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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Tijuana: Narcocomeduista 'El Chore' executed

'El Chore' murdered

 Another murder, in a wave of executions and account settling leaves Edgar 'El Chore' Ruiz dead.  The retail narco cell leader was killed by members of a rival cell, allegedly for selling weapons to a third rival cell.  This exemplifies the murky and shifting world of retail drug dealing in Tijuana.  

'El Chore' name remains unknown, he was a operator of a retail drug cell in Tijuana.  He remains nameless in life and death, another link in the machine of crystal and death in the slums of the border city.  

The men arrested for the murder of 'El Chore' appeared in a press conference several days ago, as investigators and Organized Crime task force spokespersons explained the details surrounding the murder.  Their names are Roberto Enrique Garcia Hidalgo, 'El Gordo', 33, Luis Ivan Corona Velez, 'El Chuco', and Mario Pacheco Francisco Mendoza.  

'El Chore' was found dead April 8th, last week in Canyon De Los Carretes, in Colonia Nuevo Milenio.   'Gordo' revealed that their bosses, known only through nicknames, of  the 'Billi' and 'Chino' ordered the murder, alleging 'Chore' was selling guns to rival cells, specifically an Ak-47 and a shotgun. 

'Gordo' and his accomplice lifted Chore, and took him to the house of Luis Ivan Corona, and began to interrogate him.  He was of course, bound then  beaten, tortured, and questioned regarding the weapons sales, and the interrogators claimed he contradicted himself, and was lying.  He was struck in the face repeatedly with a blunt object, towards the end.  

Eventually, 'Billi' passed a knife to 'Gordo', and he finished the job.  As 'Chore' lay lifeless, and blood stained, 'Billi' and 'Gordo' took the body to the house of Mario Pacheco Mendoza, a 41 year old native of Culiacan, Sinaloa, who was a drug customer of the two.  A crystal meth addict, who would help them dispose of the body, by burning it.  He was paid in crystal, and small sum of money. 

This is a days work in the world of retail drug trafficking in Tijuana, life is cheap, and bought with crystal.  Work is bloody and profits aren't what they appear, to the soldiers and kidnappers of the cells.  The charred corpses stain the streets, the press conference cameras flash, the singed flesh fills their nostrils…it goes on. 

Sources: AFN Tijuana, Zeta Tijuana. 


  1. But the marines are coming...
    "To save all the nickel and dime grameros"
    As if...

  2. Poor fella looked like a nice guy

    1. What you mean there is three different pictures there. One before ice the others after crystal meth use apparently.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Pretty soon people will start to be murdered because they dined at the wrong restaurant or driving the wrong colored car etc. etc. In other words Mexico is becoming insane…

    1. Paying in Specie instead of cash, to sell it by the gram, has lowered the caliber of the drug trafficking in mexico, and from there, the police, politicians and military want their cut...
      --same thing happened with Crack in the US, desperate gangs protecting turf and ho's
      From other gangs that want your turf and ho's, 2 dollar crack ho d 2 dollar crack

    2. Mexico has been insane for years now

    3. Everyone on borderland beat be like "mexico is a bad place with shitty people" or "all these motherfuckers need to go to hell" or "pri is corrupt". Never is it lets start the revolution but lets acknowledge what these guys are doing.

    4. The revolution will not start in earnest until the US decides it is enough with the Shock and Awing of mexico, like the show k and a wing of LatinAmerica...
      --then when the US decides we will have no more "low intensity engagements"and narcos blaming smaller narcos for all the "narco problemo" it is always the smaller and smaller narcos fault, never the pious mitt romney's and their money laundering operations...
      --Henry kissinger explained it all when he said "the US throws a little country against the wall once in a while, just for practice..."

    5. Millie so you have changed from that meth to the 2 dolla crack with the 2 dolla crack ho' with desease and errthing

    6. A man of the world, knows too many things, from two many places and people,
      --one track mules need direction by the mule skinner to change rows...
      --mules can't help it, blackjack back flap could not help it, and el mil mascaras denies that he/she needs help because " oh, the Nile is a river..."

    7. 3:57PM
      You ok?

  5. As 'Gordo' lay lifeless, (Chore)

  6. "Quiero Chingarme al Cartel de Tijuana"----- "Como Yo Le Puedo Ayudar a Usted",, "Se llama Franciso Flores, es MAton y trafica armas para el cartel de Tijuana". "Necesito que me lo enquentres y me lo traigas aki".....

    1. "Pero a mi que chingaos me importa donde estaba la semana pasada, yo quiero saber donde esta ahorita. Y mejor aún donde va estar mañana!"

    2. Alex Hodoyan disappeared Narco Jr. was portrayed as Frankie Flores. But Alex was no homosexual as also portrayed in the film. Alex and his bro Alfredo "El Lobo" had la Chapu in Tijuana on lock along with the Fabianes , Radioloco , el Tarzan , and many more juniors on the roll call. Organized and strategic this squad was in the 1990s. Never again will you see a Mexican borderline hit squad of that magnitude and caliber again. Contemporary modern day mobsters.

    3. Amen to that brother.

  7. Arellano Felix, kill them all n let God sort them out

  8. As 'Gordo' lay lifeless, (Chore)

  9. Maximo grado names el chore in some corrido is it this guy ?

  10. Is there a photo of Chore & are the three photos above the men who murdered him??

    1. Maybe photos of la chora can help, images

  11. Why is Keanu Reeves in Tijuana killing narcomenudos?

    1. Keanu is making his next movie The MATRIX something. well maybe. maybe not. Who knows

  12. The marinas are just making room for themselves in the millionaire world of drug trafficking, many will end up as municipal police officers and a few as narcomenudistas on their way to the bottom...

  13. I like your expression,well put;'on their way to the bottom.'

  14. Because Gallagher is busy.


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