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Saturday, June 20, 2015

10 gunned down at Monterrey, N.L. beer distribution center

Lucio R. Borderland Beat material from Reforma, Tiempo and Cronica

Ten people were killed Friday after an armed commando opened fire in broad daylight at a beer distribution center on the outskirts of Monterrey, a major city in northeast Mexico.

Gunmen aboard two trucks arrived around 2 P.M. at the brewery, located 200 meters from Garcia City Hall  and about 25 kilometers from Monterrey, an industrial epicenter in the state of Nuevo Leon and Mexico’s third  largest city.

"The investigation to this point says it is an attack between organized crime groups in which the victims were specifically targeted.  

We are not saying positively that they were involved in illegal acts but by the way the attack occurred it points in that direction." explained the prosecutor of Nuevo Leon, Javier Flores.

According to preliminary investigations, all the victims worked in brewery trade and several people who witnessed the attack were unharmed.

Arriving at the scene, authorities found in a warehouse, seven kilos of marijuana and seven naked or half-naked bodies, added Flores.

Three others were injured were sent to a nearby emergency hospital, where they died soon after.

One of those executed was identified as Viviano Sepulveda Rodriguez, who had 30 years working as an accountant for the company

The site is a center for warehousing and distribution of beer.

Zeta territory

In the municipality of Garcia (about 145,000 inhabitants) resides Jaime Rodríguez "El Bronco," who made ​​history in the midterm elections last June 7 when he was elected governor of Nuevo Leon, the first independent candidate to win a office this substantial  in Mexico.

In his statement he said on  Friday "my sadness and my anger increases, from  not having the power to act quickly," Rodriguez wrote on his Facebook page.

"El Bronco",  the 57 year old politician known for his rancho style, claims to have survived two assassination attempts during his tenure as mayor of Garcia (2009-2012), during which he challenged the Los Zetas cartel.

A source at the State Investigation Agency who requested anonymity said the brewery, where authorities found weapons  and magazines of various calibres, acted as an operations center for  Los Zetas.


  1. De quien es monterrey a hora un vato me dijo que ya no andan los zetas en monterrey pura jente de el chapó como esta el pedo en la zultana del norte

    1. Cual gente del chaputo? O son jaliscos o son golfos. Mientras no se metan a la plaza privada ahi pueden tener su changarro vendiendo piedra y chiva en la indepe.

    2. Esta a 45 grados con un chingo de cerveza y un monton de sombrerudos tirando fiesta

    3. Al parecer la Zona Sur de Monterrey aún es Z y también al Norte de Monterrey todos esos chicos municipios rumbo a Nuevo Laredo es Z y los Golfos estan fuertes carretera Reynosa todos esos municipios son Golfos.Pero adentro de la ciudad como es San Nicolas, Guadalupe, Monterrey (centro) , Escobedo tengo entendido que ahí de todo Golfos, Zetas, y hasta Chapos pero es muy complicado saber.

      Uvo un tiempo donde sé podía decir que los Z eran el cartel de Monterrey ya que dominaban toda la plaza entera menos en San Pedo.

    4. The cartels have threatened or taken over so many legitimate businesses that you cannot distinguish between the good & bad guys anymore.

      Mexico is in extreme trouble because many of the common citizens are now corrupted.

    5. Bueno entonces los de jalisco y los de el golfo trabajan juntos? Como es que los de jalisco andan en monterrey pero por que no entiendo

    6. Jajajajaja los Golfos estan divididos en 3 grupos en Tamaulipas que son Metros, Ciclones y los Fresas del Sur de Tamaulipas los que tienen apoyo de los del CJNG son los de Matamoros al igual con los del CDS.Los Metros son tachados como traidores de parte del CDS.Los Metros tienen apoyo de los CT de Michoacan.

    7. Los golfos llevan un chingo en mty llevan mas de una decada como los zetas y beltranes (estos controlaban todo ele stado pero ahora nomas controlan la plaza privada). Los beltranes eran los unicos de sinaloa nunca gente del chapo llevo a mty y menos ahora que esta acabo del wey. Son putos jalisconas que al rato les carga la verga como cuando se metiewron en san pedro, jotos.

    8. First blo worked for amado carrillo fuentes, and then for carlos salinas de gortari, until el chapo got free, then it all went to hell with los zetas fighting them for all their turf, when el chapo got free, the zetas almost got it until.miguel angel osorio chong decided: "nah, not, this is my burra and I will ride it all the way to los pinos"

  2. hope the El Bronco is for real and wants to kill bad guys , Bro kill them all

  3. Nuevo Leon making headlines again, so much for the positive report in capturing the 21 gun men.

    1. 10 dead is better news.

    2. 9:41 you don't know who the dead are or why they got killed...
      --I guess you just "celebrate" death, because you are a pendejo.

  4. Cartel Del Golfo? Well atleast they killin Zetas instead each other

  5. Two disturbing things about this story. One immediately the prosecutor states iy looks like a crime between two organized crime groups. This will lead to little or no investigation by immediately assuming the victims are criminals. 2.Why do politicians carry street names for themselves? "El Bronco"? Is that professional when you know criminals are oing the same thing? I know people will say the public gave him that nick name. Well I have an issue with that period. Public or personally selected. If a politician in the US using the nick name "The murderer", do you think he would get elected? No! This shows a lack of professionalism all throughout Mexico.

    1. So now nicknames are illegal? I should warn my wife, she calls me "El Grande". Another pansy, even presidents in the USA had nicknames so stop. Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt, Abraham "Honest Abe" Lincoln, Barack "Pendejo" Obama..etc.

    2. @9:02 thank for checking this sissy lala getting all worked up over nothing

    3. @737am....bronco in spanish don't mean nothing bad, it means stubborn one or bad ass, kind of like Rambo, is a nick name given by thePeople because usually in mexico everything or everyone has a nickname, like me in high school they call me muñeco, because I was ugly, is satire...get it...

    4. They call me el mataperros lol

    5. The most original nick name I ever heard was el delfin.....because some paisa kid back on high school wrote a paper on esl class and he put "el fin" at the end of the story some white kids started laughing omg what is el fin..jajjajajaja , ever since everyone started calling him el delfin...every one though it was because of the animal the dolphin, but it was because of the paisanada....El fin.....El delfin...pinche paisa..

    6. 9:02 are you famous? Only to your wife probably. Is she smart? I am sure they are not saying nicknames are illegal, just certain ones are unprofessional for positions in the public. Can't understand how folks don't grasp that fact.

    7. 7:37... Many US politicians have monikers. I'm giving you just one example. Bill "slick Willie" Clinton. Monikers aren't just given to narco bosses.

    8. You're right. Nicknames should be illegal.

      Atte: El Pendejo

    9. You blew this out of proprition. How can you compare the nickname brono to the nickname "murderer?" That's quite a stretch. If you had read the article it states that Bronco survived two death attempts on his life, his nickname has derived from that. The name Bronco means he is a fighter.

    10. Americans have monikers too.

    11. 9:02 you mean you make your wife call you el grande to stroke your ego..i think you might be the pendejo.

    12. Shit,they'll be gibberin about nicknames for about 3 weeks now?

    13. To all the pendejos in this thread: "Honest" Abe wasn't called honest Abe during his term(s) as president. It was a moniker given to him long after his death. Nevertheless, the point of the whole argument, pendejos, is that publicly elected officials should abide by a higher standard of behavior and respect. Some officials in US may have nicknames, but that's the exception not norm, and rarely used for that particular person even if they do have a nickname. To give you pendejos more to consider: Is cursing illegal? No. Would you like to hear the leader of the free world spouting off about how much of a d-bag Yeltsin is? Maybe, but it is highly inappropriate and counterproductive to positive relations. I'm sure this is way over the heads of some of the morons here, but just think about it over a shot of Tequila.

    14. Ask el halcon presidencial, Luis echeverria,
      Ay que jetas diaz ordaz
      El perro lopez portillo
      el copeton asesino epn
      The butcher of Acteal/Chenalhó, Aguas Blancas, El Charco, zedillo el jundillo,
      Fecal calderon
      Chiquihuitazo fox
      El ratoncito orejon...

  6. And let's clarify that the newly elected governor of Nuevo Leon was a very famous music artist who traveled with his band named Bronco hence why people refer to him by the same nickname. It is no different than Californians referring to Arnold as the Terminator during his term.

    1. Dude, get a clue.

      The group "Bronco," now called El Gigante de America, did not contain the governor elect of Nuevo Leon. Lead singer is the morena, José Guadalupe Esparza. Great band.

      Viva cumbia norteña!!

    2. Jaime rodriguez was never in the musical group bronco. Bronco did originate in MTY , so the name resonates there. Rodriguez is a career politician geing with PRI for many years. Jose guadalupe esparza was bronco's singer along with ramiro, javier and choche. There was also an accordionist before ramiro named erik who was kidnapped and killed.... Sorry, no jaime in bronco.

    3. "governator" was the pits, then he got caught HAVING HAD TOO MUCH FUN WITH THE HELP and got hisself terminatored by his kennedy wife...
      --Hey, everybody has nicknames, grow up ninny winny.
      --Also el bronco Jose Guadalupe Esparza is one, and el Bronco Rodriguez another...

  7. CJNG el commando del gringo ya esta en nuevo leon operando con el nombre de los zetas para confundir a los contras ala orden del mencho

    1. Correct. I hope people are catching wind of the mounting CJNG incursions into Nuevo Leon and Veracruz.

    2. you a real smart boy. why or how do you verify this comment? just your opinion?

    3. Jajajajajajaja esos pinches marriachis no duraran nada en La Silla, de mi te recuerdas!

    4. 10:35 PM ya te digo.. ni duran ni un dia esos JOTOS de jalisco. que ya se sentian duenos de la plaza prvada por matar un transito jajaja!! ya se les olvido que les chingaron toda la celula que mandaron en aquellos dias. les tienen que meter otra putiza mas para bajarles la amnesia.

    5. 12.30
      Good post,,are Zetas so weak they couldn't do anything if they wanted to?
      Who knows if this be true,but its plausible,and we all know what they did in Boca?

    6. 12.30
      Take no notice of the snide smart asses

  8. Yeah, "el grande", i'm sure she just wanted some money...
    --But really this estupiro complaining about what people call the new governor, after he won independently against all odds, and he supports Dr Mireles, AND el bronco should be in prison just for that...
    --as el bronco would say to someone mas pendejo que neo-republican barry the kenyan:
    Vete a la chingada @7:37

  9. El bronco rodriguez amenaza con investigar al gobernador saliente rodrigo medina de la cruz y meterlo a la carcel por ratero en cuanto le compruebe algo, todos los presos del "Estado" de Monterrey ya estan "sacandole filo al machete", governor Medina is prettier than peña nieto, he will be very busy in prison...

  10. Since el PRI lost the election in Tamaulipas to an Indepent candidate, now they're creating chaos so people can say they were better off with el PRI. That's how they opperate.

    1. What independent candidate? After the murder of his brother priista candidate viejidio cantu inherited the candidacy, with and for el pri, all the way, in trampaulipas...
      --The first and only independent candidate to win, independently is el bronco, no morena, prd, pvem, pt, pan, panal...nothin' else, some day we will know the real story, but if el bronco starts walking on water, then we will know, it was the devil...

  11. Mr Professionalism - But I do agree with you on their quickly pawning this off as the victims being involved in organized crime. It was probably an extortion refusal to pay that just happened to have several kilos of weed and naked bodies laying around.

  12. Se habla en LA calles De nuevo Leon que El bronco VA crear un grupo Como El De Los gates de coahuila para acavar con Los grupos delictivos..

    1. Al parecer no es visitado Nuevo León ya ahí un grupo como los GATES que son los de la Fuerza Civil pero esos weyes ni son regios la gran parte de la Fuerza Civil son gente del sur de México y también son los sicarios de las Golfas en Monterrey.Son los únicos que se enfrentan con los Z de Monterrey sea en La Indepe o en la carretera Nuevo Laredo.

  13. @12:30 mamalos!! Monterey siempre a estado los beltran los viejos y golfos...pero laredo y mntrrey son d los viejos

  14. I was reading all the supposed explanation for this nick name bs and I was laughing. Especially the Theodore Teddy one. Teddy is not a nick name it is short for Theodore. Just like Bob is for Robert. lol I kinda get the point that was made. The US did not refer to Arnold as the terminator during his term. One this is for sure. If street names are acceptable in professional positions in Mexico. I agree with 7:37. We should just changer the name Mexico to "El stupido" You guys try to hard to explain away things that has no common sense.

  15. so el bronco challenged zetas and he suffered two attempts when he was major in thet city, this for me means he is supported by cdg.

    1. It is suspicious that a politician survives 2 attempts, and twice as suspicious that it was by los setas...
      --I guess we will have to wait and see what el bronco rodriguez is really made of

  16. What happened to the American they arrested in Cancun this morning? Allegedly he distributed over 20 billion worth of coke and I tried looking it up and nothing is there! Possible he bought his way out already?

  17. Stop with all the damn nick names in Mexico... Please.

    1. In the US you have nicknames too, j-lo, m&m 50 cent, twista' gansta'...
      You've need a whole goddamnit brittish encyclopaedia to put them all in, oh I remember general "fuss and feathers" the best of the best, and "our blood, our tears, his guts" patton, or "dugout doug" Mc Arthur, the self confessed mama's boy...

  18. Menchos goons are in Monts NL now is rumors on street here

  19. There are heaps of comments about CJNG making incursions in the north. Does anybody have any evidence to verify this apart from the manta in Tijuana?

    1. The michoacanos in tj are now cjng and they are also entering nl there was a convoy that enterd one of the towns like 2 weeks ago said to be Menchos people

  20. the governor of Tamps. is so bad, worthless, I bet the the cartels have no respect for him. Worthless including the last 2 governors and Miguel Garcia

    1. Who the FAK is miguel garcia? We have enough priminals here.

  21. Every time I make a sensible post, it gets screened and never posted to Comments. I see people putting all kinds of ridiculous stuff on here and they get their posts view. My mother and father were born and raised in Matamoros. We still have family there, including a cousin who is with the policia, a cousin who is with the military, and a cousin who is a reporter. I talk to them often. I try to post the stuff they tell, but my posts never make the cut. Who ever the gatekeeper is, obviously is either a cartel member or an official with the US government, cause all that gets posted is lies and jokes. Never the truth.

    1. I would like to see your comments but they have to moderate 100s if not more a day,there is nothing sinister about it,mine and everyone else's comments sometimes don't get through,don't start losing the plot over it,maybe your comments contained something they won't allow?

  22."hoy el monchi es un cerebro trai al mando un comando gatilleros de guerrero por monterrey nuevo leon empecherado y con cuerno como he repartido cuadros chicago, houston y dallas"

    El compa monchi celula de CJNG en guerrero
    By tito torbellino,CJNG esta en monterrey.
    San luis la loma esta con cjng,escuchen el corrido del sr guerrerro.

    Los de guerrero tambien radican en jalisco y estan cn los de michoacan.

    Att..el torcido 4x

  23. First the avocados and now the beer. Isn't that warehouse one of the largest employers in Mx? Shameful!


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