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Friday, February 13, 2015

Legislators call for investigation of ex-governor of Oaxaca Murat for misusing public funds

José Murat Casab (Illustration by Michael Hoeweler )
 Borderland Beat posted by DD. Material republished from TheNewsMx.

DD Note: Some members of the Mexican Congress must either read the New York Times or Borderland Beat.  Tue. Feb10 The Times  as part of  series of investigative reports about corruption called "The Towers of Secrecy", published a story entitled "Mexican Political Family Has Close Ties to Ruling Party, and Homes in the U.S.".  The next day, Wed. Feb11, Borderland Beat reporter Lucio posted the Times story here on Borderland Beat. Today the President of the Senate called for an inquiry into ex-Governor Murat and opposition members were asking why they had to read about the potential scandal in the newspapers and why Mexican intelligence agencies had not discovered the millions of dollars of condos apparently acquired  while a public servant.

MEXICO CITY – Authorities must investigate former governor of Oaxaca, José Murat Casab, for potential misuse of public funds to buy six apartments in New York City through “front” companies, Senate President Miguel Barbosa Huerta ruled Monday.

Deputies from the National Action Party (PAN) and the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) also demanded an investigation into the origins of Murat’s fortune, while the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) came to his defense, saying he should have the opportunity to explain his situation.

Although there is still no formal national anti-corruption system, there is a legal framework which allows for the establishment of guilt in such cases, said Barbosa Huerta.

 There is no new national anti-corruption system, but there are existing laws and the legal framework which allows us to apportion blame against any public servant who has diverted public resources for personal gain. That is the current law, and it is sufficient to prosecute any public servant,” he said.

PAN spokesman Juan Pablo Adame Alemán, and his counterpart in the PRD, Miguel Alonso Raya, said in separate interviews that this is a matter which should be investigated by the new secretary of public service, Virgilio Andrade.
Virgilio Andrade with his close friend Enrique Pena Nieto

Virgilio Andrade must review the legality of the funds and the buying of said properties, because, if he is guilty of a crime, Murat should receive the full punishment of the law, said Adame.

Row House Mx.City Murat lived in
when elected to office
NYTimes identified condos with ties to Murat
 near or fronting Central Park, NY City

The PRD’s Miguel Alonso questioned the work of Mexican intelligence agencies, saying that U.S. newspapers should not have found out about the corruption before the Treasury Intelligence Unit.


  1. I'll never forget "Raul" an extremely wealthy Mexican acquitance who harped and griped for years about endemic corruption in Mexico. Riding with him so he could show off his extremely large tract of crackerbox concrete low-income homes he was stopped by a PFP Federal highway patrolman because he was driving around 60 MPH in a 60 KPH zone. The cop wrote him up Raul became enraged the cop threatened to arrest him for offering mordida. Curing corruption in Mexico is going to have to go light-years further than arresting a handful of the worst. It really is sickening - the top is el presidente and there is no bottom. The movie La Ley de Herodes, pretty much depicted the reality of an armageddon of overt covert and subversive corruption. It makes a mockery of la republica. This is why the world cannot take some countries seriously. When corruption invades every level of society the "cure" is impossibly difficult.

    1. @12:42
      You are correct when you say there is no bottom. Corruption has now flowed down to many of the average citizens. Even whole entire towns participate with the drug cartels in some form or another, because they say the cartels provide them steady work.

      It really is an unimaginable unholy mess!!

  2. WTF,Mexican gov gets their leads from a foreign site before enacting on it?So Mickey Mouse run country.

  3. 13yrs ago Ramon Arellano Felix wrath stopped on Feb 10, 2002 in the streets of Mazatlan. Its belated but we have to acknowledge. Arellano Felix forever!!!


  5. Land of CARTELS, crooked cops and politicians! That's. Why my family is in U.S. !!! Hopefully things change for the better soon. Eventhough the average mexican is against all the odds.

  6. its ok its not safe in Mx, he to leave. Real estate people in the US loves these guys

  7. Hey Virg we find out because its called Freedom Of The Press

    1. Damn right, the U.S. doesn't kill their reporters (even though they may want to)...

  8. ''PRD miguel alonso'' would be governor 'malova' a priista to the bone who jumped to another party to 'win' the election???
    --What should be questioned is the 'intellegence' of the mexican narco-mierdocracia ruling from above, their 'entellegence' services can't cover their own asses anymore...
    --HOMEWORK: who is MIGUEL RECAREY?, cuban, associate of Florida governor RICK SCOTT, a former texas lawyer, their US Corporate Welfare Dependent Corporations and their much defrauded stockholders, swindled by the BILlIONS AND BILLIONS and BILLIONS of DOLLARS, thanks to people on high government positions, with crime family enterprises...

  9. Look at that midget fuck Nieto, he has to stand on a milk crate. All his croonies are corrupt, every single last one of them including himself. So, what else is new?

  10. It's all fine and well for an American newspaper to uncover the corruption that exits in Mexico where a governor can enrich himself through looting government funds and with those funds purchase lavish condos in the U.S. What good does it do to uncover that corruption when at the day, these same politicians will end-up in the place where the corruption is uncovered and possibly with a job at the U.S.'s most prestigious universities/corporate firms. The list is endless of Mexico politicos who come to the U.S. to seek sanctuary, along with their looted money, with the help of friends in high places.
    It's a continuous cycle. What these journalists ought to be working on is the uncovering of the corruption that exits in the U.S., and not just Mexico. As the NY Times article indicated, a lot of American business people are the beneficiaries of the corruption of Murat's corruption. However, that
    endeavor can be hazardous to your health in some cases.

  11. Mexico can compete with Russia
    for the World's Most Corrupted Country.

    video "China executed a billionaire accused of corruption"

  12. 2:33 being too agressive may lead to your ending as a BB reporter, we are making room for ''Brain'' Williams who got too wise after a long career building his name and reputation as a good reporter, and got stabbed on the back by MSM just recently...
    --will the real bryan williams come outside to play now??? Hope so...
    He cute chivis, but el mil mascaras got first DIBS

    1. nah...i hear BW is now working for BDN.... :)
      a match made in heaven

  13. I agree the US benefit from these wealth MXs. We encourage them to come to Texas. In the Rio Grande Valley benefits from the "Grey Economy"

  14. Mexican governors are not only stealing the budget for their states in cahoots with the federal government, but they contract 'loans' that mortgage their states for the next 30 years, apparently, but in reality sink their people in slavery for life for generations...
    --on the US, banks lose billions and billions of dollars, they explain that those billions and billions just got lost, somehow, and they need billions and billions from the government to save their banking asses, and they get their billions and billions, if the US government has to borrow from the chinese those billions and billions, no big deal, no problemo, corporate welfare takes precedence, the pople pays for the big bankers...
    --On iceland, the people refuse to pay for the banks loses, refused to acknowledge the debt, and put the banksters in prison, how's about balls..

  15. The mx govt will jump on any news story that will pull the attention away from the epn or the iguala case. They love stories like these!

  16. The person in the 2nd picture looks like Humberto Chiquita Gonzalez the retired boxer hahahaha

  17. The good thing is that Mexico is now protected by the new Anti-Corruption Czar. And he's quite a formidable figure:

  18. Virgilio Andrade educated on US universities, son of the lawyer defending carlos romero deschamps... ya valio madre...

  19. That illustration Jose Murat Casab, looks like one of those crooked GTA characters, something like... an associate of the mafia 'working' as a governor. The bullshit never ends

  20. the internet kills Mexico. this is the only real news out of Mx

  21. Feb14 @9:43 all the corruption all over the world, does not match brittish/american corruption, and if china killed one corrupt billionaire, we have tons of corrupt billionaires to dispose of, all of them earned it the old way, they stole it all...


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