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Sunday, February 1, 2015

EPN says "case closed", but Normalista Parents on the way to the United Nations

Lucio for Borderland Beat

Mexico’s attorney general may have considered the normalistas case closed, as he proclaimed last week, but it appears no one is listening.

The parents of two missing  normalistas,  boarded a flight from Mexico City, to Geneva, Switzerland, where they will participate in  the investigation by the united nations into the forced disappearance of 43 students attacked and abducted on the night of September 26th, 2014.

Hilda Legideño Vargas, mother of Jorge Antonio Tizapa Legideño, and Bernabé Abraham Gaspar, father of Adán Abrajan de la Cruz, are accompanied by Maria Aguilar, area coordinator of international Human Rights Center Tlachinollan, and Stephanie Erin Brewer, of the international Committee of Human Rights.

On February 2nd and 3rd the UN Committee will evaluate evidence of the case, and other cases of forced disappearances in Mexico. Also coming under scrutiny is the position and performance of  Mexico, regarding disappearances that have occurred in the country.

The objective of the parents and human rights organizations is to ask for assistance in pressuring
Mexico to continue to investigate,  keeping the case open.

The parents, human rights groups and the majority of Mexican citizens have rejected the official version presented by the federal government. There is a deep seeded mistrust towards the government, by the parents group, and by citizens.

The outspoken group has been adamant from the beginning, firmly stating, they would not accept any conclusion, without supporting evidence.
“We want the U.N. and the world to know what is happening in Mexico, because the 43 is nothing, there are thousands of people that go missing each year in Mexico”, says Adán's father.
Hilda says, "We will ask them to intercede for us and to require the Mexican government to tell us the truth.”

The parents will be giving testimony to the United Nations.


  1. When did the Mexican government or Peña Nieto say the case was closed? Just wondering.

    1. it was closed from the begining

    2. Yup , from the start of the disappeared the Mexican Government has hindered the investigation! Not only that, but it's as if they are disturbed when asked questions about it!!! Thinking it would go away like the rest of the thousands disappeared all over Mexico!!!!!!


  3. If only the majority of Mexicans had the character and strength of the parents. Hopefully they can find some measure of peace, clearly, they are heroes.

    1. They actually do.

    2. no paz in Mx only killing

    3. No they don't 8:35am. Mexicans have let this go on for years put your mexican pom poms down

  4. The only reason I can understand they could turn a blind eye is corruption . Diving power behind corruption is always greed . I this case as most in Mexico it is drug money . I used to hear Fox and his spokes people blame the consumers . The age question "what came first the chicken or the egg" cannot apply here . We know there was product before there was consumer . A kid never smoked a joint that was not there . Of coarse it is so big it is more complicated than that .
    I used to be a Fox fan until I listened to him a few times . Then I realized he is either a fool or pandering to fools.
    My heart aches for these people . I think there can never be to much publicity about these killings . I know it may sound corny but make T shits and start distribution in the USA Start out on ebay little mom and pop Mexican stores . So what if somebody makes a profit . GET IT OUT . Make everybody aware

  5. These are exactly the not quitter's qualities the mexican mierdocracia hates, murillo karam had just found the evil power in charge and paraded him with his water bottle, when then discovered that maria de todos los demonios pineda la emperatriz de iguala was the head de los guerreros unidos...always blaming las pinches viejas...
    --but emilio chuayffet chemor, "la emilia", ernesto zedillo ponce de leon, former president and now a yale U ''catedratico'', pena nieto, ruben figueroa alcocer, joan sebastian and his brother, alejandro fernandez, angel aguirre rivero, among others have been accused of being jotos chismosos y asesinos, or drug traffickers, money laumderers among their may ''specialties'', throw in fecal the harvard ''catedratico'' and ''la fabis'' manlio fabio beltrones, not because they are such maricones, but because they are SO EXPENSIVE...
    --good luck with the international human rights organization, but they seem to be too busy with madres de la plaza de mayo, and the resurgence of neo-nazism, maybe thirty years from now the ayotzinapos will see some justice...
    --HENRY KISSINGER, the biggest of the genocidas and DICK CHENEY, widely accused all over the world are ''not sorry and would do it all again''...

    1. Preach millie preach,never mind the story hate everyone?

    2. Millie,do you have anything to say about the posted story?

    3. We have people like February 1, 2015 at 5:34 PM.......
      Then, we have people like millie?

    4. All you. talk millie this and that. your own ideas worry about "you". At least millie tells you his ideas or experience with out any are hypocrite , 2 face....

  6. All bullshit! Normalistas are comunists never trust these students they hijack buses, create road blocks and attack the public I don't believe it

    1. Meh, they always call indigenous communities "communists" because they refuse to give up their lands & simplistic way of life as easily as the name callers ancestors gave up theirs. Indigenous people who fight to keep what belongs to them are reminders for those who were conquered that maybe they should have fought harder ... and for the remnants of conquerors that they couldn't beat everyone.

      In LatAm calling the poor " communists" is an easy way to go kill people off land that someone else wants. The United Fruit Company had it done all the time south of the border.

    2. February 1, 2015 at 6:43 PM
      Students do bad things too,no one said anything about"deserve"except you..
      They are human beings,but they fucked with Mexican gob,the last people you fuck with,they are already marginalized with no voice,now you are upset like everyone,but isnt it common knowledge they are treated that way

    3. He/she DID NOT say the students deserved to be killed; just that he thought they were communists and didn’t trust them.

      He was right in that the students did hijack buses and blocked traffic; crimes that were committed before a corrupted and unstable army and municipal police force…with a tragic ending.

    4. AND WHAT HE/SHE SAID IS, if you are going to try and demean the students, tell the whole fucking story. Of why, of bigotry, marginalization, lack of resources, education, and the raping of the indigenous land.

    5. he/she's insinuation is clear, why bring up the students acting out? to disparage. Everyone knows they have acted out, and they are angry. Conforming the confines of racism never advances marginalized groups of society. Never. Acting out is threaded through American History as well.

      Let's not allow an ignorant comment to derail what is at the core of this issue.

      Hats off to the parents and the students, for not bowing down to the admin. Now is the time, if not now, there may not be a when.

      The EPN administration have been vocal about wanting to close the normalistas schools thereby shutting off education to the indigenous peoples. Without these teachers, most children will stay ignorant and uneducated, exactly the plan of every administration since the beginning of time.

    6. 8:49 & 9:49 is right…you all are going crazy cause the students stole the buses & what not in front of army & muni police who are known to be workin with cartels. But I don’t believe they are communists.

      But still I love the way you smooth over their crimes “acting out” you say?? Uh huh

  7. Case Closed? I dont think the Case was started, that is really SAD 43 students disappear, they have 2 key criminals (mayor n wife) they have testimony from hitmen n yet they Close Case fucken OUTRAGES! I really have no words.

    1. Thats the way it is here in mexico i'm fed up with all the Money hungery ass holes here all corrupt every one of them screwing the poor and good mexicans to feed their pockets...its revolution time here let it come the good will win.....

  8. They're from an Indigenous community, resisting hundreds of years of pressure to conform to a way of life that's not theirs. Of course they're strong willed and braver than most. They know which side of the fence they stand on.

    I wish them good fortune in their endeavors.

  9. EPN and the PRI= Start the case late, drag their feet, play dumb, and come the case early! Case closed nothing to see !!! What about the thousands of missing!!! Case closed? They Don't Care About Their citizens! Families ALL over Mexico are grieving over missing loved ones, and Their government is showing their indifference!!!

  10. 6:35 is looking for a sick fuck, he is doing his provocation to receive mentadas de madre and here they go : ta ta ta tata ta ta...
    -just remember estupido, student life is different in mexico, not everybody is a child of privlege or has been brainwashed by system specialists, that is why the students, dead or disappeared, ARE wining against the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia, se te chingo la novela, MARIA DE TODOS LOS MOLES at 6:35...

  11. Mexico at it's finest. A failed country and government. Now is the time for every Mexican to put pressure on the United Nations and the world community. Time to throw out the government and ask for international help it doing it. Anyone that continues to live in that country and does nothing, deserves what they get.

    1. It is indeed a disgusting nation filled with an apathetic, cowardly population that emulate the narco culture. There is no hope for Mexico, and there never has been post Colombian times.
      The Spanish destroyed the area.

    2. Plus many citizens do not take personal responsibility for their own behavior. They tend to blame others or external sources.

    3. 12:08 PM
      11:16 PM
      You cannot say that?It may be the truth,but it is not very palatable to many here.Political correctness is the norm right now,which basically hides the truth

    4. Mexicans and their apathy have made Mexico a damn sewer and you talk political correctness. Get a grip.

    5. 12:05 AM
      Dude,ever heard of sarcasm?Being sarcastic?Never mind..

    6. @4:46 pm Sorry, I did not catch the sarcasm.

  12. the UN is a waste of time they have done nothing 60 years. Just give people high paying jobs.

    1. you are incorrect, the last thing EPN wants is world attention to continue, the parents know this is the world stage and will have global reporting. Sometimes you must think greater than what face value may suggest

    2. wrong Mexico is not going to do Nothing

    3. --Sometimes you must think greater than what face value may suggest
      the last thing EPN wants is world attention to continue?Why?
      Whatever happened to the ADs and Castillocagada and his news worthy handling and fondeling of many of the worst criminals in Iguala--
      --The minions of US rapacity and guile are once again in cahoots with Zedillo and the Iguala manifesto of hate--remember Tuta?How convenient he is forgotten by all concerned--the needy weedys and teenie weenies of Simon and his ill gotten gains with manifestos of greed will out.What of Iguala--

  13. just think of law and order in Mexico, what a dream

  14. --So we discover that that maria de todos los demonios pineda la emperatriz de Iguala was the head de los guerreros unidos...always blaming las pinches viejas..Can it be said that ernesto zedillo ponce de leon can be said to be in bed with Zeta bigwigs and weenie neenies of the US state and land board.ruben figueroa alcocer and his noodle doodle amerikkkan amigos of ill repute mensa mind bending the people of Mexcio,the fair skin of people who rape and pilage pobre Mexico and usurper her tired body of land -just remember estupido, student life is different in mexico, not everybody is a child of privlege or has been brainwashed by system specialists,not everybody comes some are more willing than others to take it--ALL over Mexico are grieving over missing loved ones, and Their government is showing their indifference!!!

  15. So you want to go to the U.N to give any country the right to invade Mexico?? So its all going according to plan.. The invasion if mexico for its oil with the excuse of humanitary salvation that was caused on purpose.

    1. Maybe that's the better alternative than whats happening now.Could it get any worse?

    2. I doubt that. Who wants to be bothered with a people who don't give a fvck about dead bodies being all over the place? Say nothing, do nothing? Nah, that's a place to be wiped out, not invaded.

      When the dust clears, Mexicans who have fled can return in safety and begin anew.

  16. 5:21, the idea is to get the weapons suppliers to STOP SUPPLYING WEAPONS to a corrupt murdering regime, or take their side with them and stop preachimg their bullshit about freedom and democracy that only applies to them, themselves and their own, that is the criminal libertinism behind the ''neo-liberalism''...
    @9:22 and @932 oh, masked puppet, the list does not include all of the 40 thieves, mexican, the list includes NOT one of the Amerikkkan 40 thieves, or any of the 40 International thieves that inspire your blankety blankety blabbering, pinche malinche...
    --but i am working on it, mil mascaras, and believe it or not, we are legion, and we are anonymous, so hold on tight to your bloomers, all you wat, but you are not going to save your puppet masters, hopefully saving face is more important that helping mexico save the butcher of Atenco pena nieto's murdering ass, or the butcher of Acteal, emilio chuayffet chemor, the butcher of Aguas Blancas, ruben figueroa alcocer, or el asesino invisible, ernesto zedillo...

    1. 4:05"the idea is to get the weapons suppliers to STOP SUPPLYING WEAPONS to a corrupt murdering regime blankety blankety blabbering, pinche malinche.."
      You said a blankety blank,blankety blank,,oh how art the war mongers of the US in cahoots with mil macarenas nut and La Malinche and her traitorous lust for guero dick,how thou to malinger with EPNs lovely ass and the weenie neeny noodlers of steel magnates like Laksmi Mittal who help rape pobre Mexico and drive underground the voice of reason millie.Believe it or not, we are legion, and we are anonymous, so hold on tight to your bloomers looners and ilk such as Ruben figueroa alcocer or Ernesto zedillo...Hopefully one day your time will come?

  17. I cannot wait to see U.N. patrols in Mexico. Just being there will help. Seeing U.N.
    ( Dutch, Indian, Africans , Japanese ) All kinds of people there. And widdle Mexico can get the Exposure it does not want. Those old fashioned handlebar mustached D.F. sewage that created all this corruption and filth will spin 10,000 RPM's in their coffins. Sovereign is the word Mexico uses to protect itself while pancho dies panchos body lies flaccid as he slides into a drum of acid. Step right up & welcome to Mexico .

  18. #Ya me canse! # Case closed!

  19. #yonomecanso #penanietonoesayotzinapa #fueelgobierno...
    ''It is not over until the fat lady sings'', said wise man yogi berra...

  20. Until the dirty war is stopped, the missing will be missed...and more will join them!!! You don't just clean one room in the house, you clean the entire house...and you damn sure don't sweep the dirt under the rug! This is a situation, where the entire house needs a good cleaning...and all the trash taken out!


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