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Saturday, November 8, 2014

17 shot: Oaxaca Mayor orders citizens fired upon, he is now a fugitive

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat
On orders from Carlos Vásquez Rebollar, the mayor of San Baltazar Chichicapan, Oaxaca, three men who are cousins of the PRI Municipal President, shot people from the community, leaving 17 people
injured, including women and children.

The mayor is a fugitive. (at left)

According to the Supremo, newspaper,  the incident occurred on Thursday November  6th   at 3:00 PM, when residents of the town were preparing to march in protest against the mayor,  in the streets of Mount Isa, where the mayor's home is located.  The grievance against the mayor is a common grievance against municipal presidents, he is accused of  “illicit personal enrichment”. Citizens charge the mayor with absconding  12 million pesos, and purchasing luxury SUVs and real estate with public funds.

The people of Chichicapan had summoned him on November 5th to a meeting, to account for the allocation of public resources, however, the mayor did not attend.

The actions by the people,  enraged Mayor  Vasquez, who ordered brothers, Adolph, Roman and Ceferino Santiago Vasquez, cousins of the mayor, to fire on citizens who were  outside his home. 
The men armed with shotguns and ascended to the roof of the mayor’s  house, shooting into the crowd from that vantage point.  

Many of the injured were children, passing by as school had just recessed, for the day.  

After the shooting, the three shooters,  took refuge in the house of the mayor, until the arrival of members of the State Investigation Agency (AEI), who finally arrested the assailants, except Carlos Vasquez, who fled before the arrival of the police, and is a fugitive.


Sources: RioDoce, Supremo, Youtube and Proceso


  1. I'm starting to believe that Mexico's politicians are just as bad as the cartel freaks . Thieving, murderous and corrupt, psychotic, etc, etc.

    1. They're much worse,in a sence that they are supposed to be there for the people.We already know that the cartels are criminals,so its expected from them,but the politicals aren't supposed to be like that.

    2. No shit! Just starting to believe!

    3. Were have you been.the politicians Are the cartel.the police join them.even the federal police in nuevo Laredo are with them.the transits are lookouts. But there hasn't been many problems here in nuevo Laredo in two years.

    4. @4:10 What you mean stupid? with there hasn't been many problems down there in nuevo laredo? that you know of that is. good chance they are being swept under the rug to not get heat from the US and Internationaly. just like in many places of mexico. look at iguala, guerrero nobody knew of the piles of bodies were every where. Until they finally got caught! that happens in every corrupt state of mexico

    5. Todas esas ratas "trabajan" en grupo gobernadores, alcaldes y criminales por eso es ke los malos controlan a los pueblos. nomas miren a ese chango indio de alcalde ke se tenian ahi no sirve para nada esa rata.

  2. Finally, the poor working class of Mexico have finally had enough!

  3. Amigos Sean culos, ya miraron, que al gobierno solo entiende plata o plomo.....yo tengo amigos de oaxaca y son gente muy brava no tienen miedo.....ya miraron alos de michoacan al plomo pues plomo.... "Su amigo michoacano" en otras palabras que esperan???

  4. Waiting to hear from the " Chapo Snitched" dude to see if Chapo Snitched again

    1. I'm waiting for Ms. "Free Mireles"... The same people that forgot about the Zapatista movement countless massacres.

    2. Well at least el chapo, was some what of a courteous criminal if there is such a thing, not like the animals we have in michoacan, you know that they call my rancho in michoacan "el rastro" cause so many get slaughter and no body gives a sshiittt.....There has been times when the actual mexican army has come to the town to put people at ease at gun point cause people are feed up, but like an old man said, what the difference between dying from bullets from the (guachos = mexican army) they are so corrupt that little girls go missing all the time, mexico is ready for a civil war, trust me, all it needs is to get cracking in other states and this pozole is ready.... Look at the news paper voz de michoacan is a useless , government bought media outlet, man I talk to my cousins and friends in the phone in mexico and trust me they want to get even, but there has to bee a major event for it to trigger it.....I really beleive if mireles was out there will be a civil war right now.

  5. Another mayor on the run.Probably with ties to organized crime.Maybe Mexico will change for the betterment of the people but it will probably get a lot worse before better.Sicily had the same problem til the people stood up.Obviously intimidation which worked for so long isn't working anymore.People have had enough.You GO Mexicanos and stand up for JUSTICE.

    1. PROBABLY HAS TIES WITH ORGANIZED CRIME.....All of Mexico's politians have ties to organized crime including EPN. Mexicans don't go into politics to actual help the community. The idea in Mexico is to fattens your pockets and surround yourself with thug killers. Business as usual in Mexico. Nothing has changed in Mexico and nothing ever will.

    2. Yeah it will as soon as Mexican people start shooting some one easy to shoot unarmed peasants..but a total different story when you are facing the barrel of a rifle on the hands of brave , no fear peasants. .

  6. What is it with these politicians? Pure signs of guilt and they all "order" the Gestapo to fire at and kill the peaceful demonstrators. The Gestapo is 100% as guilt as this monkey mayor. Why would they follow orders like that? Their family or friends could have been among the victims, regardless why shoot to kill? These are tactics from the Nazi era. The police are just a culpable as the monkey mayor as they followed orders to shoot at these civilians. Just like Hitler giving orders to Himmler and Hess to eradicate and eliminate. Mexican Nazi's and they can all go to hell. This fucking scum mayor will also go to eternal Hell but should be executed ASAP to speed up the process of justice and his trip to hell.

  7. Yet another incident with the same story line. If citizens challenge the "rulers" they will be punished. This is happening all over mexico , not an isolated incident. It is status quo. Pathetic goverment

  8. Time to clean out the whole government. Put Mireles at the top position. Let the communities start cleaning house at the ground level. Take back everything that was stolen and put it into the schools and in defense of the population. Do not let drugs pass the roads and put out a mandate to kill anyone that is caught running drugs, extorting, kidnapping, anything that is to do with a crime syndicate. Mexico is a beautiful place with wonderful people and could flourish with the right leaders and care.

  9. This is what happens when people look the other way, and go about their business. Corruption is everywhere.Is it too late? Where are the protesters for Dr Mierles? Hiding? Asleep? WHY would anyone want to risk their lives for people who so no support ?

  10. Dr Mireles for President !
    Sir, please clean the sh*t house !

  11. Does anybody think that the cartel put the mayors up to this stuff as to keep investors out of the country due to security concerns? In turn that would keep the population struggling with less opportunities for work.

    1. That doesn't make sense. The cartels, the venomous fucks they are don't want investors to run off. It is better for them to establish their businesses hire the locals then extortion as usual then eventual theft of property. They want something to take away and by running off investors they are hurting their pockets. So no, they are not running off the money crowd, its the greedy politicians who want a larger share of the pie but doing it so blatantly open and stupidly. No game plan, just acting on instinct that nothing is going to happen to them of which of course nothing will. A pseudo arrest, 40 day detention then quietly let out the back door..

  12. Let the united states take over Mexico until Mexico could reestablish them self as a trustworthy country just like they did in Iraq

    1. It will never happen, if it did once the USA leaves its back to business as usual...You see how Iraq fell apart after that jackass Obama pulled the troops out. Stupid move.

    2. Don't be an idiot Iraq is a mess thanks to you know who!

    3. They only made Iraq worse! Mexican people need to stand up and fight for there rights and take back the government!

    4. @12:44 Better yet make it a united states colony? did you see what happened to iraq after they left? damn insurgents and terrorist are trying to return to mess up facking iraq once again.

    5. 11/09/14 @6:52p. The Middle East has been in turmoil for thousands of years dumbass. It has nothing to do with Obama. Read a history book for a change it will broaden your horizons. Oh yeah stop watching Faux News dude you will never know what is really going on in the world watching that shit.

    6. 7:44 and 9:20 ARE COMPLETE IDIOTS/IDIOT. As always with morons like those they are only capable of seeing only a tiny part of the whole story.

      Iraq was much better when the United States left, but there was that shit you call Iran along with others waiting for the united states troops to leave. To start forming and helping insurgents and terrorist groups get back into iraq, that way messing up the order the soldiers had created.

      So morons get all your information right. Before you talk smack, one of the main reasons idiots see the united states as a bad country. Is because other morons like those miss inform them. stupid shet heads

    7. 4:23 Idiot Iran is fighting ISIS, they are working with the US but they will not admit it. Idiots like you believe everything the US govt tells you, they lie to you every day!

    8. 12:06 Moron not even you and your btch momma believe that ridiculous crap. Every one knows iran is an enemy with the USA. Iraq is irans back door they don't want the US to be controlling it, because they are going to be close watching their every crooked moved! Stop making up fake stuff hater!! get out of the USA fcking snake!!

  13. With the protest at tbe National Palace you feel the tide is turning. Rise up Mexicans and take back your country!

  14. Who pays the mayors in mexic? I mean, who is thier employer, who looks to see if they're stealing money for themselves, who do they lie and take money from. Which part of government gives them the blank check to take care of the city, i am curious how that works where they get their mayors f I nds from, who is their goverment source. Who?

    1. @1:25 What a ridiculous question. .. in mexico criminals put other criminals to work for them selves for their own gain and not for the citizens. .. they get paid a gov salary, plus they steal gov funds, plus they get dirty money from other criminals for the impunity they give to them. .. nobody monitors their "work" they do what they want just look at the indio above

    2. Supposedly the feds give the municipal gov the funds then the feds take a 10-15% kickback I read somewhere then mayor takes some,cartels take probably more and theres NOTHING LEFT for the people.Talk about no accountability.

    3. Great answers thank you

  15. Nothing will change. You guys are too pussy to fight, you don't hear out everyone else as well as the fact that you will stay unorganized. I type this comment not out of intent to insult my fellow Mexicanos, but out of frustration, hopefully this comment will piss someone off enough, just enough to realize that what I am saying is true.

    1. Senore,you are asking for a flaming,constructive dialect is virtually unknown when asking such questions on here.I wonder some have not started on you already?Saludos snr and cuidate....

  16. The thoughtful thoughts of the powerful thinker have led me to say this:
    El Chapo is no snitch

  17. Mexico needs to change its name to Toxico

  18. Chivita, who are they calling Ms "Free Mireles"?
    --note to asshole, the zapatistas have NOT killed innocent population nor engaged on any massacres or fabrication of guity parties...
    --while i don't give a rat's ass about their methods, i absolutely respect them...
    --the guerrero state government has been creating their own agitators for decades, then they take care of them to appear to be saving mexico...
    --from vicente guerrero to el rey lopitos, to genaro vazquez rojas and lucio cabanas barrientos, mexico has been provided heros that end murdered, but not without taking some other victims along for the trip to hell...
    --chiapas provided help for madero, and senator irma serrano...
    --oaxaca provided benito juarez, and 30 years of dictatorship from favorite son porfirio diaz...
    --guerrero provided the figueroa dynasty of frog faces all the way to white boy angel aguirre the mapache priista who jumped to PRD to keep the state pri owned and under the boot of priista caciques and drug traffickers...
    --who have murdered the students from ayotzinapa the mexican propaganda machine keep calling leftista guerrillas, with good results in many cases, some ignorant people will drink anything as long as they are told it is kool-aid...
    --they protest that he students were kidnapping buses, that they always returned, hat they were extorting merchants and people "aggressively" which even if true does not justify the kidanpping, torture, murder and disappearance, WITHOUT TRIAL, AND BEFORE A FORMAL DETENTION, people keep wondering WHY?
    --emilio chuayffet wants to have no proof of his crime this time, that is why, he and pena nieto, the butchers of Atenco and Acteal, the pompadour conspirators are so busy saving face arresting 80 "police officers" and the royal couple of iguala who did as EMILIO CHUAYFFET wanted, to scare the rural
    School out of the way...
    --also the evangelistas with their "theology of progress" that caused Acteal to happen have not been prosecuted, nor their army of god...

    1. Huh que?
      vicente guerrero,el rey lopitos, madero?Ahora es 2014 callate wey..
      Sonar como un payaso

  19. I know why these people got shot they didn't run WTF
    there is shooting going on RUN RUN RUN

  20. 4:23 propaganda looks very good on paper...
    Iraq was looking much much better before donald rumsfeld started selling poison gasses to saddam and oliver north selling weapons to iran by way of israel to have a nice good old war to get rich from...
    --that led to kuwait and then to the iraq invassion...
    --and to getting the US in debt for war expenses, 3 or 4 trillion dollars...
    --and 5 000 more americans killed in action against blackater supported iraqi guerrillas...
    --to make the war last 100 years to please dick cheney's co-conspirator chickenhawks...
    --The US does not need complete idiots' opinions to earn a bad name, the US has enough smartypanties in charge, and it seems like giving the US a bad name is the only business they tend to, with exacting proficiency and dedication...

    1. And you crazy man. well you no body likes you. you talk to much crap.

      And what i wrote it's not propaganda it's facts. It's the deep reality. not the one on front of your face.

      Unlike you with your stupid made up theories about the united states. most of it don't even make sense. if you don't like the us why the fuck are you living here? go back to your lovely narco corrupted mexico.

    2. @1:32 Ms. Free Mireles, Ms. Chapulin, Ms. Zapatista, Ms. Cacique... Hahhaha

    3. @1:32 Ya muevete para tu mexico mejor chapulin... cacique... hahhaa

  21. "7:44 and 9:20 ARE COMPLETE IDIOTS/IDIOT
    Iraq was much better when the United States left"

    Do yourself and everyone here a favor?
    Google "is Iraq in worse shape after the US" a quite simple little question....
    Its actually quite sad.Also question the installed Iraqi government decision"prohibiting the release of civilian casualty data"since 07?Not a good sign?Department of Defense has not updated similar charts since 08?
    To think your calling people idiots?Sorry about off topic,but,,,

    1. 10:33 What an idiot! you are. Smhh.. How can google know what's fact from fiction? why don't you search: am i and idiot? and find the answers to that if you can. idiots these days.

      And how do you know that are you an Iraqui? do you work with them? I doubt it. And it's a damn war in wars there is always casualties!


  22. Complete idiots beware, we the anonymouses are many many more than youses.
    --Sorry but no sorry, 10:33 has joined the circus...
    --10:33 welcome!!! No semos muy machos pero ya semos mas muchas...

  23. 2:00 you are a complete idiot and juan pendejo, unless you are a juana...
    --yuu don't send other people's children to fight your wars to enrich your chickenhawk cowardly ass, while they die on foreign lands for drinking your kool-aid...
    --on top of murdering and killing a people who had NOTHING to do with 9/11 comprendes???
    --and torturing and murdering scientifically to exact false confessions in the name of the US, under the flag of the US, against the laws and common sense of the US, all fo the benefit of private war making profiteers who can't even keep their accounting straight and lost billions and billions of dollars the US had borrowed to feed their big fat asses, g o o g g l e i t... idiota!!!


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