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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

video of Monterrey home of Z42 where capture took place

Lucio Borderland Beat video from Pepe house photo from chivis

DD is doing a great job updating his Z42 post, one thing that interesting that I would add is that the operation began at midnight and at 7 am when they transferred 42 to Mexico City, all elements left. Leaving the home unsecured and unlocked and the gates and garage door wide opened. There were two women inside the home and were naturally upset when the media came through. Neighbors said they were screaming, actually they said one woman, the wife of Omar was screaming for them to leave.

In the home was a “Happy Birthday” banner taped on a stone wall,  apparently one of the children had just celebrated a birthday, there were toys, balloons and gift boxes seen. Notice the blood pressure monitor seen in the footage. Closets have few clothes.

Typically, an arrest site is secured and guarded for a period of time. This is not Treviño's main residence, in fact it may be  the home his brother once used as a safe house before Lazca's death, which was thought to be in the same neighborhood.  Omar, has several residences in Five Springs in the state of Coahuila, including his horse ranches.

Treviño's wife,  Carolina Fernández González,  is designated  by the U.S. Treasury Department as in charge of the money laundering function of the cartel,  She and her father, Jesús Fernández de Luna,  founded Compañía Ganadero 5 Manantiales, (five springs) an operation the the U.S. charges is a front operation to launder drug profits. Yet, she was not apprehended along with her husband.

From the Treasury Department notice of 2014:
“Omar Trevino Morales’s wife and father-in-law have been involved in money laundering activities on behalf of the notoriously violent Los Zetas.  As we work to support our Mexican partners, we will continue to target anyone involved in these activities, including family members of cartel bosses who provide essential support to these violent narcotics organizations,” said Treasury’s Director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Adam J. Szubin. 
Today’s action, taken pursuant to the Kingpin Act, generally prohibits U.S. persons from engaging in any transactions with these designees and freezes any assets they may have under U.S. jurisdiction.

Omar Trevino Morales established Compania Ganadera 5 Manantiales as a money laundering front for his wife, Carolina Fernandez Gonzalez, and her father, Jesus Fernandez de Luna. Shareholders include Jesus Fernandez de Luna and his wife, Esperanza Maria Gonzalez Muniz, and its principal officers, shareholders, and original incorporators include Jesus Fernandez de Luna, his brother, Gerardo Fernandez de Luna, and his brother-in-law, Emilio Guillermo Gonzalez Muniz.”
There is another video you can view by using this hyperlink


  1. There is a trap door at min/sec - 3:14.

    1. What?? The video is on 2:43 minutes long...

    2. the video is only 2:43 seconds. lol

    3. Y faltan los demas...

  2. mexico is starting to rule over these drug baron wit a iron fist , i know the good hard workin citizens of mexico are happy now . look how many drug barons they caught within the last 2 years. proves that el mayo is the oldest & the smartest

    1. Mexico for themselves would not do a damn thinng daddy USA is on their ass to catch these fukkkers

    2. Puro teatro, mexican narco-mierdocracia is just trying to erase the 43 and la casablanca from our memories

    3. Maybe el MZ used el chapo and made him look like the biggest and baddest Sinaloan capo, when in reallity he was just that, behind close doors? who knows... how good is the bristish "I.U." aka MI6... lets see them get the big billionaire fish, help the mexicans, because he must be in some place...... Lol

    4. Mayo used the afo and now chapo he has been able to keep up with the times

    5. In 2010 (in U.S.) ALL his assets were frozen under the Kingpin Act. His family now has to funnel monies to other countries or launder their monies thru the corrupt mexican banks.

      I hope they tax the hell out of them and the banks!!

  3. Lucio, it'd be good to keep up both videos. The first shows the first floor, the second the top floor. I like that bull skull on the bottom floor!

    1. I agree, and tried for 30 minutes to get both to stay up. Blogger is doing its own thing today, it would not allow me to post both. Then I lost both.

      I will try once more. thanks Pepe

    2. well pepe, you can see the results, it will not allow the other one up. I give up for now

  4. this was actually a very nice house

  5. Yes all but 3 of the 37 top drug lords have been captured. Too bad that the flow of drugs has not slowed down one bit. The kingpin strategy is a failure. Legalize everything! Also there are 100s of chapos that no one has heard of, that move metric tons every month

    1. There are 100s of chapos? I get what you are saying but come on... Lets not get carried away...

      Chances are if you are moving metric tons from Mexico to USA, the cartels are going to know about it. Unless you have protection from one of them you are going to have to pay or join them. That's just how it is.

  6. Manic Millie,what a guy?My rukaaa

  7. Why was the wife not arrested? She is wanted,hopefully she Wil get tortured slowly and tortured. She knew his whereabouts,and runs a money laundering company. Why can't they kidnapped her and get the money?

  8. I don't have anything bad to say about Mireles. Mexico is not perfect and never will be. Just look at the amount of time it takes for laws/reform to pass in the U.S, as an example. Yet, when someone starts "beating" the war drum "all hands are on deck".. Saying Mireles deserves a temple or church named in his honor, is total disrespect to the families that have lost loved ones. Not to mention all those "in uniform" that were also gunned down by psychotic drug-addicts.

    1. Let those in uniform that have fallen be honored by their peers, they all work for themselves, and for their masters...
      --The difference about redeemers, is they don't usually get crucified by their own friends, but they get betrayed by them, and are the target of the jealous...

    2. Its all show. Don't people get that a lot of what u see on TV is an act. now back to your digital programing ..........

  9. Mayo is hiding out, his family are informants and rats so he has a bullseye target on him.

  10. I want to c a picture of him after capture

  11. Thro whose skanks out, seize the house and give it to zeta victims.

  12. Were there any vehicles i'm wondering what this bit@% was driving

  13. Manuel LC lerma is always been bad. How does the Queen of England fit in

    1. I never see reports about Manuel cavazos lerma's criminal life, the US itself hides the records, while delighting on the pemex give, please...
      --The queen of England received pena nieto, he looked 'gorgeous' in frack and whiter that white shirt and tie, it was like WOW!
      --Mil mascaras needed to be there with Emilio chuayffet chemor 'la emilia' to admire the proceedings, it was like WOW! Again...
      --The old bitch was trying to lend some legitimacy to epn's 'tiatro', chinguen a su madre la reina de inglaterra y pena nieto

    2. Memes say la gaviota and pena nieto's daughters by other people were wondering, asking breathlessly, "when's HARRY comes in???"
      Beyotchest really wanna.marry well...

    3. Education matters to many people. You best believe HARRY will never marry someone that is uneducated, poor and is a crook. His family will arrange for him to have an accident if he does.

  14. Looks like the government is going to run the drug business since all this cartels mess everything up they are cleaning house and sending a message who ever gets out of hand is Going to pay the price they want to run things like the 80s with minimum violence

    1. Yup. Looks like they trying to call in NATO to take over mexico. NATO the good damn NATO trying start civil wars everywhere.

  15. ... People Have Been Expecting This For A While ... That Is Why There Is A Hierarchy In Place ... You Can Arrest All The Capos And Nothing Will Change ... There Is Always Someone Who Is Willing, Ready And Waiting To Step Up To The Task Or To Accept Their Orders/Plaza ... As Some Already Know, These Guys Are "Not" In Charge And Are Only Pawns In A Very Large Game Of Chess Involving "Big Players" ... Simplistic Minds Think Alike, Sophisticated Minds Think Indifferently ...

    1. Don't forget the "great minds think alike", which I hate... Just go outside and see what those great minds have created. Yet they can't enjoy for being "so great"... ;)

    2. 5:57 I suppose you know the names of some of those great minds and their dirty deeds, could you name some for us? Thanks

    3. Why bother. I figure if you call yourself a "great mind" then obviously you're not living life to the fullest. Meaning, there's always more to "learn".. Calling yourself "great" must mean "you know it all".. Let them rot in their stupidity.

  16. Where's the video

    1. it's right above. it plays fine in the US and Mexico. are you using a cell?

  17. That's not Omar in the blue shirt at top page is it?? If so he looks way different than photos

  18. That is what authorities are saying. I agree it looks nothing like him, as we know him to look like. Usually capos look different, sometimes to lesser degree than others, but usually there is something identifying that matches, ears, eyebrows lips, nothing in this case.

    maybe the mugs will look a little more like him. He is young 34, but he looks even younger. a baby.

  19. He's fat and doesn't look intimidating like his brother did. .

    1. I don't think he "stewed" as many folks as his brother. I did notice the blood prssure unit, so he may have high blood pressure from making all of his illegal millions...but he sure as heck did not use the treadmill...

    2. He may have had minor plastic surgery, but I can see a resemblance around the eyes.

      The web lists his DOB as January 26, 1974 (age 41) and for his age he does look young. But make no mistake he is also a murderer!

  20. That was very rude the way they interrupted the birthday party very bad timing of the marines

    1. Oh grow up! Everyone in that home should have been detained. If the fathers & mothers are willing to live that type of lifestye, placing their children in harms way, then all members should be arrested including children.

      You all are worrying about a frivolous party when Mexico is about to burn...Ask God to help you see situations clearly.

    2. the 7:49 comment was someone's attempt at tongue in cheek humor. 9:53 you should be the one asking to see things clearly because their comment, flew over your head

    3. @ 10:03 I read it the same way as 9:53. There are certain ways you write a sentence to let people know you are being humorous. The above was not written in a manner that could be considered “tongue in cheek humor.”

    4. I was just joking about interrupting the party ok don't take everything so serious

    5. If u see things clearly you would have noticed it was just a joke maybe u should ask God to help u smile once in a while

    6. The under educated will always be defensive and want every one to view their ineptness as something els. Sad

    7. It was not written as a joke. Learn to write!

    8. Well that was clearly a joke and it flew over more than one head

  21. Hey mil mascaras you have been too busy for us lately, since you got called, mmh, hypocrite, if memory helps...

  22. It looks like EPN is making a come back. What Calderon's administration didn't do in 6 years EPN's administration has done it in 2 years. The best way now to control the cartels is to cut off their cash flow. Pemex is doing their part, new money laundering laws are doing their part now they need to go after the kidnapping and extortion racketeers. CUT THE CASH FLOW.

    1. if they cut the cash flow they would have to close all the banks in South Texas and the rgv.

  23. Ain't you gonna call me traitor?La Malinche with the black hair?

  24. The Mexican Side Show Continues, What A Joke.

    1. Yeah the u.s. side show is #1 comedy. They in triple overtime.

  25. The business leaders are tired of the cartels messing up Mexico's economy that is why PN is going after the capos who do not follow his orders. PN pass legislation in improving the infrastructure of Mexico so he has to get rid of those who are in the way. The business leaders want to make their money,

    1. What is out of control r the small time operators that is anybody with A GUN

    2. They have to seize the money and power players to get ready for nato

    3. Yes I cannot do business in Mexico had to close. 24 employees laid off.Just to dangerous to continues. if they had kilt my employees the Blood would be on my Hand. I am ok I have Money to move to US. But my employees I don't think so

    4. 9:55 Having a concern for your employees is the right feeling to have. I wish you success when you move to the U.S.

    5. El pinche pena nieto is afraid investors will not invest money in mexico that he can steal too, no seamos pendejos, investments will be lost, the way things look now...
      --If pena nieto thinks a few skanky asses in prison will save his ass, he may be up for a rude awakening...

    6. 9:55 could have left the business to the employees, but nooo, saving your own personal ass and running away is all that matters...
      --I mean, if there was real concern about the 20 employees

    7. @6:09
      You don't even know the persons situation. Ever ran a business? My family business has 18 employees and you need to be there. You can't just disappear and expect the money to flow. You need to lead your employees.
      I wish you good fortune and safety on your business endeavors. People often underestimate the struggle of owning a small business.

    8. 6:09 Give the business to the employees? You should stop being unrealistic. The employer only discontinued the business because it was too dangerous to operate, and probably could get no help from the corrupted law. As a business owner, he/she sees all aspects of the business, whereas most of the employees do not. The cartels could & would have easily taken over the business from the employees due to lack of overall experience & knowledge.

      If this former owner sets up shop in another country, he/she will have a decent chance of making it, because “extortion” is a federal crime in other countries.

    9. Dependent on the type of business, running a small business is rewarding but stressful even at the best of times. But in the U.S. most businesses don’t have the additional types of problems Mexico has. Cartels or individual thugs extorting the owner or the employees; kidnapping, willful destruction of property etc. The businesses in Mexico may be reluctant to call the police as the police may worsen the situation. In the U.S. the police and sometimes the FBI will come in.

      Speaking of extortion we just executed a drug hitman and extortionist yesterday (3/11/15) & hopefully more will follow.

    10. This I think is what scares people about drug legalization, that using drugs will get so totally out of control & over whelming many of our systems such as businesses, police, hospitals, mental health, social security, environmental, tax paying citizens & everything in between.

      And the most important concern, what do we do about addicts who refuse to get off drugs, keep offering programs at taxpayers’ expense while draining the economy; keep jailing them? Do we let them die or what?
      What about their children others are having to raise and are mentally or physically scarred?

      These are very real concerns every country must think about and more.

  26. Enp is doing everything he can to get the attention away from the 43 missing students that's why he's doing it somebody has to pay from all that crap he's being getting

  27. Actually Queen Victoria was the biggest, deadliest and richest drug lord in the history of mankind. If she was around today, she would invade Mexico, kill the drug lords and force the rest of the world to legalize and buy the product only through her and the British Empire. Perhaps if this happend, Mexico would be a better place today.

  28. If it hasnt happend already, the old lady will end up over here (US) in witness protection with a substancial stash of cash and a long list of former business associates and laundering operations that she will slowly feed the Feds to keep her out of jail and eliminate old and new enemies one by one. If that doesnt work, she can always seek an annulment and marry a PRI presidential prospect.

    1. I don't think so...The U.S. froze all their assets under the Kingpin Act in 2010. If she makes a move to the U.S. they will be monitoring her closely; in fact they will arrest her as the U.S. felt she and her father should also have been arrested in this raid.

  29. Has it ever happened before? So many capos falling in a short amount of time?

    From 2014 til now, the list keeps going!!! Who's next guys?

  30. Z42, way too much beer. His old lady wouldn't be arrested for laundering ill gotten gains because, well, what person in "authority" there doesn't have hands in that same type of pot?

  31. China is a better place today, thanks to drug producing for the uk, and helping england recover it's former Colonies, why do you think China is all over mexico? Not to sell pirated merchandise only...
    The paper tiger was 'ffraid of the castros beards, now have the dragon up the ass...

  32. Too much cabrito, machaca and carta blanca. People like him are turning Nuevo Leon into Nuevo Marrano.


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