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Thursday, November 27, 2014

On this Thanksgiving Day, Inspirational words left behind, by a life brutally taken

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat


My time in Mexico and contributing to Borderland Beat, has given me countless remarkable experiences and the opportunity to meet some unforgettable, amazing people.  

Two of those people are two brave women, both named Ann.  One Ann is the sister of James Stacy, who was kidnapped in January of this year, on the highway of death in Tamaulipas.  

Ann and her mother searched valiantly and exhaustively for word of James.   James' bank account was drained of its funds.  I received  word from Ann in August that their search was coming to an end.  James mother's health had declined, and they had reached an impasse in the search.  I felt it was a good decision.  James mother had wanted to travel to Tamaulipas to search, for several reasons I advised against this action.

The other Ann is the mother of Harry Devert, kidnapped in Michoacán or Guerrero on the same day as James Stacy.  We know that he was murdered and buried in Guerrero. 

Ann’s tenacity and determination to “find” her only child took her to Mexico, where she was relentless in being public, being seen, sending a message to those who had taken her son, she was not going away until she had answers.

I believe it was because of her stomping the grounds, and being relentless in hounding every agency of Mexico, US and France, is why the anonymous call was eventually made,  as to where Harry’s body could be found.  

There were three memorials for Harry, one in Mexico, New York and France.  It was in France that his ashes were scattered.

Harry’s life or rather the manner in which he lived life was remarkable.  He lived as though something inside urged him not to waste a minute.  His joy of life reaches out an embraces those who read his words.  An amazing son from an amazing mother.

I tell Ann that she is the mother I hope I am, the mother I aspire to be, and in a perfect world, the mother every child should be blessed with...

At top  is a photo of Harry featuring his words, click on image to enlarge.  

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, feel your blessings, love big, and live your life with great joy.


  1. Beautiful and heart wrenching. I will give big hugs to my children and appreciate my blessings on this day and all days.

    St. Louis

  2. from the border in Del Rio Texas
    big hugs sent to the Ann's and you

  3. Mad love and respect for you. You have touched the lives of many. I am seeing the clock counting down to the first of December.

  4. forgot to add, Bend Oregon

  5. goodbye lone ranger health happiness

  6. I am thankful for the friends still alive in Tamps. I pray for the ones that were killed.
    Its been 6 years since this started. I see no end. More killing! I am positive person, but I see no end.

    1. It has been almost 10 years since this started.

  7. from odessa/midland texas, much respect.

  8. When wil Mexico wake up from this nightmare. Love to all who have suffered and continue to suffer from Australia

  9. from ABQ New Mexico, prayers out for the Ann's and the families who suffered the senseless loss of a love one

  10. Chivas, you shall be missed by all who follow this blog. You humanize the people we read about and more importantly do not sensationalise the evil that happens all for the almighty buck!

    1. Chivis.... posiblemete detubieron al JL del cartel DE habla de una detecion de un lider de la linia y corre muy fuerte El rumor que es el jl.

  11. Happy Thanksgiving .

  12. Chivis, I would like to with Great Respect, thank YOU for your SERVICE to the Mexican people, and Mexican Americans like myself. Your writing, with the support of BB, has transformed people into action. We must do whatever is required to keep Borderland Beat going. If only to honor those who will not live to see the Glorious, New, Mexican Sunrise.

  13. from a man who used to play in the game at a time when there was respect in the game, i pray for ann because we are not about this cruelty in which so many lose their livesm to harry thanks for the inspiration for i live my life in a different realm now....god bless to those who lost the fight and to those who stil play in the game....GET OUT FOR ONLY DEATH OR PRISON AWAITS YOU, I KNOW FIRSTHAND

  14. Well done york

  15. The gvt does not warn americans that there is a good chance you will be kidnapped, tortured robbed and murdered if you travel in mexico, and we, the gvt, will do nothing about it, unless the crime is committed by a muslim or you work for the American gvt!

    1. Dear reader...this is far from true, 20 M americans visit Mexico each year less than 200 are harmed. BUT...each of us must travel anywhere, Mexico, China, Africa...all places of our planet being educated as to safety concerns and precautions. in 10 years I was only in threat of harm twice, once form our own stupidity, the other unforeseen circumstance in 2010 after the split of the last letter and cdg. US government not only warns travelers...IMO they go overboard, but it is better to error on the side of caution...Paz

    2. Only 200 murdered. No problem! It didn't bother them or their families one teeney weeney bit!

    3. How many Mexicans have been arrested for killing and kidnapping Americans. The only ones arrested were the ones who killed gvt officials, and those arrests were quick!
      Chivis, are you just another brainwashed America?

    4. from Poland, much respect.

  16. Dear Chivis - thank you very much for all your efforts to make the world a better place and all your contributions to BB website!!

    I hope other contributors take up your torch to keep getting the word out about what is going on in Mexico. And to keep the light of scrutiny shining on all the criminals and injustice...


    Thank you again for helping make the world a better place!!! :)

    Just an average working guy from Stratford, TX

  17. Big shoes you are leaving behind Chivis, I am nervous of what will happen, but hopeful you will return after a break. You always have provided solid fact based news, if anything is iffy, you state as much. You take no side, except the side of truth, but you care oh so much and that has always been the basis of your reporting.

    signing off from Singapore, you once said we were your favorite place to visit.

  18. Thanks for everything Chivis. For me, my family, and friends, you have been the real news.

    You are a Patriot, you are beautiful human being. You pour your heart and soul into this, and that's why we love you and BB.

    Happy belated Thanksgiving. I hope you spent it happy and with your loved ones. Saludos y un abrazo desde Los Angeles, ca.

    1. Thank you Nemesis, and thank you for being a part of BB for so long. Keep the faith....Paz, C

    2. Gracias Chivis. I'll still be a part of bb and the movement. Good luck on all your future endeavors and please put up a post to let us know how you are doing. God bless you Chivis.


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