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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

New Narco Manta says CDG are active in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon

Translated for Borderland Beat from a Proceso article by Otis B Fly-Wheel

Monterrey: the tranquility in the metropolitan zone was altered this morning because of a series of mantas with narco trafficker messages.

Various narco mantas were placed on pedestrian bridges, were signed by the Cartel del Golfo and indicate that the Monterrey plaza is theirs, that they don't want to fight the government and that the CDG are still active.

The mantas with warnings were deployed about 6:00 am in the avenue Garza Salda on the cross-roads of the avenue del Estado, another was placed in the avenue Lazaro Cardenas, and one more close to the avenue Alfonso Reyes.

According to non confirmed sources there were also mantas placed at Puente de Papa around the river Santa Catarina, in the central zone of the capital.

Minutes after being deployed, elements of the state police arrived and took them all down.

In the legible parts, the mantas said:

Happy new year 2015, to all of Nuevo Leon, this is a message to all citizens and authorities of Nuevo Leon. The Cartel del Golfo is stronger than ever, we don't want to fight with the Government, we only do whats right like the serious Cartel we are, we want to be clear, this plaza is ours, and to all those mugrosos lava-car and grasshoppers we keep on ragging those beginners, 

Atte: Cartel del Golfo Nuevo Leon plaza.

The most recent exhibition of mantas of this type occurred on 14th of November 2014, when a group of 24 people displayed messages of a political character against the state government.

The 24 people were detained because according to authorities, the incident is similar to intimidatory narco-traffickers, but the 24 people were released a few hours later.

Since the past year, the state government has registered a drop in criminal incidents in relation to years passed.

Original article in spanish at Proceso


  1. How convenient is that Uh?.. the mantas appeared just after the incident with the zeta dog bodyguard and the bigotona mayor.. if monterrey/nuevo leon "is theirs" why is a zeta working as a body guard for the witch?? who knows how many others are working as "body guards" for the other crooked 'politicians' ...that manta shiet was probably done by the same zetas, or maybe by the same politicians working with them. putas ratotas peludas'

    1. Yea. Cartel del golfo Is done. Zetas took control of all their plazas. They made it easy fg or zetas cuz they were fighting themselves. Los fresas with metros and so on.. mensos

    2. Yeah bullshit.Monterrey is all Zeta still

  2. Yeah, we only want to do what's right....mass murder, kidnapping, rape, robbery , arson, extortion, etc. because we are a serious cartel. Blah blah blah, a bunch of illiterate scum out to terrorize the citizens once again.

  3. Fucking scum need to hunted down and executed, all of them. Get an honest job, do things right, what kind of future do these rat fucks really want? To raise and breed their children as illiterate killers and rapists? Fucking no good scum.

  4. Hi there Chivis! Nice to see you still hanging in there.... Your pal, 777

    1. Thanks buddy, my new position is much less time consuming. Hope you are well...Paz, Chivis

    2. We appriciate you, thank you!

  5. Look at MICHOACAN. Where are the Templarios? Pinche Tuta has run like a rabbit. The answer is AUTODEFENSAS. Burn out the cabrones. Kill them wherever they stand. Hunt them every house every jacal y chosa. Arise Autodefensas!

    1. It's not thst easy, just look at Dr. Mirales. Hes still in jail for leading the auto defenzas. And there is no telling when he will be released. Bull shit. Free Dr. Mirales! !

  6. Preach brother preach,i can dig your anger.And you are so fuckin right

  7. This is what The Mexican President needs to adopt for the Mexican citizens -- A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. PROTEST! PROTEST! PROTEST!!

  8. La puta tuta did not have a license to kill with impunity like el castillo de cagada and his army, police, and juersaz rurles paramlitary...
    --Cacastillo says la puta tuta is not a the problem because he knows who the problem is, and the problem is: comisionado alfredo castillo, miguel angel osorio chong and their sicarios saving michoacan for el migueladas...

  9. If you look closely, before the "ATTE: EL CÁRTEL DEL GOLFO PLAZA NUEVO LEÓN," it says L.M.V.M.3. Does anyone have any clue what this abbreviation stands for? I would assume M.3. stands for Metro 3 and that whatever CDG faction is behind the mantas is linked to Los Metros, but what do the other letters stand for?


  10. L.m.v stands for "la mera verga". I think

  11. laredo matamoros victoria monterrey ???

  12. El cartel del golfo ya sé adueñó de la plaza desde ya hace un tiempo.Ahí pocos Z pero esos estan entapiñados en la area metropolitana, donde sí ahí bastantes Z es de Sabinas a Vallecio rumbo Nuevo Laredo y también en Escobedo ahí Z en Agualeguas también.Pero Guadalupe, San Nicolas, Monterrey y demas municipios de la area metropolitana de Monterrey es Golfo menos San Pedro ahí es BeltraneZ.

    Por eso los Z fueron atacar al bar "El Rey" en San Nicolas porque estaba la nómina del Cartel Del Golfo los Z sé mueven por la area metropolitana en taxis piratas la mayoria para hacer sus despapayes para no ser indentificados por el Gobierno y El Golfo.

    1. ente alguien que Habra en seriously y no Jonas anda have an do estupideses.


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