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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Apatzingán killings were by "federal death squads, similar to Tlatlaya".

by Lucio using Reforma, Facebook, Despertar and Michoacan3.0

According to witnesses the victims were unarmed.  Others say, the victims were gunned down without provocation; witness are unwavering when they say,  “the victims were executed”.

An account from a witness said, three victims had their hands behind their necks in a position of surrender,  and they were unarmed, when killed.

One was in a kneeling position, with his hands clasped behind his neck.  They pleaded with the federal police not to shoot, but three loud booms emitted and the men were killed.

These were a few of the  events in Apatzingán, Michoacán, where 11 people were killed yesterday morning, which is suggesting to many of it being  another  ‘Tlatlaya 22’.  There were two events recorded 1 death and 2 injuries in the one incident, 10 dead, 2-4 injured and 44 arrested in the other.

The exact number of dead is elusive, from 9 to 20.  Padre Goyo López, himself of Apatzingán, reported there were over 17 casualties.

Today federal deputy Ricardo Monreal spoke to the press and was resolute.

The deputy said that in both cases, victims were tried and executed at the hands of federal forces.  Adding that in both cases federal forces sustained no injuries or deaths. (Reforma has a report of 2 federal elements with minor injuries)

Even if in a case it is suspected that subjects are suspected criminals, or otherwise, forces must allow criminal proceedings process to proceed.  To circumvent the process, the deputy says,  
 "Is the worst barbarity that can happen in any country. Death squads covered, paid and protected from the Mexican government are acting without contemplation and without securing the rule of law. "
He explained;  “Human rights in the country are in the most critical phase of the modern period.”

He argued that the federal Commissioner Alfredo Castillo is a "burden" to Michoacán, because he has been given to the entity neither peace nor tranquility.”

"Instead, Michoacán is in an authentic Civil War, pitted against each other, civilians against civilians, families against families,  it has only separated people and compromised co-existence.”

The deputy then spoke of Alfredo Castillo and the federal involvement in Michoacán, saying;  
"This was a fiasco gentleman. He should not be there, this should be rectified immediately and he should render his resignation.”
The video compilation of footage: After the killings, citizens rebuke the actions of the federal police, speaking directly to them. Part 2 of the video is footage is described as civilians fleeing the attack by the army and federal police.


  1. Inching closer to open revolt.

    1. So when does the revolution start? When are the people gonna wake up and say lets do something before it gets so bad that we see satan himself walking the streets in mexico?

    2. never remember no guns in Mx

    3. Revolution !!!!!

    4. this is the government's fault for being at the expense of American

    5. anyone with the balls to revolt has or is going to the US. Why stay and fix the problem when you can leave.

  2. If this was the case there will be more videos. Weren't you saying that the Viagras were the ones that took over the palace in Apatzingan? ??

    1. well that is one story. It is evolving.

    2. is either Viagra, civil, rural or AUC depending on whose version you believe

    3. The people who took over the City Hall in Apatzingán were Viagras and their supporters, upset because Castillo was trying to get rid of the problem he created.

      The people killed here were people paid a few pesos a day by Los Viagras to show up when needed.

      El Gordo Viagra managed to "escape" through a back door at City Hall when all the shooting started.

  3. Castillo should resign before he goes to jail for murderering inocents.

  4. What revolt...this is mexico where no body gives a shit about each other. Is survival, they care about themselves. But the problem is when they come and take them...and no body say anything. Like that saying back on nazi Germany, "first they came for the jews, then for the catholics. Later union organizer, then they came for me and nobody said anything " fuck mexico.

    1. Dayuum,preach brother preach

    2. Well said.
      its sad to see that just getting worse.. hope that the people wake up and fight back.

  5. But Castillo said for months there were no armed civilians in Michoacán, right?

    So he must be wrong? And Dr. Mireles needs to be released....?

  6. Failed country full of failed people. Grow some balls and start fighting the government.

    1. Come on Michoacan que no dicen que los hombres lo le temen a nadien y que se mueren en la raya y se paseyan con los escuadras n la cintura? O es puro cuento??

    2. I think your also talking about America as well huh.. we get slammed here to dip shit

    3. I live in Mexico and you cannot even compare Mexico and the USA on these matters. Just ask the millions of illegal immigrants that are living in the USA where they feel safer. Hand down it is the USA. My wife just got her visa and she with me to El Paso for the first time. She said in all sincerity why are we not moving here. I said you want to leave your family behind. Your mother father, brother and friends? I guess she is thinking in the kids growing up in a better situation with more opportunities, more freedom and safety. She was surprised that the houses were not built like fortresses here in Mexico.

    4. That kinda silliness is only said by US 'Americans'. Unless you've actually lived in LatAm for some years, you have no idea what you are talking about. It's like comparing apples and zebras.

    5. @1:55 You just can not compare the US to Latin Am. period. Stop hating on the USA haters.

    6. 7:59 AM
      I wish you all the luck brother you and your wife,it is a hard decision for you about family but i would be scared for my wife and little ones.A lot of us wish Mexico was better(no matter what haters say)but do whats best for your life and your dearest,wish you luck brother,from a"gringo"

  7. If they were criminals good riddance....First the people are saying kill the criminals on the spot so they don't keep hurting the populace, than when shit like this happens, people get all upset....If mexico has death squads killing criminals, it goes a long way towards explaining the drop in macabre videos and public v displays of power. The tatlya 22 were a bunch of criminals....why are people upset over then evil wouldn't cry over a dead scorpion because it was still a juvenile or a dead baby rattlesnake....ifvt y see people killed were's about time mexico started doing something about the crime

    1. 9:01 I wish there were death squads looking for pendejos babosos like you, always carrying water for the motherfucking mexican government or the police, or the military, and now death squads...
      --you really like the military oils don't you???

    2. Weird how all of a sudden "criminals" in Mx don't have any guns.

    3. 9;01-2 or 3 of those people killed were innocent,they were kidnap victims taken by these criminals.their hands were tied behind their backs.

  8. For the first time on my life I cried over a video, why because of the way the civilian the lady, the old man, the young guys keep on saying to the cop, "is this a democracy? " the cop just put his head so sad and angry.

    1. Holy shit.Michoacan hAS GONE THROUGH ENOUGH ALREADY IN PAST WEEK.i HOPE INTERNATIONALS GET A HOLD OF THIS.mexican gov is not being too smart but just goes to show you how totally comfortable they are doing this.Guess they don't have enough money for the legal system to process the millions for their food in jail and onto court.Someone mentioned these people were running errands for the Viagras,maybe Castilo is really getting rid of them for real.

  9. Mexico is a waste of time. The people don't want anything better or they would fight for it. The smart ones headed north already to the US.

    1. You are right on that note, Papa Pitufo is probably in L.A. in a DMV somewhere. Hahaha

    2. Papa Pitufo is building a village in the forest!

    3. All you people swear you know what life in Mexico is like. Lol! You have no clue. What you see is the worst. The bad and the ugly. That's like 20% if that of what goes on. The rest is all good. Keep on thinking like that tho. And work your ass of for uncle sam. While we're on the beach with quads living life.

    4. 11:02, riding in quads dodging bullets or jumping dead bodies or zig zagging decapitated heads? So i rather work for uncle sam pay my taxes and not worry about nothing. I can go to Gorman or the Sand Dunes n ride the quads n maybe worry about running out of beer or gas than ride under the conditions i mentioned. Hahahaha

    5. 2:08
      Like I said. You have no clue what happens. Just keep working you 50+ hours a week and pay your taxes. Buddy and retire when you're 70. Die 5 years after

    6. 11:02 With its 20% sht. Is 20% for you crooked perro. But for the other mxicans is at least 70% btch. Go ask the ones taking shit from every body including you and your family mf'r

    7. Would rather retire in Mexico and ride my motorcycle year round in 100 degree temperatures than freeze my ass off in another-50 winter.

    8. Mexico is beautiful. It's people it's land and it's culture are rich and like no other. These type of crimes don't even come close of what this great country really is. So it seems to me a bit unfair to categorize a country as Mexico as if it were a hell hole were nobody should travel to just because of some crime reports. If that's the case then I'm scared of taking my kids to a school in the u.s. in fear of them getting shot at. Since in the u.s. a bunch a psychos don't even need a reason to Kill they just least money moves these idiots, what moves yours uncle Sam?

    9. 3:25/11:43, United States LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT, Apparently you are here for a reason, can anyone fill in those reasons? N if you are not stay where you are at, we will read about you in BB soon :)

    10. @3:25 Thats what you say.. you obviously haven't lived that much on a 95+ summer temps zones. Im not much of a 90+ degree temps. lover it makes me go nuts when it feels like hell out side..

    11. at 11:43 AM
      "Mexico is beautiful. It's people it's land and it's culture are rich and like no other,If that's the case then I'm scared of taking my kids to a school in the u.s. in fear of them getting shot at" Really adult response there?
      Dude,i gotta say thats the biggest load of horseshit ever,a typical jingoistic response.Mexico is having real problems and you start arguments because people here are discussing it?This rosy idealistic view is all well and good but hardly reality,but,your response is expected,sadly...

    12. 11:43 AM
      What an asshole

  10. Arnt these people viagras?? If so than who cares

  11. It looks like their tough, it was real federal cops, that's why they sorrounder, but guess what happend ,

  12. Wow. Michoacan is turning out to be the state you can trample. The people just stand and take it. I hear penanieto told obama that castillo already figured out which student in Guerrero was the first to fire on the army. Turns out it's the one that's missing!

  13. The poor people put the cannon fooder for a few pesos paid by the viagras who are not resigned to being dropped from the juersaz ruralezzz 'created' by el castillo de cagada, they don't want to lose their power, and certainly it gets easier and easier for the popolice to just shoot to kill, the lady on the ground has a bullet hole on the leg, probably she got shot while armd with a kilo of tortillas...
    --for ricardo monreal to be getting involved on this, it keeps looking worse for pena nieto, just when he is out of a meeting with kissing obama's ass...
    --what we don't see is how many viagras got killed, only poor people's cannon fooder.

  14. What is the military for in Mexico ? the best I can figure the only conflicts they have had in the past 125 years has been with their people . Something isn't democratic about a "democracy" where the people and the government have different wants .
    Oh I forgot they are always either fighting criminal groups or aiding criminal groups . Sounds like some are getting their wants some of the time .

  15. Mireless should have just kept his mouth shut and minded his own business. All he did was emboldened people who ended up dead or in jail. He did more harm than good. He should be like the rest of Mexico's population - look the other way and only care about yourself.
    The way to hell is paved with good intentions.

    1. Says the deceiver.

    2. The revolution has to start somewhere.Those were the baby steps.

  16. Hola Chivis, DD, Tijuano, and the rest. I know that this won't get posted but I wanted to recommend the movie "Frontera" starring Michael Peña, Eva Longoria, and Ed Harris. I won't tell what the movie is about but it shows that there are hard working Mexicans and nice, decent Americans.

    Thank you guys for your hard work and dedication.

    1. BTW...I saw the chapo documentary the legen of shorty.
      i wasn't expecting much as I am overcritical with these bodies of work.
      but this one I actually saw twice, give it a thumbs up. not perfect mind you, but well done.

  17. Poor people armed with nothing other than their smelly huaraches, for the glorious mexican armed forces of ejercito and marina and police to murder...
    --Not all the police or military are corrupt murdering death squads, but all share on the silence, and some day will be goosestepping all over mexico, guatemala, chile and argentina's armies still do it, and if you are not an hijo de la chingada you do not belong there with ''the grooms of death''...

  18. I agree I can't believe the president Pena is not involved more than what he is it's ridiculous I bet if Obama had control non of that shit would be happening it's truly sad

  19. Michoacan isn't all bad...this is mostly a tierra Caliente thing

    1. Morelia leads the country in number of kidnappings in the last year.

      There have been narco shootouts in public streets in Zamora, Zitácuaro, Pueblo Mágico Jiquilpan, Los Reyes, etc. All outside Tierra Caliente.

      Pátzcuaro's mayor is in prison for working for the CT cartel. Wake the hell up!!

    2. Oh, and another thing....

      The Michoacán coast has seen plenty of shootouts on the roads that run along and around the coast. La Mira, Playa Azul and Lázaro Cárdenas.

      It's hot along the coast, but it ain't considered part of Tierra Caliente!!

    3. What is the name of tierras caliente bigest `capo/capos´? does any body know?..

  20. maybe the cops picked them up....but i dont see any weapons next to the bodies except for a shotgun,,,which really isn't your standard high caliber weapon of choice by cartel members

  21. Bienvenidos a Somalia.

  22. it looks like they [the Feds] dragged out and executed that family. look how they huddled together as they were being killed. The mom is on the left shes hugging the son then its probably the daughter and then the dad.

  23. I am sure, Obama told Peña, " You are a bunch of brainless" and on top of that: criminals.

  24. awesome work lucio. thank you

  25. I was looking at "Hilda Madrigal Marmolejo's"FB page.She is the dead female by the black truck in light blue shirt.Just a normal mother and family oriented woman posting some recent pics of herself.I have seen and heard on blogs that people such as she were paid 100 pesos to ride in the trucks and appear when needed,she is posing with a gun but joking about it(the sicarios)she wouldn't have known she would lose her life shortly after posting the pictures?These people were executed,why so much outrage over it...

  26. The authentic AUC was affective and doing an excellent job, crime plumented,,,,Until tuta's man Castillo came to Michoacán. crime has skyrocketed to levels even higher than previous to 2013

  27. The common denominator for high crime keeps popping up.Tuta, Castillo, Viagras and Rurales?

  28. @1:35 Este hijo de su puta madre no ha visto toda la gente que se ha levantado desde que Mireles y compania opened for business, is is a start, it has started, and you don't fix cien anos de soledad with a prayer or moronic criticisms, the efforts of the auto defensas are not supposed to follow the agendas of agent provocateurs or excited teenagers, not yet...

  29. Uds creen que si esos malandrines hubieran tenido la oportunidad de perdonar a los federales, lo hubieran hecho?
    A quienes creen hacer tontitos, pueblo? Mientras mas muertitos haya por el lado de esos buenospanada mas contentos todos.
    Sus familias nunca van a denunciarlos, sus amigos menos, sus esposas mucho menos, esta en nosotros los afectados por tanta mugre en la sociedad que debamos aplaudir las matanzas que se realizen. Que mueran todos esos pendejos! Nada de misericordia, ellos no la tuvieran con nosotros.

  30. My husband and I have taken many trips to Mexico. Mexico truly is beautiful, and the Mexican people are a proud people, despite the danger in some of the municipalities, and despite serious abject poverty in many places. The people of Mexico do care about one another, but at this point in time the people of Mexico in general are struggling to survive, so much so that anything above survival level (like thriving) is not an option. Aside from a suspected corrupt political system, corrupt police forces, the people of Mexico (as well as those of Honduras and El Salvador) are dealing with the maras (or the gangs) as well as the narcotraffickers and organized crime. It is a mess, to be sure, and one that will not be cleaned up easily or quickly. Americans cannot possibly compare anything that happens here to what is happening in Mexico, Honduras, and El Salvador. I am an American, by the way. But, please do not qualify the people of Mexico as apathetic. They are not apathetic. They are stuck in a very bad moment in their country's history. They have the right to insult their own country, if they desire. But we should not. They love their country, and they are truly devastated and heartbroken about what is happening there. The people who escape to America do so because of fear, because they want to try at a thriving life instead of a surviving life, because they want their children to be safe. I cannot even imagine the PTSD of these immigrants. What they would prefer, and make no mistake about it, is to remain in their own country, a beautiful country, with a functioning government, with growing communities and schools. It just is not a possible reality right now. Try to have some compassion. God bless, guys! Prayers for Michoacan!


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