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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Los Antrax leave message in Veracruz, they have arrived to clear out Zetas

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat Thank you BB reader-from Menytimes
Los Antrax put up a narcomanta in Hueyapan, Veracruz announcing that they're coming into town to cleanse it of Zetas.

Hueyapan is an important Zetas trafficking route, for  drugs passing  through to Tamaulipas, and on to the US. 

Thank you for the BB follower who sent in this translation of the manta (mas o menos):

To all the beautiful people of the Hueyapan de Ocampo municipality. 

Brought to your attention is  that we are already here and we will soon start cleansing these territories of the so called zetas and whichever person who has had something with them in one way or another. 

We have not come for  innocents we came for rats, lookouts, municipal, state, federal police, and public officials and all state and soldiers snitches.

Soon you all will know what it is to be infected with our virus.

If you have polarized windows please remove them so we will not unfortunately confuse you.

Association and Corporation Antrax
CDS        CDS


  1. What does it mean by polarized windows

    1. Baja California Sur,La Paz has a new city policy of not allowing tinted windows for anyone. It's a crime fighting tool for them. It's too bad too because tinted windows are also a tool for fighting climate change-I'll let you geniuses figure that one out.

    2. AnonymousNovember 30, 2014 at 12:36 PM
      "tinted windows are also a tool for fighting climate change-I'll let you geniuses figure that one out"
      It contains your farts in your car,thus helping climate change.Then i come along and smash fridges open,spray cans,throw oil in rivers,piss in rivers,burn tires in your back garden and you have a coronary?Baja California Sur,La Paz has a new city policy of not allowing tinted windows for anyone,because they were looking for a panty robber(it was you)and they banned them,maybe if you write to them and get a petition started you might save the world from melting?You can try ?

    3. antrax is the defense group of the sinaloa cartel made to take out enemies and protect de zambada familie created by rodrigo archivada aka chino antrax n they still big n tinted windows are prohibited in mexico only ppl invilve in drug cartels use.them

    4. Unfortunate in mexico if you have tinted Windows and god forbid you want to do a doughnut on the street or have a car full of buddy's any of these organizations take it as a threat and radio each other and hopefully pull you over and slap you around give you a warning if not they just pull to the side and open fire and call you a threat

  2. How many members does Antrax have? I had them down for the count considering how many people they've lost recently. I'm surprised to see they still have the operational capacity to wage war outside of their home turf.

    Also, Veracruz? Is this a sign that the Z are weakening? I hope so. I wouldn't mind seeing a lot of Zetas go down.

    1. If the manta is true then z are very strong there and that means cds cannot take them out veracruz, los negros couldnt, cjng neither, antrax? We will see..pd try to search on google veracruz y la guerra de carteles.

    2. Antrax are like an armed wing. Like a battalion if you wanna look at from a strategic military standpoint. Therefore the ppl youve prolly heard go down are only certain more well known guys like chino and all those dudes. Unlike macho prietos" machos" which seemingly dismantled after his untimely demise,the antrax are structured more like an organization formed by different associations.

    3. who is antrax?part of the gulf r a new cartel

    4. This specific Antrax group works for El Mini Lic .Chino Antrax created the original group however there are other Antrax hit teams and security teams like the one that was led by El Pena 20.

    5. To "Wage war" requires lots of financing and with money "members" are found. A sign of any gang in Mexico weakening is using untrained teenagers or forced migrant labor to fight battles. This has been done by Zetas since before the window washer had taken over, and using untrained and unintelligent fighters leads to actions that heat up plazas - like burning casinos with civilians, massacring buses full of migrants, and basically victimizing the most helpless in society. To call zetas a cartel is inaccurate; they are a gang because a cartel by definition controls enough of a commodity to control or manipulate the supply and ultimately determine the price At which it sales. Zetas dont have this ability and therefore are a gang of extortionists, sequestedores, murder for hire, and other petty crimes using primarily untrained and poor impoverished young people without many, if any legitimate economic opportunities. .

    6. An uncommonly clear and well through little bit of writing!

    7. @6:37, Antrax is an armed wing of el Cartel de Sinaloa. They've historically had a big presence in BCS.

    8. Antrax works for El Mayo's faction primarily. Mini Lic has his own guys along with his father and then Chapo has his own guys (G.N.) and so does all the other bosses like El Azul. That's why it is called the federation.

    9. G.n dosent work for chapo anymore some for El cadete en Sonora and some trying there luck in bcs I'm pretty sure some stayed with the chapitos but most of them split.

    10. I dont think they call it the federation anymore that ended a long time ago

    11. 10:42 You are really wrong. OTHERS keep taking the places of the ARRESTED ones. "NEW" (Unknowns) drug trafickers with some old ones that haven't arrested yet, are still running the "federation" (Organized Crime Organization). There is also a lot of UNKNOWN drug trafickers that are ascending rapidly ready to replace others if they get arrested or killed...
      In some parts of sinaloa you see more Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Bentleys than what you see in HOLLYWOOD. All belonging to drug trafickers that most people don't even know of, you only hear of el chapo, el mayo, damaso etc.. but there are some other big fishes out there moving drug quietly..

    12. 10:33 PM and Carretera Durango are totally right,

    13. You are wrong. The federation is over. The cartel is still going and narcos wont stop, but pay attention the federation tried to unite all sinaloans to take over all mexico and failed and disbanded its not called la federacion anymore that is my point and i can assure you that. La federacion was with carrillos beltranes el azul that is history. Mayos cartel go by a different name now.


  4. Antrax ,zetas,golfo, or Caballeros they're all the same shit.. All they do is terroriest innocent people.. Mexico is doom as a country. No more peaceful working, no more honest people. Doom!!

    1. No they are not the same.
      Zetas kill inosents to get money, and the cartel de sinaloa dont,
      The sinaloa cartel are honest, good, and strong and powerfull.
      Los ZETAS VALEN VERGA they suck dick

  5. Whatz krazy iz we ain't got zetas anymore in acuna because they all be came police or can I say zetas with privileges

    1. Is there a new cuartel in Acuna? where?

    2. There still zetas but working as police officers now

    3. No new know I would have told you. The cops have always worked for or with the zetas. ....lacy

  6. This is the first offensive ever by los Antrax outside of Culiacan after 7 years of being established as a hit team for CDS. My guess is Zetas are gonna destroy them since practically the whole state is crawling with Zetas undercover zetas police zetas military zetas political zetas.

    1. Didnt they lose to zetas and blo in sonora

    2. No that was gente nueva chapo guzmans armed wing eventhough there was a couple anthrax but it was mostly chapos people that died trying to take a BLO plaza. Zetas werent involved. They sent reinforcements after to take chapos plaza for a counter attack. "El 01" of gente nueva died trying to take the plaza from el gilo chapo isidro friend and BLO lieutenant. Many think it was antrax but it was gente nueva of chapos group.

    3. That was Genta n.

    4. @11:10, LOL, stop spreading bullshit. Sonora is divided between the remnants of BLO (under the control of Chapo Isidro today) and Cartel de Sinaloa. Zetas in Sonora? Talking out your culo.

    5. No, there was that one massive ambush where they got slaughtered but that wasn't actually Antrax just R5's CDS. Overall Antrax/CDS drove the Z's back and also BLO went back to Baja Sur and Guasave. CDS have often gone to Z's turf and challenged them but mostly it's just show and they have to go back.

  7. Im guessing Los Antrax are now more of Los Zambada's army instead of just bodyguards, kind of like how Los Guzman had/have Gente Nueva as their army, going outside of Culiacan to fight for or secure their plazas and stuff like that.

  8. Just gulfas stirring shite again using snitchaloa name them putos cant even stop them letter boys in Zinaloa much less a stronghold liek VZ. Lmao!

    Nothing new gulfas have tried countless tymes before trying to take Hueyapan but liek the pussies they're just kill a halcon and flee


    ATTE: English Zeita

  9. Who knows if is real? It would be good to start lowering zetas numbers and eventually erase them all for good. They haven't been hammered for quite a while like some other drug cartels have. El Chapo Guzman was undoubtedly their public enemy number 1....el ke keria bolarle las cabezas a todos esos animales...

    1. You know what they say right? Cartel de Sinaloa had a pacto with PAN and Calderon. Zetas have a pacto with el PRI and EPN. That's why the govt is taking down all of the CDS cabezas while the Z gets to keep moving product through Laredo and Piedras Negras like nothing.

    2. That's b.s chapo has connections with Salinas

    3. Actually it was the other way around. Zetaz were Chapo's public enemy #1. El Chapo did all he could to get rid of the Zetaz but failed miserably. His drive to take over all of the plaza in the Northwest states was his undoing. BLO and CDJ would be a memory if the Zetaz had not sent sicarios to help fight CDS.

  10. They've already been weakening a long time there nothing like they use to be,

  11. Yea right! They cant even clean sinaloa from the beltranes and chapito isidro but they want to go to a zeta hub and take over. Lol that's a good joke

  12. They leave a message like that every two months, but everything stays the same and Sinaloa cartel has lost too much in the last 12 months.

  13. Z is for Zambada, not for cagada, the rest is faltas de ortografia.
    Este loco made his own banner, to distract the national attention, unless the results prove me wrong...
    Who, in his right mind, would be warning the enemy without a present, like the head of z1-fidel ferrera beltran or epn or any other zeta governor, past or present?

  14. This is bullshit, compare other cds mantas to this one, it looks cheap and there's too many misspelled words, compare this manta to other professional ones they put up something reeks here, maybe zetas are using a tactic to get the feds to keep hitting cds cuz Veracruz has been pretty quiet lately

  15. Los Antrax also placed banners 3 months ago in Ciudad Victoria threatening Zetas and nothing happen. El Mini Lic issued a warning to Z42 but Los Zetas just ignored those banners. My guess is Los Antrax are just heating up the plaza but we will find out. It's really hard for Los Zetas to loose any of their territory because they will take great measures to keep their turf.

    1. What "great measures" will they take that other cartels won't?

    2. Word on the street is that Claudio Ochoa Felix anda en Veracruz con su cuerno pintado de rosa.

      Come on, Chivis. This is Golfos trying to heat up the plaza. Los Antrax are nothing without the Estatales/Municipales from Sinaloa / BCS backing them up. And after all the hits that Mayo has taken recently, the group is weak. You have a lot of people who are happy to flash money on social media, but they're not going to go into pitched battles with the Zetas.

    3. What "great measures" will they take that other cartels won't?
      All I am saying is Zetas will do anything to keep their territory like the San Fernando massacres, Cadereyta massacre.

  16. Looks and sounds like crap.

  17. That is a shitty mantA, antrax dont go doing this shit of hanging mantaz. Its probably Gulf Cartel 99.9% sure. Plus with all the stuff going on in Sinaloa i doubt they plNning to expand into fortified regions of the rivals.



  18. I agree "z " still have it. now nice peopl

  19. when its all over only innocent suffer dead and kidnapping. and the government doesn't care its all about getting high and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  20. This looks faker than Rupauls manliness.

  21. Lol los antrax that's hilarious they should just stay in culiacan!

  22. I wonder if Lenin Ramirez"GATO NEGRO"is going to ride in on a white horse leading Antrax to the rescue of the people?I can believe that,the same way i believe this manta.

  23. Los antrax use to be body guards for the Zambadas but grew in size and into a hit squad in Sinaloa they have lost many members recently but I think el mayo zambada has ordered to get lots of new recruits to make los antrax a big group. It makes sense cuz when chapo was free he had a lot of sicarios to defend cds plazas and invade others so el mayo must defend those same plazas and keep fighting Los zetas. I think el mayo must also show power to maintain leadership of cds.

    1. Before El Chapo got caught Mayo wanted to retire and I don't think those plans have changed. It would be stupid for Mayo to start heating up plazas with him being the biggest CDS target left for the US to go after. If anything he has given command to someone else and they are making the moves with his blessing. And that's only if the Los Antrax incursion is true in the first place.

  24. Sadly the makers of this manta will probably kill innocents and will dump them somewhere with a cartulina saying "here you have el virus Antrax bitting dust". That manta is the mother of fake mantas.

  25. Its a good thing that los antrax don't give involved with innocents.... But i highly doubt they can take over Los zetas is to powerful and they can kill all los antrax members that go into there territory

  26. 1:28
    Ke pendejo lenin ramirez es un cantante

    1. Lmao neta k ese wey esta rete pendejo jaja

    2. Jejej fue broma nomas. No hablaba en serio

    3. Anonymous December 2, 2014 at 12:11 AM
      "Jejej fue broma nomas. No hablaba en serio"
      Exactly bro,it goes over some people heads ?

  27. Los antrax no salen de culiacan. Ademas an tenido bajas. Solo patrullan y defienden culiacan algunas veses saliero en el burrion en tubutama y en la sierra d choix.. Y no son gente del mini lic son diferentes faciones. Puragentedeguzman

  28. R.I.p to El pocho anthrax pancho arce antrax El roque antrax El mele anthrax El chube anthrax El pedron anthrax El Frankie antrax

    1. Most died at the handscof Zetas and BLO in their own turf cause they didn't want to come and fight.

    2. Tambien el Rolando toquez anthrax, Metiendo tela anthrax, y no nos podemos olvidar del Sacando tela anthrax. Que viva su reinado.

    3. Miren a estos bobos ideolisando a sicarios pobre mexico con este tipo de gentusa pedorra

    4. Y El puto antrax El chupa pitos antrax Y El come mierdas antrax

    5. desaparecer idiotas,puro this,vete a tomar por en culo.
      Who are these fuckin fools bangin on about CDS and chapos balls?
      Fuck off to BDN with your lame shit

    6. D.E.P. El pocho anthrax,el testis antrax,pancho arce antrax,El roque antrax,El mele anthrax,el kiddie messr antrax,el chube anthrax,el bonkon antrax el pedron anthrax el bender antrax,el Frankie antrax,el belendo antrax,el pedo antrax,and el scrote antrax,,all antrax members que descanse en paz.La muerte de un ser querido trae tristeza y pesar a nuestro presente

    7. November 30, 2014 at 9:57 PM

      Triste ver a esta,hero worship and admiration for these people who don't deserve none.The very people who corrupt and destroy(along with politicians)Mexico,,,very sad,muy triste

    8. 2:30 You got it.

  29. Chino Antrax Changuito Antrax El Pena 20 Antrax all in jail and the rest dead maybe Gente Nueva using the Antrax name or Commando X making a comeback .Grupo Avengers on 24 hours alert.

    1. Commando X were slaughtered by BLO with help from the Zetaz. Only the Avengers remnants remain.

  30. Anthrax comes up on the main board and we all want to comment as if we knew them? goes to show how caught up we are with the narco lifestyle. We really need to get a life!

    1. Freedom of speech! Opinions! Move that fack around fool! lol!

    2. Dude,i heard that,did you know we had so many members of Antrax posting comments on here in Spanish?Antrax must be on strike over working hours?
      Clowns,they love it,puro this,puro that,puro yo mama?

  31. The Pink Ladies aka Los Antrax couldn't take candy from a baby let alone the Zetaz. It sounds good even though it's total bull. Let Los Antrax come out of hiding and watch the US Marshals/DEA gobble them up.

  32. i did hear a funny comment though, about how flashy they are. Antrax is very flashy! It's almost crazy! In Culiacan you know exactly who they are! They wear clothing of who they are, social media, fucking social groups, license plates! Nick names! The people they know! They deep as fuck in culiacan! But I think its vice verse with Veracruz! Besides the zetas being flashy! Because the difference is you dont know who any of them are!

  33. El nuevo grupo operativo "Sormtrooper Antrax" va a limpiar la plaza de veracruz puro gente del Mini Lic y el chavo Felix en conjunto con los del comando de los enpolvados

    1. "Sormtrooper Antrax" also the splinter grupo, "Blue Vein" getting trained now by el Mayo Naisey the instructor. Limpiar la plaza of many ciudades with strike teams comprising "G1 Smegma""G2 Cheese"under the brutal"El Rageron"Antrax are being led by Lenin Ramirez under the guise of Gato Negro alias Chalino Kalimba,based in Culiagangofnobs where la emperatriz tarot is residing..

    2. I don't get it.

    3. I don't know how that got approved. Lol

    4. Hoenstly. Just think for a minute! If Antrax was strong enough to remove the zetas from veracruz, would antrax separate away from el mayo ? if they took over the plazas there, what would that mean in a geographic perspective toward the other alliances ? In my opinion the Zetas run the East Coast of Mexico, while Sinaloa, Mayitos or Chapitos run the western coast. We all knwo this. Would there be a shift of different alliances. Because once that happens I guarantee you!!! The Gulfos would want to challenge that. Along with Chapo's guys. Antrax is a hit squad and so was the zetas! But look at the zetas now! One of the more powerful criminal syndicates working in mexico!! If Antrax succeeds it will be just like when the zetas splintered from the gulf. ONLY IF ANTRAX IS STRONG ENOUGH.... *lakwaan Reevey is correct actually. Every Antrax has too basically tell the world who they work for. They rarely leave Culiacan. They are very comfortable within Sinaloa. And have no problem letting the public know who they are! Most are just rich flashy kids who have a taste for blood, but hell, trafficking and killing is all they know! The zetas on the other hand run VERACRUZ, I dont know if Antrax is ready for an ambush like that. From Politicians to every form of officers of the law. They get down and dirty. Honestly this shit is just entertainment for me unless I was member of antrax or the zetas I couldnt care much less. Maybe they should recruit me.

  34. No mamen pinche gente de mierda. Sinaloa esta caliente lleno de militares. Como creen que agarraron al mayito gordo, cheyo, trebol, chikilin avendaño y al changuito. Nadien quiere salir ahorita mucho menos ir a peliar en veracruz. No sean pendejos los antrax rifan solo en culiacan. Y los antrax no andan con mamadas de mantas, tumban cuerpos. Atte el Roka de los jardines

  35. Help clean Michoacan antraxs we need help. En la pieda Michoacán and its surroundings en penjamillo Michoacán please make time to come help are people POR Michoacán libre

  36. Antrax too me is a more settle group. They come after the bad guys. they would rather live in peace than terrorize.

  37. Antrax is Global. Not Local.

    1. Los Antrax from Sinaloa would not dare to enter Veracruz unless they have some sort of political protection there. Which I highly doubt. Sounds like hogwash. I don't think even the CDG would tolerate Antrax's presence near their plazas.


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