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Friday, January 30, 2015

The detention of " El Lico " provokes highway blockades in Tierra Caliente

Translated for Borderland Beat from a Michoacan 3.0 article by Otis B Fly-Wheel

Updated 1st Feb

Morelia Michoacan

This Thursday morning, elements of the Mexican Army detained Frederico Villegas Garcia alias "El Lico" and another two men for crimes that have not been revealed in an official manner.

These actions provoked anger among the residents of Atunez, who maintain blockades of the Cuatro Camino - Apatzingan highway to demand the release of the three captives.

During the operation the three men were arrested around 1 am when they were in their respective homes, prompting dozens of neighbors to come out and defend them.

As part of the actions of town people after the arrest, they blockaded both entrances to Atunez with vehicles, but the Army managed to avoid them.

So far the blockade continues, the three arrested men belonged to the false autodefensas of the region, so that cannot be ruled out as a reason for their arrest. ( Otis:, El Lico, is also meant to be the financial co-ordinator for Los Viagra ).

Because of these actions, all buses moving in and out of the Tierra Caliente have been suspended until further notice.

Since last Tuesday, elements of the Mexican Army and Marina initiated a series of operations in the Tierra Caliente, to dismantle the Los Viagra criminal organization and the Knights Templar.

These actions are part of the Group for Coordination, Michoacan, the commission that replaces the now defunct, Commission for Security and Integral Development in Michoacan, who's primary goal is to capture Servando Gomez "La Tuta".

Updated from Proceso

The Governor of Michoacán, Salvador Jara Guerrero, informed today that Frederico Villegas Garcia, "El Lico" was given his freedom for lack of evidence against him in respect of charges of carrying weapons for exclusive use of Federal Forces.

According to the mandate, the Commander of the Fuerza Rurales detained on the morning of 29th January, together with Emanuel Martin Gutierrez Rojas "El Pantera" and Luis Alberto Tapia La Puerca, in the tenancy of Atunez, had permission to carry said arms.

The only crime he was charged with was the possession of a stolen car, but as it is a misconduct, he paid "bail" and was set free.

His companions suffered a different fate, both were brought before a Judge, and transferred to the Federal Prison in Tepic, Nayarit. They were not able to demonstrate that they were members of the Fuerza Rurales, nor permits to carry arms of this type.

Jara Guerrero ruled that the law had negotiated with the people who blocked a section of the road to Apatzingan - Cuatro Caminos to the heights of Atunez following the arrest of "El Lico".

Original article in Spanish at Michoacan 3.0

Update from article in Spanish at Proceso


  1. Ya se le akavo bla curita a la pinche puta hora si van tras de el

  2. Well look at that general putting in work

    1. My cousin is the right hand of the Lazaro cardenas mayor they are all sold every single fucking official in Mexico has a price everyone of them and when we see a big fish get taken down don't get your hopes up it usually because someone took their place and offered more money

    2. @ 2:37pm, I don't know shit but it seems you hit it on the money! Human nature is the same anywhere in the world and we as readers have to read between the lines and not be so fucking gullible! The spin is what these corrupt fuck heads put out and it's time this shit stops!!! Thank goodness for the brave souls at BB and people on the ground in Mexico that put this shit out there! When people care is when change will happen, and there are people who care let's hope to God things get better and this level of corruption ends soon!!!

    3. Very interesting.Sounds like an auction,price goes to the highest bidder but eventually cartels will all be broke guess that's why extortions and kidnappings are on the rise.Lets just see if the extortions go down in Michoacan.

  3. La tuta is trying to dismantle the viagras and with help from the government tuta will get rid of viagras.

    1. Then when Tuta is done with the Viagras the Government will have him killed and declare victory!!! Of course after they have another replacement working low key and let the never ending cycle continue!!! I think I've seen this story line somewhere! OK, maybe not exact but something similar you will see!!!

    2. El Mencho is the one with everything to gain by the capture of tuta and Viagra, CJNG fly somewhat under the radar, but what Mencho and CJNG really want is control of Lazaro Cardenas. Viagra were trying to help El Mencho advance towards the port.

    3. O that's quite possible.

  4. Keep up the good work Otis

    1. I intend to , thanks for the encouragement though ; )

  5. If Frederico is part of a cartel why would the residents help him?

    1. He gives them work=$$.

    2. Can you explain what types of work they provide to the citizens?

    3. Halcones [lookouts] for1,maybe harvesters,sicarios and maybe they help the poor for their own ulterior motives to get on their good side which is what they do in some Islamic countries.

    4. Thank you for your honesty. Truth takes some daring....

  6. It would be funny if the arrest
    provoked an anger of ... mx police :-))

    We all know how mx police is corrupted.

  7. yeah look at the general put in work, El Lico aint Tuta. Anyone could have caught El Lico come on General go fetch Tuta. Make urself the Golden Boy of Michoacan, you pinche Boy Scout with all your tin medals n stapled on stripes. Go fetch!!

  8. Thanks Otis, for all your hard work.


  9. They just let him go on bail this a.m. Bodyguards still detained.

  10. rock! Keep on keepin on!

  11. Looking at these events from another angle...could it be possible to say Alfredo Castillo is a genius? Let me explain before I get hammered, I too am not a fan of this man or his agenda. (1) Castillo came to Michoacán and was friends with both good guys (Mireles/Hipolito/Autodefensas) and bad guys (Viagras/H3). This allowed him to gather intel on both sides and analyze his attack. We know the CT's image was tarnished by all the abuse they were created amongst the people. So what happens...Viagras/H3 were created by the Puppet Master and Co. "La Tuta" a new group (with the same CT's)..mainly because the Autodefensas were on his trail (2) Castillo maintained his aggressive posture and now was sleeping with the bad guys and received $$$$ for protection...hence El American and Rurales. (3) Now that he is gone he knows exactly top to bottom Los Viagras/H3 ranks, names, locations and depth. He as them by the balls. (4) What will happen to Dr. Mireles? Was Castillo protecting him by incarcerating him? Why would Mireles get rid of his lawyers? Or did Castillo despise him too much because of Mireles leadership, power and control over the Michoacán state? I'm just saying this could be genious if my story is true. Having said all that I still don't give a s**t of Castillo, he comes from the same school as EPN and El Pri.

    1. Your right on the fact that he had info on autodefenzas and cartels but money makestge word go-round and the cartels have alot to bribe with. He is not trying to help anyone but himself! Fuck castillo! !

    2. "Looking at these events from another angle"
      I also subscribe to the theory of the moose and angle,what angle can be said Castillo takes on this assumption to the contrary?Its like saying that you would like to smash on Castillo?But what good would that do?To me its an unenviable position but to each his own?

  12. I lose track of who is who in Mexico. Everyone from Mayors to your normal pedestrian has a code name of some sort, ex: El this and that. Now if these are actual criminals that are sidekicks of a cartel or what not, why on earth are the residents complaining? No use in trying to help. Let me guess, "they helped laborers like Chapo and shouldn't be arrested. Crime is crime and criminals are criminals. They all should be caught.

    1. Complain to who?

    2. Its not just Mexico , the nickname " El Gordo " or similar is common in all south American countries too. I found this out first hand while visiting colombia

    3. Yea and we need to to their labels like Chapo "1 and chapo "2 and so on . Maybe Gallo " and Gallo the stinky . That would really hurt their egos .

  13. Is this the same Lico who is the plaza chief for CT in the Aquila area?

    1. This guy is licos NOT lico. This guy is the welthiest in the town. he kick out el tucan and people backed him up. He is a cool guy I'm surprize this happend. Its odd

    2. The original article states quite clearly several times " El Lico ". I don't know the guy , but the article was translated correctly.

    3. Trust me, I'm from that town.

  14. They'll clean house so another cartel could come in a few months later

  15. If el castillo de cagada was a genius, he would still be at the very top supported by the people and nobody would be making fun of his motherfucking ass.
    The military sold out to los zetas, la familia michoacana and the templarios as they acceded to power, like ninitos of miguel angel gallegos godoy, when kike plancarte started squeezing too much, el migueladas heated up the plaza and now the demonized and maligned ct, el chayo and el kike are gone, with el pollo for betraying el chango mendez, migueladas win through and through, he gives better mordidas to the federal envoys and the army that saved his ass once more...

    1. At least he's gone , he really was a moron , don't go away mad Castillo , just go away.

  16. I was wondering the same thing. The same guy who tried to have Semei ( real auto defense leader) assassinated on the coast..

  17. Quick, block the roads! They are taking our golden egg laying murdering theiving goose.

    1. Humorous statement, but you are correct. The entire town is complicit in corruption. Sadly, I strongly suspect this is how corruption has taken over many other towns.

  18. Why can't a rival cartel go into a plaza and sell lethal drugs that would kill the users? Poison the coke,meth,pill s that the junkies take.

  19. Off topic a bit, but that abuelo dude is one heavy hitter. He and others from michoacan were tied up with the Chinese dude that was caught with 206 million...the port of Lazaro is the Main reason for all the mayhem in that lovely state. The mex government will protect it at all cost.

    1. Protect? Or maintain corruption? At the highest levels! To much Mexican wealth is being by the elitist and taken from the citizens!

    2. You are correct brother, maintain the corruption is the word....i was researching ginseng after watching one of the shoes on the history channel about dudes from the Appalachian region where ginseng grows wild. Good money in it too, and how the Chinese snatch that it up too, and export it back to base...that's where I started researching Ye Gon and Mich ties. The precursors that where snatched up first made it through the port of Long Beach! Lmao! Unbelievable brothers!

    3. Old news it is brothers but very significant...

  20. Well surprise surprise , the financial coordinator for Los Viagra gets set free with all charges dropped, and nothing really concrete against him. What about membership of a narco trafficking organisation, laundering of cartel money, conspiracy to transport more than 5 kilos of meth and or cocaine to the USA, conspiracy to murder, conspiracy to extort, racketeering. Those are just a few charges that spring to mind concerning this guy , but they have lost the evidence, or had none !


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