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Friday, November 28, 2014

President Peña Nieto moves to abolish municipal police....really Enrique?

By Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat
Iguala fosas of May 2014
The critical eye of the world has focused on Mexico and its president since global media began reporting, that 43 normalistas, students were missing from the Guerrero City of Iguala.  

It took over a week for the global press to latch on to the story, but the story became viral, and a trendy cause for groups to support and demonstrate in support of.  At the direction of a mayor and the first lady, 43 young students studying to become teachers,  were kidnapped by municipal police, and handed over to executioners of organized crime, "Guerreros Unidos".  

How can this happen?

This reporter has been angry, frustrated and sadden that the media has latched on to this heart-wrenching  story and have not penetrated deep into the surface story to find the depth of the  horror.   

Any BB reader knows what the world is yet to discover, that here at BB were have reported over 50 stories in the last year of  the Iguala region where hundreds of people have been taken, in groups of 10, 20, 30, entire families, school children, just regular citizens not remotely connected to criminality.   Kidnapped, and never seen again.  We have reported dozens of bodies discovered by citizens, and authorities, 32 in August, over 100 in the 6 months before the 43.

People near the landfill, who cut across the landfill,  as a short cut, reported finding 300 bodies in 2 years.  In that landfill alone.  They report that treading on the landfill area after dark is the kiss of death.  That is when the executions occur.  Gunshots heard….6-8-10 or more, pierce through the silence of the night.  And people know, in the morning corpses will be seen.  People say it is not every night, but regularly.

People, including the parents of the 43, say they reported the acts genocide to both the Calderon administration and  Peña administration.  They called on the PGR federal agency to conduct investigations, they pleaded with them.  They were told it was a state issue, a local issue.  But... pleaded the people, the state and local government are criminals, they are in collusion with the bad guys, they ARE the bad guys.   Yet, they were turned away.
And the killing continued.  

I ask how is it that a town of only 120k population have hundreds of bodies discovered?  A resident wrote to me and said I was wrong, the numbers are over 1000.  At first I thought that was emotion doing the calculation,  I then did the math, and concede over 1000 is very feasible.

The government has not addressed the bodies discovered in the search for the 43.  Nor have they set up a DNA bank of specimens from families of the missing.  They are eyeballing the 43, nothing more.  Because the world is watching.  Why hasn't the feds gone to Guerrero and unearthed the areas of known fosas?  Why is it the a group of 70 families and autodefensas had to venture on their own over the weekend, with picks and axes dig the earth and they themselves discovered 11 fosas?
Enrique Peña, the president that TIME MAGAZINE proclaimed as the savior of Mexico in a laughable and outrages magazine cover, ( sparking a flood of mock covers) has been forced to give the appearance of  taking action.

Peña has now announced the abolishment of municipal police with a federal takeover.  He plans to put  local police units under federal control then state oversight

Via television he said; "Mexico cannot continue like this, after Iguala, Mexico must change. Our country has been shaken by cruelty and barbarism."

He proposes a cachet of changes and constitutional reforms, whereby Mexico’s 1,800 municipal forces to be abolished and taken over by state agencies, with initial oversight by feds.

The reform would also permit Congress to disband local governments infiltrated by drug cartels.

When Felipe Calderon’s presidency was winding down, he made a couple of admissions.  One was that in the border states of Mexico there were an estimated 25,000 bodies in clandestine fosas (graves).  The other admission is that every, that is 100% folks, of all municipalities in the border states are controlled by organized crime. This is not news to the Peña administration or anyone living along the border.

No doubt Peña wants the controversy to go away, and he is hoping the “trend of the #43” will disappear, just as the students did.  Surely, he never dreamed that anyone outside the indigenous community would be emotionally moved,  about dark skinned “peasants” being subjected to atrocities.  

But react he must,  at least to give the impression that his administration is reacting, listening to the cries of the people.

Do I believe he is sincere? 

When the 43 kidnappings transpired, he had a scheduled trip to Chilpancingo, Guerrero, he cancelled, citing “weather”, the only bad weather he would have faced is a crowd of angry Guerrero citizens demanding action and answers. 

He never dreamed that in a few weeks the world would know…..and would be watching, and studying what actions he would take.

He says, for now, his plan will be initiated in four of the most violent states of Mexico; Guerrero, Michoacán , Jalisco and Tamaulipas.

The new municipal police will be under the control of the state.  Problem right off the top: State police agencies are also corrupted.  Many of the leaders of organized crime groups are recruited from state and federal police agencies. 

The overhaul would begin in Mexico's four most violent states, he said - Tamaulipas, Jalisco, Michoacán and Guerrero. Under President Pena Nieto's plans, the thousands of local police forces would come under the control of the 31  state governments, and the capital.

Some  have speculated about  Martial law, for all intent and purpose that is a virtual impossibility.  It would require Peña evoking Article 29 of the Mexican constitution, and the potential revoking of freedoms specified in the Mexican Constitution, such as press, assembly, due process, etc 

But citizens need not be occupied by the potential of marital law, article 29 would require the approval by Mexico’s irritable congress.  

So what remains, is Peña’s proposal of abolishment of municipal police.  Like the United States, Mexico gives their “United States”, autonomy.   That places in to great question: Can states and be forced to adapt what Peña proposes.

I asked my friend, who happens to be an attorney, and whose opinion I value immensely, if Peña can impose his municipal plan.  

He answered; that Peña can’t force a group of jurisdictions to adopt a single police force.  To do so would require extensive constitutional amendment. 

Further stating, “EPN has to change not just the self-government provisions, but also the federal funds distribution provisions, since he needs to use federal funds as the carrot and stick.” 

“EPN could avoid all these largely symbolic measures by simply using the laws currently in place to prosecute corrupt government officials. But that would mean that the elite would have to go after its own members.”

Anyone think that will happen?  I am still waiting for the grand thief of my state of Coahuila,  to get his due.

After mass protests and demonstrations, and caught in a net of global disapproval and scrutiny, Peña is forced to speak of change.  But how seriously can one consider any action or talk of action by this president who in his speech of “change”, then adds the comment:

“In terms of respect for and protection of human rights, Mexico has one of the strongest regulatory systems in the world.”

Concerning is that the world press covering this story of  Peña’s proposed plans, have not been critical or pointing towards the fallacy of such a plan.

Hopefully academics and legal minds will not allow Peña’s plan to be scoffed at without public dismantling of both the feasibility and legality of each point.  The world press and scholars can be proactive and insert a  justice into Pena’s ludicrousness, by not allowing this sham to go without reproach.


  1. SHAME on the liberal western media, especially in the US, who bought the whole "Mexico Moment" PRI line, in order to deflect US public opposition to illegal immigration.

    The US media was so determined to show that Latin American and Mexico was "booming," that they failed to look at the reality of mass graves everywhere in Mexico.

    Time Magazine, NY Times and the rest - you're now climbing on the bandwagon, but it's you SOB's who gave cover to PRI/EPN when these atrocities were occurring.

    1. well said. I wonder where that Time Magazine reporter is right about now

    2. I agree the liberal press in the US is only going print lies. Your statement is correct

    3. "Mexico's economy is booming" meme was as phony as the "net zero migration" meme. Both were put out trying to get Americans to stop worrying about illegal immigration. Mexico's economy is stagnant at best. And America is still getting flooded with illegal immigrants. Thanks, media!

    4. But really I dont think its the president's fault, but I believe the best thing he can do is apply the death penalty in Mexico. And raise the soldiers and cops salary, so they wont give in easy to those mean people. I believe. And they could legalize and get a lot of tax money.

    5. Reemplasar mierdas municipales con millitares derechos a prueba de corrupcion y que tengan buen salario

    6. They didn't know.They don't live there.

  2. Good stuff, your reporting will be so missed

  3. Everything has gone absolutely nowhere with your people

  4. I am in Tamps. this a good move by the President I think Felipe wanted to do the same thing. I hope the Governor and the Mayors accept this new Martial Law. He has to try something, its not working now.

    1. A move that has zero chance of coming to fruition, is a good move?
      Have another glass of Kool-Aid

    2. you r right I want to believe it will work, I have got to quit drinking the Kool Aid

    3. 9:33 Im down with Penia Nieto on this one gotta to do whatever he can to turn that hell hole around...remove the impunity from the criminal gangs to put them all in their place...aver si no van a dejar de joder a los pueblos y estados los hijos de su marrana...tambien con la martial law encima penia deveria decirles aki esta lo ke andavan buscando tomen su bananota de martial law CHANGOS! ahi esta!! lol

    4. 10:28pm & 3:52am are the same. what a moron haha

  5. Everybody forgot how epn won his way up and he never showed for half of what he got for his campain when he was running for president and im talking bout millions of pesos that wasent accounted for he just said that later, PINCHE RATERO FUERA EPN

  6. So basically dummies can now actually blame Peña Nieto ' s for state sponsored massacres. As in the missing 43 where it was actually Aguirre who was at fault and is now all but living in peace.

    1. It's the mass majority of Mexico's politicians who are to blame for the state of the country; not just EPN. It would be a long translation, and I know this blog is for English speaking folks, but BB should post a link to that story about that lady senator from the Labor Party and her speech that caused the PRO to walk out of congress...that woman said it like it is

    2. 11:34 It's True EPN is not the only responsible. There is also the "governors" plus the "mayors" plus the ones in "congress" they all contribute to the mess. But if a dog dies they blame EPN. If they get diarrhea they blame EPN. If their momma had idiots they blame EPN.

  7. I'm surprised Jalisco is one of the 4 states. I'd probably replace it with Chihuahua or Coahuila, if you're trying to target the 4 most corrupt states.

    I think transferring power to the states is absolutely pointless. The states are equally as corrupt as the municipalities. Transferring power to the federal government is not necessarily a bad idea though, in my opinion. Bring in the Army and Navy into these states.

    What they really need is the declaration of emergency and the formation of a special federal authority inviting in human rights authorities from around the world, U.S. law enforcement authorities, even the U.N. if possible, and begin investigating ALL of these mass graves and convening tribunals (with the death penalty as a possible punishment) for the perpetrators, with a heavy focus on Guerrero and the other states that are being rocked by mass murder. Follow the example of Argentina and Chile after the end of the military dictatorships and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission after the fall of apartheid in S Africa.

    1. 1:31 Some one is not a chicken head.. THAT'S A VERY GOOD ONE.

      Chihuahua, Coahuila are corrupted by criminals too. I just don't agree with the Jalisco part, jalisco is filled with corruption they just keep it on the down low not every body knows of the "work they do behind curtains" plenty of big dirty dogs that control the state with total impunity. they use others to do the dirty work for them.

      They let Caro Quintero (also other big criminals) walk free silently through the back door without informing the USA. what does that say? who has the power there? Organized crime gangs working with the corrupted government!

    2. Do you know how much that would cost?Theres just way too many fosas.Its not even manageable.

    3. there are areas of concentrations of fosas, and nations and orgs willing to help, including citizens. number should not be a reason to not do it, it is a reason to do it.

  8. "Surely, he never dreamed that anyone outside the indigenous community would be emotionally moved about dark skinned “peasants” being subjected to atrocities." Brilliant, Chivis. Never forget that the white ruling class of Mexico is VERY racist against anyone darker than them.

  9. Comical, the sheeple blame the figure-head at the top, but do not even want to acknowledge the cultural rot that pervades Mexico.

    Blame the 'strong-man' who is nothing more than a 'straw-man'.

    1. Hey Jack!
      Actually I agree with you, mostly, I know in reality the "blame" and "cure" is not from the top down ...but rather from the bottom up.

      This "blame" is very specific, Pena's administration knows damn well what they propose is is like one of those Hollywood movie sets...looks real until you peek behind it and find nothing there.

      however there is no "cultural rot" in Mexico. there is apathy. If you come to Mexico and live for a couple of years you would have a different and accurate view.....paz, chivis

    2. Chivis what Peña Nieto is essentially doing is taking away an armed wing of the cartel. Every municipal police is ran by drug cartels you can't deny that's a good thing. Don't be afraid of change.

    3. Chivis can you post an article on Arturo Beltran & how his downfall went hand in hand with Mexico. Being that the 5 year anniversary of his death is coming up.
      If ABL was alive & we'll the 43 would of never gone missing, just a recent example.

    4. @12;14 .I don't think you understand the article, HE CAN'T do that, in order to do so changes in the constitution and approval b a nasty congress for those changes must occur, states are autonomous

      afraid of change? you can't possibly know what I stand for and say such an absurd statement. Plus, state police are just as corrupt.

      as someone said on here, take another sip of the kool aid

    5. @12:19 I wish I had time. Tomorrow is my last day. But maybe someone else can. or if you know of an article I can republish send to me! I agree ABL alive would have put a lid on killing of innocents more so than the bastards of today.

    6. Beltran Levant wasn't he allied to the Zetas? I doubt someone allied to Zetas is any better! Even if he and his cells didn't kill innocents! Just by being allied to Zetas marks that person down as an enemy of Mexico!

  10. Si ya saben como son los del PRI para presidentes para que los invitan. Lol

  11. The picture of mexican cop is hilarious :-)))

  12. Will there ever be peace ? What is the solution ? The problems are so enormous in Mexico it would surely be a great feat to accomplish anything . What kind of person would want to become president and just roll along like it is . The only way it can change will be from a lot more blood . Can Mexico change with all these killers still there ? When the coyotes get into the livestock it don't end until they are killed or the livestock is all gone and they move on to more . A coyote will not change his nature . He will have to be killed . Then you have the problem with the coyote hunter . What is in his heart ? There are many good men that can be killers for the good of society . They coyote packs have to be exterminated .

  13. How to save Mexico

    Industralize prison- In japan all inmates are forced to work under draconian dicipline inmates aren't allowed to talk, or look at each other, and can be punished if they are caught looking out the window, they are told how to sit and lie down also conjugal visits are not allowed. Industrialize prison and make school uniforms and books so that kids can have free uniform and books in schools.

    Make education free and mandatoy- parents should be fined with community service if their kids aren't in school

    Dicipline- make new schools with militar like dicipline for all those kids who get expelled from public schools, a strict school that teaches RESPECT,BENEVOLENCE , RECTITUDE ,KINDNESS AND MOST IMPORTANT COURAGE, to stand up for what is right instead of being bullies. GREED and DISCRIMINATION are the reason why in this world as long as there are humans there will be conflics and therefore wars, however wars and conflicts aren't the real problem the real problem is WHAT YOU FIGHT FOR, are you fighting for a noble ideal full of justice or are you fighting for an oppressive totalitarian ideal full of injustice and corruption????

    Eliminate political parties- political parties divide the people instead of uniting the people, parties spend MILLIONS of pesos in their stupid campaigns, money that could be used for the people.

    2nd amendm- let the people arm themselves!!! It doesn't have to be assault rifles, with rpgs, even with a simple handgun the peope can prevent, robberies,and kidnappings, from happening. It would make Mexico a more safe country.

    Raise police salaries, but a the same time penalties for corruption- Police officers should serve prison time even if they receive a 20 pesos bribe.

    1. Sounds like a communist ideology. No thanks.

  14. ja ja ja come to zac we cartel del golfo find this funny,it wont work,nieto is in our pocket ja ja ja ATTE- el F1

  15. We need to hear from "The Chapo Snitched Guy " on this matter ..or does he only comment on Chapo stuff ? ...Where r u CSG guy ?

  16. CHIVIS!! The Antrax put up a narcomanta in Hueyapan, Veracruz announcing that they're coming into town to clean up the Zetas.

    Here's a quick translation of the manta:

    1. Thank you! I will post this info and the foto!!!

  17. Blackeyes jackass defending by apparently not defending the man at the top, the headless chicken trying now to save his ass, andagain cnvicting the shock and awed mexican rabble, in spite of all those who participate in public demonstrations against the blankety blankety blank mexican government, notmuch apathy shown there!!!
    @9:36 blaming the liberal press, when it is more likely the neo-liberal who are not liberal at all, but some of the most nazi neo-conservative who are still trying to save mexico for epn to keep selling it down the river, in hope of some monetary change to trickle down to their greedy hands, beware of the rethorics, specially when it sounds like politics, it is all bullshit...
    --The mexican municipalities and states are free and sovereign like the republic, under the constitution, but the auhorities have imposed the maximato system with the wholeheartedly support of the US who have financed all the mexican wars and revolutions, andhave imposed drug trafficking, drug traffickers and money laundering on mexico as a side business of them to support all kind of criminal shenanigans...
    --Privatizing prisons only leads to more corruption, private enterprise has a place with opportunity, no room at the side of government, and like religious beliefs should stay the fuck away from the people's government, not clawing at every oportunity for economic benefits like tax breaks, fat government contracts, corporte welfare, etc etc etc, like some street walking pharisees or philistines, while their pimps wait at home for some 'change' to finance some more change to offshore the people's jobs and laundered money...
    --if you want robotized zombies, go to north korea, they are cheap there too, or for the uptodate insiders, to arizona, where the public and private prisons feed on illegal alien criminal tresspassers fed on-demand by mexican coyotes to "sheriff" harpaio and co. to subsidize the billions they exact from the federal government, not for the good job they do, but because of the lofty political connections richly fed by drug trafficking opportunities with mexican narcs, john mccain, sammy the bull gravano and others love arizona!!!
    --community police have proven their mettle, they can deliver, they are not apathetic zombies, maybe they are not so well educated, or have no connections to yale or harvard, but the are absolutely qualified and tested, not for nothing the federals and their schools of the assassins associates want them repressed, and neutralized...

    1. Rotten CHICKEN head. Useless piece of crap, millie the sht head hater lol

  18. and in the mean time...the innocents are still dying. There is no one person who can "fix" all of the problems going on in Mexico, but that doesn't mean EPN can't lead the change...that's what he needs to do. Someone has to stop the madness. He took the role as leader, than lead them into a better life!

  19. So check this out.. EVERY time the army is planning to come to our area and search for the big guy of this area.. The state police call and give 24-72- hours notice so he can get deep in the sierra... Then i knew a captain of the federal police who used to follow the owner of a certain plaza .. He would be in his bullet proof suv and behind him was a dodge charger federal cop car ... Then after the days "work" we would sit and drink with the captain and the plaza boss... So state police aint helping nada.. Even federal police wont help.. Prob not even the marina or army cause EVERYONE has a price in mexico.. Maybe if the work wages were up to par everyone wouldnt be foaming at the mouth to take a bribe.. Paz GRO

    1. Ellos mismos se hacen el daño los pendejotes porke andan protejiendo a grandes perrotes malos. Los mismos ke matan a todas sus familias cuando no hacen caso a sus ordenes. ke idiotas..
      Mexico nesecita implementar un programa anticorrupcion en todas las agencias sacar y castigar los podridos y dejar solo los honestos y si es posible doblarles el salario.

  20. --epn is leading too many mexicans into a better life, inexorably and too early, without their families knowing aything about it, and too early...
    --epn should lead the exodus of the mexican politicians, who are going to pay for their dirty deeds, i only hope they don't come to practice their dirty trade on the US and finish the contract on america for the chinese, who have the paper tiger by the tail...

  21. "The cultural rot that permeates mexican society" is nothing compared to the greedy murderous cultural roth that permeates the mexican government, the political parties, the law enforcment, and their sicarios.
    --the people are not out murdering each other, not just yet...
    --the people are the ones being exploited, terrorized, depopulated, robbed of life and property, many times in the name of god, for global vulture capitalists..."by the army of god of the progressive evangelistas"


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