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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Members of Los Ciclones of CDG captured in Matamoros

Translated for Borderland Beat from a Proceso article by Otis B Fly-Wheel

Elements of the Tamaulipas Forces captured ten presumed operators of a criminal organization, they are believed to be sicarios (hitmen) from Los Ciclones of the Cartel Del Golfo.

Fernando Vazquez Mendoza and his accomplices, presumed sicarios of Los Ciclones of Matamoros.

The Group for Coordination in Tamaulipas also confirmed the capture of five guns, nine vehicles, 50 magazines, 663 cartridges, two communication devices and 10 tire puncturing spikes.

The detained are: Fernando Vazquez Mendoza, who declared himself to be a commander of sicarios that has control of over a 100 delinquents. Julio Cesar Martinez Peirania, who has five safe houses where kidnapping victims are hidden, one of the detained is alleged to be a family member of "El Gafe", one of the heads of Los Metros.


El Gafe
Also Jesus Rojas Torres, who told Ministerial Authorities his job was the sale of stolen gasoline, and Guillermo Perez Martinez "El Fursio".

In another action the following were detained: Victor Hugo Cepeda Rodriguez, Manuel Mejia Gallegos, Cristian de Leon Lerma, Jorge Adrian Gutierrez Romero, Jose Luis Cabrera Hernandez and Abraham Mares Romero.

The capture of the first group of criminals, occurred in Matamoros central zone, when the state police carrying out a patrol, spotted a vehicle with four occupants acting suspiciously.

After intercepting them, they found a radio communication devices on which they listened to Halcones, reporting the movements of state and federal forces.

Original article in Spanish at Proceso


  1. What! Not a single zeta ever again???

  2. El jafe is d boss of d metros not los ciclones the boss of Los ciclones Is ciclone 7 El orejon

  3. I thought El Gafe was from the Metros faction

  4. Those guy are ciclones? They look more like bazukeros! But I guess now and days you see more of these types of Criminals, who call themselves sicarios & then to claim they are part of CDG. I guess membership standards have hit rock bottom now and days.

    1. He doesn't look in control of his own body functions never mind a hundred hitmen lol

    2. how does he look like he's not in control of his own body functions lol you're stupid

    3. doesn"t take much to kidnap,murder ,exort or rape un-armed citizens....

  5. What you expect Rambo???for about $200 pesos a day this is the type of sicarios you get....

  6. A sicario position does not discriminate, age, gender, if you wish to join and can take the boot camp " la diestra" on and you make it past boot camp you become a sicario.... In some cases no boot camp is needed due to the atrition rate... Just like in every combat zone... When people start dying in combat they get field promoted and in this case since the numbers are not like what have you the army,.. There is a higher chance for promotion when these sicarios start dying in their combat roles.... So in esence you see younger and less experienced sicarios or none sicarios promoted to the rank of sicario.... Example would be the "huachacolero" the gas vendor he is not considered a sicario eventhough he is part of la maña he is none the less not a sicario,... But due to the circumstances the warring factions had to promote their lower ranking to the position of sicario because they were running out of people..... And the same happens with "halcones" if the sicarios need you then boom guess what you just been promoted to the rank of sicario mister,... And wether he wants to or not he will ablige his faction and jump in their truck and become a sicario on the spot.... If he refuses due to the circumstances they might let him go and deal with him later, and if nothing is going on that is pressing at the time,.. He will get dealt with on the spot,... Example hog tied and and starved for about three days,... Plus "tablasos" two by four beatings,.... And or killed..... If you disagree enlighten me......

    1. Very well written. Very true. Those guys have a very short life. Don't think I will join. No future, Oh yes, Its call dead

    2. 3:52 PM
      No brother i think you got it just about perfect..Remember Cmdte of estakas Charly of the Nuevo Laredo Zeta,he was advertizing for sicarios to train and go to Zacatecas on his FB.You can tell by his pictures that between the time he trained and was killed,cant have been long at all.Many of those young bucks are now dead including Charly,most were not past the age of 20 and much younger,including one girl in particular(she was killed by marina)they dont even get to fight against contras when they patrol,it is usually authorities that spot them and kill them out of hand..

    3. whats his facebook page

  7. Why do they even bother to capture or arrest them? Take them out in the fields or woods, have them dig their own graves then blow their scum shit brains out. If they live another day its more people they will murder so just end their worthless life as soon as possible.

    1. Then human rights are violated, Iraqis were torturing and dismembering ISIS terrorists but were told to stop because of human rights violations WTF!!! Look what they've done!

  8. Lmao those are some weak looking hitmen.

    1. If this is all they got things are not looking good for the Gulfo

    2. Does anyone have any idea what was going on in C Victoria?
      There was shooting and loud bangs going off for over 15 minutes

    3. How is a hitman supposed to look? Like rambo lmao i bet some of the best hitmen look goofy as shit

    4. Like Richard "The Iceman" Kuklinski 10:54am that's who. That dude was the real deal hitman.

  9. They don't know what group they below to, changes daily, they r totally confused

  10. U are korrect on that 1 KOMPITA they do look like SKALEE WAGS 2 bad they won't hesitate 2 chop U up :)

  11. Its a sad day when the Gulfo has to hire these Dudes. They should run ads on craig's list

    1. Don't be stupid Craigslist have undercover cops on there, they need to post an add on backpage under the services colum.

  12. The Ad' Hiring kidnapers and killers, u must be 5' 9", 175 pounds, Drug Free, nonsmoker, u cannot be gay, (because that's what we have now). Able to kill and extort $$$$$$$$$$ Pay 200 pesos a day, (1099)

  13. And not a single shot fired? What happened to "los cuernos, las bazukas y las pecheras"? They don't work against people that can shoot back or not hogtied, uh? worthless scumbags.

    1. Like your comment. These scumbags only take advantage of civilization.

  14. To add to the burdens of the sicarios, now they MUST look like john travolta, brad pitt, or rambo, or anybody's favorite GI joe, to please the aestethic ''needs'' of:
    Borderland Beat's Own ''Rainbow Coalition"...sssh!!!

  15. "sicarios, now they MUST look like john travolta, to please the aestethic ''needs'' of:
    Borderland Beat's Own ''Rainbow Coalition"...sssh!!!"

    I can dig,,funny shit"rainbow colalition"yeah right...
    The guy on the bottom right looks like a CDG estaka killed not long ago? El Kike ?

  16. Ve
    ya te manchaste las manos de sangre
    ya no queda de otra
    solo queda entrarle

    Te enseñaste a matar temprano
    y has tomado el mal camino
    no cumples ni lo quince años
    y aun tienes la cara de niño

    No llores ni te sientas mal
    asi todos empezamos
    bienvenido al mundo real
    ahora ya eres un sicario

    Tus lagrimas seca muchacho
    pronto vas a acostumbrarte
    tus manos estan temblando
    como cualquier principiante

    Las calles han sido tu escuela
    y el bandalismo tu vida
    pasaste hambres y tristezas
    la mafia ahora es tu familia

    Escucha bien lo que te digo
    pondre esta pistola en tus manos
    tu me cuidas,yo te cuido
    me traicionas y te mato

    Pasaron tan solo dos años
    y el novato se hizo experto
    al estilo siciliano
    no sentia remordimiento

    El niño se fue para siempre
    y el hombre salio en defensa
    soy pistolero de un jefe
    mas de 100 llevo en mi cuenta

    Al juez eterno encomiendo el alma mia
    solo el puede juzgarme y perdonarme
    esta oracion de mis pasos cuida
    pero la sombra de la muerte me seguira
    ser sicario ahora es mi vida
    escogi este camino
    y ya no hay marcha atras

    Sali de mision aquel dia
    y me integre a mi comando
    rece tres aves marias
    y me empuñe mi rosario

    La cita se volvio una trampa
    los socios se hicieron contrarios
    resistiamos con balas
    en medio del fuego cruzado

    Pero ellos eran demasiados
    ya no habia escapatoria
    cayeron todos mis aliados
    y vacia quedo mi pistola

    Los impacto fueron certeros
    tres balas pasan el blindaje
    un frio recorre mi cuerpo
    ay sangre por todas partes

    Tu sabes que yo no soy malo
    la vida me ha llevado a esto
    soy culpable y he pecado
    falte al quinto mandamiento

    Dios mio abreme tus puertas
    por favor no me deje solo
    la muerte se sento a mi mesa
    y siento que me toca el hombro

    Ustedes que siguen mis pasos
    voy a dareles un consejo
    valoren familia y trabajo
    sean hombres de provecho

    En la mafia hay dos cosas seguras
    o la carcel o la muerte
    por mala suerte encontre la segunda
    y tan solo tenia 17

  17. 2:12 welcome to the winners' circle,,


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