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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Castillo solves the mystery of who fired the first shot: Hipolito's deceased son

written by lucio @ borderland beat

                          Castillo says Manolo fired first shot-Manolo lies in his casket above

  Castillo 'the magician'

Yesterday, first court district judge Consuelo Lopez, reported that it had not been possible to determine which of the two battling groups; Luis Antonio Torres 'El Americano' vs Hipolito Mora, fired the first shot in the December 19th gun-battle that left 11 dead.

Then magically hours later, Alfredo Castillo Cervantes, the President Peña’s appointed commissioner of security of Michoacán,  was able to solve the mystery.

Not only determining  which side fired first, but who pulled the trigger.  

He is blaming the dead guy.  

Not some random dead guy, but Manolo Mora the son of autodefensa founder Hipolito Mora.

According to Castillo, it was Mora’s group who fired first.

If that is not impressive enough, Castillo also knows who Manuel fired at, it was “El Gringo”, who as he fell returned the shot, leaving them both mortally wounded. 

It was always thought that Castillo reserved his most aggressive action and harm for Dr. Manuel Mireles,  but after Castillo's actions of today, it is clear Hipolito Mora has moved into the top target position.  Going after a man's dead son, even for Castillo, it doesn't get much lower. 

PGJE Evidence

Castillo says, the conclusion that the gunfight was initiated by Manolo, was based on “witnesses” accounts and the infamous Mexican forensic evidence, collected by Michoacán’s PGJE.  
Today Castillo reported there are 113 testimonies, and expert testimony explaining what occurred. 

Road Ownership

For months, according to reports from residents and Mora, in addition to video footage evidence, the Americano group has driven through La Ruana in large convoys of 25-50 vehicles.  The purpose of the convoys has been intimidation, driving by Mora’s home hurling threats.
Castillo says, a day before the clash, Americano had tried to enter the Ruana, but that Mora’s  group did not allow the Americano group to enter.

"He had every right to be on the road.  No one can assume ownership of a road, or take control the road.” 

He said the barricade caused great inconvenience, so residents had spoken against it and demanded it to be withdrawn, but Mora and his group refused, says Castillo.

The video below is of one of the El Americano convoys driving in Ruana


  1. There you have it. Not even Dexter would've figured that out.

    1. The Mexican Soap Opera continues, brought to by PRI.

    2. Mexico has AMAZING POLITICIANS.
      And ... wonderful voters :-))

      What a crazy country.

  2. El castillo de cagada nunca va a entender, he will never understand, al his forensics do is point the finger at his nemesis or at his opponents, that is where he snipers come handy...
    --on other more pleasant and pliable news, pena nieto was at the white house visting obama, asking for his own impenetrable and secure bank account where he can pile up his earnings from drugs and dirty deals, safely without mexicans smelling any of it, and asking for moreweapons to keep the plantation safe...
    --i guess i don't have to tell youses, there where a lot of mexicans there who can't forget and get over Tlatlaya or Ayotzinapa or the 43, and some were even saying i don't want to be #44...epn IS HATED THE WORLD OVER...

  3. There you have it. Not even Sherlock Holmes would've figured that out.

  4. Unfucking believable! Now all of a sudden this "Rolex" shopping peon Castillo is a ballistics and forensic expert. First we have a judge who is a gun powder residue expert and now this clown gives his expert opinion? What a FARCE.

  5. You would have to be a raging imbecile not to know this fuk is in the tank for la Tuta. It's obvious that all of them are bought and paid for or why else would they always side with the narcos?There are many recordings of Americano with Tuta, and he probably has lots more of other compromising videos of these corrupt motherfukers.

  6. "Castillo" The man of many talents!!!

    1. Wish someone would shoot him already.

    2. Take the cash out. I know some one. £2million.

  7. Does it sound like Castillo is defending a known criminal? El Americano?

  8. Blame it on the dead guy lmao

  9. Didn't Mireles get held in Jail, prison, political exile or whatever you want to call it for having military grade weapons? And now Castillo is defending El Porky Pig Americano and his group fully knowing that they are driving around with AK'S, M16's, Grenade Launchers? I thought I had seen it all, "WOW"!!!

  10. Whats the point of figuring out who shot first?? Clearly Hipolito and his men were defending their ways of life from a group of drug dealers who were intimidating them consistantly. These drug dealers would love to torture Hipolito and his men while sipping on a bottle of tequila if they had the chance. Clearly to leave this up to the government who is in accordance with la tuta is plain stupid. Hipolito should have said enough is enough and Should have seceded from Mexico.

  11. The witnesses are all paid for by the cartel Viagras, courtesy of Tuta! Thank you very much!

    1. I think the Viagras Cartel is a competitor to El Americano...They would side with Hipolito....we'll see what develops....

  12. I love this website cause it's as good as a novella on TV if not better. I can see now where the following episodes are leading to: Now speaking hypothetically this is how the novela would open up: El Americano calls Castillo on his cell phone and threatens him "You get me out of prison asap or I'm going to spill all the beans" Castillo replies "no don't say a word I will get you out and becomes irrational laying the ground work for El Americano's ultimate release by accusing Mora's son of being the instigator. On the next episode of the novela Castillo finds out that things aren't going as he planned so he has someone eliminate El Americano to keep him from talking.
    This political narco novela would get high ratings and would have fans coming back for more episodes.

    1. Unfortunately this is real and this has already happened countless times all across Mexico! But I have a feeling this will be the powder keg that will blow up even bigger than the massacre of the 43 students by the Mexican Government!!!!

    2. Good hope it does blow up in their faces.They deserve it;you reap what you sow.Like the guy before you said its a f---king novela.Mexico is so into the 1930s like Chicago and New York these huge protection rackets.How did it finally stop in the 30s?Did the people rise up?There were a lot of paid protection cops back then.

    3. The gang wars stopped when they got rid of prohabition. Maybe it would slow things down here in Mexico and in the states too if drugs were decriminalized.

  13. They gonna live with it. Mexicans are cowards, not hating just the truth. Time to move north

  14. I know right but some idiots on some other thread think that speaking like this makes us sound like we are trying to be rambo or something.

  15. Here's the convoy:

  16. Castillo i have a better one for you fuckker. It was the 43 missing students who fired first you peace of shitt.

  17. Because of this fucker and the government he works for, my family in mexico lives in fear. By the way culeros the fucking waiting list for citizenship is out the door alllllll the way to south america. And the only "people" that could "help" them get here is these fuckers and los viagras (basically everyone in michoacan) when gueros and fellow "latinos" talk shit about everyone in mexico im pretty god damn sure they wish they were here in the US by now. Seriously this blog goes from educational to racial in a heartbeat but if mexico was Israel or Canada everyone would be open in fucking arms. Easy to talk shit behind keyboards huh?? Blog about this shit in Mexico and you end up hanged or decapitated. Castillo should be head of SEMEFO.

  18. The Anonymous ramblings of the World Wide Web.

    The Autodefense fellas made some serious miscalculations.
    They did not get on the bus, when the seats were offered.
    So they got thrown under the bus.

    With the blame firly affixed to the dead guys, Castillo will be able to release the living.
    If they agree to play their part in the political street theater.

    The ambulances, still not on the road.
    Exemplifying the overall failure of the AD movement.

    1. damn jackass, you still have a stiff one for Mireles and the honest coastal AD?
      The ambulances were taken back by the government "as evidence" they were on "the road " for only 3 months. Including the coastal ambulance as it was the only one fully equipped.

      Dr. Mireles AD group is the coastal group, it has never dissolved and is highly respected.

      If only white boys from Texas or wherever the hell you dwell, would learn to read Spanish you could learn something. But no, you feed into the canned fox news and cnn of the usa

      what an ignorant asshole you are.

      question; why oh why did you open the jackass gate and allow this ass back in?

    2. redundant for sure, and far from the Castillo topic

  19. Why are you guys surprised? ???in mexico there is no Mr mora. Clearly an innocent man acting on self defense. And gets fried with jail mexico what works is being corrupt, play by their own Pablo Escobar used to do back on the 1980s...plata o plomo....

  20. WOW! This guy is good. Now Mexico can finally solve the 10's of thousands of unsolved cartel murders, find the missing kidnapped and disappeared 10's of thousands, locate Tuta and help the world solve and locate the missing Malaysian airliner MH370 that has been missing since March, 2014. Finally we can have closure. Thank you Alfredo, thank you for all you help and assistance. Oh, can you help us with the missing 43 student teachers too.Thanks.

    Castillo you moronic stupid jackass motherfucking conniving piece of shit! You dumb fucks all think the people are so fucking stupid and dumb. Please, when you go home tonight, stick a gun barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger.

  21. Castillo is a gypsy? Fortune teller with a crystal ball? Jajajaja mystical images are appearing now.....oh that's only Castillo sucking La Tuta's prick. Wrong image. What a jackass for the world to see. I bet he's so proud of his ability to see into the past and to see ahead in the future. Better safeguard the crystal ball before La Tuta confiscates it and sells it to the Barnum and Bailey Circus for a sideshow act

    1. So does he also predict the future?

  22. Blame Manolo Mora for the 43missing students too n for the whole Michoacan problem.

  23. Weaponologist castillo knows his weapons, all he had to see was that Dr Mireles was clearly carrying a leg of paulette and he knew he had him...
    --he was the expert investigator who found baby paulette after she started smelling like an overdone putrefact carcass, if it had not been for the cadaver smell, baby paulette would not have been found yet, now we are supposed to believe this professional liar of government...
    --gladly, it looks like epn is offering the best he got to his fight to save mexico, and this is it, one total pendejo after the other

    1. I had thought about writing a post of baby paulette

      I am betting 75% of reader do not know wth we are talking about.....

    2. Thats the baby from Mexicothat went missing in 2010, after her mother tucked her in to go to bed, the next mourning when the Nanny went to wake her up she was the 1% who knows :)

    3. That story still haunts me it was the reason im always on BB sorry in advance that im on an anonymous account profile was hacked

    4. El cacas castillo has many nore fuck ups than baby paulette farah, whose mother now parties freely, 24/7, the swindling of la mano con ojos where he took the money (400 000.00 dollars,US) and then explained to el compayito that he did not receive the: 40 000.00 pesos, mexican... this expert liar has much more baggage than that, they call it excess baggage, there is a price we all can't pay...
      By any means CHIVAAA! Collect for all uf us...

  24. Eventually a Tuta tape will surface with this idiot in it. Always does. Why is no one rellay looking for him. It was so important to find "EL Chapo", that Mexico involved the US. They had him in 1,2,3. Why isn't there the same request for Tuta? Obviously the crime has not diminished with the capture of Joaquin. Tuta will probably die before Mexico even make an effort. All the good guys get arrested and comply with their arrest. Unfair country. This story confirms Castillo's lack of interest in capturing Tuta. Castillo should start his own psychic hotline for extra income. Or better yet go and solve all the unsolved murders and kidnappings with his extraordinary psychic powers.

  25. Piece of shit, ok.
    Pena nieto has designated in his infinite wisdom like 10,11 or 12 areas to which he will be sending comisionados, like the states and cities can not have decent kidnapping extorters and murderers all by themselves on their own, and to micromanage the micropay of the sicarios to macroenhance HIS revenue...

  26. Castillo must have been there with El Americano , and that's why he knows who fired the first shot! Or he could have seen the whole shootout with his good eye, you know the brown eye between his butt!

  27. I thought politicians where supposed to keep their mouth shut when it came to legal matter and let the court system handle the judicial process! I usually here them say something to that nature!!!

  28. Unfortunately having us ranting on this forum is not going to change anything. Castillo and EPN would NOT be in power if it were not for the fact that they have the support of the majority of Mexican citizens. And those citizens (the gullible ones who fall for this) are not reading the internet, they're having kids and protesting briefly about irrelevant things before forgetting about it and going back to having more kids.

    1. What doe having children have to do with anything? Maybe a lot of Mexicans are ignorant and gullible, but they vote PRI for several reasons like, The patriotic colors, free T-shirts, Flat Screen TV's, gift cards, they promise stuff to the poor, and they have the cartels on their side! But are PAN or PRD Any better? The murdering mayor in Guererro was not PRI?

  29. This is the same the guy who couldn't find the little girl who was murdered and all the time she was in her bedroom decomposing....he's improved his sleuthing skills...mexicans in Mexico always bring that up...if you speak Spanish, their comments sections are more insightful than the BB comments, although i think BB's reporting is more in depth

  30. Castillo eres un pedaso de mierda estas pero ven pendejo incompetente ,inutil servidor de ese marrano que no tiene nada de gringo haha estupidos

  31. They say the corrido la china was written for Castillo !

  32. Como, how se ponen a creticar al senor cacastillo? Su el rolex he bought has a tabla quija eleptronica que le adivina todo lo que quiere, embidiosas.
    Hey, Blackeyes jackass jay long time no see...
    Dr Mireles, and the AD are still open for business, with the usual construction inconveniencing and government good for nothing meddlesomeness, and the mexican government still is on the business of getting victory snatched from their hands, the AD started on bad and false premises, and with tainted leaders, maybe, but when the push came to shove, they chose to side with the right program, all while you jackass sty with your program of kissing the government's ass, and still talking the same old stale shit...


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