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Monday, June 22, 2015

The Military kill six alleged criminals in Tamaulipas

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Proceso article

[ Subject Matter: Tamaulipas, Mexican Army
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required]

Reporter: Proceso Redaction and Victor Hugo Valdivia

Six alleged criminals were killed this Saturday during a confrontation between the Military and armed civilians in the Town of Matamoros, Tamaulipas.

The Group for Coordination for Tamaulipas, informed that elements of SEDENA, carried out patrols, when they came across members of a criminal group that operate in this location.

The State said that the elements repelled the attack, the Military killed six of the alleged criminals, though at this point they have not been identified.

"When we arrived at the point known as Breach 18 and Ranch El Alto, personnel of SEDENA came across some armed civilians that were deployed in two vehicles, a Chevrolet Surburban model 2001 and a Ford Expedition model 2002".

The event occurred about 06:00 in the morning of this Saturday near vacant land of Vanguardia, Town of Matamoros, where the Army confiscated two vehicles, five rifles and magazines.

Original article in Spanish at Proceso


  1. Looks like the Military is shooting first n aaking questions later lol, killed 6 (alleged criminals) theyll never findout now hahaha.

    1. Aprendan a leer... podran ser una banda de payasos los 6 que se murieron, pero si le disparan al ejercito que esperan que pase? Estan en una region donde los narcos tiran a matar...fool

    2. wrong!! they shot after somebody shot them first, please don' t be naive!!

    3. jajajaja good one

    4. Lorn to rite, which is "the good one?"
      --This early in the morning looks like the "narcs" were hunted surrounde and killed on purpose, there is nothing to prove otherwise, and left no witnesses, like the mexican military do under excuse of defending themselves bullshit, like Tlatlaya...
      --Only criminal nuthuggers would get happy for the mexican military's "victories"...

  2. "Alleged criminals" exactly right, it is easy to charge anybody dead or alive...
    --What is inverosimil and incredible and unbelievable is that nobody gets caught alive or surrendered, and that at 6.00 am the army was just driving around minding their business...
    --frankly this looks like another execution, the army needs to learn to say "surrender, you are surrounded"! and make their case in court, but of course, that only gets in the way of assassination, extermination, depooulation...

    1. The mexican army will not kill any of my relatives, we left mexico to its bullshit, a while ago, well the closest ones, the others will have to earn their keep, and they do...

    2. Weell, 6:26, not one of these "alleged mofakas" was killing any of my relatives, and I doubt they were killing any of yours...
      --don't believe all the uniforms say, they are full of murdering criminals, extorters, rapists and yes men that will kill kidnap or disappear upon request, then in their free time guard and move drugs and weapons for their favorite criminals and officers in charge, I know the mexican soldier...

    3. Te dolio putita? 6:53 am
      Q trabajas para los derechos humanos, oh eres uno de estos vale mierda disque narcos? Sabes q perro a mi si me mataron a mi hermano y aunque yo vivo aca de este lado no me olvido del peligro en que vive el Pueblo Mexicano, no solo mi familia. ..
      No eres mas que un vale mierda.

  3. way to go, shoot more the sob's u have my permission shoot them all

  4. Those days of rounding up large groups of 'criminals", putting them in front of the media, is rare. Now, they are just rounded up and killed.

  5. 8:35 needs to be shotgun blasted in the ass and left to the pigs...
    --I doubt he/she talks like that in real life, where due process is different, in the Constitution, in spite of the many times the regime, and its sicarios have wipped their ass with it, somebody would whoop his/her ass everyday, i'm praying it happens...

  6. Extreme care must be taken that the militar does not become judge and executioner.

    Being Mexicano I am insisting that all military and policias del estados y federal have cameras that document events as they happen. Gobernacion just purchased from the gringos mil de milliones dlls of weapons. Even if Borderland Beat takes up the issue then perhaps Processo and Millenium, and Reforma will follow.

    DEMAND CAMERAS multiples on patrols. Demand sanciones for not having available video and audio for balaceras and dentenciones. This is the only way to stop abuses and it does not make dangerous the activities of the police.


    1. The cops in the US need cameras.

    2. There were cameras, reporters and video recording in iraq and afghanistan, but we are too busy still trying to cover up My-Lai, Lt, Calley still blames his mexican captain, from freedom, the US still tries to cover it all up, and other than a few pictures of naked iraqis, no evidence has surfaced about any crimes against humanity or war crimes over there, only president obama's acceptance speech, "we tortured some folks over there..."
      --While the perps keep counting their money, starting other wars for profit, and painting by the numbers, laughing off the world's accusations...
      --But you can access pony from iraq and afghanistan any time, and their opiates...

    3. Great idea but doubt they will get them.Cant be on the take for that.

    4. They had cameras in Abu Ghraib, problem was, the independent contractors were wearing masks and ordering the soldiers to pose the prisoners and to pose with them, but the enhanced interrogations, waterboarding, and tortures to the death, we're conducted by the independent contractors, AND NOBODY INVESTIGATES OR PROSECUTES THEM...
      --POLAND seems to have approved indemnization for some prisoners held there in secret american prisons the US deny exist...
      --you know, if it was so necessary and legal, why the secrecy?

  7. and you have my permission to shoot 8:35 a.m.

  8. if 100 innocent people die for 1000 bad guys killed, it seems worth it, but then i haven't lost a child to this. i can't imagine that kind of pain

    1. In all wars, more innocent people seem to suffer the consequences than the criminals that sought to have war, bangladesh, laos, cambodia, vietnam, SouthAmerica, mexico, iraq, iran... are all good examples, like the WW I and II

    2. Yea it's called collateral damage

    3. ... and a mere handful of (the same) people have been responsible for all these wars.

  9. And whose permission is that may I ask friend? 😊. T.M.

  10. Well it's the freaking army. Military infantry are trained to KILL not to do police work. Mexico needs to create a Special Forces police unit like the BOPE from Brazil. GATES seems to be that unit but it needs to get in a more incorruptible even cult level like la BOPE.

  11. Sure ask them to surrender, incarcerate them, feed them & find out that a Mexican judge feels there isn't enough evidence & decides to let them go free to be criminals again. Makes a lit of sense.

    1. Sure there is due process, even the nazis arrested their victims before murdering them and recorded their names, height and the loot, why not the mexicans?
      --Are we less worthy than the jews?
      --or the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia and their military know what exactly they are doing wrong, illegal, and that it is all crimes against humanity all the way to planting weapons, and torturing to fabricate confessed criminals in the name of "war against drugs"?


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