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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

'El Americano' and 9 others in custody, transferred to Mil Cumbres Prison

by Lucio,  material from tres punto cero used in this post
                                                               'what me worry?'
                        El Americano appears confidant and smug, giving a little wave to reporters

Simon Torres, also know by 'El Americano', is in custody along with 9 of his men. He was taken into custody by the PGJE agency. The PGJE is the agency that called for Americano's statement after the Borderland Beat image of him, Tuta and the Los Viagras leader went viral. 

The result of that interrogation, ("not me", said Americano) and after "extensive forensics of the photo",  the PGJE agency ascertained it was not him and he was released without further investigation.  The agency never made public their forensic proof.

That is the same agency who has him and the others in custody.

There is a striking difference in the treatment of this man opposed to autodefensa leader Dr. Manuel Mireles Valverde.  Americano is alleged being in control of the majority of synthetic drug labs in Michoacán, suspected of controlling the majority of labs and in collusion with or a part of Los Viagras Cartel.

The crimes he is suspected of is murder, from the December 16th attack on Hipolito Mora, at Mora’s home.   

Contrariwise, Dr. Mireles was arrested from unlawful possession of weapons, although he had none when arrested.

Americano is greeted by the PGJE with a handshake, Dr. Mireles, blindfolded, hooded, cuffed.  It remains to be seen if arrested if the government will order Americano’s  head shaven as in the case of Dr. Mireles.

Americano was appointed by the security commissioner Afredo Castillo, as one of the commanders of the Peña administration generated Rurales Fuerza Michoacan police force.
                                              Dr. Manuel Mireles Valverde upon arrest

Is the  pgr agent taking an americano selfie? 

A contribution from Chivis


  1. There's a picture of one of the PGJE taking a selfy with that piece of crap. Guess we already know the outcome of this.

    1. Every bad dog has its days not matter what they do. If he is on the bad side then he is gonna get it. soon or later. just like that.

  2. where is the selfie?

    Yes, I agree, this is all theater

    1. It was on an online article this morning. Looked to see if I could find it and couldn't anymore. They are in a back of a bus heading to the prison.

    2. Maybe this is it?

  3. The comparison with the treatment of Dr Mireles and the treatment of El Americano boils my blood .This guy is a known criminal yet he is received like a hero

  4. Is El Americano a CIA agent?

    1. stranger things have happened! you never know.

    2. He is NONE. If he was why would he be making all that mess? spreading noises with all that mess? You ppl are stupids.

    3. I think he might be!

    4. why don't you do everybody a favor and investigate americano's criminal history in the U.S. he apparently left the U.S. after living several years there and owned a used car dealership or used to sell used cars on the side of the streets.

    5. el americano es una mierda, like the marines taking his ass away on the chopper, allowing him to shake hands with his buddies,, unshakled... --after fucking porky pig went looking for trouble... --para no estar chingando, see grillonautas2/por un coalcoman libre: nueva radiofrecuencia de el americano tras enfrentamiento en la ruana. --also: audio previo a los enfrentamientos en la ruana/animal politico... there you can hear el americano giving his military advice to his 'troops', and telling them 'perate guey ahi vienen los soldados a ayudar, no como la policia federal y la gendarmeria' y 'perate, me esta lamando el comisionado' which means: wait, the commissioner is calling...there must be a way to find the phone numbers and who called who from where, fucking castillo de cagada can't deny it this time...

    6. El Americano is a piece of dog doo doo,he should get killed and raped American Me style for being a bitch ass pocho..

  5. i cant belive this shit.. its bad for humanity.

  6. Have the feds let them have some rec yard time together. Put that bitch Torres and his girls...gang out in the yard with Mora and crew. Just have one big free for all and shank that fuck scum Americano to death.

  7. That rat fuck Castillo said Americano voluntarily turned himself in for questioning. Pure lies, just a façade to further protect that cockroach. He had a deadline as did Mora and Mora fulfilled his end but Americano thought the govt was just going to let him go after they set a deadline for him. Of which he violated and no punitive action was taken against him. Voluntarily turned himself in? What about the arrest warrants? Printed with invisible ink. This all make believe? Then that SOB is out shaking hands and kickin' it with the fed authorities before and after his arrest.. Sad shame, he will be released and Mora condemned like the Doc. Seems like the innocent are always handcuffed and the criminals never secured even around loaded high powered weapons.

  8. Es texano el vato este parese que es del chuco town clicka south side lokotes

    1. "clika south side lokotes"....calm your nuts down fucking dog.

    2. Ha ha clucker like me ha ha!

    3. who is the clucker?

  9. Why people blame politicians ?
    The voters are to blame !

    1. How can you blame the voters? The cartels have influenced all elections with $$$ bribes and the threats of death. Wake up, this isn't America.

    2. dec30 @6:27 here we go again with stupid, manipulations can steal elections, and computer and voter fraud working with a corrupt instituto federal de elecciones will make the job easier, if you don't know you are still stupid!!!

  10. Man , I Know.. Its Always Like This Down In Mexico.. People With The Money , Make The Decisions, Remember That

    1. dec30 @3:40 and there is nobody there in mexico with more monetary investment than the US, giving mexico half of the promised money, stealing the other half, while mexico uses what they don't steal to arm their military paramilitary, police, and evil narco-sicarios, to keep the plantation quiet, peaceful and producing, of course, the narco-sicarios must earn money somehow to pay for their weapon...

    2. It's like this everywhere not just Mexico. Rich people run shit in every country, unfortunately and who has the highest number of ultra rich people? That's right the U.S. and these rich bastards are the one effin up us 99 percenters over.

  11. I can't believe this hypocrisy either; truly disgusting.

    $100 says he is let go and the 'Autodefensa Movement', as far as we know it, will be long forgotten.

    Mexico may have it's pride but it's certainly losing it's cajones..


  12. Americano has all these clowns in his payroll. It really sucks how they are treating Mireles. The one that is going to get screwed in all this is Mora. Michoacan has to revolt NO BALLS NO GLORY!! where is papa pitufo.

  13. They are all pawns in the larger picture being painted by the Mexican government for consumption by everyone....Michoacan and AD could be used as a microcosm of what can be achieved before the grasping government stepped in to destabilize and then restore the status quo.....Farcical pictures

  14. Wth is this??!!!! Look how they had Dr Mireles and look how thy get this looser!!! I'm pissed the F off being a mexican I have to say this mexico laws are just a piece of S***... Period

    1. Do something don't just stand there in front of a computer containing about the situation,using the power of the vote is out of the question,let's do it another way . Join the rebellion forming up in Michoacan

  15. This guy is in cahoots with the same people that are going to " punish" this guy. There going to let him go with a little more money handed to them by americano and his boys. Reminds me when I went to trial against a racist, currupt police officer. I was waiting in court and here comes the crooked cop shaking my public pretender's hand. That's when I knew I was fuck#d.

    1. 3 billion dollars from the US pay for this kind of shit since the MIERDA ACCORDS started paying off for mexico to keep quiet about CIA planes caught trafficking drugs on the yucatan peninsula/Operation Jaguar, no strings attached, no results needed, no wonder...

    2. 8:39, 8:50, 8:55, is the mexican baboon of millie with its crazy theories again lol

    3. The cia is da largest cartel...

    4. How irritating is he with all his anti US shit ? This post has nothing to do with the US but he cant help himself,loser..

    5. Might be irritating to you, but it's true. Menso!

    6. cLASSIC CASE OF THE fOX GUARDING THE hENHOUSE[THE Mexican gov and El Americano]

  16. Someone should shiv him in the prison.

  17. Hey Chivis!!! Please send this video to a honest international Media.... Let's make this a big deal! How are they shaking hands with this criminal?? Send them photos of when they captured Dr. Mireles..... Please let me know what you think Chivis!!!!!

    1. All the international media is owned by conglomerates with financial interests in keeping people down...The honest media are local rags and blogs read by few

  18. It's not just what's pointed out in the article above. El Americano is also three days late and 15 guys short.

    10 days ago, Castillo said he was asking for statements from 25 of Americano's group and about 30 from Mora's group. They had until last Saturday to turn themselves in or face arrest. Well Mora's group turned themselves in on time.

    Americano "negotiated" a deal with Castillo that allows the other 15 guys from his group to turn themselves in ... get this - in groups of five, when they feel like it!!!

  19. Americano put on his spiffy Ferrari shirt for this. Lol. What a joke.

  20. Heyy chivis and bb if you guys think this looks bad you should see what the michoacan judge a woman says about her case this case hipolito and el americano she said that hipolito mora and his men are being investigated for the deads of 10 of the 11 total people dead after the shootout the only one that hipolito and his men are not beig accused of killing is hipolitos son shit in other words hipolito and his men are being accused not just of killing americanos men but their own ones because it is reported that 5 people from hipolitos men died and 6 from el americanos

  21. As long as I live Dr. Mireless will never be forgotten.

    Canadian girl

  22. @4:50

    my friend I have been doing just that for over a year, I made a poster of dr m vs narcos being captured everything.

    on twitter I had a little melt down, when I jounalist I actually respect said americano the vigilante was arrested. WTF? I corrected it and he was a gentleman enough to post this BB post. there are 2 more photos I asked for lucio to consider posting.

    Pepe...that looks like a selfie. at first I did not think so, but you can see Americano leaning in. and how about hanging out the helicopter shaking hands, having a weapon passed to him....just kidding about the weapon :)

  23. absolutely fucking pathetic.

    they treat this guy like some hero while the real hero was treated like a scumbag criminal and is being tortured.


    1. where is the Gold 1911

    2. I know right? Lol

      I just got me another 1911 got a Gold Cup .38 before SSE ends here in cali

    3. Hes not showing off his 1911 Gold hes wearing his best ferrari shirt, you gotta get arrested with style in Mexico!

  24. I wish the U.S. would pay more attention to this but we are fighting and protesting our own police and government injustices here in America. In reality this goes hand in hand, in 1968 when 300 people were massacred by the Mexican Government for peacefully protesting, black Americans were simultaneously fighing for their rights, the black American Olympians were stripped from their medals for raising their fists in protest in the 1968 Olympics which was held in Mexico City. Fast forward to our present day and it seems that nothing has changed but technology and hairstyles. I have been beat and harassed on both sides of the border by crooked police officials so I sympathize with my Mexican people and my African American brothers here in the U.S. We have to unite, bring light, and fight against these government crimes. Best strategic move is to educate yourself to infiltrate the system and change it from within, thats why the Mexican Government is threatened by educators and prefer to keep the people ignorant, an American tactic that Mexico has adopted.

    1. I can not agree with you more, also take a look at the helicopter the Mexican marines use, is a Russian made helicopter, indirectly, bought with money the U.S. provides under the Merida accord.

    2. En serio? Mira, this is Borderland Beat, ignorance like this doesn't help. Autodefensas and Mireles are trying to bring the law and order way of life. Americano is on the thug side of "Snitches get stitches". How are you going to try to compare the so called "injustices" that the average whiner complains about in the United States with even just one friggin day in Mexico? Please! Like I said this is BB, There are penty of other websites like Yahoo where you can take that passive aggressive racial black-vesus-white animosity, just not here. Okay? Gracias

    3. @8:28PM should chill a little. I don't see @6:57PM's post that way at all. It is a forum, and there are parallels. I'm not aware of injustices having a rating system of bad to worse.

      Here to learn. All are free to speak.

    4. you think the us government doesn't know this is happening? they do but until it involves something they care about or beneficial to them they're going to mind their business

  25. What's interesting to me is that El Americano's people are posting mantas calling the Viagras a bunch of organized criminals linked to Hipolito

    1. What's interesting to me is how often criminals say "it's not me, it's the other guy." NOT.

    2. It's interesting because most people on this blog assume El Americano and the Viagras are one and the same. Most criminals deny their guilt as you pointed out and therefore that would not be interesting or out of the ordinary...just like idiots who post comments they think are witty or insightful but totally miss the point are also commonplace and ordinary here.

    3. Question: What's interesting to me is that El Americano's people are posting mantas calling the Viagras a bunch of organized criminals linked to Hipolito?

      Answer: "just like idiots who post comments they think are witty or insightful but totally miss the point are also commonplace and ordinary here."

      There. That's better.

    4. 9:56...A smart person can play dumb, but a dumb person cannot pretend to be smart....Unfortunately, I can't tell if you're pretending to be dumb to annoy, or if you're really dumb pretending to be smart....your post doesn't make any sense to me....was it an attempt at grammar policing? If so was it due to my use of the word "what's" ....I don't get it...maybe I'm the dumb one and your post was over my tell

    5. What's interesting to me is that you still don't get it. Some, like you, never will. That's OK.

  26. Thats my country way of doing everything including justice what a fucking shithole its painfull to say it but i cant find better words to describe it can you?

  27. don't cry mama, I got this,

    I'm a rockstar

  28. wt damn f?

    I thought the Marina were so respected and honest? They allow this scum to open a window of their aircraft and reach down to his adorning fans? and the sob soldier stands there?

    shaking hands? selfies with agents?

    MEXICO IS DISGUSTING, the 43 students should not have been a surprise with a government so ass backward as this

  29. I can not remember the last time I saw someone in so much trouble man the guy looks like he is so in trouble. This is Mexico for you at its best treat bad people good and poor innocent people like shit if this pos can do this I wonder how Chapo is doing
    This is ridiculous I am so ashamed of Mexico. Please USA go in there and get rid of all this trash.

    1. There plenty of trash in da usa to get rid of first. Also usa needs to take care of its homeless people, theyre all over in every state

  30. digusting disgusting digusting disgusting disgusting disguting I have never felt so shitty to be Mexican I can not take this shit anymore Please tell me this is a phukn nightmare taking government selfies with criminals.Great job Mexico you just put the cherry on the cake.

  31. God these photos are disgusting. And the POS Americano is SITTING next to Castillo. they are treating him like a rock star, not an arrestee. I guess they all want their Rolexes for Three Kings day. Fuck the bastards.

  32. This guy hasn't killed enough people he need to kill over five hundred to be treated kind of bad.Can someone tell me his tour dates and what city he will be in next ? who do you think will open up his show commander ,Espinoza paz ?

  33. If this is how they treat this POS I wonder how CHAPO and Z40 are being treated. They must bow down to talk to them the kings have entered the room. yes your majesty

  34. When I grow up I want to be like EL AMERICANO kids one day you can be somebody like him

  35. what is interesting to me is people don't get the mo of narcos,

    confuse, if that doesn't work terrorize, or cut to the chase and do both simultaneously
    mantas are not subject to authenticity.

  36. This does not look like an arrest... it looks like the arrival of a visiting dignitary. How many times does the arresting person shake hands with the criminal and have a gaggle of photographers on hand when the criminal lands in a Marina helicopter. It looks like a public relations campaign. God this is beyond anything one could imagine. Meanwhile the hero Mireles is forgotten in prison in Sinaloa. Bless you Mireles.

  37. 2 years of EPN. Isn't it wonderful to have back the PRI? You know, the party of the narco scum - the PRI.

  38. I have come to the conclusion the Mexican people are a bunch of lame pussies. Have one mistake on the part of the police in the US and there is hell to pay. Look at St Louis. Maybe it's time for you people to grow some balls, either that or just accept your faith and live with it. Completely unbelievable the stupidity in that country.

    1. So your parents and you are lames too!!! Just because you crossed the border it makes you better?? What should they burn their own houses and business and then complaint why they live in the ghetto and complaint about police brutality and racism only when they beat or killed ghetto ass crinals that do not deserve to be on tv????

    2. Here there is no justice stupid everybody is on survival mode to the fullest . In other words people just care about them and their families if something happened to you and your not one of my love ones i dont care about it thats most mexicans way of living no empathy at all bro . Like i said survival mode to the fullest always.

    3. The sad thing about St. Louis....was how that lowlife thug pushed around the little old man he robbed....far as I'm concerned Michael Brown got what he deserved....and the idiots protesting over him and Treyvon for that matter are crying wolf, and losing the credibility they need for when true injustices happen, like in the NYC case.

    4. Then Trigger Happy Cops shouldn't be Trigger Happy

  39. @10:16 completely unbelievable the stupidity and ignorance of BB keyboard cowboys. Grow some balls? You idiot. Mireles has WAY more courage than you will EVER have while staring at a computer screen. The ADs as well dickhead. They stood up to the govt and look what the govt did. Oh yeah, sure was hell to pay in St Louis. right. The fucking murdering cop is not even getting a trial. He is scot free and will probably write a book about it. Fucking idiot. grow a brain before you make a fool of yourself again.

    1. @11:02 maybe you haven't heard the news, The Ferguson cop was not indicted and he murdered no one. The criminal was videotaped stealing three times the same day stealing from the local convenience store. All the witnesses lied and the fat fuck was beating the cop through the window of his patrol car and later attacked and grappled for the officers weapon. The officer did what was right who are you AL SHARPTON? A race czar? Get the fuck outta here with your presumptions. Even the feds here concluded that 90% of the witness statements were fabricated and that they lied because they were black witnesses against a white cop. You are the idiot.

  40. like people had said if they treat him like this I can't even imagine how chapo has it

  41. This is too-too much, even for Mexico, top capos were not given this kind of star treatment.

    Americano must have a video of Castillo and a donkey, nothing else makes sense

  42. I just read that "el 80" survived???? Is this true?


    1. Muera el mal gobierno!! Viva Mexico Libre de lacras y no hablo de los carteles!!

  44. Anyone would think he was a rockstar the way he was treated the fat pig.


  46. If Mexicans don't give a crap why do we ? I ask family in Mexico about it and they don't know what am talking about , they only turn on the tv for novelas

  47. Murder suspect waving from the gunners door. No cuffs. Loaded mini-gun within arms reach. Truly WTF?

  48. The photo of him, standing behind the machine gun, waving in the helicopter is hilariously insane.
    They allow an unrestrained arrestee access to a fully loaded machine gun.
    No one ever said Mexicans were highly intelligent!

  49. I thought I will never say this but fuck am really ashame of being MEXICAN. I that defended Mexico and blame the U.S most of the time for being hoe it is down there, now I see that there is little to no faith and and mind as well the U.S did took advantage of Mexico so there will be less for this scumbags (goverment officials) to steal from the people so this other killer scumbags (lazy fuckikn drug addict narcos)to steal.....a fucking shame to be Mexican where they kill/disapear 43 people (and are not or will be the only ones) and NOBODY does anything........... Pnacho Villa and Zapata must be turning in there graves

    1. pancho villa was fighting the gringos, wasnt he? different story.

    2. hey Dec 31, 8:42; remember Pancho Villa was pissed off that the Gringos were helping The Oppressive Gov't of Mexico at the time.

    3. Viva pancho villa now he was an incredible element. This drug dealers are idiots.Also in mexico corruption is seen in the US they are more hipocrites and try to hide it.

    4. Pancho Villa killed the landowners son after the son raped his sister, Then he ran away and began stealing from the rich landowners! When the Revolution Started He took Sides with the revolutionaries VS the government at that time. He was buying his weapons from American border towns. He was betrayed in one of those exchanges and he chose to get his revenge VS the gringo border town that betrayed him! Then in the end with so many enemies he was killed!

  50. stop wanting help from abroad mexican people. people are bored of a country that cannot
    help itself. mexico has said it does not want help so why any county come to help.
    there are countrys like Zimbabwe with huge massacres that no-one cares about and now people want in mexico want the USA to help? what a joke! the USA is still condemned for Iraq where the massacres of of innocent people by government was daily! but lets help mexico,dear me. get off your arses mexico and do something about it.

    1. im mexican and i would ask putin for help instead of obama.. the U.S has plenty of problems.. much worst than mexicos.the u.s IS currently and actively doing their fair share of killing, and who stops them? in this case the US would be the Mexican ARMY doing the killing. cant compare one thing to another. but thank you. and have a nice day.

    2. Your comment that the USA's problems are worse than Mexico's are the most asinine shit I've seen here ...and I've seen a lot of dumb shit here

    3. @ 2: 17 are you for real dude im mexican too born and raised in mexico and yes usa has problems but mexicos are by far worst than usa 's how can you.even make a comparation please stop being over patroit . As much as i love my country i can not deny that its olmost a shithole period i want it to stop.being that of course.

    4. 11:01 the mexican government IS getting help, weapons and impunity form the US government who comes with a friendly hand on the front to stab the mexicans on the ass as always, but you are too stupid to see, or are being paid to look the other way and try to mislead us... it's not working, honey...

  51. What's interesting to me is how many comments this story is getting. And how many begin with "what's interesting to me is ..."

    1. What's interesting to me is that is interesting to you

    2. Thanks for the chuckle....funny post

  52. Weird place this Mexico

    1. Did you just notice that dude your slow , im mexican when i say im mexican i mean i was born ans raised in mexico and let me tell you something my country is the most crazist one on earth.

  53. Wow this is the craziest shitt I have ever seen am fukin shocked!!!!!

    1. even for Mexico. this goes beyond. no pretense.

  54. Destabilizing a Country... sounds familiar.. who does these things?

    1. 1980s Central America....destabilize to colonize hit the nail right on the mf head

  55. It is also being reported only one murder is blamed on Americano that of Mora's son, and because he was not there he will get off.

    but there is the audio of him which may cause problems for him

    1. Update: it's now being reported that El Americano's group is facing charges for the death of EIGHT of the 11 killed in La Ruana.

      This sounds more like it.

      I think the press misunderstand the judge when they reported the judge said a few days ago that Mora's group would faces charges for the death of 10, all but Mora's son. I think the judge made a mistake in saying 10, when she meant 11, and she was talking about the general case, not about which groups would face what charges.

      So, with El Americano no longer a FR on the day of the attack, and facing charges for the death of eight, maybe the bastard will actually spend some time in prison!!

      Mora was a FR on that day and all evidence shows his group was defending themselves.

    2. Americano may have been mislead to turn himself in! Then the claim will be that the government is pacifying the area! The real question now is WHO IS IN CHANGE OF LA RUANA? AND ARE THEY GOOD, HONEST, CITIZENS OR ARE THEY ANOTHER ORGANIZED CRIMINALS GROUP? The El Americano & Hipolito Mora fued may have been causing to much heat on CASTILLO AND THE PRI? just my thoughts.

  56. Watching narcos like Americano and z40 get treated like celebrities when they are 'arrested', and seeing all the carnage of the past 8 years, sometimes it seems that these scums are winning and nothing is ever going to change... But then I remember that they are NOT representative of the vast majority of Mexico. Even though Mexico has a history of 'la Mordida', Mexico also has many many other wonderful aspects. That may not be what we talk about at BB, but in life there is good and bad, and not all is bad of Mexico. I still love my Mexico, even though we have to take the good with the bad. Feliz ano nuevo.

    1. I agree and Im not Mexican.Great people,great weather,nice scenery.great music,great Spanish lANGUAGE,ETC ETC.

  57. Watch "The Business of War: SOFEX" on YouTube
    The Business of War: SOFEX:

  58. Ya les Llego al precio a estos bastardos!!! Mierda de estado!!

  59. They're not under arrest they are being held. That's why they're not handcuffed or in prison mucg less get extradited.
    Solo estan bajo arraigo por eso no los esposan y no los mandan al penal Y menos los extraditan.

    1. still, the arresting agents were seen by everybody kissing all of el americano's whole double wide lard ass

  60. On the US the hot dogs buns keep getting soggier and soggier all the time, it is getting to the point where i won't buy another hot dog ever again, the hot dog buns are soggier than the el mil mascaras buns, and that is before his oily discharges...
    --i don't usually have complaints, but that is the pits...


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