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Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Templarios are totally dismantled: General Gurrola

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Proceso article

[ Subject Matter: Knights Templar Cartel, General Gurrola, Michoacán
Recommendation: Some prior knowledge of La Tuta and CT would be useful]

Reporter: Proceso Redaction
The Commander for the Security of Michoacán, Felipe Gurrola Ramirez, said today that the Knights Templar Cartel has been totally dismantled, after the capture or killing of its principal leaders.

Gurrola added that some of the secondary leaders were outside of Michoacán.

The Army General indicated through communication media that actually there are no indicators that the Knights Templar exist as an criminal organization that one could locate.

" One can see a reduction in some places, but as a criminal organization it is dismantled", emphasized Gurrola.

He includes that they have locations of possible successors of Servando Gomez "La Tuta", leader of this criminal organization, and that Homero Gonzalez, "El Gallito", nephew of Narazio Moreno, "El Chayo" or "El Mas Loco" has assumed leadership of said Cartel.

" One cannot rule out that they don't exist, its difficult that someone can take charge of an organization that doesn't exist, they have no presence", said the Military Commander.

Before the possibility that other criminal groups have entered Michoacán from other States, Gurrola said " its a priority of the Group for Coordination that the don't avoid that other criminal groups from other States could enter, principally from Jalisco, Mexico State, and Guerrero, and for that we have a permanent operation to seal the borders, to avoid the entrance of other criminal organizations that could complicate recent advances in Security of Michoacán.

Original article in Spanish at Proceso


  1. To be fair to General Gurrola, when he arrived in Michaocan I doubted his integrity to catch and dismantle Los Caballeros Templarios, but I have to say he has done rather a good job at it.

    That could be because he believes in what he is doing, or is being paid off by a different cartel. Being positive, I hope it is the former and humbly take back my previous comments about how effective he is.

    1. Ok chivis thank you nobody cares about this story move on. NEXT! And you can stop calling yourself Otis already.

    2. Yes, I agree with you Otis.

    3. I think the people of Michaocan might care and the makers of fancy dress plastic knights helmets..

    4. Dr Mireles and his AD, imprisoned, prove that there is "cartel presence in michoacan, the release of El americano, proves that there IS cartel presnce in michoacan, and just because giniral burrolas has apparently taken control of the situation, it does not mean it is so, not permanently...
      There is a lot of wrong still going on in michoacan, don't be so in-a-hurry to become positive, otis,.that is what "they" want, and the moment they feel like we are lapping up their "historic versions" is when they feel like they have won...

    5. 4.16
      Dude get a grip,Chivis is not Otis.It is believed by many,but,you can buy DNA evidence to support it,so go to it and let us know what you find,ok

  2. Lol this guy is trying to take credit for what cjng and auto defense groups really did

    1. I agree with you.

    2. Yup. It was just a shift of cartel.

    3. and the show go's on

    4. Give credit where credit is due: El Mayo is taking out the trash....

    5. Mayo is doing nothing but hiding in a cave just like el chapo

  3. Aqui puro michocan jaliscos topan, aki si hay huevos i no es cierto que hay Cartel jalisco operando aki eso pura propaganda de los templarios que kedan vivos
    Arriva las autodefensas i el dr mirales valis

  4. Why is this here? Otis, you posted this back in March when it first came out. You even stuck in La Tuta head as a joke.


    1. The article you are referring to was about the Generals arrival in Michoacán, this article is about him saying job done.

  5. "we have a permanent operation to seal the borders, to avoid the entrance of other criminal organizations"

    That sounds good, but how will they do it?

  6. Gurrolas as corrupt as they can be

  7. He didn't do nothing in michoacan, he just arrived not long ago lol but take all the credit general bullshit eventhough that cartel is still operating. Not completely dismantled, can't believe everything you read

  8. How are they totally dismantled when you here about them killing all kinds of people didnt the just kill like a big police or military comander somewhere off the coast of michocan or somewhere

    1. He is saying that, they are dismantled to the point where they cannot act as a major drug trafficking organization.

      We all know the CT have splintered, some have gone to CJNG, some are declaring they are La Familia Michoacana, and some have stayed in localized groups who still extort and kidnap.

    2. tp the reader still insisting that I am Otis, which we both find hilarious, would only have to read Otis' changed op of the general to know that I do not now or ever have share that opinion. As for CT, they still operate and have split into smaller cells with agreements to traffic drugs.

      Same thing different M.O.

      It is election time all this BS is to stage a Hollywood set and capture votes.

    3. LFM has never stopped trafficking.

    4. Chivis, and what is your personal opinion of giniral burrolas and giniral cienfuegos?
      --There are estado mayor reports on the most distinguished mexican ginirals, to help get an informed opinion, this is just personal curiosity...

    5. Giniral burrola is school of the assassins, they do not ever change...otis...

  9. Just like the Chintos says Tamps. is secure LOl LOL

  10. Yep the General came in after the autodefensa movement had been attacked and mostly imprisoned by Castillo, the other CT leaders were already dead, and it was the frustration of not being able to catch Tuta while he mocked the government on video.

    I think that brought in Gurrola

  11. The my vote for President of Mexico!! They should relocate him to Jalisco or Guerrero!

  12. This is has opened the door for Paco Cerda and Felix "El Grizz" Grizzaffit's Saltillo Cartel to take over the region. Paco Cerda has found ways to get involved in the prescription drug business and there is a picture of him and El Grizz stading next to a bucket of pills sitting next to stacks of cash.

  13. All the existing former Templarios have been recruited and integrated into CJNG or other cartels/gangs. All smoke and mirrors.

    1. Well said. Same corruption different characters!

  14. your link to proceso does not work

  15. Keep repeating it over n over so you could believe it ... Ct has. Is in 8 mexican states including jalisco. The media just say wat the president says ... michoacan still belongs to Ct

    1. What year you living in dawg? They're loosing ground, boss's & up against CJNG and Auto Defensas.

    2. Its all media hype. Cjng has gotten a few border towns but not. Much. Ct in. The heart of jalisco .... u know all cjng got. Kicked out of michoacan ? Did u know there over hyping cjng.i was in michoacan 2 months ago not much has changed

    3. they don't need border access, they have circumvented the United States drug market. They could help "control" for a fee or cut but not to traffic

  16. We cannot post email addys on comments of readers, please keep that in mind. no personal info, email, addresses, phone numbers etc as we do not know if they are legit

    1. Chivis, been meaning to ask. What is your avatar all about?

      Just a hint, por pliz.

    2. just a quote I like pertaining to the apathy I have found in Mexican society.

      There are a few versions of it but It reads something like

  17. Cjng...all over michoacan to many people I n denial.... im from michoacan and these fools are everywhere.

    1. I just came from michoacan and that's not true, there is still alot of ct

  18. Why only Templarios?
    destroy other sh1t cartels

    1. The templarios got in miguel angel gallegos godoy's hair, as el traficante mas poderoso de tierra caliente, he has taken care of los Caballero templarios chiquitos, and he keeps being da boss, mexican army agrees with el migueladas, si siñor...


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