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Friday, February 27, 2015

El Chapo and La Barbie return to head up another prison protest at Altiplano

Translated for Borderland Beat from a Proceso article by Otis B Fly-Wheel

They want better treatment at the Altiplano Super-max in State of Mexico, they started a hunger strike, organised by Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman and Edgar Valdez Villarreal, "La Barbie", in this past June, it was raised by inmates in a complaint submitted to National Commission for Human Rights (CNDH).

In a hand written letter made from 11 pages stripped from a notebook, the 138 prisoners accuse the Prison Authorities of violating their human rights.

The document, broadcast in the portal, describes the irregular conditions in which conjugal and family visits are carried out. It also describes the overcrowded and unsanitary cells, in addition to unstable power supplies to the prison and problems with telephone calls.

The prisoners, according to the text, only have one hour a day to leave their cells, there are no social re-insertion activities, the medical service is inefficient and the prison shop is insufficient and badly operated.

The group of criminals, among them "El Chapo" and "La Barbie", Hector Beltran Leyva "El H" and Miguel Angel Felix Gallado, denounce Librado Carmona Garcia, Technical Director of the prison located in the State of Mexico, and who they accuse of corruption and repression. ( Otis: cry me a river, the boot is on the other foot now).

With legible letters, the list of alleged violations of Human Rights of the prisoners starts with the family visits, where the prisoners assure that from the moment they enter the prison, until the moment they leave they are treated in an indignant manner, well without respect, they are also searched naked before entering under the gaze of officials, in many cases they are verbally abused and intimidated, without any sense of professional ethics, with no regard for humans feelings on the part of the Security personnel.

In regards of the rooms supplied for conjugal visits, the complaint to the CDNH says that the rooms supplied are leaking water, unsanitary, some covered in broken glass, walls that are broken or with holes in. Wash basins, fallen off the wall that give neither hot or cold water, dirty broken mattresses with wires hanging out.

In respect of their internment, there are inhuman conditions of overcrowding where cells built to house two inmates have three, with one person living on the floor, which has led to skin diseases, pulmonary and respiratory problems, in addition to water leaks and the smell of sewerage.

In regards of complaints of the food, the company who provides the catering, served chicken undercooked and in bad condition, the beans have stones in, sausages that are rotten and out of date and local fruit has disappeared from the diet.

In respect of personal communication, every prisoner has the right to a telephone call of ten minutes duration every nine days, which is constantly sabotaged by negligence or laziness of the operator.

And at this point, they demand the installation of two public telephones with the appropriate security measures.

Its not possible to be incarcerated 23 of 24 hours per day, said another prisoner, they only allow one hour outside of the cell, this doesn't amount to 60 minutes, because 15 minutes of that are lost to searches of body and clothing, the rest of the activities we are meant to have are a utopia because they do not exist, it said in the text.

The inmates suggest that they should be allowed two hours of yard time per day, and reactivation of standard activities which are including in protocols for running max security establishments.

About the medical services, they assure that "Areli" is a arrogant and haughty manager of this area, who treats the prisoners worse than animals, is the girlfriend of the Prison Technical Director Librado Carmona Garcia, who qualifies as the untouchable regime, who really governs the institution and who traffics privileges of the prisoners for large amounts of cash, conspiring with other prison department directors, who take bribes from wealthy prisoners in exchange for giving them their rights.

They also add that the authorized 664 pesos allowed per month per prisoner to buy items from the prison shop is inadequate, toilet paper, soap for example, is insufficient to satisfy the basic necessities , the prisoners assure that the products sold in the prison shop are of very poor quality and of dubious brands.

Among the prisoners who signed the complaint, are Juan Frutos Aguilar a member of "Mochaorejas",  Abel Valadez Uribe of La Familia Michoacana, and Ramiro Rangel Soto of the Cartel del Golfo, are soliciting the immediate intervention of CNDH for a quick solution of what they consider " frank violation of rights and human dignity.

They advertise, "we know that this complaint will come into public light, it is sure and inevitable that the institution will immediately undertake reprisals as subjugation and repression to all the under signed and the prison population in general."

Original article in Spanish at Proceso

Link to great Chivis article on life at Altiplano No 1.


  1. Awww poor babies feed them shit for all we care

  2. I feel bad for these guys they don't deserve this treatment they have it to good they should make it much worse

  3. The need to be fed 3 times a day...and the meals need to be legit...and they should get at least 2 hours of recreation time a day...and of course they do have to act right in order to keep the 2 hour recreation time...if they act out of conduct then of course they should be punished...but if they are acting right and following the rules set by the prison they should have not only 2 hours of recreation time but a few more perks as programs and art program as well as over all education...after all they are locked need to treat them like some inmated may have treated other people like animals while they were at large...true...but mexican prisons shouldnt stoop to their putting someone in a cage for that long of a period with no recreation activities is cruel...and its just as bad as what the capos did to other yes the prison should act mature and give the inmates a proper living condition to serve their in...thats the RIGHT thing to do as a human being...

    1. inmates*
      their *time* in... sorry for the typos lol

    2. Just like they do here in the good ol US of A

    3. If the prison is not following the protocols they are committing fraud. To not promise the entire treatment and welfare of all who are housed in the facility is lying to the public. They recieve tax funding and if they aren't upholding their promises then they are stealing tax money. They are just as much scum as the criminals that they house.

  4. Hey Otis, Lucio already posted this you prick.

  5. Why they always put chapo in it to get attention lol? First they make fun that chapo cant write lol. I dont see chapos signature only barbies.

    1. Chapos signature is there. 1st image, 2nd highlighted name. Joaquin Guzman....

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What a bunch of pussies! especially Edgar!! no ke bien macho? hope he continues to get bitch slapped in there, him & TAco Guzman

    1. You couldn't handle it. Don't talk all tough when you know you aren't tough at all.

  7. this was BS the first time proceso tried this story and BS now. they have no contact with each other, letter of protest must be sent individually to the warden and prison system chief.

  8. Maybe El Chapo and La Barbie would prefer the cushy accommodations of their very own private cell at the ADX Florence Supermax in Colorado. I'm sure the United States would be more than willing to rescue them from these horrible conditions. Instead of irregular conjugal visits and Mexico style family visits they simply wouldn't have any. Problem solved.

    1. Lol el chapo is NEVER going to set foot on US soil. He will be out by thanksgiving just watch :)

    2. Here we go again, another pendejo that listens too many corridos. You know how you could tell? Look at the hour the comment was posted? A dever estado bien pedo Y mafufu el idiota :)

  9. Jeez, no wonder they don't want extradition to the USA. You don't get to hug your babies and bang your wife and ruccas in the slammer north de Rio Bravo. Sound like the prisoners have to many privileges in Mexico.

  10. Take away the 1hour of free time for being bitches, n not hardcore like they use to be

  11. Onother one bites the dust. That's how they all end up when the organization does not need you anymore. Just got replaced, nothing changes

  12. Fucking chapo used to burn guys alive as punishment for messing with him. Screw him he deserves it.

  13. Lol @ The boot is on the other foot now.

  14. Anyone ever come to think that out of all these killers none could have anyone killed.?????

    Each and every person on that list are in super max for a reason.

  15. Are these guys SERIOUS when they say the prison guards "have no feelings for human life" hahahaha what a joke now they know what it was like when they kill and extort innocent people.

  16. I forget that most of the commentors have no power politics/real politique/ideal politics experience. This is a clever ruse to put it out there that El Chapo is living in squalid conditions. That way it satisifes the urge to inflict more punishment than has already been done. This is an effort by the Mexican Gov't to quell the calls for extradition by showing the US Gov that el chapo is living this way (much worse than he would be living in US prisons).

  17. Why is la barbie still in mexico? He is a u.s citizen and fled the u.s because he was indicted there first?

  18. Piedras en los thats torture!


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