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Saturday, January 24, 2015

The detentions of " El Chapo " and " Mayito Gordo " , have had no effect on CDS

Translated for Borderland Beat from a Campeche 3.0 article by Otis B Fly-Wheel

The operations of the Sinaloa Cartel and the mountains of drugs they traffic has not been seen to be affected by the detention of certain leaders, including " El Chapo " , according to the chief of administration of the DEA in Arizona.

We have not observed any significant change in the Sinaloa Cartel. We continue observing the same modus operandi before the capture of " El Chapo ", the same control of operations , the same people in charge of the trafficking of drugs destined for the USA and territorial control in Mexico explained Laurita in an interview for Proceso.

This is pain for the Government of Enrique Pena Nieto , who promulgated the idea that said criminal organisation would be destabilised because of the detention of Guzman on 22nd February 2014, and of Ismael Zambada , " El Mayito Gordo " son of " El Mayo " Zambada this past November.

According to the Americans, the desert frontier between Arizona and Sonora is the favorite crossing point for the Sinaloa Cartel

The unique change we have observed is between the people that control the Nogales plaza in Sonora , who handle the east zone of the Sonoran desert , and who wanted to have a relation with the Tohono O'odham reservation Indians , in the south east and central Arizona desert said Laurita.

According to information from the DEA in Tuscon , there have only been personnel changes , but it has not affected the business, well the leaders of the plazas mentioned that the people of " El Chapo " have been replaced by people of " El Mayo " Zambada.

In this manner , the conclusion of the north American functionary is that the territorial control and modus operandi of the Sinaloa Cartel in Mexico is intact.

Original article in Spanish at Campeche 3.0


  1. Something we already knew keep pushing CDS

    1. Well for one there is more than one family.

  2. Yeah, because most people don't know, that it's Mayo and Azul that are the real leaders of CDS, not Guzman..

    1. Not mayo anymore, its damaso controls

    2. There is no one leader in cds how many times do we have to explain this.

    3. To think that CDS is "run" by one or even two people is naive. CDS is run like a major international company with influencers like governors, politicians and business men in DF and especially Sinaloa; but most the strings are pulled from Culiacan and to a lesser extent Mazatlan. If Mayo disappeared today there would be a few plaza disputes but the distribution would hardly be disrupted. People don't realize that some of the most well respected business families in Sinaloa, Guadalajara and DF have as much power as Mayo, Azul, etc

  3. Haha, the myopic view of a failed drug war. To think that taking out a couple of leaders would affect the hunger for drugs. Get real. Same as it ever was, and the more that things change the more they stay the same.

  4. Too much of filthy rich sky walker lane can't be stop its trappaton domination n u wonder where DA Cookie crumble .


  5. These are corporations. Just because you take the CEO out doesn’t mean that the company falls. As long as there are buyers you will have a company.

    1. I think your right they are corporations but.......... I think there is a parent corporation and its not in Mexico . Sure Guzman is a very rich and powerful drug lord in the mountains of Sinaloa . He could be rich and protected many places in the world . I has been very very hot for him in the last few years . Why didn't he quit and go someplace ? He aint the boss .
      He is big but only controls certain aspects . This cartel is worldwide . This is the corporation . Does Mexico own it completely ? Maybe . I just think its a lot bigger than a short man from the sierra of Sinaloa

    2. 11:59 just a pissing contest, if the zetas were la compania, cia for CIA, it is not like the corporacion did not pay their franchise...

  6. Of course it has no effects on cds operations chapo mayo and all of those ranchers are just s smoke screen to the real owners of drug traficking ( BANKsters)

  7. Consuming drugs will never end. That's what makes this war fruitless. It pisses me off posting this, but it's true. They need to make it legal, tax the shit out of it, and use that money to keep people away from drugs.

    1. If you tax it too much,the product sells in the black market. In my true honest opinion, the only solution is to make the hard drugs lethal. Scare the users,not the sellers!! If people see that users are dying,then hopefully no New users Will start.

    2. Look at Portugal, they had a huge substance abuse problem. In 2000 they legalized all drugs and put the money into counseling the drug addicts and education. What happened? The use of drugs have dropped dramatically. If you ask any other person from countries that do not include England, usa, and, Canada, they will tell you that legalization is the only way to work this problem. Look at the prohibition of alcohol in the 20s? That time gave rise to the American mafia. Now we ban drugs and we have given rise to global cartels and mafias. Unfortunately if we legalized everything now the cartels would probably give rise to kidnapping and extortion. Especially extortion, look at the Italian mafia and mexican cartels that lost their trafficking routes.... It's a beast that we cannot solve with a magic bullet

    3. If the united states legalized drugs, who do you think would be selling them to the government?

    4. Well its not just a question of Legalisation. In the UK Marijuana use of small amounts of less than an ounce , has been decriminilised but its not legal. If you get caught , the police take it off you and send you on your way with a caution.
      So some countries like Holland and Uk have decriminalised , but only class b and c drugs , that's Marijuana and speed. Heroin , cocaine , meth , crack , all remain class a illegal and carry heavy penalties for use or supply

    5. @603 pm. Sure it would give rise to extortion and kidnapping for a bit, BUT they would be captured. There would really be no incentive in police officers to deal with them. Right now there IS incentive to do business with cartels and turn the blind eye when they have POWER to do what they want because of the funds. If they're broke Just trying to extort people, no one will take them serious. They'll just be low life thugs, versus the wealthy low life individuals they are today

  8. Mayo is the true brains behind CDS. Chapo was just the sock puppet front man.

  9. Ivan Archivaldo /Mayo Zambada /El Lic Damaso still running the corporation known as CDS .American and European markets have many willing customers ......

  10. Nothing is going to change as long as we keep snorting cocaine america

  11. The comments are good. They obviously have succession plans in place and it's run like a business. Plus the culture of Sinaloans trafficking goes back to many years for any impediments to trafficking to be noticed by capturing a few leaders. EPN is a chilango who's caught up in his own little world of power and the ppl up north really don't give two cents about the guy or let alone fear him.

    1. Hating on EPN just because he is putting a STOP on most of the bitches that have been running mexico wild... Ha! keep hating on the shorty mother fuckrs..

      At least he is NOT DOING what other SELFISH DOGS did over and over again, which was take a chunk of the drug traficking profits from narcos and then turn a blind eye... (Past Presidencies) like some mexicans love doing... FORGOT ABOUT ALL THE KILLINGS? THE DESTROYED FAMILIES? PERROS. Smhh'

    2. Under el PAN rule, the el PRI ran all drug gangs and states governors corruption and rode them back into los pinos and palacio nacional.
      All pena nieto is doing now is stab his partners in the back in true PRI style to steal and ripoff all the business from his partners, even chapo and la puta tuta gave money for his campaign...

    3. Epn?? You call him a president he's worser than chapo himself

  12. wheres all the CDS haters now

    1. . I'm mot a hatter but also not a groopie like you. Fuck all thos cartels equally! You act like you work for them. Pendejos!

    2. let me guess your a goverment sheep that belives and listens to everything they tell you

    3. Right here...No matter how great CDS is at dealing drugs they will never defeat La Linea, BLO and Los Zetaz. Keep that shit on the West Coast where it is safer for the Cartel De snitches.

    4. Hater just deal with it

  13. La empreza anda al million. El negocio sige.

    1. Deja d disir pendejadas. La empreza jajajjajajaja
      Chapete k negocio un pinche veinte k venden y pinche corrido k escuchan ya son chingones.

  14. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT the Sinaloa Cartel was not destroyed by the capture of Chapo and Mayo??? I am soooooo surprised!!!

    I guess we need to intensify the war on drugs! That will for sure reduce the amount of drugs ... which right now are cheaper, stronger and more plentifull than EVER!!!

  15. I live in Arizona and I see alot of Drug Trafficing through Az City.Drugs get Through everyday

  16. Neither mayo or azul are the brains. ......caro quintero took his throne back he was financially supporting from "jail"

  17. No effect? Arent Damaso and Mayo fighting eachother in BCS???

    1. No they are fighting together on the same side against " El Compadron " and " El Muneca ". If you need clarification I suggest you read the Posts I have done on BCS on borderland beat called " Seido target hit men in BCS " there are four parts , and they explain what internal conflicts are happening in the Sinaloa Cartel in BCS

    2. Wrong la muñeca is with damaso why would mayo fight compadron when he distributes to rana and akiles that would be hurtkng himself or his assets

  18. El azul is not dead best believe that shit

  19. Even the US director of home land security and US drug czar Said the same thing .. in memos to each other .. was is the news after Chapo Arrest he also said the same thing in a interview he gave years ago ..

    Also did not

  20. Just like they keep saying ct is done but they cant find la tuta.

  21. To bad Caro Quintero got caught up again

  22. El gordo was no one!!!!

  23. Drugs come thru arizona city everyday.shut the fuck up foo Of course they do.stupid pig. fucker

  24. Puro CDS compa... para rato.

  25. Otis B is correct. Its more than just drugz its also wholesale chaos & anarchy .
    What about the avocado and citrus farmers ? The extorcion at all levels from bus companies, Taxi drivers, residents , shop keepers , everyone.

  26. Anyone who knows about cartel stuff knows that these big ones have a line of leadership and board members in place so even if a couple of em go down everything's already in place to replace them....and then if their lucky enough to get caught and go to jail or prison, and not beheaded by enemies, thats even more reassurance that they will still be running shit from the inside. Chapo and Z-40 etc.


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