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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

MX attorney general says 'Chapo' will be extradicted to U.S.... in "300 or 400 years"

Lucio; posted by Pepe republished from The Big Story

Captured Sinaloa drug cartel leader Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman will not be extradited to the United States anytime soon, Mexico's top prosecutor said Tuesday.

Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam [aka #YaMeCanse] said he was expecting to receive a formal request later in the day from Washington, which also wants to prosecute Guzman on drug trafficking charges. But U.S. authorities will have a long wait.

"I could accept extradition, but at the time that I choose. 'El Chapo' must stay here to complete his sentence, and then I will extradite him," Murillo Karam told The Associated Press in an interview.

"So about 300 or 400 years fro now — it will be a while." 

Murillo Karam later clarified that he was referring to the time that it would take for Guzman to complete his sentences, "given all the crimes he's being prosecuted for." 

Guzman was arrested by Mexican marines last February in the Pacific Coast tourist resort of Mazatlan, ending years on the run as Mexico's most wanted man after a daring prison break in 2001. He is being held at a maximum-security prison near the capital.

Murillo Karam said sending Guzman to the United States would save Mexico a lot of money, but keeping him here is a question of national sovereignty.

He also dismissed concerns that Guzman could escape a second time. That risk "does not exist," Murillo Karam said.

U.S. congressional leaders have called for Guzman's extradition, but a formal request had not been made.

At least seven U.S. federal courts have pending complaints against Guzman accusing him of masterminding operations that smuggled drugs into the country.


  1. Que viva el senor de la montana

    1. No mames con ñ un poco mas de respeto mocoso

  2. Of course they're not going to extradite's not like they'll be able to help him escape if he was in an American prison...

  3. This story gets my back up , Karam must have taken a huge bribe to stop Guzman being extradited to the USA. I don't see the difference between El Chapo and any of the other Capos that have been extradited and served time in the USA, other than he has not completed his original sentence from Puente Grande.

    What really gets me is , he actually thinks the whole world doesn't know that he has taken money to make this decision. What shred of credibility he had before the Iguala incident was pretty much gone , now he's in the minus column. Yet another liability for the President , Castillo first , who has showed he is a cretin of the first calibre , and now Karam. I don't normally wish ill of any man or woman , but Castillo and Karam deserve payback dished out in large chunks .

    1. Serious??? Everybody already knows he and hundreds of others in DF and beyond have long been on CDS payroll - same families since the Quintero days. Many of the top 2% of Mexico's "legitimate" businessmen and politicians would be implicated if Quintero, Mayo, Azul or Chapo ever hit US soil. That would not be good for US military contractors, US politicians, or for the Mexican elite.

    2. I said he never will step foot on US soil again. His pockets are too deep. Really though mexico would look like stooges handing over the top prize in the war on drugs.

    3. I agree @8:30 pm. Why should mexico hand him over to the US when Chapo has caused MORE harm in Mexico than the US. He has to serve his sentence in Mexico first where he was captured then over to the US. There has also never been a successful escape from altiplano, Maximum Prison Number 1 where he is currently serving his sentence. Mexico waste money on Altiplano regardless. I'm sure the US just wants to Impose a HEFTY fine on Mr. Guzman.... At the very least about 700 the very least.

    4. Not really. It was actually Chapos top workers that spilled the beans. They were captured and tortured two days prior to chapos arrest.

    5. @11;25 Escaping is not just the problem but privileges also. In a 2012 report 41 percent of Mexico’s Altiplano’s inmates said the guards engaged in corruption. This means that many of the inmates are maintaining a high standard of living in accordance with the lifestyle they had on the outside.

      In a U.S. supermax prison, no such privileges will be allowed. To be imprisoned there will be a "punishment."

  4. crooked P of S. Chapo is still operating but is now safe from his enemies and can sleep all night. im sure he still has all the women booze and drugs he desires. once again as in caro quintero case the mexican givernment telling the US that they dont give a damn. Fuck mexico. it was our resources that pin pointed chapo's location.

  5. Viva Mexico, all them clowns are ignorant :)

  6. They can't extradite El Chapo. They might need him sometime in the future to organize a new cartel. Like they did with El Tísico and Caro Quintero. I mean he was only arrested in the first place to improve EPN's image abroad. Now that EPN's image is shot, they'll let Chapo go when the time is right.

  7. Chapo payed Murillo Karam millions just so he won't get extradited... Chapo knows he don't wanna serve time in America it's not gonna be corrupted like mexico is

  8. In a couple of years he will be eligible for "house arrest"

    1. Chivis what did you do with the Chapo snitch guy?

    2. I don't know where our chapo snitched guy is. see, we still get the "Chapo snitched" comments but I can't tell if it is an imposter because we get so many, but I send a few through.

      too bad we have no way of knowing who is genuine. Funny thing though the hated Chapo snitched guy becomes a BB folk hero.

    3. Chapo snitched lol... I'm baaaaack

    4. Hahahahahaha it'd me I've been posting that for years now.. I member the first time I posted it. I got people so heated.. i hate him because of what he did to r city. That's all I'm gonna say

    5. Chapo snitched!!!

      -chapo snitch imitator

    6. Chives I think the reason they want to keep chapo in mex is to live off his money and he is the only one that can keep the other cartels in line. Remember he offered to pay USA depth in return for a clean slate and a fresh start. It does matter where people are prisoned look at the LA Eme shot callers in California there still giving orders from shu.

    7. True, i thought that he would finish his sentence then give to the US, under terms of an agreement Obama and EPN hash out in exchange for DEA help. BUT even I questioned my theory because that would assume EPN wants to shut down chapo, in favor of someone else...

      or that epn is clean and fighting crime, which we know is total BS.

      One scenario is that was an agreement but now Mx decided US can go screw themselves.

      in which case yes, it is all about the Benjamins. I think people are missing a big possibility, finding the loophole in the law will allow "sickly" capos out after 60s. and that ain't so old, trust me, chapo is almost there.

    8. Chivis, 100% correct.

      I think that foto of EPN glaring at Obama as he was talking about the normalistas says, "F*uck you, USA, we don't need you and your 'human right.' We'll go it alone. We got plenty of $$$ here to steal, thank you."

    9. 6:13
      With so many disappeared bodies and unmarked graves all courtesy of men like Chapo, there is no amount of money in the world that would wipe his “slate” clean and you are delusional if you think the U.S. would accept such a deal. The people would rise up and impeach their president and rightfully so.

      And if the people of Mexico allow Chapo to serve out his sentence at home then they are not serious about putting a lid on mass corruption and will never be rid of the pain & suffering the government, cartels & individual criminals are burdening them with.

      Mexico can stand straight and put up sustained and unwavering protests for 43 missing students and should do the same for all the thousands Chapo and his ilk has disappeared and/or placed in unmarked graves; so many bodies that in many places there is a permanent smell of rotting flesh.

    10. Dude. Money talks. You can make ANYTHING happen with money. Just so you know, I live here in South San Diego and I knew the son of a big drug dealer that paid the DEA 5 million dollars and they COMPLETELY ERASED his record. He struck a deal. He still hangs around in the Tj/ San Diego area. Sorry, i really believe you're naive to what really goes on behind closed doors.

    11. @11:33 The national debt of the U.S. is in the BILLIONS (not a few measly millions), an amount that is “impossible” to keep hidden from Congress, The Senate and the U.S. citizens.

      Unlike Mexico where anything can be hidden…no wait, corruption is so bad in Mexico everything can be open…

    12. I guarantee chapo could afford the us debt sure its around the same amount they use to fund the bs war on drugs......

  9. "Merida funds to Mexico on hold for 300 or 400 years" said the U.S! . Travelers advisories stepped up immediately. How do you like me now, Karam?

    1. I thought the same thing about using the Merida Act to compel Mexico to extradite him, but I don’t think its necessary cause in the due course of time things, situations, positions and people change (attorney general positions, judicial, presidents etc.). Better to use the Merida funds towards current ongoing criminal activity (but with greater oversight of the funds tied to improved measurable performance).

      The people in Mexico’s government systems are always “haughty and boastful” when it comes to the sleazy and crooked side of matters…they can’t seem to help themselves as they have been mired in corruption for so many years…long before this unfortunate drug mess.

    2. At 10:38
      Exactly, con dinero bailan los perros. Karam will be like, no more merida funds then who's going to pay for my yacht and mistress?

    3. I can't believe no one has called it the "mierda" initiative yet.

    4. @8:51 Stop trying to be crafty and do try to contribute something positive to this board...there are enough morons here already...

    5. The Merida Iniciative is a bs a obsolete plan. Mexico politicians use its funds to buy cars , boats and luxury stuff. They are not using it against the narcos. Lmao

  10. Mi Apa will be out soon the extradition will never happen....
    atte Ivan Salazar

    1. LoL, ponle mas crema a los tacos!! tambien crees en la llorona y chupacabras verdad. When the USA says jump Mexico says how high APA. Always has & always will :)

    2. Thanks Ivan. I'm glad you made time from your busy schedule to let us know everything will be OK

    3. Hijo. Te extrano. Llo tambien estoy aqui en el bano mensajiando!

    4. Guzman family reunion at BB. These guys are not bad, they're national heroes.

    5. @anon 12:57
      When usa says jump..?? They say how high?? At some point they do.. Always??? Haha dile eso a rafaelon pelaron la verga machin. Con rafa caro.

    6. Apa soy Alfredo necesito lana para irme de vacaciones, no me dejastes la cuenta del banco.

  11. Supermax ADX Florence is waiting on Chapo...

    1. will keep waiting! Didn't you read the post 300 to 400 years sooooooooo tell your ADX supermax to not hold its breath.

    2. Karam also stated the risk of escape doesn’t exist, but we all know what Mexico’s prison system is like now don’t we?

      And as someone else pointed out situations and people change. Karam won’t be in office forever and that statement about 300+ years is silly blustering as Mexico over the years have flip flopped on many issues.

    3. @ 5:03 Mexico has not been honest with its people for the past several decades yet you believe it when Karam makes an outlandish statement about 400 years? Can I please sell you some fairy dust?

  12. I think Nieto is under a lot of pressure. He doesn’t look too happy in the above photo.

  13. Maybe it was dialing for dollars but as important is the fact that Chapo surely has the dirt and the 8X10 glossies of many big hats in the gob. I think the extradition request is a 'head fake' by the U.S. This is a State Department call not Justice and "diplomacy" always trumps enforcement. This was all decided a while back and we are just watching theater. The cake was baked last month but is just now being served. Enjoy. K. Reader

  14. Ya gotta love payola! Bet Chapo paid off the PRI a fortune. 'Aquí no pasa nada.'

  15. Chapo an't going nowhere

  16. Put chapo and z40 in a mma octagon...and who ever wins doesn't get extradited...

    1. They would just hug each other.

    2. Better yet a battle royal: La Barbie, El Chapo, Z-40, Chango Mendez, Carlos Beltran, and a couple of Golfo goons. Who ever wins no extradition....chairs are allowed.

    3. @ 12:08 Better yet why not make a big noose and put it around all their necks and make a mexican wind chime. Why extradite

  17. wheres all the U.S. goverment nut swingers at now lmfao...

  18. Chapo no sera extrditado porque soltara toda la sopa de sus compañeros polinarcos,,,

  19. Seguimos firme con el senor..

  20. El chapo snitched guy provided AND provides all the intellectual stimuli some slow cookers on BB need, like el mil mascarrabias, el marranicano, el mil escupidas and "min-blackjack" blackeyes jackass jay...

  21. Mexico cannot afford to be playing poker with the US. After all they screwed up the first time having him in custody. Also who the hell can you really trust there? I suggest the US just turn their backs and let whatever happen there take place. Instead of paying for extradition of these criminals, beef up the border, cut ties and let the place go as it may. Just fight to be sure none of their poison reach the US. Funny how the US was a useful tool in his arrest, using equipment their law enforcement lack. Now Mexico starts pushing them away.

  22. El Chapo Snithched Guy Is A Government Inserted Blog Researcher .... Beware Of Suspicious Characters Who Seem To Know More Then Stratfor Intelligence

  23. Jajaja!! You mad bro?
    Se la van a pelar los gabachos.
    Mexico lets Guzman free before they hand him over. Everyone has a price even you gringos and Mr Guzman has the money.

  24. The MIERDA ACCORDS have been mentioned a few times before, on BB of course !!!
    9:37 grow up, mentioning the negative is the first step to the positive, finding the problem is said to be 90% of the solution, according to production scientists and industrial engineers who know how to apply their science, not medieval subjects of the modern neo-nazi warlords and their feudal neo-liberal masters...

    1. 7:33
      Well now, I am speechless except for this…you my friend are lacking a sound mind...Ha ha

  25. Pure speculation, but I strongly believe this extradition head fake by the U.S. was hammered out when Presidente Nieto met with President Obama. At this stage, it is about diplomacy and not 'trailem; nailem; and jailem'. Chapo has way too much baggage for either the U.S. or Mexico to make a public spectacle of his Fortune 200 barbaric, murderous romp to the top. While the elephants are, monkeys stay in the trees. K. Reader/Que Onda

  26. When el taliban z50 dumped the zeta verduleras, he said cds and cdg was IT.
    --Hector beltran leyva ran to the CF, the zetas and the AFO, they sent pablo montero to kiss and make out in the ALLSTATE ARENA with juan gabriel, somebody killed one moremontero broter, and joan sebastian son, AND had a bitching contest with la barbie for the BLO, and la barbie and el taliban ended up arrested, z40, el H, vicente CF and his brother arrested, lazca 'dead' he may be hiding in Hidalgo State in some hacienda of his partner and jefe, Miguel Ange Osorio Chong (MAO the Chairman of mexico's kuomintang) zambadas arrested, macho prieto 'dead' but maybe not, el azul 'dead' but maybe not... do we see a pattern of sidestepping and stepping aside???
    --but important legislators dictated that they are not going to believe some criminal like la barbie talking shit about genaro garcia luna taking bribes, (or exacting shakedowns) because GGL was a ''government officer'', and it does not matter much if GGL is a murdering kidnapper for ransom that murders his prisoners even after the ransom has been paid, with the full cooperation of fecal, ''la senora wallace'' luis cardenas palomino and el boss de la ganga, carlos slim helu de gortari...all much bigger fish to fry than 100 el chapos...

  27. The Real Politik of Mexican, if a Chapo would be extradited to the US, the House of narco cards government, aka: Mexico, would collapse, from all of the snitching that Chapo would do, Chapo is the ace of spades in this card game, he is too big a security risk, he knows way too much, would implicate most politicisns of PAN to the point of revolution. Chapo with diaria of the mouth = New Mexican Govt.

  28. If he step on U.s soil the U.S will make a deal with him to bring all the other drug dealers down and they will disappear him.


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