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Monday, June 15, 2015

CJNG: Killing Enemies and Children by Dynamite

"Lucio R."  for Borderland Beat

Violence New Generation Jalisco Cartel (CJNG) has gone so far as to kill their enemies by dynamiting some alive.

Heriberto Acevedo Cardenas, "El Gringo", who headed the armed wing of CJNG, introduced this method  to purge their opponents, a method not seen before in the narco war.

On March 23, "El Gringo" and three of his followers were killed in a clash with the  Fuerza Única de Jalisco (FUJ) in Zacoalco de Torres, which triggered the violence of the criminal organization in the state.

Authorities confiscated the cell phones of the 4 sicarios which contained numerous photos and videos that recorded the torture and killing of their rivals, including the  detonation of dynamite attached to their bodies while they were still alive.

In one of them there is an adult subject, with a a boy of about 10 who cries terrified, with a stick  of dynamite attached to the chest with tape.  Reforma reports seeing in one of the other videos, the child being killed when the dynamite was detonated

A few steps away from a fence, two men kick shot a man on the ground, hands tied, who screams in pain, just before the  dynamite that has adhered to the chest is detonated.

In other videos, "El Gringo" and his men recorded a session where, with a saw they dismembered a man who was still alive.  It appeared to be at the same location.

The original video was removed from youtube, this video is from Mexican media


  1. 10 years old. Nothing but demons. Hard to get the mind to wrap around something this horrible and the other things that are happening globally. But even harder when it is happening in North America and where you live. Kill these people on sight and give them no chance of leading from a cell or any chance of paying their way out.

    1. What you say is true.
      But what's even worse are people doing it to their own people over greed. What is there to expect out of people that kill their own?

    2. What's wrong with you. People that kill their own? So it would be less tragic if they killed white or asian people? You sir are just as crazy as they are. That's such an American mentality.

    3. And this is a cartel that claimed in many you tube videos that they are criminals, drug dealers, but NEVER child killers. The darkest part of being human keeps growing without a hint of when will it stop.

    4. You can do averything with money if you are rich, if you were rich and bad boy you can get your worst enemy to you and do the worst you can imagine with pleasure, I imagine buying a coffin and buried your enemy alive with pleasure, I think is they way they purge their anger to theirs enemies.

    5. Kill is their High they love it. Especially now with the big "Boom"body parts everywhere. Easier then acid

  2. It is expensive to support the chinese businessmen that own the meth precursors and the meth labs, and the opiates, and it is even more expensive to keep sending the money laundering banks their billions of dollars, on top of that all the police corporations, the army and the corrupt politicians, that keep their hands out for, handouts...the only way to keep order is to keep order, you fuck up you pay, not me...

  3. Cjng. In a downward spiral. If your killing kids with dynamite your no longer a drug cartel. Your trash. There is no respect for these people. Obviously the kid knew them. And would identify them. But damn choose your timing and hits. 10 year old isn't part of a drug war. Pinches pendejos. Esta se las van a cobrar caros. Shows how much the law enforcement is connected or part of this. The cartel isn't afraid of the reprocautions .

    1. 10:38 AM Cartels are trash any way you look at it. If they are not killing kids in Mexico, they are killing kids in America and elsewhere with heroin and meth. Not just kids, people. Not so much difference between kids and adults. We are all equally human. Except these monsters, they are sub humans. Not even equal to monkeys. More like predatory insects.

  4. Drugs fueled madness :-(

  5. my thoughts exactly. 10 yo. Demons.

  6. Cjng is such a shitbag organization.

  7. Demons from HELL!!!

  8. WOW!!! Narcos are showing no mercy whats so ever. Can EPN read this maybe itll trigger a something inside of him.

    1. Only if it happens to his family ,POS

    2. EPN would do it to his own family for GREED

  9. They watch too many cartoons. Wiley CJNG Coyote.

  10. Doesn't make sense. Kill someone with a 50% bomb. Big boom. Lots of attention. > 25 cent bullet or knife . Quite . Thought these guys were smart?

    1. They are smart enough to do it in a place where no one will be around. They maybe many things but cartels generally are not dumb.

      It's also a way to try and intimidate their enemies.

      Plus, lets face it, these guys are sadists.. They probably enjoy watching their enemies suffer.

    2. They take them far into the mountains, even if they hear them the police are paid for. you oviosly new to this site

  11. no que CJNG no matan inocentes cobardes , un nino de 10 anios como puede ser possible , nomas asi son buenos mata amarrados, les faltan cojones para ser hombres, todo mundo sabe que el mencho i su gente no respeta innocentes nomas a su padre el mayo zambada

    1. No puede El mz aka...... otro pedo aka.... mejor que se quede en sinaloa.... una Guerra con El mencho y si se le acaba El corrido

    2. El mayo es su papa del mecho es wey solo con ninos de 10 anios puede

  12. I was tripping balls when I saw this.....because I was watching the movie "the good the bad and the ugly"a old school western movie about cowboys. ...jajajjaja,ja, they are using the same methods of killing as in the wild tuncoo. Noooooo turn it off.....cartels are so comical...

  13. Los marranos de michocan i jalisco have always kill innocent people , over here in guadalajara CJGN has committed atrocious acts against children , it gets me really mad when they advertise themselfs like heroes when in reality they are cowards,

    1. So are the sinaloenses but dumb people believe their robin hood propaganda that they help people. yea, they help people, their momma!!

    2. Los del CJNG son pura bola de Michoacanos que se hacen pasar por Jaliscienses. Los verdaderos Jaliscienses no andamos haciendo esas pendejadas. Eso de andar matando niños con dinamita es de de los psicopata y corriente.

    3. No Y'all are worst look at the shit your people are doing kids? Come on now when do you see this happen in Sinaloa?

    4. sinaloa does the same thing menso, you just dont hear about it. The only way we found out is because they found it in el gringo's phone. Sinaloas are the same shit diferent toilet!!!

    5. 10:01

      Bien dicho los del CJNG sé hace pasar por un cartel de Jalisco si a esos weyes ni los quiere el Gobierno de Jalisco por rataz.Por eso el CDS es respetado en Jalisco ni se diga en la ciudad de Guadalajara donde andan gente pesada del CDS aparte ahí mas gente de Jalisco con los del CDS, esos del CJNG son puros de Michoacan, Guerrero y Veracruz casi.

      Gallito Regio

    6. Jalisco no tienen a nadien sinaloa y Michaocan son los Mas pesados

  14. The Mexican Cartels should extort kill and torture Hollywood celebrities and rappers

  15. fear tactics with what they did with the little boy..messed up way to get info out of that other guy.. besides the mental harm obviously the explosive atrapped to this kid is phisycal, i wonder whateever happened to the kid...

  16. Where is/will they ever release the video?????? This is a new innovation in Narco execution vids.

    Its funny bc CJNG started out as "Los Matazetas" (Zeta Killers). Now it seems like they are becoming more and more like them...At least with their violence levels. Although, I do not think they extort and kidnap innocents anywhere near as much as The Z's.

    1. Right but they never intended to be heros either. The mAtazetas were created by the Sinaloa Federation to destroy the Zetas not be the robinhood of Veracruz.

    2. Sounds about right. Every cartel has attempted to emulate the "original" Zetas in some way or another. Now each cartel tries to compete to see who is the most cruel in eliminating his enemy. Zetas took the cake for the longest time but now with all these sicarios tweeking on meth extreme cruelty is the norm.

    3. Mayo didn't creat them, mencho is the mastermind of cjng. mayo and mencho are associates in the game that's all. Everybody gives grandpa mayo too much credit, you know he's in the mountains in hidding like bin laden lol

    4. 9:59 actually la familia michoacana was the most cruel, they started decapitations in michoacan against los zetas, after that they chopped them up in and tosseded them up with a head here, a arm there, the leg there and so on.. cartels started to do the same agains the enemies but then it died down until now. real spit

    5. I take it you never heard what los aretes did to el guero Palmas kids and wife. They are the og sick fucks

  17. So how much of this crap is the Mexican people let happen ? Is time for them to take there country back, Mexico is so beautiful but so many corrupt people in all their ranks....

    1. Dude, did you just see what they did to that guy? Instead of making a remark why don't you help the citizens by supplying them with weapons and tell your neighbors to stop consuming drugs.

    2. 3:54 how stupid are you? Supply a country with weapons that ordinary citizens can't have? Tell a neighbor to stop consuming drugs. Well that will solve it all. Drugs are an international problem. Not just the USA. Also from what I read previously on here, CJNG greatest profits are not the US. This person is right. It is corruption. You cannot help a country with a government like Mexico. The only solution is that the UN slap sanctions on Mexico and eliminate much of their ability to import or export. So cartels wouldn't have access to international means of getting product out. That would leave only the trafficking by foot or car. That wouldn't offer much profit. Sorry to say but the country would need to suffer more to eliminate the problem.

    3. Seriously? Like the people aren't intimidated up the brim! Plus they don't have weapons sold in stores the way we do in the U.S. So what do you suggest they fight with? Rocks? Sticks?

    4. @12:58 You are right, it is time to take it back. Don't let these bullies on here discourage you. They are just a bunch of losers. You are a winner and you have the right attitude.

    5. Legalize it, and stop the black market.

  18. No longer drug traffickers....pure terrorists and they need to be dealt with swiftly and immediately executed.

  19. What about the shootout in Guasave-mocorito Sinaloa where a group of armed men encountered two patrol truck of marines and opened fire beggining a high speed chase and eventually escaping leaving there jeep behind..where they found a 50 cal. This had to be someone big the marines even said it .

    1. If only one .50 cal found.... maybe not so big

    2. El cholo Ivan maybe mocorito y guamuchil es su onde radica. Pero si era en guasave sera gente de Isidro.

    3. They found 3 Aks and a .50 cal

    4. Por ay disen que era el cholo y su gente!

  20. That's better than being decapitated alive. Plus why do this.? The person that got this done died instantly. If you want true torture: dip him in acid slowly, or feed them to crocodile s. It's sad to say that the world is already decentizided to all of this carnage.

    1. Actually 1:32 being decapitated while it looks gruesome on video and im sure live as well is far less painful than being blown up by dynamite.Decapitation is a very fast means of execution.You die as your head hits the ground.There is no movement or screaming coming from your head.Im sure being blown up hurts a hell of a lot more .Also consider,whether you are decapitated or blown up,the worst part has to be knowing and waiting for it to happen...listen,i am not condoning isis or any islamic terrorist group but the head chopping they do is nothing compared to this.

    2. 9:11. Ur an idiot. Having Ur head sawed off while alive is far more painful. They have too cut thru the spinal cord to finalize Ur death. Until then Ur choking and suffocating on Ur own blood. Ur not screaming bcuz they severed Ur voice box. Some doctors say u go unconcious from loss of blood within 15 seconds but who knows. Being blown up is instant death. I would rather know I'm about to b blown up than too know some inexperienced kid is gunna try to cut my head off and hack at my spine


    3. I'd rather be blown up

    4. @9:11....get the fuck outta here you dumb fucking moron. Having you neck hacked out with a dull knife is the most awful way to go. Do you know why you not kicking or screaming? Because your entire throat has been hacked and your body is till trying to breath until they finally hacked enough to break through you spinal cord. Look it up. And tell me im wrong you dumb shit

    5. 2:55 you are totally right.having your head sawed off is probably way more painful,However having your head swiftly sliced off is FAST AND FATAL..lets not play word games here.Plenty of times ppl have limbs.fingers,toes cut off by a sharp fast moving blade and they dont even know it right away..on the other hand being blown up hurts everytime..So now the jackass is you..i am 9:11

    6. One more thing since you call me the said being blown up is instant death..try telling that to the many soldiers worldwide who lost legs,arms,feet and what have you because they were blown up one way or another is war BUT they are still ALIVE..reply back to this fool..BB please post this. I am 9:11

    7. 5:48 hey ginius, tell that to your chickenhawk politicians who cook wars all over the world to rob and steal from your taxpayers and friend and foe some billions of dollars the US had to borrow from china...
      --Do not blame the casualties on anybody else but the american chickenhawk...

  21. Pinches animales. Una Cosa es Matar a quien la debe. Y otra Cosa mucho muy differente ser un animal. In front of a 10 year old boy. Cuando mi Mexico vamos a acabar con estas bestias. Esto ya dejo de ser narcotrafico, Esto ya es guerra. Anima mi gente Mexicana . Cuantas veces nos Han dichotomy que los Mexicanos no pueden, y les demostramos con hechos que si se puede. United we are a force that can't be ignored. Juntos somos una FUERZA imposible de ignorar. Revolution, nothing less.

    1. Stop it sound like the ultimate latino mexicano cheer a leader, you must recognize that our government leaders are a reflection of our culture...yes the mexican culture is at fault ....we allow El PRI into office because of greed and corruption....I bet you like narco corridos ,doing tranzas,tacos, mariachi, tequila, telenovelas, hating on other suscesful mexicans, gossip,las chivas , el tricolor , not paying taxes, running red lights, cheating on your boyfriend, accepting favors for political gain,and so on sounds familiar? ?yes my friend is mexico... being corrupt is all part of the mexican the way most criminals in mexico are animals we all know that.they don't deny it they even make videos.., let's say-- ok rielero80,!!! ok fine lets play benito juarez and emiliano zapara, let's start a revolution against who??? Is not the narcos we know they are bad guys they don't deny it, the real enemy is the mexican government who is at fault because they don't do their job..look I'm give you some homework pay attention back on the days the mexicans had a political party called the Aztecs who keept everything and everyone as slaves , guess what the only way they dissappear is because of the Spaniards who came with disease and better weapons to become the ruling party for decades ...the point is that mexico will never be free...Watch "[apocalypto 2006] Epic adventure Movies Full English - Best Movies Full HD 1080p" on YouTube

    2. si animo mexicanos pero siempre terminan siendo un sicario matando secuestrando

    3. I heard they are extorting as well. I think its cells and groups of people that know they got their section and feel like they want more $$$.

      At first they sorta kicked the zetas out. You know the zetas that rape and kill kids and steal. But now its becoming the same shit. CJNG is rich so they wont be easy to dismantle.

    4. Si animo raZa y luego cuando es tiempo de accion y responder se rajan todos. Los que si son de accion son los animales de los carteles. Hasta cuando el Mexicano deje de ser miedoso nada va cambiar.

    5. Ah que comentarios tan mamones. Grow the fuck up.

      Apocalypto lol.

    6. The Mexican culture is broken. We need to clean house first before we can be a better country.

      Clean society and Government.

    7. Ese es el problema. Preferimos llegar a nuestros pueblos con Autos Nuevos que todavia debemos, en ves de Armar a Nuestra gente. Nuestras prioridades, estan malisimas.

    8. Tienes mucha razon..

  22. pinches marranos igual q a los zetas y golfos

  23. This has gone petty dam far no children no more I really wish the very worst in hell for all of those who do that ..

    1. It is the consequence of police, military and politicians betraying the narcs after taking them to the cleaners for the money...

    2. 6:21 AM, No. It isn't. Don't make excuses for these people by blaming others.

    3. They used the narcs and are now squeezing them, the pressure is taken against the weakest narcos associated, the others are persecuted, by the now saintly government santificated their newly acquired power...
      --The desperate way you blame "these people" is as good as blaming the 10 year old boy for being at the wrong place at the wrong time...

  24. I see theyve been reading the jihadi cookbook! Nothing but a bunch of devils! They are in for one hell of a suprise when they die and i mean the hell part literally cause thats where they are going!

    1. I dont think they read a jihadi anything..i think this is something they came up with on their own..its pure mexican cartel violence..Dont use jihadis as a excuse.Like the mother who blames her childs best friend when their child starts smoking..

  25. I'm assuming the actual video is not avialble to the public? I really want to see this video

    1. You are sick as they are !

    2. Can you face too much uncovered reality.

    3. this dudes a bitch getting off on the atrocity of others and too scared to do it himself

  26. They call them enemies or rivals yet they are boyhood friends, brothers, cousins, relatives or neighbors in some form or another and they are hell bent on being murderous monsters without a care or remorse for their it family or friends. Sad.

  27. i'll take a stick of dynomiiiiite over get my limbs chopped and shown to me before they take off my head! this proves CJNG is the better cartel, they are kinder to their victims.

    1. Better??? Kinder??? Those words don't exists when you're talking about a cartel. I don't understand how some of you say some cartels are better or worse than others. They only care about how much money they can accumulate.

    2. @10:21 you need to better your reading comprehension. i was being sarcastic about the kindness. however, i wasn't about preferring a stick of dynamite over getting chopped up piece by piece while still alive, or set aflame. this dynamite thing isn't a step forward in terms of gruesomeness, its a step back to less gruesome methods was my go brush up on reading between the lines instead of doing lines

    3. That is a ridiculous statement, and my comprehension is fine. Why say stupid stuff? You waste you time and ours.

    4. 9:04 It is sarcastic that your "Sarcasm" does not come as such for some of us, maybe you need to learn to write sarcasms...
      --Then you come back treating your detractor like a baby, too old to be shitting on the pamper...

  28. Replies
    1. can u please make the videos were u can actually lower the volume and pause and replay?

    2. No
      but double click to YT

      or use your computer volunme

  29. I think I hate these guys (cjng) more then the zetas

  30. 12:36 PM That has to be the worst response I have ever seen. Extort and torture Hollywood Stars and Rappers. Maybe they should extort and torture people who make super ignorant statements like your. Let me make an assumption I think applies to you. Maybe they should extort and torture all the Evangelists that rip off the elderly promising they will go to heaven if they give only $20.00 a month. And do the same to the religious right that follows them.

    1. Shut up pendejo Hollywood and rapper especially are part of the problem with this drug shit pinche mentalidad de idiotas

  31. Mencho had the police chief killed for killing this guy. Every cartel has their psychopaths, mencho had gringo, mayo had el ondeado, el coss had comandante diablo, zetas had z40, arturo beltran had la mano con ojos and benjamin had his brother ramon

    1. Lies is that you Jose Lopez?

    2. @6:23 are you that same guy always blaming jose lopez????

  32. Sounds like a fun, productive day for some folks. Take some guy, beat the livin' shit out o him, then blow his ass off with dynamite. Ya for humanity! wonder this world is such a mess, with cretins like wandering around. WTF do they hope to accomplish with this shit?

  33. Remember the people who made this video are dead

  34. ya.....these guys are a joke. I takes one real mean, tuff mofo to terrorize a kid. Sad thing is, they are probably laughing about it.....stoopid is, as stooooooopid does.......

  35. This world is so messed up. Just u thought what will this worthless pieces of s***t will come up with next they do this...this people deserve no trial round them up and get rid of them ..this shit should not be tolarated by any means..those pieces of shit shouldnt even be considered human no more

  36. cjng are fucken pigs doing this too a 10 year old... if your going to kill a child at least put a gun too his head. don't make him suffer. Mencho es un marrano entero igual al mayo chapo tuta z40 etc

    1. Wtf? If your going to kill a child at least put a gun to his head? ..There is absolutely NO reasonable way to kill a child.Because as you say a gun would be better i might think slicing their wrist which isnt painful or someone else might think of something less painful than any of them..its not about the pain,its the taking of a life that u didnt create...But i kind of understand the point you made.

    2. @9:36 PM OK, I get it. It's ok to take life that u did create.

  37. I wish I saw these fuckers in person, para meterles uno de dinamita por el yoyo

  38. And to think some people here thought they shouldve been given there proper rights when the federales killed the 40 cjng members a few weeks back. Fuck them then, and Fuck them now. Rat bastards will pay, in this world or the next

    1. There was a time when the cartels just moved weight.
      What's next CJNG? How about a baby girl on a BBQ spit? WOULD THAT MAKE YOU PROUD???????????

  39. La barbie wouldn't kill a 10 year old. Have some class.pathetic bastards

    1. La barbie gave bus fare to the girlfriend of the man who was looking for him to kill him, on the video where la barbie asks him "y tu que güey" and shots him on the head...
      After working for amado carrillo fuentes, los Beltran Leyva seem to have kept a lot of amado's empire for themselves and el chapo, smells like treason there, between narcs, but always with a stench of powerful politicians, police, military, and televisa on top of all the pile of shit...

    2. Barbie was old school narco plus he has sinaloan blood running through his veins he's gramps was one of the very first sinaloan pistoleros

    3. Still blowing kids up is fucked. Do people think they are going to get respect for that?

    4. Say his name, El Gitano Valdes, murderer of governor by order of general that became governor of sinaloa, absolved by no less than secretary of defense Lazaro cardenas, former president of mexico...
      --His greatest failure was when his boss pedro aviles was murdered by DFS miguel angel felix gallardo and co.

  40. does anybody know whats going on in tamazula dgo i read the that marina killed like six unarmed persons harvesting sugar cane,left a 13 yr old wounded and arrested others,some of the locals mentioned that some of the marines seemed like foreigners they spoke bad spanish, had blonde hair, and dressed diffrent.

  41. Nietzsche wrote: He who fights monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. They started off as Zeta assassins and now look at them. Or is this a case of Los Contras pinning the tail on the wrong donkey for their benefit? - El Soldado Perdido.

    1. Mexicos government another way of demonizing certain groups in this one CJNG

    2. Dude, they were a creation of sinaloa. They were always bloodthirsty.

    3. 6:39 why do people keep saying sinaloa created cjng, estan pendejos. this cartel was in the making when they were called el cartel milenio and moved to jalisco from michoacan. He already had a lot of clout and eventually was an armed wing of sinaloa, after many years is boss of cjng and no longer has ties to sinaloa. get it right mensos

  42. we need chapo back

    1. bb porfavor no dejen q pendejos suban sus pendejadas

    2. Pa que se la mames o que?

    3. El chapo is a better mexican than peña nieto, and he earns his own money, he does not steal it from the mexican treasury or from selling his wife's nalgas...
      El Chapo for president!!!

  43. i know right i don't even think i hate the zetas anymore after watching this

  44. Funny how fast all those previous mantas they posted are forgotten. Assuring the innocent they were there to clean out the bad apples. What the hell ever. Too many mind games in that sorry country. Satan's playground and the whole damned place should be destroyed. Just like in the days of Noah's Ark. Get rid of it all.

    1. Your on here to see mexicos worst.. Theres beautiful peaceful places in mexico belive it or not.. Dont loose all ur faith.

  45. @5:10: Is that a point made or a threat.. these are evil cowards, their rewards await them in "aviche hell," as buddists call this particular hell, there are many, some endless. Aviche hell is the back splitting hell, the spine cracks and breaks open the back, exposing everything inside..and, that's just for starters! The back heals and breaks open, again. The gruesome punishment is a process that pretty much lasts forever. This is what those who harm children deserve: no mercy.

    1. Fairy tales and cuentos de hadas, religious beliefs and phylosophies may be entertaining, but i'd rather see them die of old age than from some heavenly punishment, they can buy forgiveness from the priests for gosshakes!!!

  46. who remembers that time when G.N and CJNG dumbed 35 bodies in veracruz saying this will happen to los zetas who kidnap innocents but a year later authorities found out those WERE innocents picked randomly making them look powerful for killing zetas or that time when that innocent lady named marisela (don't remember her name) in ciudad juarez was kidnapped and killed and cds blamed la linea for her death but later was confessed that it was really cds responsible for her death.... Now cjng is being like this... there making themselves seem like angles that are going too save mexico but really making it worse

    1. I reported they were innocents the same month as the story broke.
      I followed up with multiple posts

  47. Maybe the good guys have been losing the war on drugs because of corruption in our government, but this is why giving up completely on it is not an option. Drugs create monsters like this. Monsters who must be brought to justice: Alive or Dead. Actually, despite all the atrocities of the past 8 years, much of the garbage HAS been cleaned up. It's why they are getting more desperate. Now only Mayo, Mencho, and Chapo Isidro are left of the top dogs, and Mencho's days are numbered for sure. Sure, there will always be some form of crime in the world, but the drug business of Latin America is a shadow of its former self circa 1960s-2000s. Sure there's more work to be done, but the reason we are hearing the 'legalize-it' crowd getting louder and louder is because they're running scared and they know their side is losing. I'm glad the allied forces didn't give up the fight until AFTER Hitler was dead. Same responsibility to the survival of humankind here. No mercy and no quarter until the children of Mexico and the United States can grow up in a world without cuotas, extortions, kidnappings, and grizzly 'examples'.

    1. Legalize it!!! Marijuana is grown all over the world..

    2. Not without fully privatized government, functions and property, with all the impunity in the world, and a thoroughly socialized austerity for the masses, drug wars can then be over, there will be no $$$ to buy any...

    3. There's more players than just mayo mencho and chapo isidro

  48. I think they might be getting rid of the bodies as evidence. What better way instead of burying in fosas where they can be found later. They just took it to the extreme a little. Quick and easy no proof left but the video of course. That was a mistake.

    1. Too much work and time consuming. Dynamite creates chunks of meat easy to eat by carnivore beasts. Shame on them for killing children. Children are sacred, their killers deserve the death penalty

  49. Hijos de su puta madre que les puede hacer un morrito de 10 anos? Tanto miedo tienen de la vida? Porque matarlo de esa manera?

    El lider de este cartel tiene toda la culpa de lo que se le viene por dejar a esos pendejos aser cosas como estas.

  50. Te fume mota te tome cristal
    You are behind this. You enviar dinero. You cannot buy drugs and say you do not have charge for this. You. Nobody else. .muertos sobre sus hombros. Are you getting enjoy?

    1. Well i grow my own weed since i live in a civilized part of the world . Doesn't cost me anything,some beauties about legalization. You can keep your backward prohibition and drug war. Enjoy.

  51. Mark my words, CJNG and CDS will become enemies.

    1. become!? i guess u live on the moon or in a cave,theyv been at war since before chapo got busted!

    2. That's why there is so much busts in tijuana, cjng is taking over tiijuas. They just busted la china too. Every sinaloa nuthugger is in denial of this, but I agree with you Jose lopez. People. don't like you because you say facts against cds, keep informing these mensos who are blinded by corridos that say nothing but lies !!

    3. Sinaloa got kicked out of jalisco by mencho

    4. Chapo wanted cjng to work under them, y los jefes michoacanos lo mandaron a chingar su madre!

  52. the atrocities our military forces commit over seas is equal or worse than this, but none of you are saying much about it. my neighbor served in the marines and has shared alot with me. in no way am i defending cjng I'm just saying if you take the time and be open enough to think about it our USA military is equally heartless and inhumane.

    1. Really then you have the balls to join the military what the hell does the usa millitary have to do with these scum bags if you dont like it move to iran iraq or donewhere in the middle east or mexico and rember to say thank you for your freedom and safety!

  53. Just another passing moment for the cartels thats what it is..violence is a vicious cycle that never ends..mexican govt needs to create concrete programmes to help kids n teenagers steer away from drug use or retail selling and use their creativity to do something productive. M an Indian but have followed the drug war for around 3 years now thanks to BB and it feels horrible to know that people keep suffering so much and just flashy stuff is being done to bring down these cartels. Even more sad is to read that some posts glorify people like Chapo and Barbie, they were just as sick and have blood of thousands of people on their hands. The only way Mexicans are gonna save themselves is if they decide to come clean and follow education and self righteousness as the path towards getting out of this nightmare.

    1. Mexican government involvement on sports, includes national sports commissioner recently named by peña nieto, alfredo castillo, the devil himself...
      --for mexico 68 Olympic games, mexico prepared finding the best physical specimens of mexicans and turned them into murdering machine the Pentathlon olimpics militar that went on to murder students on tlaltelolco and jueves de corpus, in cahoots with DFS and police and military, with thanks and bazookas, and machine guns...
      --that constitutes mexico's "involvement with sports"...

    2. Narcs' bitch fights are usually instigated by government officials associated with them sowing the field with distrust and real or false charges of treason...
      -- divided, the narcs lose it all to their partners in government who usually have their replacements ready....
      The CIA begot the DFS,
      The DFS > the guadalajara cartel > dfs headed juarez cartel > afo> cds, blo, cdg, zetas gn, cjng, and all the little cartelitos...
      --Now peña nieto is working to recover all the drug trafficking under his #1 cartel de las lomas...PRI...

    3. They do. It just takes a few bad apples. The cartels are a case of a few bad apples. Not everyone is a cartel member in Mexico. Mexico is so heavily populated and all it takes is less than 100 guys to terrorize an entire region. The only problem is, these guys I speak of, they have so much money and so much power, how do you go up against them? You can educate all you want, but even if there's 100 of them that follow, you will have a problem. This problem would happen anywhere in the world given the same situation. The problem used to be in columbia, now, it migrated to MX. For example, if all drugs became legalized in The U.S. & not Canada, you would see a spike in violence within the U.S. that would be uncontrollable due to the amount of Billions involved. Mexico would lose most of the trade & instead the middle man would become the U.S. This of course is only an example.

  54. Stop worshipping the Santa Muerte idiots. That is why there is so much death and destruction in your country. Your are giving power to death and this is what happens.

    1. Any different than worshipping an instrument of torture used by the romans? The cross

  55. This cartel. Is full of idiots how is in their brain to kill o boy. Of 10. Years that cartel. Reserve no mercy. Army of mexico, navy, pgr all go in destroy thoes m,,, f sons of satan. I hope all estupids criminales. Carteles root in hell

  56. something tells me el Gringo used to blow up animals with palomitas as a kid

    1. Jajjajjajaa yes he did.....also torture a mexican not sure but fighting roosters with blades on their legs is a mexican hobbie, also bullfighting, dog fights ,blowing up people, decapitations, is all part of what mexico is.

    2. lol same thing i thought

    3. I hope our gov. leaders are watching this and will work ten times as hard to keep these people out of our country.

  57. ojala maten al mencho y a los cuinis y al menchito ya toda esa bola de gente corriente igual o peor, pronto van a caer estas basuras.

  58. I wish this cartel would had caught La Puta, maybe they would had put a dynamite in his @$$hole and literally blown his @ss up.

  59. Fuking ANIMALS !!!

  60. i rather get blown up then get head cut off any day

  61. only Michocacas would do something like that , and their nutthuggers say "sinaloa those that two " to justify their coward leaders and cartel, they dont want to see the true nutthugers , and im from jalisco

    1. Ora si son de Michoacan. Putitos tapatios.

  62. It's Funny how some hear are calling MEXICO/MexicaN Cartels animals,sadistic,corrupt,ETC,ETC!
    Yet they never call out our own US govt corrupt,killing,raping,torturing,occupying,starting fake wars,using illegal weapons in war,ETC,ETC.
    Yes I know they are protecting our FREEDOM from who? IRAQ,AFGHANISTAN keep believing the lies. I just can't understand why so many US Americans blindly enlisted & went into war after 9/11. We now have over 32k dead soldiers & 80k to 300k injured(unofficial The US stopped counting) from IRAQ,AFGHANISTAN together. I feel sorry for those of you who went to war & where USED and forgotten.

    1. As a service member I can tell you that all who join do so voluntarily. And if ever anyone decides that they can't hack it any longer for whatever reasons. There are avenues to approach when it comes to a proper discharge wether it be a general or honorable discharge. In your case and many others like you it's easier to speak from the comfort of cowards. - El Soldado Perdido

    2. 32k? Huh? Where are you getting your numbers fom? Please elaborate

    3. Put the bong down. Your numbers are way off. You must worship at the same alter as the moron who stated that all addiction can be traced to 'child sexual abuse'. Very disturbing that people are so misinformed. Any chance that psych ops plays a role in this video? Great coverage by BB. ko

    4. People,its Millie the troll.Fuckin idiot is full of hate..Cierto o no..
      Always CJNG produced the most horrific videos,using machetes to chop a La Barredora member up alive,torturing the people used in Boca del Rio,CT member made to chop his compadre up and on and on..

    5. You stupid, bitch, while this writer has an interesting style, millie is much better, and I do not blame the US armed forces for their fuck-ups, I blame the chickenhawks that use them to steal billions of dollars from the public trough to support their corporate welfare queendom... see honey, different, by anonymous...

  63. Imagine what's going through their minds when they light the fuse knowing in seconds you're going to be hamburger.

  64. I imagine ISIS/ISIL will start strapping claymores and bombs now to live hostages and blow them up too. Hope this makes you proud EPN. Thanks Obama and all you socialist liberal democrat donkey fucks.

  65. This is the kinda shit Mencho is being hit with for dropping that helicopter come on blame the dead guy we all know this is all fake!!!!

  66. This is not
    People, killing their own, its about, us
    Killing each, other,

    1. No seas mamon, not all of us, like not all of the US are corrupt murdering drug dealers or traffickers or money launderers, if you are it is ok, but not all of us/US...

  67. not a fan of cartel groupies, but you do make a good point

  68. Really everyone needs to stop comparing how each cartel kills and recognize the simple fact they kill. There is no right way to kill. Killing is wrong, plain and simple. It always turns into a this capo wouldn't do that conversation. Taking away from the story and the facts. All cartels are bad. There isn't a good cartel or capo. There will be another cartel that will come along and probably strap a guy to a propelled grenade and hit a military group. The point is all of this is graphic, wrong and unimaginable. This story has struck many nerves, but so will the next and the next. It just never go away. The cartels are trying to look tougher than the last one. So the one after CJNG will be more graphic.

  69. Reforma added some details about the other videos:

    Reforma reports seeing in one of the other videos, the child being killed when the dynamite was detonated

    In other videos, "El Gringo" and his men recorded a session where, with a saw they dismembered a man who was still alive.

    It appeared to be at the same location

    1. I guess it shouldn't be surprsing, considering what these cockroaches did to a little girl a year and a half ago....

    2. CHIVAAA----thanks for urging my words along--and my posts..
      I loveee telling the gringos of Babylon the truth of their hated empire....CHIVAAAA FOR PRES

  70. Lets put our tin foul hats on folks. Any chances the Mexican Government is putting out this stuff to turn opinion against these guys?

    Seems a bit close the chopper incident for this to come out.

    1. Yeah, its all a government conspiracy to make us think drug cartels are bad.

    2. That's not what I'm insinuating. These guys are fucked up, but after they downed the helicopter, you know the Mexican government is going after them, and they are truly the masters of deception. Just makes you wonder how they are going after them.

    3. everyone knows cartels are bad idiot! i think he meant that they are trying to smut up the folks killed extra judicially in retaliation for the downing of the copter. we don't know who those people were. I'm guessing bad guys but who really knows? the govt ! that's who and they are saying the guys they killed blow up lil kids....see what he was getting at menso?

  71. No hay nada mejor que ver un Mexicano Matar a otro mexicano. No saben mas!

  72. No mamen pobre morrillo a los 10 anos apenas si anda uno aprendiendo a limpiarse el culillo mucho menos matar o aserle dano a alguien. Ahora si se pasaron de vergass estos del cjng. Como dicen por ahi NO POS TA CABRON.

  73. All the fucking cartel are the same shit sinaloa also killed a lot of families in chihuahua and tijuana including children

  74. A new low for Mexico.

  75. cjng is allies zetas, etc. who this guy? sinaloa or templarios maybe

  76. Lets send cjng to fight isis, aver quien gana?

  77. What if one of those men being blown up was this childs father? would it have been more cruel to allow him to survive with the haunting image of his father being blown to bits? Especially knowing he would have been forced to work for the cartel that killed his family. Descansa en paz nino.

  78. Cartels are a bunch of lazy pussy ass lil kids with guns they can't even aim with send mexico needs to toughen up laws and rid there government of the corrupt but mexico is fucked borderline hopeless as a country alsong as the government stays da same there always be another corrupt fuck in line send speacial op covert units deep into mexico eliminate all cartel hierarchy other then that there's no hope

  79. As far as preferring being blown up....Whos to say your head wont be blown off with the rest of your body suffer both ways..i am 9:11

    1. 9:11 go away satan, do not remind me of the twin towers at the WTC blown with thermolite to collect the insurance monew and unleash a few wars for the personal enrichment of some amerikkkan chickenhawks looking for elusive weapons of mass distraction that now have ISIS trying to finish the job...
      --May they find the holy grail too, since the crusaders couldn't and make glory hole for the real ISIS worshippers in the UK...

    2. What the fuck do you know about the UK,Canada,China,Europe?Have you even talked to anyone of a different culture?Guaranteed answer is no.
      Silly little man spouting your race hate endlessly,and you think your intelligent?How can a racist be intelligent with silly racial stereotypes?Are you to stupid to contemplate that?

  80. Sinaloa people are stupid n belive all the corridos..... don't think cds are perfect

  81. Que te quieras hacer o te dejes hacer pend3jo por los corridos es una cosa, pero todos los carteles hacen eso. O no te recuerdas de todas las guerras que empezo y no pudo terminar el chapo? Crees que no murio gente inocente?


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