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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Talía Vazquez: Doctor Mireles will remain in prison, because of elections

Lucio R. Borderland Beat

To anyone following the imprisonment of autodefensa leader Dr. Manuel Mireles, it is a no brainer, that because there is an election on June 7th, it means the Michoacán autodefensa spokesman will remain in prison until the elections are over.

The government has been meticulous in shutting down the “genuine” autodefensas movement in the coastal region of Michoacán.  Popular and respected leaders have been imprisoned, or have been killed.  As it stands there are about 500 autodefensas imprisoned.

Some autodefensas have taken to political tactics to create change, running for various offices. 

Dr. Mireles good friend, Enrique Hernández Salcedo, former autodefensas leader of Yurécaro, was running for the municipal’s mayor, when he was assassinated last week.  Like Dr Mireles, Hernández was outspoken about political corruption and narco crime.  And like Dr Mireles, he was imprisoned on murder charges with absolutely no basis that he committed the crime, and the case was thrown out due to lack of evidence.

Hernández spoke of his time in prison, saying he was isolated and tortured.  At the time of his murder he had a whopping 90% support of voters. 
Thousands attended the funeral of Enrique Hernández
Thousands turned out for Hernández’ funeral, the mass was officiated by two priests including Padre Goyo of Apatzingán. Hernández’ widow spoke of  of the torture he received in prison.  His daughter spoke of his determination. 

His eldest daughter Guadalupe spoke at his funeral, saying her father knew what the danger was when he decided his course.  The entire family knew and supported him.

“I hold not hate for the perpetrators, and vengeance is not in my heart.  That is left to a higher power. 
“My father was a man of values, he was an honest man, living outside corruption, he would never take the temptation of receiving something for nothing.”

“There is something that each of us can do.  If we begin with ourselves, living free of any corruption, temptation and with honesty, from there begins something completely different for us”.

She continued by saying that she and the family will continue to support the cause.  Her mother is named as a possible replacement on the ballot.

Dr. Mireles may not even know his friend was killed.  This week, in a rare letter,  Mireles sent to Jorge Vazquez, he noted how difficult communication is for him.  In the letter he speaks of the death of Hipolito Mora’s son, Manuel.  And that was five months ago.
Cilck on  to enlarge image
Mireles’ sister Vicky Mireles, had hoped that since the PGR was now able to release her brother due to his favorable court rulings, saying all that is needed is PGR to file to vacate the case.  That was to be done on yesterday.  She expressed concerns for his health, saying that his diabetes is not controlled and he is in jeopardy of losing his limbs.

However, Talia Vazquez Alatorre, the former defense attorney of Dr. Mireles gave an interview today saying the hope that Dr. Mireles’ sister has of his release, is a false hope.  She attributes his non-release to the election, and not so much because of the legal process. 

"I am the first to want him out of jail, since the first day, but that will not be possible in time campaigns "she said.

She said the main reason ha little to do with acts of justice but by the fear of Mireles'   impact  on the electoral process,

"I do not think any party wants to see Mireles in the street two weeks before the elections, because he is a very loved and respected person, nationally. Many authorities govern one’s life and justice based on an electoral calendar, "she charged.

Ms Vazquez contends she remains a great advocate for Dr. Mireles, even though she resigned as his defense attorney, after a dispute with Padre Goyo’s apparent attempt at negotiating a deal for Dr. Mireles’ release.  A deal was never reached, and most people conclude there must be a whole lot more to that story. 
Enrique Hernández and Dr. Mireles
As it is now, many of the close women in his life are fighting each other, each saying they have the best interest of Dr. Mireles at heart.  Pricila Abud of Grillonautas turned on Dr Mireles over the proposed deal, calling it “shameful”.  His former wife Ana, referred to Dr Mireles as a devil, who had "nothing", his daughter also conducted an interview saying as far as she was concerned her father was dead.

Yet, now when the man cannot speak and be heard, all these parties claim to be his advocate.  His former wife, his daughter, his son, Pricila, Talia all are now waving the banner and claim to be speaking for him. 

What is absolutely true is his closeness to his sister Vicky.  As for relationships with the others, those who turned their back to him, I guess we have to wait for the conclusion of that story.

Enrique Hernández was a true Mireles advocate.  Just days before his death he announced he was working with Morena political party attorneys in hopes of assisting in the release of Dr. Mireles.


  1. Messico is pretty fucked up man , thats a complete shame , Shame on that government , they should put every corrupt officals picture on a banner one mile wide at every point of entry into messico

    1. Better yet, those officials should be hunted down like the greedy, cowardly, corrupt bastards they are and sent to jail for their crimes.

  2. They need to kill this fkn guy already!!. Trying to stand up against the Mexican goverment!!. They should have his head already!!

  3. Why is this no big surpise? Any excuse will do. Elections, Mothers Day, Christmas, Easter, Nietos got a boo boo day, Mireles eating a chicken leg day .... what a fucking joke the politicos in Mexico are!

    1. ...bad hair day...It's always going to be an "excuse". The thing is, anyday, whatever day, is not going to be a good day, for that govt, when he is finally released.If he decides to take a political stance, or if he decides to continue on the path he was on, before the stumbling blocks were thrown in his way... either one will be a thorn in the sides of govt.Im sure the govt has "expressed" their opinions and 'concerns", for his release. He has for sure, stirred up the hornets nest!!

  4. Wow.... Guy risks his life fighting ruthless cartel members and gets imprisoned and tortured for it...

    Pretty obvious that cartel members and the Mexican government are working together to some extent.

    1. Yup, only who gets bent over the table more..the government of Mexico or the Cartels??? Talk about an incestuos relationship....hahaha

    2. True and very sad. I read BB and feel so bad for the innocent. What do I do nothing, here I am in the US Safe.

    3. Yet, the US government keeps supporting peña nieto's government, and the one before and the one before, and giving harbor and safe sanctuary AND sovereign impunity to all kind of corrupt mexican politicians...
      --Moral support aside, the billions of dollars of american taxpayer used to support the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia is what keeps them in power, and screwing the mexicans, not only Dr Mireles...

  5. Where is Papa Pitufo in all this, did just vanish in to thin air?

    1. I have a feeling you are the same person asking this over and over. Google him. Because we have answered this, he is on the campaign trail with chon orihuela and if chon wins squatty potty will get a position in his cabinet.

    2. I have to put this in one of your top five replies.
      You crack me up chivas
      Sorry to stray from the true sadness at hand
      Thank you and all the crew giving all of us even the "keyboard vested" idiots all the info
      It's like a bullet proof vest but behind the keyboard ja ha ha ja lol

    3. Sorry for asking to much about him, i never read the update on him,.it just feels like hes the smart one from the 2 mireles n mora. Arent u suppost to be retired from.BB?

    4. If I was completely gone then your redundant question wouldn't have been answered, right? Lucky you. Which brings me to answer your second redundant question. Yes I retired from posting and writing, I have always been an administrator.

      Maybe it is time you retire? or next time you ask a question check back and see if someone answered it, in this case both have been answered at least 5 times...


    5. jajajaja ay chivis,
      and it took me a minute about the squatty potty, I was thinking, wait ,what did she say?

      don't ever go completely away.

    6. No need to get all crunchy "administrator", retired, semi-retired, part time or full time, u need another side job.

    7. This is not a job, it is a volunteer effort, I own a business and foundation, which is why when I see less than useful, or trashy put-downs coming from keyboard clowns, I have little tolerance.

      and I will not answer any further questions from you, consider this your finest hour of attention.


    8. Ms. Chivis! You do turn a phrase so well! BB isn't everything you are, but as in all you do, you shine . Your gifts to life come from the heart to the hands--that includes your writing. Cheers! Peace.

    9. CHIVAAA!!! I love you, crunchy administrator, but 6:29 loves you even more, never mind the dumbos, they jealous green with envy...

  6. Sr. Hernández sounds like a hero to me. Kudos to him. Sincerest condolences to his family.

  7. Why does the liberal US media stay silent about Mexican political prisoners like Dr. Mireles?

    Oh yeah, I forgot. They called him a "vigilante." Liberals don't like people protecting themselves.

  8. Why do they want citizens to follow the law, when the peace of shit government doesn't

    1. Good point,after all they should be setting the example-should but wont.

    2. Because sheep must be kept together, like the herd, even the black ones.
      And the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia thinks like they are some "she wolves"
      as sheepherd dogs...with some very big painted claws...

  9. Corrupt government officials should be treated like cartel members. No trial,since the judges are also corrupt.Just shot .

  10. Makes me sick to my stomach. How do these people sleep at night? Such a violation of not just Mireles but every Mexican. But how to stop it?

    1. they only care about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$44

    2. The US provides that $$$$, without it, the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia would be caring only about their nalgas, naked, and in prison...

  11. I saw a photo of Mireles and hernandez on the face book pages of michoacan and it said "Two heroes".

    One now is a martyr, the other if he lives will be a power to recon with. The government has only made Mireles more powerful by unjustly incarcerating him. they know that and will keep hi in until his heath makes it impossible for him to ever be a threat to the corrupt government.

      --that is proof that absolutely power corrupts absolutely...
      --and that is not a good thing

  12. Brave Mexicans are being killed or imprisoned everyday. Many more will die. Its time for the Mexican people awake and take their country back. Why do you let this happen, the Mexican Government is not going to help you. God Bless the Good People of Mexico

  13. it stands now. . . . Dr. Mireles is still in jail have failed your people. Rest in shame.

  14. Mexico needs a new EZLN instead of ADs. Mireles is a great man but they need an army and a spokesman like Sub Marcos. A paramilitar force to defend the people and attack and destroy the criminal groups and Completely independent from the government. Abiding by the law and respecting the government just brought death and imprisonment. Never, ever trust the government. Treat the army and feds as criminals too.

  15. Wait a minute .... Osiel Cardenas Jr., 23 gets 10 months for importing ammuntion into Mexico and Mireles gets???????? for eating a chicken leg????? Hmmmmmmmmm.....something is seriously fucked up here .......... viva mexico

    1. Osielito got sentenced on the US, for weapons trafficking, possibly entrapped...
      Mexico is different...

  16. Corrupt motherfuckers. If this does not totally show to the Mexican people once and for all just how corrupt their government is nothing else will. It's time for the people to mobilize and take their land back from these criminals, and I don't mean just the narcos. People need to get those dinosaurs out, and I mean right now, they've stolen this country ever since the revolution and now it's time for another.

  17. And yet the silence of EPN continues on all these issues. What a freaking clown.

  18. What is needed and what should happen is SEVERE sanctions on Ministerios Publicos who are the PRIMARY mechanism of discriminatory injustice in Mexico. Many Ministerios Publicos operate with total immunity and project arrogance to the extreme. Perhaps this should abruptly change. The Ministerio Publico in Cerro de Ortega for example owns one brand new SUV and a new car for his esposa. All this on 200,000 MN annual salario. The MN near to learn respect and fear of breaking the laws of la republica.


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