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Friday, May 15, 2015

Mexican State Police initiate Kill House training

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Zetatijuana article

[ Subject Matter: State Police, Kill house training
Recommendation: No previous knowledge of subject matter required ]

Reporter: Isabel Mercado Juarez
With the objective of bettering the operational capacity of cadets and active Police elements, the State Public Security Academy has installed a "Casa de intervention" Otis: Kill house.

In order to show the level of training they are receiving, active elements of the State Preventative Police and Penitentiary system, realised that two scenarios, one of rescue of a kidnapped youngster, and the other a prison riot or mutiny.

Fernando Sanchez Gonzales, Director of the State Police Academy said that the Academy has the capacity to train 317 elements under the internal system.

203 cadets of the course of initial policing, in the case of Municipal Police of Tijuana and Ensenada, are undergoing the same training as the cadets of the State Preventative Police and Penitentiary Staff.

15 elements of the Municipal Police Command of Tecate, 18 police dogs of the Prosecutor General of the State of Justice, in the case of on site investigation of the facts, 81 elements of the PEP and Ministerial State Police, have undergone the acreditable Police program.

They announced that after the coming Monday, there will be conducted the assessments of brigades of skill and knowledge of the police commission to 2,996 elements, all the institutions of the state police are represented, which will allow a similar about of Police to be certified.

The Academy was inaugurated on 26th of October of 2001, increasing its capacity until they can actually house 550 cadets.

In the installation they dormitories, internet facilities, kitchens, gymnasium, armoury, classes in oral judgements, two firing ranges, and a virtual firing range.

Their classrooms are utilised in a central formation, and also they give classes in continual actualisation and formation, the acreditable program for Ministerial Police, gives courses in coordination with American institutions, diplomats and higher direction forces, like a degree in Public Safety and expertise in forensic science.

Original article in Spanish at Zetatijuana


  1. Good training, but can we trust the police? 14 State Police were involved in a high level kidnapping in matamores, That's pretty normal for our area

    1. Are those 14 still locked up?

    2. Like genaro garcia luna's "experts" only with more training to kidnap and shake down all the centavos they want and to better serve and protect the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia that they represent...
      Nothing that comes from the government can be trusted, sorry...

  2. what if the commander of thsi elite force is corrupted by cartel ?

  3. Intervention House.
    Not "kill house".

    1. zzzzzzzzzz, ive had this training myself, the mexican direct translation is intervention house, but in english that doesn't mean anything. This is a kill house used for scenario training, plain and simple.

    2. "intervention" house, as in "we would like to intervene and put a bullet in your head"

    3. To better learn how to plant evidence, and to make sure no more "staged crime scene" accusations surface...

  4. Ooooooooo a new sicario with this level of training can demand a lot more sueldo from CAF.

    1. I think with some decent training, alternative work as private security may well be an option to taking the plata, after they are fed up with being cops.

    2. Mexico is flooded with private security agencies, their agents themselves are some of the most competent criminals, kidnappers for ransom and murderers, genaro garcia luna and Luis cardenas palomino at the head of it all, with powerful partners and associates, like their former commanders...
      --Maybe an inquiry should be made among the police forces of the lower levels to see who they arrested and kicked out of police work, or "private security" mercenaries...

  5. How about some training on, ( NOT getting ambushed and some training on shooting 1st n ask questions later).

  6. Not bad. Now they need more education in forensic science. Not more guns. Talking to you U.S.A

    1. Murder Death Kill....Murder Death Kill...Murder Death Kill. That's all we know in the USA. So if you want us to stop sending guns to Mexico it won't happen. All we know is Murder Death Kill. Shall I say it again or do you get the idea? Make a stupid comment you get a stupid response.

    2. The war lords that supply weapons to the mexican criminals to enhance the revenue with some I'll gotten gains from drug trafficking do not consider themselves criminals, but businessmen, with all the highest ethics in the world, and very moral, no law enforcement agency in the US has any dirt on them because of lobbying etc...
      --The nazis also, firmly believed that they were not guilty of war crimes or genocide, because they were doing their patriotic duty and following their apparently elected leaders, no level of culture or education would lead them astray from duty, honor, country... they were us before we became them...

  7. Are you meaning to tell me that before this they WERENT doing this kind of training?? What the hell were they doing

  8. Oh how I miss the days of endless CQB training. Spent many hours in the tire house clearing rooms and burning up ammo with my teammates. I miss my old trusty automatic HK53 .223 aka "The Widow Maker" and all the things she did for me. Where has the time gone my SRT brothers? Salud!!!

    1. Rolling full auto in a kill house? SRT my ass

    2. Wow, SRT! using a 223 in CQB? I have always seen an entry team using MP'5 or UMP's. So 223, may be in Xbox games :)

    3. 223 is pretty standard nowadays, at least w US forces. 10" barrel and sub sonic or frangible copper bullets, not the FMJs that will overpenetrate. You're right though, used to be 9mm in mp5 mainly. But automatic in a CQB situation??? lol yeah maybe in XBox games!

    4. Real special force cqb use vector. 45 not useless 9mm.

    5. Hahaha you junior fake ass narcos know absolutely nothing about weapons, CQB or calibers of weapons. Most entry teams don't even use MP5's anymore in the US. Maybe in Europe but not in the grand ol' US of A. I should correct myself if I may. HK53 .223 that had a selector switch on it. SAFE, SEMI, FULL AUTO. That was my assigned weapon. Some operators had MP5's, others Beneli Super 90 12 gauge shotguns and our snipers had Remington 700. I said tire house not kill house. The senior team member built the tire house semi under ground with tires. Concrete was poured into the tires along with steel posts. A real man can handle his weapon regardless of semi or full auto. Keep thinking I played XBox games. I could show you a thing or two about weapons if you can handle the stress. But my guess is that you guys are keyboard warriors just like all the rest. Thanks for the laughs though.

    6. Regardless of the weapon used, the most important part of these exercises, are concentration, vigilance, and communication, if these three are not instinctive reactions of everyone in the team, you might as well go in there with bb guns.

      Generally the weapon used will be one that can be best utilised against whatever target you face, MP5, MP5K,UMP , are not much use if your targets are wearing ballistic vests. That only leaves you with a head or thigh shot to put your man down.

    7. We only ever trained CGB on semi-automatic with a double tap to each target centre mass. If there were no friendlies in the vicinity at all, 3 round bursts fired in full auto was acceptable if you could control the weapons recoil.

    8. Preach it Otis. We trained in both semi-auto and full auto. It all depended on the scenario and whether we would have friendlies in the scenario. Practice how you play. Trust me Xbox wasn't involved in my training.

    9. I had plenty of kills in irak next?

    10. 11:16 I believe you, but I doubt you had your kills in combat...
      Like the mexican armed forces defending our country from all its enemies that the government invents, but killing real people with nothing to do with any of it...
      --I don't know why so many men with so many weapons and all that fine training can't get done with crime and criminals...

  9. Why do they need to train to rescue kidnap victims? All they have to do is deposit the money and let them go jaja

  10. I thought a kill house in Mexico was when the Mafiosos chop up their enemigos and sacrifice them to Santa Muerte. I would hate to see what the Mexican government's kill house looks like.


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