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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Australia was no reprieve for EPN from the Ayotzinapa students controversy

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat
The G20 summit was held in Australia this year.

The Group of Twenty (G20) as it is known by, is an economic summit is comprised of  19 countries plus the European Union.  President Barack Obama and Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto are two of this years attendees.

Protest groups, are not known to pass up such a prime opportunity to vent their objection to one social cause or another, and the G20 was well represented by demonstrators.  Groups wearing anonymous masks, carrying signs and banners represented dozens of causes, were represented in numbers over 1000.  An eclectic range of issues including climate change, global inequality, aborigines inequality  the conflict in Ukraine and the 43 missing students of Ayotzinapa.

If President Pena thought he would be afforded relief  from the hotseat he and his administration find themselves on,  stemming from the normalistas killings….well he was in for a  surprise.

The Mexican president has been heavily criticized for his leaving Mexico during the upheaval of protest and unrest, which many have compared to as the worse since 1968 when 44-300 people were killed by government snipers.

Australia’s Mexican community have been peacefully demonstrating against EPN’s participation in the G20 summit, rather than his choosing to stay in Mexico and working for a solution in  the Iguala student massacres. 

“We would like to see awareness about that being raised and that we can call on the [Mexican] government to change their tactics,” organizing leader Ms Lulu Garcia said.

"What the hell is he doing here in Brisbane when he should be in Mexico fixing the problem?" said Sean Cleary, another organizer.

The protest aims to promote solidarity among the Australian-Mexican community and their families and friends in Mexico.

“I want the community to feel that they are supported and feel that we can support our families and our community back home. We have a homicide rate of over fifty people per day, all because of violence,” Ms Garcia said.

Ms Garcia is disappointed in the  Australian governments’ lack of response to the continuing issue.

“Maybe they haven’t been properly informed about the situation in Mexico and the latest declarations about Mr Peña. The investigation is an insult to the families and the Mexican community, who are aware. 

A spokesperson for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said “Australia joins the Mexican Government in condemning the disappearance and apparent murder of students in Iguala. We welcome Mexico’s investigation into the events and their perpetrators, and its ongoing efforts to strengthen the rule of law and human rights.”

Protest groups small and large stationed themselves in different points of Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne.

 Some material from Facebook and The Source was used to write this article


  1. Thank you for this! You know Pena was well aware of the protests

    1. and THANK YOU. I knew the article would not get as many views as let say a capture like mayito's, but I thought it was interesting and hoped readers would also.

    2. The world is watching

  2. Why cant other countries stick there nose in Mexico's problems. Is it cause there is little to gain?

  3. In reality all people do now a days, is a peaceful protest.....ok I get it. But the Mexican government don't really give a shit about what you tell them peacefully. In the other hand a car bomb in front of Los Pinos the presidential residence, would send a clear message, "hey you asshole, Pena nieto bajale de huevo" just an idea..

    1. That's exactly what a govt. goon would want since the response would amount to a justifiable repression. What would generate a response is a peaceful strike of some sort where the politicians would be hurt where it really counts: in their pockets.

    2. Really such as what?? In mexico from my experience the government is like a cancer that only seems to react to "plomo o plata" my dear friend we are past dialogue...concrete armed action is what the government needs. If Mexico goes into a civil war, NATO will Deffinettly interfer. Civil disobedience dont work in a Nazi state like Mexico. BULLETS AND BOMBS WILL.......long live Mireles!!!

    3. Let's not talk nonsense. Let's come-up with innovative ideas in solving Mexico's social ills. To begin with, I doubt you would be in the front lines in a war against the govt. of Mexico. What Mexico needs is a primavera Mexicana to get the scoundrels out of office effective immediately. Then the people will be able to make reforms to their govt. and constitution. The last thing the world needs is more bloodshed from NATO or any other military organization for that matter and exacerbate the problem. If you don't think NATO could make things worse, just look-up the situation of Libya and see how that's working.

    4. The only people who say violence is not the answer are the ones in charge. But violence is the only answer. Nobody listens to these protests. Timothy McVeigh proved that when he blew up the federal building in retaliation to the government in the Waco incident.

    5. Well I must agree, that a peaceful solution and clean elections, a major clean up of corruption will be the best, again nice dream we all hold hands a sing kumbayaa together....The reality is that there is a billion dollar corruption of drugs and mining contracts going on in mexico...I really doubt they will be willing to give up all the power just because we, protest peaceful on the idea of a revolutionary movement terrorist attacks on the mexican government installation, the famous peña nieto house blow that shit up....send armed people and ambush the senators, again no body has the balls, including my self why??? Cause there is nothing to gain...Real mexicans that live this night mare on a daily basis, are submissive, why sacrifice my life for cowards?? Again peaceful protest are a joke to the mexican government....remember guerrero ? All those students! !! Bullets & bombs.

    6. …(\_/)
      ……( ‘_’)
      …./”"”"”"”"”"”"\======░ freedom not free!!
      \_@_@_@_@_@_/ hey you Mexicans that actually live in mexico grow some balls and star a civil war! !!! I was laughing at the guy with the Primavera mexicana comments, innovavative ideas. What a joke. jajjajajaja, you are very innocent asking the corrupt government to give like going to the devil and asking him " hey Mr lucifer can you please stop being an asshole" I could imagine the response "sure peaceful protesters here it comes the narcos "pozole time".... man is true what my dad used to say , when he was a municipal president, " compañeros. Ya casi les termino las carreteras publicas", jajjajajaja, he literally robed the fucken town and yet the roads to this point have never been finished, this was 15 years I used to get a kick hearing my dad and his buddies drinking beer, talking about how stupid people are..I guess is true. No balls no glory...

  4. Ofcourse is interesting tks alot

  5. That is awesome!! I'm glad to see Mexicanos unite like this. Let EPN know the world is watching.

    Thanks Chivis. So when are you getting your surgery done? GOD speed Chivis.

  6. Truely sad that this post don't get even a fraction of what posts about cartel scumbags gettin caught or killed, and this is exactly what epn and his administration count on, that the students case will soon be buried and forgotten.

  7. Ugandan priest identified from remains found in guerrero fosa per BBC.

  8. That's what I'm saying this has got everyone's attention even the Aussies showing support for the missing 43 students

    1. We sure are! Unlike a lot of Americans we keep a keen eye on international events

  9. K agarraron al mini lic?

  10. ☆┌─┐ ─┐☆  │▒│ /▒/  │▒│/▒/  │▒ /▒/─┬─┐  │▒│▒|▒│▒│ ┌┴─┴─┐-┘─┘ │▒┌──┘▒▒▒│ GIVE └┐▒▒▒▒▒▒┌┘PEACE  └┐▒▒▒▒┌┘A CHANCE!!!. Yeah the gave those poor students a chance.

    1. you don't understand no gun on revolution

    2. Trust me there is weapons for sale in mexico, in the black market, I did a social experiment in my ranch in mexico, i ask around people that I trust and I ask around about buying a gun, after asking around , they had ak47s for, but it takes cash, cause they are highly over priced.anyways what the problem is in mexico is social no body gives a shit about their neighbors or fellow mexicans. We where sitting at drinking beer and I ask some of the questions we dealing with right now and I heard was excuses and "no me quiero" descomponer fuck it no balls no glory..

  11. Gabacho in Canada. lived in Mexico for four yrs and am appalled at the latest wave of violence. have contacted my MP and the Prime Ministers office to express my objection to Canada's silence concerning these events and the obvious involvement of Mexican politicians. I suppose our free trade agreement and proposed economic activity is the reason for Canada's silence.
    I find this disgusting and embarrassing! We stand up for the human rights of oppressed people all over this earth but are silent on Mexico's corruption and oppression. I would encourage all Canadians to write their MP's to call for action. To add Canada's voice to others objecting to the corruption and demand a response from Nieto.
    Viva Mexico!

    1. Canadian mines in Mexico and corrupted Mexican politicians are laughing all the way to the bank! The Mexican poor don't get shit!

  12. What the hell are Mexicans doing in Australia? Spreading their failed culture and corrupt ways I assume.

    1. STFU!!! Not all the Mexicans are the same. I'm sure that people in your country are the same bro.

    2. whats Bravo about Mexicans they run to the US and do not fix their problems. Bravo What All I hear from Mexicans is I love My Country. I don't think so, u left. I will say the educated Mexican does contribute to the US Do stay if you you r welcome

    3. you non-Hispanic Yanks{by the way I am non-Hispanic] if your country was like Mexico and Mexico was wonderful you would do the same thing jump the border for a better life for your family if you had the opportunity.Learn to walk a mile in someone elses moccasins besides your own before you criticize.Show some enlightened thinking.

    4. They did cross the border it was called Texas!

  13. EPN is a little midget elitist who is out of touch with the working class of Mexico. Him and his cronies need to be impeached and the protest should not stop until he's out.

  14. Damn! I would have traveled interstate to join this protest had I known about it!

  15. You don't understand people in Mx will not take up arms against the Mx. government . ( sorry speaking out of order, like German in 1930's u cannot own a gun.) no guns no revolt, Mx. Sorry I am an US citizen. I have no right to tell a another country what to do. Look at my country my President is worthless.

  16. I guess the killing goes on. It will never stop people just except it.

  17. protest is BS. the Mexican President is not scared of a protest. No Guts no Glory

  18. If mexicans do not have guns for a revolution, they can boycott and paralize the country. Block the highways, block the border bridges, block Pemex, etc there are so many things that can be done. Whining on social media won't fix anything.

    1. Yeah and end up on a ditch like the students in Guerrero? Look buddy I been to mexico , fuck I grew up in michoacan during the 80s. Same shit different president, no social media attention. In mexico they don't give a shit about peaceful protest, that's the reality and when they get to annoying they send in the police or worse to break it me my dad used to be a President municipal , and he did not give a shit and neither did the other politician....they only thing they respect is money and loaded forearms point towards just as frustrated as you, but the time for dialogue is over....a revolutionary moment is needed, but with weapons.

    2. Only Mexican Government and cartels are allowed to have guns! The citizens eat crow!

  19. Thanks people for hear us!!!! Mexico need a true government of his people, no corrupt persons!

  20. Cool and strange to see my country mentioned on this site but the reason behind the protest not so good.

  21. @7:21 do you think educated mexicans pick your food on the fields?
    You are juan pendejo, mexicans from all walks of life, with skills or not, cometo the US abandoning our country and the table scraps because we can do better closer to our american friends...and their ladies...
    --From menial jobs, many of us go on to have college and university 'educaishun' for our children on the US, in mexico there is good educaishun, but no jobs unless you kiss a whole lot of ass, required by the US accomplices of the mexican government, o no hay...
    --on the US, we have not had to kiss so much ass, because our amerikkkan friends have not had the humor or the time to bring the shit home, but they are working on it, one trayvon martin or mike brown or a diallo at a time...
    --now that we are in not so very friendly terms wih the US, we need to stay even closer to our enemies as things get worse...


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