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Friday, March 27, 2015

DEA agents have sex parties in Colombia, Cartels foot the bill

Lucio R Borderland Beat material from AP and Politico 

“Agents were provided money, expensive gifts, and weapons from drug cartel members.  Some DEA agents who participated in the parties denied knowing about cartel involvement, but the IG report says “information in the case files suggested they should have known the prostitutes in attendance were paid with cartel funds.

The sex parties occurred in government leased living quarters where “agents’ laptops, BlackBerry devices and other government-issued equipment were present,” posing a security risk and “potentially exposing them to extortion, blackmail, or coercion.” ..........

Agents of the Drug Enforcement Administration reportedly had “sex parties” with prostitutes hired by drug cartels in Colombia, according to a new inspector general report released by the Justice Department on Thursday.

In addition, Colombian police officers allegedly provided “protection for the DEA agents’ weapons and property during the parties,” the report states. Ten DEA agents later admitted attending the parties, and some of the agents received suspensions of two to 10 days.

The stunning allegations are part of an investigation by the Justice Department’s inspector general into claims of sexual harassment and misconduct within DEA; FBI; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; and the U.S. Marshals Service. The IG’s office found that DEA did not fully cooperate with its probe.

The congressional committee charged with federal oversight is already promising hearings and an investigation into the allegations.

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz told POLITICO on
Thursday he wanted the agencies involved to swiftly fire those involved and that his panel would immediately start digging into the allegations.

“You can’t ignore this. This is terribly embarrassing and fundamentally not right,” the Utah Republican said. “We need to understand what’s happening with the culture … anytime you bring a foreign national into your room, you’re asking for trouble.”

The congressional committee was first briefed on the IG’s report Wednesday. The House is about to depart on a two-week recess but Chaffetz said there would be major action coming from the Oversight panel when the House returns in April.

“We have to understand issue by issue what is happening. We need to understand how these people are being held accountable. There should be no question about the severity of the punishment,” Chaffetz said. “I don’t care how senior the person is, they are going to have to let these people go.”

The Oversight panel is also investigating allegations into the Secret Service that agents there hired prostitutes in Colombia while advancing a trip for President Barack Obama.

The Oversight committee will hold a hearing on April 14 at 10 a.m., and the DEA and DOJ inspector generals are invited testify.

Moreover,the report states that DEA, ATF and the Marshals Service repeatedly failed to report all risky or improper sexual behavior to security personnel at those agencies.

The report covers the period from 2009 to 2012, although some of the incidents occurred long before that.
The DEA “sex parties” in Colombia, though, are by far the most damaging allegations.

“The foreign officer allegedly arranged ‘sex parties’ with prostitutes funded by the local drug cartels for these DEA agents at their government-leased quarters, over a period of several years,” the IG report says.

The parties reportedly took place from 2005 to 2008, but the DEA’s Office of Professional Responsibility became aware of them only in 2010, after it received an anonymous complaint. DEA supervisors, however, had been aware of the allegations for several years because of complaints from management of the building in which the DEA office in Bogotá was located.

“Although some of the DEA agents participating in these parties denied it, the information in the case file suggested they should have known the prostitutes in attendance were paid with cartel funds. A foreign officer also alleged providing protection for the DEA agents’ weapons and property during the parties,” the report said. “The foreign officers further alleged that in addition to soliciting prostitutes, three DEA SSAs [special agents] in particular were provided money, expensive gifts, and weapons from drug cartel members.”

The IG’s office asserts that DEA officials did not fully comply with their requests for information during the probe.

“We were also concerned by an apparent decision by DEA to withhold information regarding a particular open misconduct case,” the report states. “The OIG [Office of Inspector General] was not given access to this case file information until several months after our request, and only after the misconduct case was closed. Once we became aware of the information, we interviewed DEA employees who said that they were given the impression that they were not to discuss this case with the OIG while the case remained open.”

The report adds: “Therefore, we cannot be completely confident that the FBI and DEA provided us with all information relevant to this review. As a result, our report reflects the findings and conclusions we reached based on the information made available to us.”

Spokespersons for DEA and ATF said the agencies would not comment on the report and referred all questions to the Justice Department.

“The Department is already working with the law enforcement components to ensure a zero tolerance policy on sexual harassment and misconduct is enforced and that incidents are properly reported. The Department is also committed to ensuring the proper preservation and disclosure of electronic communications, including text messages and images,” said Patrick Rodenbush, a spokesperson for the Department of Justice.

Other allegations outlined in the report include:

* A deputy U.S. Marshal “entered into a romantic relationship” with a fugitive’s spouse and would not break off the relationship for more than a year, even after being told by supervisors to end it;

* An ATF “Director of Industry Operations” had “solicited consensual sex with anonymous partners and modified a hotel room door to facilitate sexual play.” The ATF employee even disabled a hotel’s fire detection system, and when caught by the hotel, said he had done it before;

* “For over 3 years, an ATF Program Manager failed to report allegations that two training instructors were having consensual sex with their students. According to the incident report, the Program Manager learned the same instructors had engaged in substantially the same activities 3 years earlier but had merely counseled the training instructors without reporting the alleged activities” to the Internal Affairs Division.


  1. Been sayin none of this garbage was about race but about greed! A human nature character flaw!

    1. When I served in the military I knew of personnel who would sleep their way 2 the top of the chain of command. Both enlisted & officers. Corruption happens everywhere. ....El Soldado Perdido

    2. Wonder what country on animal planet aka. EARTH! ...has the most corrupt country, but the mexicans, venezuelans, russians gotta be among the first places...

    3. You forgot the USA jaja this my friend is the most corrupt it cost more money too

    4. It's not about greed, it is about fun, by any means necessary...
      Agents could bring their wives along, or bang each other...
      --some day the astronauts will feel good enough about sharing their outer space affairs, in any case, did anybody get abused or forced, or not get paid?
      On the previous case, the secret agents were denounced for not paying the inflated prices they never agreed to because prices were not mentioned before...
      --As always, you are supposed to collect or GET MARRIED BEFORE THE DEED, because one second later, after, is too late, sorry, blackmail does not usually work, but you get to keep the blue dress...

    5. Dont even begin to compare canada to the usa. Everyone in the world knows the us is full of lies

  2. Americans are always complaining about how bad the corruption is in Mexico and other countries when en actuality it's the US government whose at the head of the pack. The criminals who've taken over the US federal government have been very smart when it comes to covering their tracks in regards to selling out every man, women, and child in the country. This story is just another example of how brazen those in the government have become, at this point they don't really care anymore if people find out what their doing because nothing will be done to them, so it's the big fuck you to the people. People wounder why those in the background of the government are pushing so hard to take every weapon they can out of public's hands, they know at some point people are going to get tired of being shit on. If the US government was actually working for the people's good they would disband the DEA, CIA, BATF, and many other agencies because in reality these agencies would be run better if you trained chimpanzees, at least they'd be worth the tax dollars.

    1. If you lay with dirty dogs you are bound to get fleas. Working with narco punks tend to rub off on you when a person is working side by side with them. There is a difference between sex parties compared to a law enforcement officer doing hits for the cartels. No matter how you slice it a scandal like this will never rise to the level of the Mexican government's corruption. There will always be bad apples in a bunch but I refuse to condemn an entire agency because a few agents like to get freaky.

    2. I guess I am not understanding which government you are talking about when you say 'People wounder why those in the background of the government are pushing so hard to take every weapon they can out of public's hands" March 27, 2015 @ 12:30pm. I live in Texas and I can still pretty much possess whichever firearm I want legally. If I'm not mistaken the federal government has yet to take any weapons from me either. The only thing that are regulated are short barreled rifles, automatic rifles and sound suppressors. If you have a clean criminal record and you complete the proper ATF paperwork you can attain those three things also. If you were talking about Mexico then I would say you are correct but if you are talking about the US I would say you are incorrect.

    3. No only diffrence about U.S Goverment and mexico goverment is that U.S are way more secretive in their actions. Mexico Goverment is so visible that theres no point to hide it. How many times has U.S Goverment denied things but then admit to it.

    4. The unforunate fact of life is as far as corruption mexico still wins that prize and thats saying something

    5. I know a group of people who bring crystal meth from Tijuana to San Diego since 2006. They have a friend who happens to be a Police investigator in the San Diego PD and two friends in the sheriff's department, this friend cops know perfectly what they do and they don't care.

    6. But which of all those Agencies from the USA have the most corruption???? who has the most rats!

    7. @4:23 PM I say never, The US Gov't NEVER admits to things it has done in the last 7 yrs even when the undeniable proof is 'lost' then found. As repulsive as it is everyday, now. Today's thieves and liars (leaders/ politicians) are just taking a leap forward from their mentors of the past. "What difference does it make," - A world of difference

    8. 8:37 California & Nevada are some of the most corrupted states in the USA. If you can't tell why that is... then you are obviously not seeing the whole picture...

    9. California is like a mexican state with different etn's. but in american soil. An american state "mexican style"

    10. The wold is corrupt there you have it.

    11. come to rio grande valley we got some great politicos Corupt

  3. But if we hire a prostitute we get years in prison. Tell me how fair that is?

    1. As an American citizen traveling in Colombia you can hire a prostitute there and not be prosecuted for it. It is legal there. It was who they are and the circumstances that will be their downfall. They did not perform an illegal act. They did things that will jeopardize their jobs and careers. Taking money and gifts from cartel members might be a different story.

  4. The DEA will never admit that it has to be just as dirty as the bad guys it's catching in order to try to win this war. Think about it. The only way to gain the confidence of your enemies is to make them trust you. You can't bring an honest knife to a gun fight and expect to win.

    1. 12:58 Has to be kidding or something. There is definatly DEA agents that are corrupt basterds & are under the payroll of drug traficking organizations. Those rotten apples exist. They are there, they just gotta find them.

    2. The CIA planted their people as designated managers on the DEA, to make them DEA loose cannons shut the fuck up about the CIA mandated murder of Kiki Camarena ...
      --this is not to insinuate that the whole CIA or DEA agencies are corrupt but both of them certainly engage on the covering up of their dirty deeds...

  5. Chivis, Lucio, Otis you gotta reprint this on the blog. This article is intense and is not written by a left winger, right winger or conservative, just lays out what's what and statistically United States/Mexico....great hardcore article. If feasible, repost as a blog entry, very informative CAN YOU SAY BLOWBACK IN SPANISH??

    1. Fucking killer article. Complicit is the good ol' boys from the good ol' USA. My personal feelings, the USA started this with Quintero and the Iran Contra bullshit and saw the easy money and influence and they are just as greedy and cannot stop. Black Ops I think they call it. Legal drug dealing from the USA with the promise of reprieve and "help" from the good ol' boys.....Handed down from one USA law enforcement official to the next. Never ending cycle never meant to end....Jim Morrison and the Doors say it best and its the lyrics to "This I The End"....

      This is the end, beautiful friend
      This is the end, my only friend, the end
      Of our elaborate plans, the end
      Of everything that stands, the end
      No safety or surprise, the end
      I'll never look into your eyes, again

      Can you picture what will be, so limitless and free
      Desperately in need, of some, stranger's hand
      In a, desperate land ....

      Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill.....

      They did it in Nicaragua, they did it in Colombia, but it is failing in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria....the CIA and DEA has created a new monster, maybe no affiliation but same concept....ISIS/ISIL.

    2. Right on!!!!!

    3. In a word Heavy. This goes back to Quintero and the 80's. The Americans started something they thought they could get out of. They started their own war on drugs. Now the escalation has risen that it can't be stopped and they continue to deny everything.

      Excerpts from testimony of Rear Adm. John M. Poindexter President Reagan's former national security adviser, before the congressional committees investigating the Iran-contra affair:

      Plausible Deniability.....Is Not Any Printed Doctrine or Dogma, Simply a Concept - Oliver North

      Following are excerpts from testimony Wednesday by Rear Adm. John M. Poindexter, President Reagan's former national security adviser, before the congressional committees investigating the Iran-contra affair:

      (Democratic Sen. Sam Nunn of Georgia asks Poindexter to clarify his use of the term "plausible deniability," which Poindexter has testified he was trying to provide Reagan with respect to the diversion to Nicaragua's contras of profits from the Iran arms sales.)

      Question: Everybody I've talked to in the intelligence community and around town where that term has been used tells me that the definition of that term is that, when you set up plausible deniability for someone, the President or someone else, what that means is that they know the facts in question, but they can deny the knowledge, and that the denial is believable. Now, would you tell us whether that is your definition or whether you have some other definition in mind?

      Answer: First of all, senator, I believe if you go back and look at my testimony on May the 2nd when this issue first came up (in private hearings), I used the term "deniability," that I wanted to provide the President deniability and insulate him from the decision. Since that testimony, the terminology has been raised in these hearings of plausible deniability, and I have gone along with that definition. Since this is not any sort of printed doctrine or dogma, it simply is a concept. I think it's open to interpretation. And my interpretation of it is simply and very straightforwardly that the ability of the President to deny knowing anything about it and be very truthful in that process. He didn't know anything about it.

      Q: That's what Ollie (Lt. Col. Oliver L. North) called absolute deniability. If you don't know, it's not only plausible, it just didn't happen. Is that what you mean, then?

      A: Absolute deniability would be a more accurate description.

      THIS IS WHY THEY WANT RAFAEL CARO QUINTERO. The United States of America started a war they cannot control or stop. With the capture, detention or death of Qunintero they can close the book completely and blame Rafael Caro Quintero for everything then pass the flame to Mexico and once again declare "PLAUSIBLE DENIAL".

    4. March 28, 2015 @8:10am you have fallen and hit your head. Do you honestly believe the US government was the only government who started the war on drugs? RCQ and his fuck boys from Colombia started this shit. Killing Kiki was probably the worst thing the Colombians and Mexicans could have done. Now narco lovers want to claim RCQ is the savior to the great country of Mexico all because he kidnapped and killed a DEA agent. But mark my words the US will always intervene into Mexican government and use them as the puppet. In all actuality RCQ truly is the savior to Mexico because from now until eternity Mexico will not be in control of its own destiny. Don't blame us, blame RCQ.

    5. 7:49 Wearing your bloomers on your head does not make you ku-klux-klan, and wearing your blinders all day long doesn't make you a mule, but keep trying...
      - an assad or from the US created LITEMPOS, DFS, in cahoots with the CIA, they went on to become the drug traffickers moving it all for the inventors of crack, the CIA "rogue agents" who lost the war on Nicaragua because they stole all the money they made from:
      --american weapons to iran, via israel...for oil sold on the black market, the money did NOT go to the contras, but to the rogue agents offshore accounts...
      --american weapons and poison gases to iraq's saddam hussein, for oil and money and on credit, to fight with iran, donald rumsfeld was all over there...
      --drugs, cocaine, marihuana from colombia/mexico imported by the "CIA ROGUE AGENTS" again, money stolen again by those agents and offshored...
      --see the pattern? All the "rogue agents" did was under a miriad of pretexts and excuses, created a lot of dirty wars all over the world, armed the Contenders, trafficked drugs, stole the money, lost the wars, and had kiki camarena murdered by their puppets DFS and narcs in mexico, Ollie and max gomez know who did what ask them...

  6. Boys will be boys.

  7. That's what appealed to me, most of the articles have a core agenda. Feel free to repost it, in my opinion the story really has not been given enough focus. I hesitated to post it because it was out of the perimeters of Mex however bad behavior/corruption have no boundaries or borders....

  8. reminds me of kiki camarena, US goverment is still bitching about how rafael caro needs to service time for his death, when most likely we was killed due to being to in love with a prostitute he met in culiacan

    1. 1:52 why would the mexican DFS, the CIA, the DEA, US ambassador John Gavin, Felix Ismael rodriguez, cuban, and juan ramon Matta Ballesteros risk "oliver north's" drug trafficking contraband, and the guadalajara cartel risk 30/40 years of prison for one (1) culiacan prostitute??? 1:52 you are one PENDEJO, OK?

  9. CDG had the zetas
    Juarez Cartel had La Linea
    El Mayo as Los Antrax....

    America has DEA.

    1. The difference is no one can touch America or the DEA so there is no comparison. The others on your list 2:54pm can't come close or hold a candle to the masters of deceit. The reason the US is the best at everything is because of the diverse ethnic backgrounds and the many racial bloodlines. We have the best of everything. A big pot of racial stew as I call it. Don't hate on it just accept it.

    2. You forgot Cartel de Tijuana had the Narco Jrs. Trained elite hitmen. The ones you mentioned were no match for even the Fabianes.

  10. Despite the fact it is Colombia and not Mexico. I guess coffee is not good enough to help pay agents from other countries. So it is safe to say the only profits Colombia has is drugs, prostitute and coffee? Not surprising.This is old news. It happened with secret service. The only reason they got in trouble was because they protect the President. This won't make a big deal. If you said they commissioned prostitutes in a US state, that would turn heads. Isn't prostitution normal in Colombia? What laws were broken there. Of course cartel was affiliated, they take control of everything bringing in money. The next story will be they gambled at a casino owned by cartel. Of course, the cartel darn near own everything in the Latin Americas, because no one stops them. Not the first time this happened and not the last. Didn't threaten US Homeland security. Who cares? Nice try journalist.

  11. This won't amount to much. Everything is supposedly being investigated until the next big story. At that point the rug will get thicker as the broom sweeps it under. Pretending to give it attention when they really aren't. The outcome will be the finding are inconclusive.

    1. Yep and everyone will move on to bigger and better things like the 2016 presidential election.

  12. Watch the lower IQ group say "so what" it is not the sex, weapons, money given to DEA, it is who is the gift bearer, cartels.

    what did they receive in return?

    1. 6:25 hear, hear! The lower standards of the extreme right speaking of the kettle...

  13. the prostitutes sent by cartels to the living quarters
    agents would never report a device with data missing Blackberry is almost impossible to clone data, unlike every other cell using the right app one can clone information just by being in the same room. that is why agents, and the president of the US are only allowed to use blackberry's

  14. why not let the dea have fun the IRS has Parties

  15. hey chis the US government / Obama Chapo has Chicago because Obama because he gave Chapo Permiso they made u pull the BBC Video


  17. I want more information pliz It's amazing .don't trust no one. 💸📡📼 no mentiras pliz people

  18. the d.e.a is the cartel that taxes cartels and kills or capture drug lords when they feel like it. make a corrido of that and not that sinaloa cartel is the most powerfull and bla bla bla bla

  19. This is one instance? What about the private yacht parties or jet parties that happend daily and im not singleing out any one division of our "just_us" department. Never fear because they too are watched by the all seeing eye in the sky. I know for a fact that there are good men and women who take our national security as a primary objective. Every dog has its day........... so party like a narco for now.......remember to smile and say cheese often so reality dont catch you off gaurd. Tyrants dont last long and world history is strong evidence of this. Tyrany may exist but world history has shown that those individuals dont do so well in general population.

  20. I knew a retired US Marshal. He used to tell me the only difference between the Cartels and the US Marshals office was that the US Marshals had a better retirement plan. They are just as crooked and break as many laws. They were equal but the US marshal's had the better retirement plan, LMAO

    1. You missed the badge and a gun. Oh yeah a license to kill if a mofo gets froggy.

  21. Tanto pedo por unas mamadas unos cuantos agents se llevaron y no quieren pagar mas...
    --Blackmail, extortion, because a few agents misbehaved, (maybe) we need to scrap the US government, make it smaller, or sompim'...aaaw!
    The US government, of the people, by the people and for the people, has been infiltrated by enemies of the government and of the people...
    --Those enemies of the people, do not like the people's government nor the people, and are just trying to cut us all down to size to fit their goals, "socialism for the poor and private property for the rich", increasingly inversely proportional...
    --And chaffetz a republicant politician with a bright future as an american lobbying cocksucker, is part of the problem and an enemy of the people...

    1. March 29, 2015 at 4:34 PM do you vote mr. Activist? Or just out of con_troll. Hint: you seem like an inside man on this blog so make sure the re_dactions are fair. Ok.

    2. I am an impartial observer, and not an insider at all here, you also have car thief Darrell Issa bitching on his commitee, and congressmen kissing ollie's ass after his great grandstanding on the Congressional hearings saying he had authorization to do everything he did, in effect ratting on his bosses, in US marines uniform, pleading the 5th, I did not serve as counsel for any side...
      --BB also does not listen to "insiders", I WISH...

    3. PS, I am in control, if it would please you and disabuse my aspersions, please do so because personal attacks only reaffirm my convictions, and reinforce the thunder...


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