJNG) he has been ordered released from prison.

Citing a lack of evidence and due process, Nadia Villanueva Vázquez, a federal judge handed down the order to release Rubén Oseguera González  aka “El Menchito" son of Nemesio Oseguera “El Mencho”  leader of CJNG.

Inexplicably, this marks the third time in 18 months that Menchito has been acquitted of charges and released by federal judges citing either lack of evidence or “illegalities” in due process.

The Toluca federal judge also ordered the release of Menchito’s accomplice Julio Alberto Castillo Rodríguez, both were arrested on June 23rd by the Mexican army  in Zapopan, Jalisco.

The judge referred to two points in his ruling; that the Attorney General's Office (PGR ) not offer enough evidence to prosecute them on charges of organized crime, storage of firearms and possession of cartridges for the exclusive use of the Army and that federal authorities made "​​serious illegalities", when they  entered the home of suspects without a warrant.

Additionally, the ruling stressed that Oseguera and Castillo were detained illegally by the army,  and they were not made ​​available to the SEIDO until nine hours after being arrested, and were denied council until after statements made to PGR.

Menchito had already been transferred to supermax prison, The Federal Social Readaptation Center No. 1 "Altiplano", in the state of Mexico.

Bottom line, if you are a bad guy in Mexico, your rights will be quickly preserved, if you are a good guy, penniless and a threat to the government, you are arrested on false charges, cuffed blindfolded, hooded, flown over the sea for hours, denied an attorney for 15 hours, denied medical attention, denied visitors, and relegated to prison to a fate of probable death,  before your case is heard.


  1. WTF?!. Guess this is wht payin a federal judge 20 to 30million will get u!.. Freedom!.. Maybe more money thn tht!.. Shit is crazy!.. Corruption in yo fuckin face!..

    1. You think they actually paid off the judge? I say that they offered the judge 10K pesos and gave him and the judges family an opportunity to 'live'... Poor autodefensas attempt to do things the right way (follow the great Mexican legal process) and Dr. Mireles gets screwed...

    2. Michael Corleone knew how to put it to politicians, he advised them that he wanted his business done and cooked, and the paper work on his desk "by tomorrow, and you willl get paid nothing..."

  2. The devil lives in mexico!

  3. No mames how many times will he be arrested just to have a judge set him free this is like the 3rd time

  4. It's good to see articles that actually go into things that happen to narcos after they're arrested though. Usually they make a big deal out of the arrest and then never speak about the guy again, as he's presumably let go.

  5. I guess it was important to release him before they took the bandages off, revealing his new nose. Unbelievable.

  6. Did he get his shoes from the Keebler elves??

    1. Hahahaha good one!zingggg

    2. Ay patotas! Esas son patas no chingaderas. - El Soldado Perdido

    3. Envidiosas, those designer shoes cost about $85 000.00 pesos, mexican..

    4. Some designer is robbing all those narco juniors blind. Those shoes look like 10 dollar Walmart house slippers.

    5. @ 8:59 Even if I was super rich I wouldn't have the audacity to dress like Harry & Lloyd out of Dumb & Dumber. Those shoes look corny! - El Soldado Perdido

    6. Those shoes look like louis vuitton or gucci not cheap

  7. Why even arrest him what a joke

  8. Nutthugger galore on its way

  9. Real talk that shit is tite fuck them u can play the system shit more power to u!

  10. Hay No's vemos en el grullo con dinero baila el perro

    1. pues vayase sentando en una botella compa por qie lo volvieron agarrar

  11. His shoes worth more then his nose job

  12. Thats how they do it. I bet they implanted a tracking device that will get them to his dad.

  13. How much did pappy pay this time ??

  14. Menchito snitched jalisnitches and michasnitches

  15. Cuanto quieren apostar que el marrano de su padre va a poner a sus gente para bajar el pedo asi como el mencho puso al gringo va a poner a otro de sus operadores

  16. Donde estan esos occicones mama rriatas del Cartel De Sapos... La moneda tiene dos caras pero su valor es el mismo y arriva mi compadre menchito y la nueva generacion... Att: El M de Colima

    1. aqui andamos vega cual doa caras cual valor si lo volvieron a retacar.. cds

    2. Oh oh cartel players gettin grimy on BB

  17. see i told every one he was going to be out why cause that happen whit chapos son ivan archivaldo and they let him free 2 in mexico all you do is pay the judge and you can fly out of jail

  18. He looks more güero in these pics. Pinche fresita, que no se le ensusien los zapatos

  19. Have the judge arrested too for corruption. Or have his family arrested as well for living the life of luxury with blood money. Check his whole family business interests. I guarantee that the judge took some sort of payment.

  20. Hahahaha this is great viva menchito mayos punk ass kids don't even got it like this lol

  21. The judge actually did the right thing if they did not have a warrant to enter his house. There are laws they have to abide by in order to protect all citizens. Unfortunately this is not always the case. They should have sat outside his house until a warrant was issued and then entered. I'm sure this has to do with the training officers are given and the lack of communication between law enforcement agencies. Of course a corrupt judge can also make a warrant disappear.

    What's funny is you all seem surprised by this. Nothing will change unless the people of Mexico change. Too many people take hand outs in order to look the other way.

  22. Did he get a nose job at the hospital form a surgeon, or did he get a nose job from the cops who arrested him?

  23. The pgr arrested him right away..Again what a joke

  24. I guess he's not so "menchito" after all. Jajajajajja

  25. i dont know about you guys but i think im done crossing the border. i know the tacos are good and the beer is cheap but im at odds with the system in Mexico . i can admire your beautifull culture from affar . its just not worth it ... adios Mexico lindo .

    1. I did this 5 years ago. Your doing the right thing my friend.


    It seems they have not freed him and might hold him on other charges. They are appealing the judges ruling.

  27. Strategies to release the son maybe he can lead them to el Mencho that's what happen when the helicopter got fired upon and like my uncle said lo sueltan ps dar con Mencho pero meterse con Mencho es meter a Tia hombres en una guerra sin armas!!!

  28. Those are 700 dollars louis vuitton loafers he's wearing on his feet. I guess killing kids has its rewards and luxuries (sarcastically)

    1. Krusty the Clown shoes, not LVs!

  29. The fucking judge should be shot dead, obvious there was plenty of evidence and this scum was in bed with the cartels. The judge was paid off so fucking obvious and he is still on the bench. That is why the police need to start executing these cockroaches instead of arresting them to be released. These are heinous mass murderers.

  30. Gobierno culero y corrupto...

  31. Mexico is the funniest country in the world :-)))))))

    1. No, its the most corrupt, and is not funny.


    This is an even better article than the other I sent. If it is correct, it seems to indicate in item 3 that the US embassy provided its own legal representative to help his lawyer in Mexico, which according to US law if illegal. The US is not supposed to provide legal counsel to its own citizens, though it can help them find local legal representation.

  33. cjng are the new bosses, this is an example. sinaloa is not the favored cartel anymore

    1. El show sigue como debe.el chapo se "escapa" y la gente se olvida del mencho.El chapo esta absorbiendo todo la atencion asi que por horita el mencho se escapa.Pero el chapo todavia va tener libertad y vida por un poco de tiempo.El chapo puede morir despues de las elecciones en estados unidos,pues trump esta usando al chapo para decir que mexico es terrorista y que asta son terroristas contra la gente americana pues segun el chapo(cuenta falsa de twitter)esta amenazandolo(eso se considera terrorismo).Trump quiere asustar ala gente para que voten por el.Con asustar a la gente va tener razon para deportar mas imigrantes y cerrar mas las fronteras.Asi que no es bueno ke ee aiga escapado el "chapo".No creab que los narcos son muy poderosos,tristemente son titeres desechables pero remplacables.
      Almenos esperemos que si se cierran las fronteras que almenos se bloquen bien y que no cruze nada de droga.Lo unico que puede ser bueno de trump es que no es hipocrita doble cara...como 0BaMa...aunque el proposito de trump no es ayudarnos.puede se r que sea bien.para que los mexicanos despierten y no vengan a mejorar este pais ajeno.ay que kedarnos en mexico pa que ir por el sueno americano si nomas es un "sueno"

      Att..el mas TorCiDo de LoZ toRcidoZ El Mentado 4x....cjng el nuevo circo de la dea
      El chapo la dea lo va a reciclar para salvar el medio ambiente.le va pasar lo de el senor de los S (c )U (i) E( e) L (l) O (o)S(s)

  34. Throw the judge and el menchito in jail. Why demand the people follow the laws when the government doesn't

  35. Menchito got some BIG CLOWN feet. It looks like the only Menchitos here are the Judge n the system. Hes only Menchito cuz hes getting busted to many times.

  36. Am Mexican and hate to say this but, Mexico is a f***ng joke. Nothing surprises me anymore, but people are more worried in telenovelas or were giovanni dosantos going to play next . SMH all hope is lost

    1. It's fucked up dude,but crazy shit happens everywhere,this is more fucked up to all of us because we all have an interest in Mexicp and know a little about these clowns..Mexicanos and gringos alike think this is just putting Mexico in a bad light,why they allow this shit to happen?

    2. Jorge hank rohn also got released and has never been re-arrested, for murder, drug trafficking and money laundering, but of course, he is grupo atracomulco, and tighterthanthis with el peñanietismo y el puñeterismo priista...
      --no charges have been proved in el menchito's case...
      --In the US, murdering drug traffickers and money launderers get presidential pardons even before they get charged, indicted or arrested, want the names???

    3. No baby,not feelin all that hate shit

    4. 11:05 you can't handle the truth, you just don't want the truth, you'd rather believe in Santa Claus...
      --it is ok, Dorothy, be happy all over kansas...

  37. I love it that this story comes right after the "The Most Dangerous Narco Juniors in Mexico" in the BB news feed jjajaajajaajaja

  38. Publish the pictures of the judge, his family, and his address.

  39. REALITY is that:
    The criminals make the money flow into the hands of the corrupted eilte and must be protected!
    The autodefensas threaten to derail the gravy train and must be persecuted and destroyed!

  40. Wtf Hes damned lucky he never had any chicken legs on him

  41. I wonder if hes holding a stapler or some water bottles behind his back

    1. No, I think he's holding a pot of gold.

  42. Very GQ shoes...wonder where he shops? Peso Store?

  43. See people this is what happens when you successfully snitch. They get their info and the guy walks free.

  44. Asi son Los de jalisco. Gallos bien echos!

    1. Y como son dejame saber Que el unico Gallo Que salio de jalisco fue el nacho y el viejon era Cds jajaja

    2. He was born in the us. And his dad is from michoacan

    3. *facepalm. El nacho nacio en durango. Lol

    4. nacho era d canelas y los mencho d michoacan , informate un pico mas.

    5. Nacho coronel es de durango pero si radicaba en jalisco

      Torcido 4x

    6. No dijo Que era sinaloense si no Que cds=cartel de sinaloa estan rete menchos

    7. Y todos ustedes son lagrimas de michorizo. Atte el chuntaro de michoacan

    8. Pura gente de la burrapelona aqui en el rancho escuchando musica d la dinastia de tuzantla
      Atte el chuntaro d michoacan

  45. Even the head of CDS didn't wear shoes that nice, or get out so easy. Michoacanos showing the world how its done.

    1. N how is that he still Iocked up asshole jajaja

    2. Shit man,you couldn't pay me to wear them snide loafers..

  46. are the bandages from a nose job from a surgeon? or from the cops?

  47. He was released and recaptured with an arrest warrant so he's fucked

  48. WTF this buey is getting tours of the prisons...a este buey nomas lo estan paseando.

    1. They want him to look over Punte Grande next,then up top to throw his eye on Corcoran

  49. that federal judge needs a visit

  50. I guess we know who is really running shit down there in mexico. Que chapo ni k Mayo this mecho is not so mencho after all como disen nomas la cara tiene pero es cabron el cabron why dont they put mencho for president of mexico now that EPN is sick somehow he has more say than the president or government than mexico. Unfukkkinnn believable well not reallly we are talking about mexico.And no i am not cheering anyone just telling it the way It is so save your hater comments

    1. EPN is sick?There was rumours.

    2. Peña nieto is sick? That is good news...
      --the bad news is former porro and zeta fo' life miguel angel osorio chong may be the new president, even if he never graduated from the universida'...

  51. They arrested him again I just read, in connection to 2people dissapearing

  52. Simply put, it's a failed state. The only hope for Mexico is to have a revolution and clean house. Unfortunately the people are too lazy, stupid of just happy with their cut of the corruption to do anything. Failed nation of failed people

    1. 3:56 and you show a lot of leadership seeing the half full glass as half empty...
      --little men always measuring themselves against lesser men, never find the way to greatness, but they sure enjoy their sloppy ways with the other pigs and their slop...

  53. mexico is one dirty dirty country. filthy to its very core.

    1. 3:56 and 4:01 is a dirty toilet mouth mexico hater US nut grabber...
      --The failing economy of the US has driven crime all through LatinAmerica with dirty wars for economic gains that never materialize, because offshored money never finds its way back into the US, except to buy elections or to invest a la Goodfellas...
      Or to apparently have "only" a few hundred millions of dollars in the bank or investments, to pay the 3 floor garage...
      --if mexico as a whole were a "failed state", the US would not be kissing it's ass, the US is even kissing poor broke ass Cuba's ass, and I do not think it is only because of those them "biig cuban baseball players" american politicians looove sooo muuuch...

  54. Viva Mexico!!!!

  55. Only in Mexico

  56. This corrupt Nation only convicts 2% of those criminals arrested so nothing surprises me that these two "innocents" were released. One just needs to pay the right mordida to the right person and thet get a "Get out of Jail" free card.

  57. Dont even get Donald Trump started! His home page must be set to Borderlandbeat for him to think mexico is nothing but criminals lol


    2. Some asshoohol said donald trump needs to prove he is NOT the son of his mother and 10 orange orangutans night of love, because of his crazy hair and big mouth...
      --The Donald answered with a computer printed document, with barcode, which had not been invented when the dad was "born", demanding five million dollars he had been "offered" for his fake ass short form birth tube...for a half an hour of laughs...

  58. Second in command of one of the most dangerous cartels in Mexico,the cartel that shot a government helicopter out of the sky,the cartel that filmed itself blowing up a 10 year old child,the cartel that perpetrated Boca del Rio,and many heinous crimes which they filmed,2nd in command of that cartel?And who dresses this fuckin clown?
    Look at them scooby doos,there as bad as soft arse Chinos Loboutins?

  59. The goverment needs a squadron of death next time assasinate the bastard send a message to his dad his next!

  60. This is but another example of Mexico's system of injustice that I wrote about in the BB Forum in the article concerning the torture and arrest of the indigenous couple for homicide.

    As I stated in that post, in Mexico, the rich and politically connected are assured of their rights while the poor and disenfranchised langor in prisons because they cannot afford to hire competent legal representation or pay their way out via the "mordida" or bribe. Incidents of this type with "el Menchito" corroborate why Mexico remains a Third World Country despite the political ramblings of a corrupt president.

    1. 4:47 measure your words soliado, mexico is not in the state it is "because of el mencho", he earns his keep as a capo, as a narco, he does not take from the people's treasury, as an officer of the government, sworn to uphold the law, and acting like a criminal against the best interest of the mexican people, like epn and co.

    2. The involvement of the US in mexican politics since before the independence war the US supported and financed, to further the aims of the Monroe Doctrine of America for the amerikkkans, started waaay before el menchito and his daddy were born...
      --OUR MAN IN MEXICO, AMBASSADOR WIN SCOTT, (read book) is who started the new problems of wholesale drug trafficking since day one of his job in mexico to fight "communism", now to fight islamism, drug trafficking is all over mexico, because mexico does not have enough islamofacistas, but it is getting worked on, "they are all over the border with their imaginary weapons of mass distrocshun"...wuuu!!!

    3. No,,its because of the US

  61. Los hijos del chapo ni el govierno se atreve a tocarlos eso dice quien sigue al mando sin aser tanto barullo
    -The True-

    1. Al hermano del chapo lo mataron al edgar tambien lo mataron y el chapo esta en la carcel..y crees que el chapo tiene poder?

      Nobody wants cds cheap ass weed now everybody wants la negra y el hielo de michoacan y guerrero.

      Att el torcido 4x

    2. Al hijo del chapo edgar lo mataron a,a su hermano lo mataron,y el est en la carcel y todavua crees que el tiene poder

    3. B.s what hielo ?? All I got to say is watch super meth national geographic there not talking about michoacan or guerrero there talking about culiacan and hardcore heroin there talking about the negra from Sinaloa do you know who runs the heroin markets and meth markets in the u.s ? The Sinaloans do major meth and heroin being moved they don't call them the gomeros for no reason look for the storys here it's all non fiction not fiction stop coming with those fiction facts.

    4. Super meth national geographic...

  62. The gob gets 2 or 3 or 4 bites of the apple...thank God. Evidently, they can't slap their ass with both hands. Tragically, it is stories like this that narcissistic xenophobes like bad hairpiece Trump focus on. I think Trump needs to host a reality telenova in Altiplano 1.

    1. Narcicisstic xenophobe?Now who does that perfectly describe?

  63. He was laying low and didn't get caught with a bunch of drugs, just some personal fire power- so he knew to be ''clean'' when ever the Mexican Feds next raid on his ass happened.

  64. What a fkn lucky leprachaun

  65. Money doesn't buy good taste.this fucking hick dresses like shit.

  66. CAN ANYONE REPLY TO THIS QUESTION? They say Edgar Valdez is a mass murderer and everything but honestly can anyone name someone he has killed? Besides those Zetas in the video tape which nobody cares about

    1. La barbie is kept in prison for ratting on genaro garcia luna, the former SSP CHIEF who used to kidnap for ransom, murder his victims after collecting the ransom, who murdered enrique salinas de gortari, the millionaire partner of Carlos Slim helu who collected so many millions from arturo beltran leyva, and then trapped and murdered him...
      --That is why la barbie is in prison, to protect a millionaire mexican criminal and his partners, and the US government "seconds that motion"

    2. It depends what their strategy is when prosecuting someone. Serafin Zambada was said to be behind the logistics of narcotics into the states. Using common sense and logic is it feasible, most likely a worker of his was behind the agreements and deals. Nevertheless, there was pressure from the states which is why they charged him for trafficking some low number of narcotics.

    3. Regardless that they were Zetas. They still had families and were loved by them. No sicarrio is better than the other. They're all involved in the same evil. And I'm sure that they're loved ones didn't always agree to their crimes.

    4. He was in charge of arturo beltrans security team, he killed a bunch of nameless men

    5. those zetas where sent to kill Edgar, he did the right thing. I just think its weird that he is known as this "mass murderer" but nobody knows who he wacked. I wonder when he is coming back to the U.S. It has been 5 years since his arrest about

  67. Fake ass Chinese bootleg lv loafers

  68. Sad but true.....Mexican Gov is a BIG PU**Y.

  69. Catch and release tactic by government. They will watch him until he makes contact with his father and associates and then swoop down on the the heads of the whole organization. Trucha compa, all eyes on you. Time to play chess, not canicas.


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