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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Mexican drug cartels recruit thousands of students in Texas to traffic drugs and arms

Translated for Borderland Beat from a Sinembargo article by Otis B Fly-Wheel

The Mexican drug cartels have managed to recruit thousands of youngsters, in primary, secondary and preparatory schools in Texas, to form gangs under their control, in order to strengthen the flow of narcotic drugs to all of the United States.

This is clear from a National Gang Report from 2014, released by the Department of Public Safety for the State. In Texas there are about 100,000 Gang members and in El Paso approximately 5,600, distributed among 307 criminal organisations, according to information.

In accordance with the document "Texas Gang Threat Assessment", the Cartels of Sinaloa, Juarez, del Golfo, and Los Zetas, recruit students using the internet and prisoners to become involved in illicit activities.

The gang members, who are supporting any of the Cartels, receive orders to locate children, who accept money, fame, women and drugs in exchange for activities related to drug trafficking, human trafficking or sexual trafficking.

According to information in the report, the ease of recruitment is great, because when one of these youngsters are detained, they can easily be replaced, and will continue to bolster gang numbers inside prison, once convicted.

In the document, they identify the Barrio Azteca gang, La Hermandad de Pistoleros Latinos, and the Latin Kings, that serve the Juarez Cartel, headed by Vincente Carillo Fuentes until his detention on 9th October 2014.

In the case of the Sinaloa Cartel, the report identifies Tango Blast, Latin Kings, the Mexican Mafia and Los Surenos 13. The last in the list are considered the second most dangerous organisation in El Paso. The number one spot being attributed to Barrio Azteca.

Once students are recruited, they are put to work carrying out the following activities, sale of drugs, sale of weapons, collection of money, transit of drugs, murder, extortion, kidnapping or theft of vehicles, later to be sent to Juarez and used in violent crimes.

A unique series of events positioned the Sureno 13 gang as one of the most viable criminal gangs in El Paso, Texas. A review of events leading up to this, identifies three reasons how a gang based in California, is now one of the most influential in El Paso, and the implications for Texas in the future, said the text.

Adding that this movement had been a process over years, and that already members of said organisation has had time to relocate to other locations. As well as the gangs mentioned, others exist in different states of the country, and also have relations with Mexican Cartels.

Among them are Barrio Locos 13, Vista Home Boys, United Blood Nation, Brown Pride, Border Brothers, East Side Bloods, East Side Locos, Gangster Crips, and others.

One of the most important detentions of gang members in El Paso, happened last year, where authorities of the DEA, FBI and other diverse agencies, achieved the capture of 35, the majority of which were members of Barrio Azteca, who had formed a Bi-National network of heroin traffickers.

The members of this gang, known only as "Aztecas" in Juarez, were accused of racketeering under the RICO act.

Diverse Crimes

The report states that the gangs operate under the arm of the Mexican Cartels, they have been instructed to expand their illegal activities to include sexual trafficking and illegal alien smuggling.

The gangs most involved in these types of crimes are, Tango Blast, the Mexican Mafia, the Bloods, the Crips, and Barrio Azteca.

Some of these groups of organised criminals in Texas, regularly support the operations of the Cartels in human contraband, facilitating the transport of groups of illegal aliens, to cross the frontier between Juarez and El Paso.

One of the cases revealed the participation of members of the organised crime group of Charles Marquez alias "El Puerkote" the leader of a sexual trafficking network in El Paso.

Marquez was arrested in 2012 and declared himself innocent, but was found culpable of seven charges that included sexual trafficking of minors, conspiracy to force or seduce undocumented immigrants to engage in sexual activities, as well as importation of illegal immigrants.

The prosecution said that Marquez recruited the women, through classified ads in Juarez Newspapers, who were then forced into prostitution with customers in hotels in the city and state of New Mexico.

Also it was said of Marquez that he the women including minors that he recruited, were kidnapped  with ransom demands of £200 per person.

Original article in Spanish at Sinembargo


  1. US you are screwed it is only going to get worse.

    1. Haha believe me we are just fine. You little drug boss wanna be's never last that long.

    2. The good ole US of A will b just fine we have been through worse shiiit Now the ones who will b screwed literally are the lil wanna b narcos wen they are in the same cell with tyrone. Crime is business in usa the problem is wich side u want to be on winning side(lawyers,judges, bail bonds correctional facilities or losing side(narcos,gangsters,drug addicts,etc.

    3. Might get worse. But we're not in mexico.
      Learn my friend, learn.!

  2. Guaranteed those young kids are Mexican or Guatemalen nationals or children of illegal immigrants. yep, keep that border open....lots of positives

    1. You forgot those Hondurans trashes, lots of them get involved into that shitniss, they already come with that mentallity from honduras to come do some crime in the USA, reason why those hijos de perras putas be killing each other in their own country, one of the most violent in the world.. ..

  3. I beg to differ mi amigo. Americans are armed to the teeth. We can defend ourselves unlike the typical hard working, non criminal families in Mexico. We can carry concealed hand guns. Try and kidnap me, I'll shoot you in the dick with my 40 caliber ;) Plus gang members are a just a bunch of hot headed pendejos looking for trouble. Look for trouble and you'll find it, anywhere, not just Mexico. Just let them keep doing the rest of the community a public service by them killing each other. Sooner or later all the pendejadas will slow down. Nothing lasts forever =)

    1. 3:19pm
      No, you cant defend yourself. All those gun owning neanderthals havent done a single thing to mitigate or stop crime. Stop dreaming.

    2. Be careful you might shoot your little one by accident.

    3. This guy makes me laugh, shoot u in the dick with a 40 cal. Haha dude bet u wouldnt even have chance to reach that gun. Dont act all tough around here

    4. 3:19pm is correct in his assessment and I bet he can handle himself. Yes carrying concealed handguns don't eliminate crime completely but at least the likelihood he will be victim is slim to none. Criminals are smart and they will choose their victims by how they carry themselves. They will choose the path of least resistance every time. Don't hate on us Americans who are confident in their abilities to protect themselves.

    5. @7:42 So you're telling me I cant defend myself? Brown belt in kenpo, concealed carry permit, yet I cant defend myself? You can stop dreaming and wake up. Not everyone is a push over.

      @8:51 Whos acting tough? All I said is a lot of American can and will protect themselves especially those with concealed carries. Bet I can reach my gun faster than you can reach your toes. Dont act all tough around here.

      @ 5:14 I do believe what you say about how criminals choose their victims by how they carry themselves. I heard a saying once, "Play the victim, and you'll be the victim"

    6. In USA bullets dont care who you represent. Even grandma has a right to put one up in that @$$. LoL

  4. Hey Kids, sounds good cars money Oh Yea, Until some steals ur load and u can't pay them back. Than u and ur family is dead, Das they way they do business

  5. What about the Zerotes ganga? Guess they out!

  6. But, el paso was clean up to a week ago...and tango blast was gone, with their leader arrested deported and his car collection taken by the US GOV. And Common Core/texas was going to solve the education problems...
    --i guess it was all TEXAS SIZED BULLSHIT, texans are such big liars to look good...

    1. I agree that this article is BS! This article (and Texas), wants to make punk ass street gangs synonymous with drugs and cartels.

  7. On the US you have guns, and kill your neighbor's child, and the neighbor kills your child with HIS gun...
    --in a country whose politicians, police and armed forces have not been able to keep at bay the military industrial complex that is taking care of them, to nullify their evil influence over the world, but if you see problems in the military, you are the problem...
    Lt. Col. John Nagle, ''Learning to Eat Soup With a Knife'', some army suggests he should move to the marines..

  8. So how old are these "students"?

    1. some of them start at 7th grade, but it goes all the way to 12th thats if they finish school

  9. Did you actually read the article? It quite clearly states that they recruit people from primary, secondary , and preparatory schools, so that would mean kids from age 8 to 16 roughly

  10. I bet half of this report is bullshit and the other half is the ravings of a bunch of chickenshit DEA agents and BATF fucktards who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

  11. @3:01 garranteed, all the mexican, guatemalan, put the maras there and all of those from east LA, whether illegal aliens or not,they have done less evil things or have not been as expensive to te US as he few lousy american and canadian and other foreign capitalistas bent on privatizing mexico and latin america...
    --Ones driven by hunger and/or ignorance, the others driven by greed, egotism and pure evil...
    --after they already owned and controlled it all, still had to come and have all this murdering, kidnapping, extortion, drug trafficking, etc, etc, etc...

  12. The USA will b just fine the we have been through worse. The ones who are literally screwed will be the ones commiting the crimes and getting fuced in prison.
    Crime is business in US winning side lawyers, judges, bailsbond correctional facilities etc. losing side lil narcos, drug addicts,gansters etc. Also remember we are not in mexico we are in USA we have guns to protect ourselves.

    1. I'm with you 100%. We have guns and refuse to be victimized. All those who say otherwise are either trolls, hating because they have a past that keeps them from legally buying a gun and/or are wanna be thugs that pray on the weak for income and self validation.

  13. No doubt, otis is chivis!! Same stuff with different knicknames..the same theories ans stories always.

    1. Yep i'm definitely not Chivis, though we share common ground on many things. At this point in time, for some reason, apart from Tamaulipas, there is very little else going on, seems like relative calm at the moment.

      When its like this, I have to scratch around for interesting high quality articles that BB readers will like. While this may be a questionable article, it achieved the most important thing, to promote discussion on the subject. Everyone has an opinion, and I probably learn more from the comments than I do from translating the articles. BB is all about promoting discussion, and not about sensationalism.

      It is really quite flattering that you think im Chivis, since without a doubt she is the most qualified person I have ever conversed with when it comes to the Mexican Narco Insurgency. She is respected world wide for her Journalism, and rightly so.

  14. Now that is funny, I am now a good looking bloke from the U.K. who is bilingual.
    No offense to Spike/Otis because he is doing a great jobg, BUT I probably would not have selected this story to post.

    Otis is "Spike" from forum

    1. Oops, I also speak some Italian and Portuguese, some Chinese and some Russian, and a little French as my mother lives there. Thanks for everything Tia, you are certainly going to be one of the subject matter in my " The defiant Mexicans part 2".

  15. "Among them are Barrio Locos 13, Vista Home Boys, United Blood Nation, Brown Pride, Border Brothers, East Side Bloods, East Side Locos, Gangster Crips, and others" who researched this info? I can tell you that these aren't even gangs that exist in El Paso. Tango blast #2 behind barrio azteca? Tango blast is no where to be seen in ep. This is all made up bad journalism. I speak from experience born in Juarez raised in El Paso and no I'm not in the game, have an honest job but I grew up in the northeast and many of my friends became aztecas. Why? There was no recreational programs, the educational system failed as they have uncovered multiple violations of the law by our school district. I was lucky I found an outlet, it was called picking up a basketball.

    1. Can you let me know all the active gangs in El Paso? For my own records I would be grateful.

    2. Gangs here, gangs ther, what a damn mess. Thanks to who.

    3. Tango and Mexican Mafia are in San Antonio Genius. Not everything comes from El Paso.

  16. We should deport all gang members found in US who are los illegals via dubai, saudi arabia, qatar, iraq, libya via airdrop. Each airdrop includes weapons in a box for once they hit the ground. Parachute them from the back of C130s by the thousands.

    it would help the us and mexico immensely and give the ISIS and AQ folks and their financial backers in qatar, saudi and dubai something else to deal with for the next 50 years.

    1. hey I thought EXACTLY the same thing as this like, ten years ago? Still, they say great minds think alike...


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