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Monday, November 24, 2014

"G1" Decapitated in Michoachan

At about 8:00 AM on Monday, November 24, police responded to a call from a citizen reporting two decapitated heads placed on highway 37 in the municipality of Uruapan, near the town of Tiamba, Michoacán. In front of the heads, males between the ages of 35 and 40, was a poster board with the following message:

"Here you have the untouchable Gera or G1, and I am going for all the rest of the dogs, this is the ultimatum whoever does not want to come to this side better grab their dick I am coming with everything and against everyone. Sincerely Guardia Michoacana"

The heads were identified as belonging to Gerardo Serafín and a relative, Pedro Serafín, both commanders of the Fuerza Rural in the municipality of Uruapan.  Family members reported that they had been kidnapped the day before while conducting a patrol.

In March of this year it was claimed that Gerardo Serafín, known as "El Gera" and "El G1", was a former member of Los Caballeros Templarios that had joined the then emerging group H3, which put him in charge of their synthetic drug labs.  Furthermore, it was said that he had called a meeting in Uruapan to impose charges on those involved in crystal methamphetamine: two kilograms were to be given to him for each barrel produced and $200 per kilogram from traffickers.

It is worth noting that La Guardia Michoacana has previously been identified with Los Caballeros Templarios.

warning graphic image on following page

 Images courtesy of Noventa Grados.


  1. His death face lies peacefully in stark contrast to his violent end.

  2. So who's the Guardia michoacana?

  3. Please, el americano next, or a least, how about a federal delegate?
    Also there are a few surplus generals...and el migueladas...el cinco hindu
    God will pay you for your good deeds GUARDIA MICHOACANA!!!
    Dios se lo pague

  4. Damn, there's no one to trust in Mexico.

  5. This is a case of criminals killing criminals! It just goes to show that the true rights of the citizens are still suppressed in Michoacan! Thanks Peña Nieto Government! THE SUPPRESSOR OF HUMAN RIGHTS! Your own countrymen don't even trust you or your government. Way to go!

  6. shit theres no freakin sense of humanity in Mexico

  7. Este guey g1 penso que pensaba que podia pensar que la juersa todo!!!

    1. @6:53 am you dont make sense buddy. Even your Spanish is misspelled jajaja

      maybe "pienso" "piensaba" "podria" "fuerza"

      Dont forget yo, tu, el, nosotros, ellos ;) Spanish II papa

  8. Pretty soon they've got to be running out of heads.

  9. Better Grab Their Dick ? Really
    Abrace a La Verga....Means
    Get the F.... Out the Way

    1. Abrace means: Embrace.
      Ábrase means: Open up or get out of the way.

    2. Abrace ala verga.

      Means get the fuck out the way.

      In other words open room or make way for

    3. Lol gabachos translating

    4. pinches pochos,. can't even translate basic spanish. If you need a real translator send me an e-mail,. necesito jale loco!

    5. Pinche tonto...send your email in, big mouth real translator. but we don't use people who speak spanglish as you do.

      to everyone else...
      yes idoms are difficult when using language in slang meaning is not a part of your speech habits. A couple of you kindly corrected the translation, I appreciate that.

    6. "pinches pochos ? " can't even translate basic spanish," ?

      Thanks for help with translations to the other people,take no notice of smart asses like this guy..Appreciate any translations that help...

    7. Fuck is the score with the hate for translations and the people who do them? These people man...

  10. La Guardia Michoacana was not just Caballeros Templarios.They are a type of"special force"of CT more than ordinary sicarios..As some have said,there has been no mass arrests,the infrastructure of CT has definitely been upset,but,there must be many many of these guys biding their time until ordered by Tuta to start making moves,death is coming to the many chapulines and ADs,it looks like?

    1. They sure do look like they were a special force! It's sad but good riddance! Mexican citizens are sick and tired of these supposedly bad as criminals that are a leach to society!

  11. So another "Speedy Gonzales" bites the dust! Tuta seems to be the Only one in the
    L.C.T. that's still got the power cuz he's still available for his "Fireside Chats" when ever he's in a chatting mood!

  12. Chavo felix rumored capture and ivan's not captured confirned.


    unlimited air routes. more cocaine in air cargo planes

  14. Ok not pertaining to G1.. but has anybody else read the Chicago article that says El Vicentillio snitched on el Chapo by telling them his closest people to him and his routes.. and that he gave up everyone so he can get a max of 15 years. He is now a witness protection type of deal with the dea. And is now giving up info on his own father.. don't get me wrong I'm glad there getting busted. . But u gotta be a special piece of shit to narc ur own brothers closest friends and UR OWN DAD

    1. Word I Culiacan is that his own dad gave him up,now he's getting revenge on everybody.Also that he's a dead man walking.that's the word amongst the in crowd here.

    2. It very well may be true or it could be a spin by the prosecution!

    3. Yeah that's true i fight with my sisters and brothers but will never fo bad things to them especially snitch or put them in jail but im guessing mayo was not around his life so maybe that is why hes giving info on him and his brothers???? Hey but when you are reslly a sycopath you do not care of anybody but you!!! And if you have millions hiding and only you know where???

    4. The guy on top might have truth to what he said. But then what type of father sends his son to jail. . Sick basterds

  15. I hope thats la tuta people that are la guardia michoacana long live LA TUTA

  16. Good riddance....nothing like another dead cockroach. i sincerely hope they beat the living shit out of him and chopped him up while he was alive, he deserved it that fucking scumbag.

  17. Thanksgiving Day in USA ---> baked turkeys on a plate
    Thanksgiving Day in Mexico --> decapitated heads and Tuta TV

  18. another narco down no loss here. would give the guy that did it an award but he's just one more narco that needs to be put down.

  19. Chapo isidro gives CDS 72 hrs to abandon/ leave the plaza in La paz Baja California, in a narcomanta.

    1. Haber como responden los d eldorado cabron isidro

    2. Have any links? Would love more info it dounds like he has more power if a ultamatum made.

    3. I heard that there are 30 Zeta operatives on the way to back him up.

    4. Mira mira que chistoso salio este payaso del Isidro.Como no puede con el CDS en Sinaloa ahora quiere Baja California pero se la va pelar porque la gente de Baja California no va permitir que entre Zzzzecuestradorezzzzz, ExtorcionadoreZZZ y gente corrienteZZZ!!!!

    5. Are you going to stop them 10:39a? When you do let us on BB know how successful you are when BLO and Zetaz come to town.

  20. Abranse a la verga= make room, or, get out of the way, a very imperative command...

    1. Thanks man,for helping with translating some of the phrases

  21. wheres the arrest pics of mayito gordo ?

  22. Proceso has a good story about DEA infiltration of Mexican cartels and how Vicentillo's cooperation helped bring down Chaps amongst others.

  23. MP
    it is

  24. Virrey Castillo came out yesterday saying they were not FR, but today they had to correct punk's version of events:

  25. @12:10 yo creo que creyites que 'cres'que crees...
    In spanish, we don't have to use he/she-ittis all the time, our advanced language takes care of that on the verb, if this was 'pienso', you would be a very fat cow...
    --abrace, writter tried to say abranse, but it is not like the juersaz ruralez are lissenin'...
    Abrase, abrace, abraze abrazo bracero brasero brasa braza, abransen and slang, no rules but break'em...

  26. To the Editor:

    Your translation is not correct. The article states (quote) : .... whoever does not want to come to this side better grab their dick.... (end of quote).. In spanish its says .."abranse (misspelled) a la verga" which means: "Get the f%//k of my way ".....

  27. That's a staged crime scene. Look at the pic and the faces, then compare to any of the real decapitation pics that are out there. Hollywood Crime Scene my friends. Those boys are working for the Feds now.


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