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Friday, February 20, 2015

Coahuila: Video surfaces of Army and GATE forces in an apparent extrajudicial killing of 2

By Lucio for Borderland Beat

GATES of Coahuila continues to come under attack from human rights groups and citizens.

In the video detonations of firearms are heard and suspected members of GATE and army appear. The special police and tactical force founded by former governor Humberto Moreira, has been accused of executions perpetrated against citizens.

The issue has continued from the onset of the formation of the agency, with elements seemingly unconcerned, when such killings of civilians occur in view of the public.  

Also, reports of bodies discovered in army barracks have had  no consequence even that of a 15 year old teen found beaten and dead in the barracks of the border city of Acuña.

There have been more than 5000 complaints issued against GATE and its sister agency GROM (Metropolitan Reaction Task Force ).

In this video of an apparent extrajudicial killing, it is assumed the men killed are “suspects”, however  there doesn’t appear to be weapons around or in the vehicle of the dead men. Albeit the footage of inside the truck is blurry.

With GATES and soldiers standing facing the vehicle they began shooting.  It is obvious they are not in fear of retaliatory gunfire, as they shoot at a standstill without cover.  Then one of the forces says (paraphrased);
“Remove them from that side, I will finish off the mother fuckers."
"He's still alive,"
"The one in there is still alive, boss.",
"I will kill this dude"
 "Kill him."
At the end of the video a cover up comment can be heard, translated means;  the ambulance is coming,  let us not be close to each other, act as if securing a crime scene.

El Diario of Coahuila reported the story, and says the government of Coahuila dismissed the veracity of the video and blamed 'narco-reporters'.  

The state contends,   some reporters and media outlets are on the narco payroll, to broadcast "fake" videos designed to discredit GATE.  The state secretary swears he has a list of these reporters.  He says he will forward this list of names to SEIDO.

They say;

"All the GATES videos are false, and were ‘analyzed’  There is an ongoing operation  against  Los Zetas by tactical groups of Coahuila, argued the secretary of state government, Victor Zamora Rodríguez. 

The problem with that self-serving statement is that civilian killings and disappearances at the hands of GATE and GROM has transpired since the inception of the agencies, with as many being innocent as guilty of crimes. As for those who are genuinely suspects, a civil democratic society is doomed when allowing police and armed forces to become judge, jury and executioner.


  1. It seems from the angle of view and motion of the camera that it was shot by one of the government people. Odd also that there was care taken to not show a face of anyone. Why would someone shoot this then release it if they were government? Don't get me wron I do not agree that it is phony, but it is odd.

    1. They r not government, the government would not take pics

    2. I guess you haven't seen pictures of Arturo Beltran leyva they pulled down his pants and placed money over his bloody body don't remember which government branch it was

  2. yet Mexican politicians will continue to "demand" justice for the illegal alien drug addicted criminal killed by police in Pasco Washington.....

    1. who are you to judge a human by his race or color rather his black brown or green etc your just opening your mouth like you dont like mexicans well buddy those pigs your defending killed an unarmed man he had rocks common pussies should went and took on someone that had weapons your just a pig nut hugger .

    2. I'm live in pasco a couple of blocks from where the man got killed by police in pasco our cops are the same like in mexico all courrput they kill here for fun

    3. 12:36a you are complaining about ONE person killed in the US but dozens of unarmed Mexicans are dying everyday in Mexico. You would rather trade 1 death for 100 deaths because the 1 death occurred in the US? YOUR thought process and people like you are the reason why Mexico is in such turmoil. Sounds like you are A politician nuthugger and a US hater. GTFOOH!!!

    4. This idiot what I'm say in is no one gets killed for no reasons do your math you live a normal life and you live in peace I was just in tamapliuas first time ever in mexico and everyone there that lives a normal life lives in peace its only those that make bad chooses regret it when its to late but there as bad as in the us here any one innocent can get killed even for being at a McDonald that how bad it is in the us

  3. Look at them. It was an execution. They was too relaxed for true combat situation. Come on.

  4. All the city knows the truth about the groms and gates. The government bought an hotel and become the gates headquarters called "hotel la torre" it was and very very old hotel from Saltillo. A few weeks the gates were "discovered" the federal police found almost 15 bodies in the backyard of hotel LA torre. Many gates dissappear a few days later. Coahuila is becoming a shit since the Moreira's family took the power

  5. Damn Mexicans are fucked either way you look at it. Killed by narcos or killed by the police and military. Can't trust no one.

  6. i would love to see Army and GATE forces being beheaded lmfao....

  7. If they are executing cartel scum who the "F" cares?!?! More power to them, casualties of war. There is no "civil democratic society" in Mexico to begin with. I for one am in favor of GATES.

    1. spoken like a true ignorant uneducated member of the NRA.
      Listen fool, come to Monclova or any Coahuila, it is true not only as many but more than those suspected of crimes are killed, including children with mothers. Under no theory can this be ok. You sir are an idiot.

      Moreira raped the once great state of Coahuila. he is the creator of gates.

    2. I agree, my cousin was taken with her boyfriend after a concert going back to zaragosa. witnesses saw the kid, 17, beaten to a pulp because he didn't move fast enough. they are good kids graduating from mty tec this year, they have never been in trouble ever. My little cousin says, "there is absolutely no where for Mexicans to turn to for help, the bad guys don't wear a sign so we can distinguish the good from the bad.

    3. You sir are NO idiot. I am 100% GROM and GATE officers for executing the shits of these cartels. Saves an arrest and early release for these sick demented serial killers. Keep hunting and ridding society of these cartel shits. And you Mr. stupid asshole @ 7:32 are one ignorant pathetic pacifist liberal POS. What do you want them to do? Hand out leaflets and stage sit ins? What are you some Obama democrat from the 60's still hooked on homegrown from your backyard? Get with it, this is the real world and your knowledge of the NRA speaks volumes of your elementary school education. You sir are the fucking idiot! Terminate with extreme prejudice I give GROM and GATE two thumbs up!

    4. You are both idiots living outside Mexico. Try reading the entire article and the links. More people are killed that are completely innocent. They have a list of target, simple things like type of vehicle, or tinted windows could get you killed. Innocent people. GATES is a state police agency that Moreira created and his corrupt brother governor pelon created GROM

      it is FOR organized crime just as they were. GATES join zetas or other cartels , ditto with armed forces

    5. I want an NRA membership! GATES & GROM you have my vote

  8. What is not odd to hear is that this GATE and GROM agency is possibly corrupt. Every policing agency as well as the Military there has had its abumdance of corruption. So to have another agency added to the least is not shocking.. Mexico is just a confusing place all together. In the US federal trumps state and city laws. So the feds can investigate the state as well as city police officers if corruption is suspected. It appears in Mexico there is no one above these so called governors. They tell the way it is and case closed. Seems a waste of time to complain or report about anything there. Who is in charge of what? Why is there a president if governors and mayors appear to have more power?

  9. Law enforcement is the only way to go if you want to join a gang. Any agency with weapons is essentially a legal gang/cartel. Plus you get to retire with a pension!! Hah!

    1. Corrupted mexican mentality is what you got brute, those that do those type of things don't do it to serve and protect, but to just benefit from it by using the government, those rotten animals give a bad name to the law agencies all over, making the ppl to loose trust in them. They should be executed on the streets or anywhere for traitors..

  10. If you are a serial killer just join one of these agencies.

  11. Mexico does not have to worry about OVERPOPULATING with all these killings going on, Mexico is getting it from different states from different squads n by sicarios. Gente Mexicana es tiempo para un Revoluccion!!!

  12. their is no nra in mexico its against the law, like Chicago no guns

  13. I know that some people think these Punks good kid, das BS they will kill u for $1

  14. difference between GATES and Coahuila Narcos=
    narcos pay for impunity to kill
    GATES are paid for impunity to kill

  15. Moreira was in collusion with los Zetas. Chances are GATE in employed by the Zetas

  16. They seemed pretty relaxed after the whole thing was done,like they were all used to it all in a typical days work.This obviously isn't their 1st encounter.

  17. From someone that lives in piedras negras this is old news gates came to kick Zeta's all the dope houses are run by gates.its no secret also its no secret that they take no prisoners you will be shoot on site.zetas get what they deserve.

  18. If these guys were civilians and not involved then the soldiers and policemen should be prosecuted if the weren't then I don't care justice served.

  19. Ask anyone in acuña or piedras if gates are fucking around No sir they are some real pos who kill u if they even think u r zetas i heard stories from my uncle who lives there that even if u try to run they will shoot to kill
    Then ask questions later

    1. exactly, I lived in acuna for 5 years. I was there when the kid's body in the barracks was found, nude and beaten to death. 15 is the age they estimated him to be but it turned out he was only 14.

      these people who assume people killed are bad guys are stupid and ignorant both. it is not up to army or police to make a knee jerk decision to execute when not being threatened.

      Like the normalistas. in your manual of "get em" it is ok for police to kill students.

      like that would fly in the US if it happened on the scale as in Mexico.

      by allowing this to happen, opens the door to a tool for bigotry, racism and 'social cleansing' of people with dark skin, marginalized ethnicity or economic status.

      people like the few making those comments of it being alright, are saying allow one person to judge and execute without due process, what if it were you family member or yourself? Join ISIS they have the same mentality as yourself.

  20. THE NRA gets approval and impunity from US lawmakers for weapons maufacturers and traffickers, IN the US and OUT...
    --cocksucking teabaggers holding with both hands and all the teeth to their nutrition need to study their case better before coming here to BB to practice their trade...
    --The moreiras, the PRI, the gates, the gafes, the herculos, like all related to government, is corrupt in mexico, like the US-mexico ''friendship''...
    --mexico, the ''partner'' of the US and canada, is nothing more than the innocent poor maid getting it up the ass in hopes of getting married to el patron instead of big fat rotten ho' ''la revolucion mexicana''

  21. It looks like the gates have a lot of respect for the soldier as u can hear other people saying that's enough but when the soldier raises his and in a cut throat motion (asuming) and says that's it stop they all stop within a second then you here some scolding them on something my 2 pesos. Peace LoKs

  22. When are they going to have GATES in that other big state of Sonora, they have it easy in there with all of that land free for the Criminals... .. one jump and they land right on Arizonas desertic ass. with kilos and kilos of dope. The 'US border patrol' motha fuckers probably just drive around in the gov SUV's wasting the fuel and the cars, Smh. ....What a joke with all those corrupted animals. Damn voltures

  23. If those were sicarios, I say kill them all. By any means necessary! Riddle them with bullets, bastards.

    1. The problem is no one knows if they are sicarios. They appear to be unarmed citizens. What sicario leaves his weapons behind or don't use them in this case?

    2. Like 99% of them! most of them dont fight when they see themselves overwhelmed. Why do they snitch right away when they get caught? Why do they give up? if you fight ur fight and u die fighting but most of them know that if they give up one they're gonna escape prison or no charges are gonna be filed. yes you do have the 1%ers but most of them are a bunch of cowards and scums.

  24. It's unfortunate that most of these American bloggers are ignorant to the fact that American pol. and agencies are working hand by hand with thiese billionaire drug king pins. just as they are with the Sunni governments that fund the extremist in Iraq, afgan. and the rest of the world. GOOD OLIGNORANTS RACIST FOX WATCHING REDNECKS. You sure love crystal meth. though, hahaha

  25. Arriba the gates and the gafes, two thumbs up their ass, all the way to the elbow!!!
    --The heroic mexican military are nothing but a bunch of drug trafficking murderers themselves and well trained lambehuevos, they are not courageous, and they do murder the innocent people, many times rape them before and after...
    --There is no death penalty in mexico, it is the law, i don't see how an animal doing a police or a soldier's job can decide to just shot to kill even when there is no need, you can see no atempt was made to have the dead surrender, the government sicarios are just out for murder, and all the military idolatry can't change that, it does expose the pendejos for all to see...
    --eating the gafes or gates stained bloomers does not launder them, you are a pendejo before you do it, and after...

  26. Oh dam, at the end, the soldier says, "no se peguen mijo agan caso", which means, hey the ambulance is coming as heard in the radio, let's not get crumbled up, scatter around let us not be close to each other, as if securing a crime scene. Pinches vatos.

  27. Estos gates nomas estan haciendo vastantes destrosos si andas piatiando te paran y te echan mugrero y te llevan arestado diciendo que andabas vendiendo droga y te sacan in feria para sacarte de LA carcel y nomas andan haciendo destrosos y pies nadien les puede decir Nada porque segun son LA ley pero todos andan bien drogados y segun Ellos estan cuidando a LA ciudanania y ma's bien dicho nomas dando multas que Ellis mismos cobran y si les gusta una troca o moto etc. Nomas te paran y te LA quitan. Todo esto esta pasando el los 5 manantiales que estan abusando del poder. Y no se diga ESE Presidente de puron y el papis segun que las multas Ivan a ser Baja's para LA ciudadania puro pero ya se fuero muy alto si andas tomando ya noche y andas bien te cobran unos 3000 mil pesitos y si andas bueno y sano y andas solo te echan droga o una cerveza abierta y ya te fregastes pero esos fueron los ke escojieron LA jente

  28. El punto aqui que estos gates los creo Ruben moreira pero son sicarios. Porque hasta los que. Andan bien LA llevan con estos gates no respetan Nada ni a LA jente. Aaaa y que no caigas a LA carcel porque te Dan una golpisa tremenda y en LA media noche se meten los gates y agarran parejo con todos a golpiar jente y a aviso casos que hasta an violado a jente inosente metiendoles pa pistola por su recto. Son sicarios de LA familia Moreira como cuando less llegaba el dinerito en camiones de lazcano no decian Nada ya nomas les mataron a uno de sus hijos al de CD acuna y ya se hicieron los ofendidos bien que les mandaban el camioncito lleno de dinerito verdad moreiras. Apoco cren que todas las ayudas ke dieron eran del govierno no señores todas las ayudas eran del narco. Las ayudas a las escuelas. Y es papis ke salio en in comentario que Allende Coahuila era LA ciudad ma's seguro porque anda con su escolta para arriba y para abajo es segun el pueblo esta muy seguro pero que no aga enojar enojar a los viejones porque su escolta de puros guercos mocosos no los van a parar. Andan viviendo in sueno ESE President naco..... Gracias


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