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Friday, May 8, 2015

Gun attack on Lt. Col. Julián Leyzaola,remains in serious condition, his bodyguard killed

Lucio R Borderland Beat posted by 'Mano' material from AFN -Twiiter

Update:  The chief is out of intensive care and is recovering as of today 5.12.15.  I would like to acknowledge that there are 4 versions "of facts" out there.  I went with the facts from his close friend but realize it also may be faulty, because of the fact the story was posted early after breaking.  What is undisputed, Leyzaola was gunned down in an assassination attempt in Juarez.  He was taken to the hospital, undergone surgeries, and is recovering. Two are in custody.

An assassination attempt was made today,  against the former police chief of Tijuana and Juarez, Julián Leyzaola Pérez.

The latest reports indicate that he is out of surgery and is recovering,  according to the Secretary of Public Security, Omar Muñoz Cesar Morales. 

Leyzaola was attacked this afternoon when he was traveling in a white Jeep Commander SUV.  His wife,  daughter and escort (bodyguard) were with him at the time of the shooting.

After the attack the suspects attempted to flee in a blue Mitsubishi Endeavor, but were stopped  a short distance from the scene of the attack.

The detainees were identified as Hugo Alonso Serenil Luna alias ‘El Cabezón’,  33, and  Jesús Antonio Castañeda Álvarez,  25.

Authorities report the suspects were both drugged, and told police “we were ordered to kill someone but never knew the name”.

The former mayor of Tijuana, Jorge Ramos Hernández, reported this afternoon that his good friend and great human being, Lieutenant Colonel Julian Leyzaola is stable, but that one of his bodyguards died during the attack.  The unidentified bodyguard, "lost his life protecting Julian". ((other reports have his condition as critical but stable)

The attack occurred when Leyzaola stopped his vehicle at a commercial area on avenida Internacional, in the city of Juarez, so that his family could exit the vehicle to do some shopping.   It was while he stopped and still behind the wheel that a blue Mitsubishi pulled up, one gunman exited the vehicle and began shooting.

Leyzaola was transferred to a private hospital, where they performed the surgery and he is recovering, while being heavily guarded.  It is not uncommon for sicarios to go to the hospital and finish the job.
He was attacked in what is described as “a hail of bullets”, four struck the former chief, one in the neck, twice in the chest area, and one in the back.

 Secretary Muñoz Morales, confirmed  the arrest of the two alleged perpetrators.

Julian Leyzaola Perez is a retired former military officer who served as Secretary of Public Security of Ciudad Juarez, from 2010 to 2013.

Before his arrival at the border, he headed the municipal police of Tijuana, where he significantly reduced  the crime wave that engulfed the city.

Recently, the Partido Encuentro Social political party,  (PES) the appointment of Lieutenant Colonel Julián Leyzaola Pérez, as security adviser in 2015. 


  1. La Linea taking him out!!

    1. Maybe ...this is zambadas guy

  2. What happen to the mencho post?

    1. It was placed back in draft. the post originated on BDN and had no supporting verification, all from a few blogs beginning three days back.
      we are looking for verification, if it exists. A reader said it was supposed to be a joke. I don't know.

    2. Ben sucks bb is da shiznit

  3. What is the purpose of having a body guard if still took some bullets n bodyguard died?

    1. Leyzaola has had a bounty in Juarez for some time now. Many feel he's trying to bring CAF to gain la plaza. La Linea and Artistas Assesinos want him dead. Both of these are very territorial when it comes to outsiders. And as far as security goes he's constantly rotating wherever he goes. Sometimes theses guys get too confident.

    2. Well i work has a bodyguard in nuevo laredo i have save my boss from atleast 3 attemps were sicarios tried to kill him but thanks to my reflection and fast reaction i been able to repel the attacks ...i think this guys bodyguards were begginers ..att el pika

    3. @10:08 yeah right and I'm Rambo stop dreaming wake up baboso

    4. Lmao caf to take over the juarez plaza

  4. Julián Leyzaola for President!

    1. Learn more of that idiot before you go around trying to make him president! I'm sure you will chang see your mind after you find out more of this crooked punk

    2. Leyzaola is straight up. You are the punk.

  5. "America's Toughest Sheriff", Joe Arpaio looks like a little boy scout next to Jualian Leyzaola

  6. Sssht, never, mexican army tainted, leyzaola will never be more than temp help polizeta...

  7. Well hopefully he recovers, & when he does hopefully he gets asylum here in the U.S. This man here should run for President he is no joke. Will clean up corruption. Unfortunately they may want to take him out like Luis Donaldo Colosio....In regards to his bodyguard R.I.P thats what the job consists of...

    1. Take leyzaola home to your wife and kids, mexico does not need one more homeless crook like leyzaola looking for more victims, guilty or innocent, but with money...

  8. Julian is a good guy, but politicos in power will kill him

  9. Where in Mexico did this happen? I re-read the article several times and I don't see the location.

    1. this is from the article:

      :The attack occurred when Leyzaola stopped his vehicle at a commercial area on avenida Internacional, in the city of Juarez"

      pretty specific

  10. God bless the familys of the body guard and Chief Leyzaola.The body guard died with honor; something that the criminal scum can never know. I pray for a speedy and complete recovery for the Chief, also an honarable man.

  11. Today, Semanario Zeta is saying that he did not have a bodyguard with him.

    1. but people close to him say he did. pick your story.
      he is assigned a bodyguard so why be so stupid no to have one either in his car or following him?

  12. This story is good ply in the US media.

  13. A good man. A man's man. He help my city when no one other help.
    may his health recover.

    his enemies, the narcos and corrupts try to destroy his reputation. because they can not destroy him other way.

  14. A fiel soldado of calderon, chapo and zambada and they are gone... nowhere to run

  15. Juarez Newpapers are reporting 2 Aztecas have been arrested. They say they did not know who they were gonna execute,that they were only following orders. 2 others escaped...but we ALL know they will be tortured until they say everything!!!

    1. ...tortured until they say anything...
      Their script is being prepared and reviewed by televisa...

  16. border news channel krgv devoted oh about 15 seconds to Julián Leyzaola Pérez but they made no mention of his name. but as i have said due to threats against this usa news station they are a bit careful to not irritate the cartels.

  17. hi. I hear he es a wheel chair for life no more walking

  18. This the third assassination attempt against him, right?

    I remember at least one in Tijuana, and one in Juarez in 2011, when he was attacked by Federal Police (corrupt agents? criminals in disguise?) and he survived because his car was armoured.

    Leyzaola did a great job in Tijuana and Juarez to reduce crime, as this attacks show...and he's stronger than narcos.
    Honor to the bodyguard and best wishes to Julian and his family

  19. he is my brother...that's why I know your "version" is false....the truth is he had no bodyguard and he is exposed danger.
    there is a guy at every corner tryung to hunting down and still the gov didn't assigned a boduguard to him.
    and now there are this fairy tales saying the honorable bodyguard gave his life to protect my brother.....that's a lie. i can't just carry on and let the gov say that big pile of lies!

    1. the only brothers Julian has are those of the freemasons

    2. Hes retired.Do they still have it in for him?I guess government is embarrassed not giving him a bodyguard.Do they always have to save face in Mexico and cant 'MAN' up to things?

  20. He is retired from the army not from service.

  21. Front page headline of today's Diario de El Paso....."sicario dijo que el jefe policiaco me mando matar: leyzaola". .... Apparently he was set up by a police chief accoding to the gunmen. The story continues.....


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