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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

El Aquiles: 8 Tons seized in Tijuana

8 Tons of product de Aquiles seized in Tijuana

In the latest large drug seizure in Tijuana, shortly on the heels of a 319 kilos of cocaine in a safe house, and 19 tons of marijuana at Otay, 8 tons were seized in Cerro Colorado.  The product was taken last week, on March 27.  Authorities conducting searches checked a white freight liner, tractor, eventually  using K-9 dogs, revealing 8 tons of marijuana, in marked packages.  

The packages were marked with 'A' and 'J' letters, and intelligence from unknown sources indicates this is the insignia, or one of the insignias of Aquiles.  Previous ones included the Captain America logo, on marijuana bales heading into the US from a Tijuana based tunnel, which were found in November 2011.  

Alfredo Arteaga Azarte, and his brother 'La Rana' are said to be the chosen people of Mayo Zambada in Tijuana.  They along with a lengthy list of alleged Sinaloa family and associates are under indictment in San Diego, for drug trafficking conspiracy charges.  So far they have evaded all attempts, though cell members and enforcers have been detained.  

Aquiles and La Rana came into prominence in the post Teo days, proving themselves as reliable conduits for shipments through Baja and Tijuana, and they grew in power since, maneuvering through the retail wars, arrests, murders that took many of the cells and lieutenants down over the last 5 years.   The shifting alliances were bloody and chaotic, and Aquiles and La Rana, considered the enforcer of the two, have had a price on their heads since 2010.

Sources: AFN Tijuana 


  1. Things are gonna get ugly damasos ratting out mayos

    1. The majority of the big mex capos from the 80s, 90s have been captured or eliminated. But el mayo is still out... he must have lots of big dogs protecting him or something.

    2. Mayo wiped out all CAF's upper management. He demolished that cartel. He knew he won the war the minute Benjamin and Ramón got dropped. El Tigrillo and the rest didn't make him loose any sleep.

    3. Almost 50 years without being captured ...señor de señores

    4. Ese mafioso de zambada se las save todas muchos no quieren que caiga, porque si cae un monton de ratas pansonas van a caer con el. ese tiene mucha informacion valiosa para los dos paises para mexico y para la USA..

  2. Thought they had found something. But is just mexican weed, they lost nothing there. They still got their dirty money maker stash somewhere in there. Why can't they find that?

    1. Yeah this load was mostly gonna be used for local retail sales. This is just to make authorities look like they are putting in work. Those numbers seem huge but those 27 tons of weed are worth on this side of the border, no more than twice the amount the 319 kilos that where also confiscated are worth. It's a blow, but this is only a small percentage of what these guys move.

  3. 5.7 con el mono verde.

  4. $100 000 000.00 million USD load captured, and no persons, again...
    --Sometimes, rolling them on the flour makes clear where it is, I believe you can find the invisible men the same way...
    --except, rolling in the dough is more profitable...

    1. 7:45am

      You belong with the black helicopters crowd .

    2. 12:28 Hurt? The bible says la verdad no peca, (truth is no sin) people answer, pero pica (but it stings) ...
      --You are supposed to say "the greatest country with the greatest demoracy in the world, where democracy lives in on democratic institutions, can do as it pleases" because of the power we have to do as we please...

    3. Where did you come up with that number??? It's only $100/kg if not less at that size... so that's less then 2million for the pot. How in gods name did you come up with 100,000,000.00?
      and roughly 25,000/kg for the 319, that's just under 8million. So your looking at a max of 10,000,000.00 NOT ONE HUNDRED MILLION.

    4. @1O:19 I think he meant US Dimes when he wrote USD

    5. Pesos or dollars?
      --If anyone can exaggerate, that is me, how about that, I am not a gramero, and I do not know one thing about the prices, any little drug trafficker without imagination can see that, obviously...
      --Still ten million, even pesos, is a lot of temptation, how about we go and steal that grifa...

    6. @7:32pm

      I could never be hurt by reading your cockamamie comments.

    7. @7:32pm

      Also, can you please specifically provide the source for the bible quote you allude to??? I ask because you have, aside from your silly comments, an awful habit of making unsubstantiated claims which usually turn out to be false.

    8. US Dimes, exactly, that's what I meant... ( not!) Very funny

    9. It's better to put some crap on the truth than a lot of shit on a lie, mister purist
      --If the biggest criminals in the world will twist, bend and stretch every half truth and outright lie they can, for their own benefit, so can i... except I do not plan to benefit...

    10. @11:35pm

      Okey dokey

  5. i thought el aquiles had been captured already sometime last year

  6. Is this they Rana that was enforcer for the Arellano Felix Cartel

  7. Aquiles ur ticket is up!

  8. Aquiles confiscan unas toneladas?

  9. Muerte al ASQUILES y La MARANA!

    La Baja sigue haciendo de Los Aretes!

    1. Porque ofendes, the falto la mamasa, la Macha prieta, la marrana parada y la chilindrina, I mean, el chapo de la Casa Blanca, peña nieto...
      On the news:
      The real men of yesterday got out their guns to shot each other up with bullets...
      The real men of today pull out their guns to blow their hair dry with hot or cold air...

  10. Saludos ala colonia el pipila en tijuana...a nice house for sale for 17 thousand...jajajajjajaja hell no they find death people there all the time, can you imagine , getting up on the morning coffee in your hand , rise and shine, wow, like wtf, you find like 3 bodies in your front lawn...jajajjajja. good luck selling that shit...


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