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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Tamaulipas Tuitera/ Blogger Kidnapped and Killed

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat thank you "AC"

A blogger who used the user name, "Miut3" was kidnapped and killed in Reynosa Tamaulipas.  She was a "Tuitera" with the over 41k followers on her popular twitter page, that sent out situations of risk, and narco news  tweets.
 Maria del Rosario a close collaborator of Valor Por Tamaulipas and partner in the sister blog ResponsabilidadXTamaulipas .   Her twitter account is called Felina (miut 3).

She is a doctor by profession.  Kidnappers accessed  Maria's twitter page, and sent out a couple of threatening messages  to the public,  warning  that the same fate will come to other bloggers.

These photos of her after being kidnapped, and killed were uploaded there.

Maria was the closest collaborator of Valor Por Tamaulipas, but apparently there was a split.

Maria worked closely with Responsabilidad Por Tamaulipas a Facebook page  that publishes pictures of those kidnapped in Tamaulipas.

There have been five people executed for being narco bloggers in Mexico.  All executions have been in Tamaulipas.  However the first two, a couple, were never found to have ties to a blog and were determined to have been taken randomly and portrayed as bloggers being killed for their work.  After those first killings, the killers made sure it was bloggers that were killed.

The blogger known as Cruz Star says she was killed because of her failure to save a narcos kid, and not anything to do with her blogging.  The problem is that she and VXT have received specific threats for a year and a half.  She was too careless with concealing her identity.

Here are some of the messages posted by kidnappers on Maria's account and sent to various pages..  This is the only time I know of where kidnappers/killers have taken over a social media page from their victim:

Friends and Family, my real name is Maria del Rosario Fuentes Rubio, I am a doctor, now my life has met it's end.

I have NO more to say except that you  do not commit the same mistake that I did.  I gained nothing, on the contrary, TODAY I REALIZE THAT.
I ecountered death, and nothing was changed
@Bandolera7 @civilarmado_mx@ValorTamaulipas 

 Close your accounts!  Don't risk your safety and that of your family.  As I did.  I ask for your forgiveness. I found  death for nothing.
We are closer than you think

On October 7th she had received a threat, says Valor por Tamaulipas.   He posted earlier today that Twitter user @garzalaura142 made threats to @Miut3 on that day.  The threats use similar wordings; in one of them, @garzalaura142 says:

 "we are close to getting you, be careful felina) 

Which is similar to one of the messages left on her Twitter page, presummedly from her killers;

"We are closer than you think".
From VXT: I am in so damn much pain, yesterday morning Miut3 my collaborator was kidnapped. Today with horror, I see on her account messages and photos were posted, of an angel, as they took her life. An angel that gave her life, her future, her security, for the good of the people in our state. Today Miut3 stopped reporting, but what criminals do not know, is that Miut3 is in our soul and she will never leave us, or surrender to organized crime . 

She would never surrender and would be disappointed to know that someone who helps would. Miut3 my Dr. Rosario , I have guilt by removing you from Responsabilidad por Tamaulipas, because there you were safer. But, I was so fearful when they sent me the videos of executed persons, I was afraid for my family and collaborators,. 

For a year and a half I did what I could, so that they could be moved from the danger. I went and back hoping That cartels will no longer focus on the page and the only thing That I did in trying to protect you was push you to the edge, and no longer could force you to be careful. You had ignored all the times I demanded that you be cautious, but I feel it is my fault for not insisting. My only partner in ResponsabilidadXTamaulipas , I hurt so much.

[Please note, I found the foto below right of Maria yesterday while doing a background check.]

The following is posted by the editor of the real Valor for Tamaulipas the page with over
500k followers. He is very angry with Cruz Star and the fake VXT page.    Saying they are spreading misinformation by saying Miut3 was killed because she treated a child of a narco, and the child died.  Cruz Star simply gave that scenario without any details, like where, when who, and if he has any proof he has not shared it. Cruz Star lives in the US but frequents Tamps. 

 Here is what VXT says in part:

 “Let me clarify  again  that  I  am  not  related  in  any  way  to  the  clone  blog  of  and  clone  account :  @ValorXTamauIipa ,  published  information  that  I  have  not  said ,  I  have  not indicated  nothing  of  failed  clinical  care given to a  son  of  Narco. However,  on the part  of  Miut3 ,  she was  kidnapped    yesterday  morning , and when  we  woke  today  we saw her Twitter account was now in  the possession  of  criminals  and they posted the messages and  the photos of her kidnapping and supposedly of her dead body. 
VXT states:
“MrCruzStar ,  H_Reporta , and  ValorXTamaulipa  clone  account,   are  responsible for this misinformation..  I have my reasons  to  believe  that .”

The editor than goes on to say Miut3  exposed herself too much,  like working with humanitarian causes but that some were also associated with criminal authorities.  That he tried to take his warnings and recommendations seriously.  And that this year her identity was exposed in some “isolated” publications.

 He also reminds everyone that Miut3 is the heroine of ReynosaFollow, the movement that began the trend of using social media to warn people of pending dangers.   This happened after the Tamaulipas organized crime news blackout was initiated in 2010.  Her twitter page was created in January 2010.  A couple of hours ago Twitter suspended the account.


  1. RIP. Death to those responsible.

    1. Must had been Zetas or Golfos they got sicarios there.

    2. Im with u shes now a martyr may she rest in peace along with alejo tamez garza she had more balls that the cowards that killed because they published her face n not theirs

    3. Did one of those so called "friends" of her sold her??

  2. Thats effin crazy! All she did was bring the truth out to the surface for the world to see! God bless you Dr.Rosario for your service to the community and to the people of Mexico. May your efforts never be in vain. Justice will be brought to those responsible one way or another. Karma has a good way of catching up with those that carelessly destroy innocent lives.

    1. Blessings for you too and your family.

  3. someone im Texas near the border should host the blogs so people in Mexico can send the info with less risk.

    1. Look into it more carefully. Alot of people have been killed in Texas, just not to an extreme like Mexico.

    2. Thats y i said less risk, i didnt say safely.

  4. How sad. It just never stops with them damn Mexicans.

    1. Them damn Mexicans?? Lol what are you Anglo Saxon?? Fuck off!! Our country is in a crisis but nevertheless does not deserve to be damned to hell Mexicans are strong and will cleanse ourselves from the bad and will be reborn on sight of the end of the 5th sun

    2. @1:34am Reborn on sight of the end of the 5th sun? why havent you all done it in the 1th, 2nd, 3rd, 4rt sun what you all waithing for? what world do you live in? now thats funny. stupid

    3. Why does the moderator let those comments go by, but when you put some insult about white people or defending against those types of comments they don't post them?

    4. White people? Hispanics are white people,idiot.
      The rest of non-hispanic whites.
      Anglo-Saxons? No. Only descendants of English people are Anglo-saxons. And those are a minority.
      Teutonics, Nordics, Slavics, Hispanics, Gaelics, etc., are now the majority in the U.S. and it has been that way for a long time.
      People just don't study the differences.

  5. A population of thousands and just a few to do what it take shame on the rest!!!!!

    1. Now I know why history in school was so important, cause history keeps repeating itself, humans are just a lower kind of animal that got lucky to be in control or we would like to think,

    2. @Oct 18, 4:53PM

      In taxonomic rank humans belong to the animalia kingdom so we ARE animals, not "lower" or "higher" just animals. Clever apes.


  6. vxt is really sketchy to me. the admin has a little too much respect for the Mexican military. he defends them a bit too much even when they are without a doubt guilty. lately he's been a little crazy with sympathy over the kids getting shot and executed in Tlatlaya [well not for the kids but for the soldiers, she actually implied that even if they were executed they deserved it for being part of a cartel] . . . . . . makes me wonder if the people they are showing pictures of that are supposedly Organized Crime on the VXT page are really Mafiosi. With so much disregard for basic human rights that he showed with those comments i'd be careful about the info i get from that website. VXT is too biased for the military.

    1. Wow! You made so many idiotic comments I just don't know where to start. First, the only authorities in Mexico I have respect for is the military. Also, just because some military officials are corrupt that does not make everyone corrupt. Second, the tlatlaya massacre occurred because 22 hitmen from inside a warehouse who where holding 2 kidnapped women shot at the military officials. The military personnel knew that if they arrested the bad guys they would be released within days. Obviously the soldiers shoot everyone inside. Finally, all of the information from the ValorXTamaulipas page comes from the citizens of Tamaulipas. Valor reports information from both of the cartels that operate in Tamaulipas meaning Golfos and Zetas. The administrator just does not focus on one cartel.

    2. Fuck the mexican military if they did their job if they didnt sold themselves for money Mexico wldnt be what it is.

    3. Another stupid comment. I just cannot believe people make claims without even knowing what really happens in Tamps.. The reason why Mexico is in this type of violence is because of politicians, policias estatales, and ministeriales have sold their soul to the devil meaning drug cartels. The authority that I trust the most is the Mexican military and I will not stop saying this!!! Just because there a few corrupt soldiers that does not make everyone corrupt!!!!! You probably read mundonarco and websites like that please stay over there.. Those websites are full of idiots like you!!!

    4. I agree with you. No matter how much info VxT gets on military abuse, they continue to call all armed forces HEROES.
      The admin. even shared info on some woman from Tampico who had exposed Miut3 on Twitter as "the chubby doctor from Reynosa". Supposedly, she and one guy where the only ones that knew FOR SURE who she was and that broad exposed her. Well, it so happens that she collaborates with the Marines!!! The Mexican Marines, that is. VxT denounced it that way. So.....???? Why is no authority doing anything to get to the bottom of this crime???? Most likely it was no drgu cartel but rather the military or the marines. THEY ARE THE ONES GETTING PUMMELED all the time in pages like hers and VxT for not doing their job.
      We read of so many cases of criminals getting caught and then set loose by them all the time.
      I feel awful for the por girl and her family. She will NEVER get her justice. Her family and friends now live in the shadows and some have left the country in fear of being next on the list.

  7. shes okay on the other side now

  8. Really tough guys killing a woman...

  9. Speechless...A DOCTOR ? A WOMAN ? DISGRACEFUL ..
    For running a blog alerting people about kidnaps and disappeared ?
    They kill a fellow Mexican female doctor and gloat about it ?
    Even for Mexico this is disgraceful ...

  10. You see Chivis it isnt worth it,dont reveal your identity.I know its not quite the same but they sink lower and lower...
    No one will care about this poor woman,no one will bother to find the animals who did it..Just outrageous..
    Maria del Rosario R.I.P Maria,,,,,,,,,look what they did ..

    1. I agree, Chivis, do not show your identity. I sent you an email. Lacy

  11. Voca abierta entra mosca

  12. I wouldnt doubt one of her old associates gave her up. She was gonna be their competition in the blogging business.
    Wouldnt doubt her old friends gave her away tho.

    1. Oh yeah its those billionaire bloggers. Trying to muscle in on all the blogging hustle. Clown.

  13. McAllen, TX. is just as infested with these low I.Q. Mexican criminals. Time to take up arms and send them back to hell! AKA...Mexico.

    1. Hey mothafucker I know Mexico is bad but don't express yourself in that way about that country there are to many innocent people out there who have nothing to do with these animals

    2. @1:57 & 2:18 lol! now thats really funny! hhaha ....just kill the animals for gods sake.. good ppl cant deal with them

    3. Fuck that Mexico is more fucked up than the middle east.I didnt write the comment for this reply but the truth hurts the innocents who stood by in apathy not doing shit while the problem kept groing ate at fault as well.

  14. ahhh esta mierda fue mi cuidada deja pregunto a ver quien fue.. alcabo todo se save tarde o temprano

  15. That is the lowest of the low, TAMPS Mexico home of the GOLFOS and the ZETAS. Cut by the same thread and definitely no better than one another. Como lo dijo la BARBIE, a los putos ZETAS-GOLFOS ni su madre los quiere. So much truth in that statement... RIP to that brave lady.

    1. Ha la barbie who betrayed the blo. Your quoting from one treacherous bastard.

  16. Enrique Pena Nieto how long will you allow this to happen send La Marina and clean the state of Tamaulipas dont matter if it is zetas or golfos same shit .take them out eliminate them

  17. to the willis that is happy she is killed and hopes I am next....if you put the crack pipe down, I promise to send you a cookie....

    1. Don't listen chivis..Fuck these pendejos..NAJ

  18. No entiendo como llegaron con ella? Fue en un reten del Golfo en la ciudad o sera que en su trabajo en su oficina alguien ya estava sospechando que ella era la que manejaba esa cuenta y le pusieron el dedo.Recuerden que ahi gente del CO en todas partes y mas en el estado de Tamaulipas....

    La verdad como me da rabia y coraje ver estas cosas que pasen gente de bien haciendo asesinados tan cruel mente.Esto ya se esta pasando de la raya.Valor Por Tamaulipas y Bandolera no se rindan ustedes son fuertes a darle con todo denunciando esas lacras!!!

    Aun que esta raro muy raro como llegaron con ella, como que fue un dedazo pero no se de donde vino si de su trabajo o se confio de mas y le dijo alguien su identidad.

    1. this cartel scum must have people that figured out.

  19. Some advice for the citizens of Mexico you should invest in a assault rifle and a pistol.. It will save your life...

    1. Its illegal dumbass

    2. Yea save your life from what ? When they ambush you out of no where an have 4 + guys shooting at u

    3. Getting weapons isnt enough theyhave to get the weapons and find this cartel bastard and wipe them out

  20. So sad and disgusting to kill one of Gods angels. RIP Dr Rosario xx

  21. So sad and disgusting to murder one off Gods angels. RIP Dr Rosario xx

  22. Spineless cartel members, can only kill women and children .Putas!

  23. RIP... Thank you for your courageous service in spite of the danger. A doctor. A life saver in more ways than one.

  24. To> October 16, 2014 at 1:57 PM

    OMG, you couldnt choose a better time to be racist, didnt you? Instead of calling up for humanitarian migration and help. You call for taking up arms and deportation. Later you will call for extermination, you fkin racist.

  25. its funny to listen to this blog.ive said this before.this shit is just getting started,they can catch who they want,it doesent got two choices in mexico,join the criminals or fight the criminals.but if choose to fight the criminals remember thats the goverment and the cant let the soliders disarm you.when good people die fighting the soliders thats when there will be a revolt against the goverment

  26. She was a doctor. A cartel members kid died in her hands and she paid the price! It was not for being a blogger, she was caught while using her twitter account!

    1. Nope. Sorry, that don't hold up. She had been THREATEND over a week earlier, hello?!?!?
      She had handled the cases of many drug cartel memebers and relatives for years, some successful, others not, and no one had ever touched her. She was a greceful, generous lady who did everything she could to help others every chance she had (I ain't talking about her profession). No one meant her no harm.
      She was being hunted down as she kept not observing mínimum safety rules on line and attending events after posting that she would be there and sometimes posting as herself, so.....

  27. I smell the stinch of Golfitas all over this murder. Tamaulipas is the Golfos turf and they run it with an iron fist. With all the heat they are bringing to their plaza it won't be long before they are history. Doing stupid shit like this will give them all the attention they won't.

  28. Big hard narcos got something hide ?? I thought you pricks where here to save the people
    Cowardly shitebags

  29. "to the willis that is happy she is killed and hopes I am next....if you put the crack pipe down, I promise to send you a cookie"

    That's the way to deal with bitter losers who blame everyone else for their sad lives.LAUGH AT THEM.
    Willis do you wear black clothes and sleep in cemeteries at night?Not cool ..

    1. Ignorant that's all he is, probably a cartel batty daddy, lol with an attitude to life like that he probably won't be in earth long

  30. "McAllen, TX. is just as infested with these low I.Q. Mexican criminals. Time to take up arms and send them back to hell! AKA...Mexico"

    Hate to say it and see it,but they just don't care,don't seem to have no morals and hate openly.Its not about skin color its about right and wrong,no rule of law and we have another Mexico.

  31. Anyone who speaks the truth about the unfolding tragedies in Mexico is a true patriot and an angel in the eyes of many, many common people. When Mr. W. isn't smoking dodo dust, he is probably ripping his family off and busy being El Raton to keep his ass outa jail.

  32. Each person must ask themselves; Am I an asset to society or a liability? This woman gave 10x what would be a benefit to society. The killers have no idea how nutless they are. They will fall on earth, dishinor their own mother and spend eternity getting buggered by satan. We should replace our courageoous blogger with a hundred new ones. I will do my part.

  33. I see in the last hour either twitter or someone suspended her twitter account, it is where the photos were posted. So my link is no longer working.


    she has not practiced medicine for a decade, going into the medical product consumer field, so the story of the kid is very doubtful..unless they kidnapped her to take care of the kid. Narcos go to the hospital and doctors all the time they did not need to do that.

    star cruz is the one who claims that,but gave no photos, name, place etc.
    But VXT confirmed the killing and was very close to her, she was a collaborator with him on two blogs

  34. The only people that would be able to obtain her identity like that are authorities , so the goverment had to quite her down. This isnt the first time theyv done this , rember el santo ? How they found out his location

  35. I can't wait for GOD to allow all these innocent people to return and have their justice on these terrorists. That day is approaching quickly. So they better continue living just for the day without long-term plans.

    1. Where the fuck was your god when she was about to get killed?

    2. God should never have allowed this shit to happen in the first place.

  36. October 16, 2014 at 3:54 PM
    "OMG, you couldnt choose a better time to be racist, didnt you?"

    Where was race mentioned you fuckin idiot?Its about criminality you bell,
    whatever the skin color happens to be,in this instance the subject matter is Mexican.We are speaking generally on Mexican subjects can you handle that.I know "white people can be as criminal as anyone else" Is that better?
    Mexicans cannot pull anyone about race issues,know what i mean?
    Tu cerebro es peligroso...Try to use it sparingly..

    1. @6:48pm

      Go back and read the original post, it's clearly racist and calls for violence.

  37. October 16, 2014 at 1:50 PM

    So true! Just like the kidnappers in Ascencion, Chihuahua. The people got a posy together and caught them in the act. The police new where the kidnappers lived and never did anything. They were also corrupt. The crown of people from Ascencion gathered and handed over the kidnappers to the police. As they were putting them in the police cars one of the pieces of garbage looks at the crowd smiling, and says I will see you in a couple of days. The crowd grabbed them and beat them to death. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. They also through the local police out at the time and would not let them back in. The really guilty people here are just set free, and the innocents are convicted, and put in prison until they can come up with enough money to buy there way out.

    1. Orale, amigo, well said.

      P.S. @ Chivis: LOL @ the cookies for the crackhead pendejo.

  38. I don't think is real. Narcos don't know how to write for shit, the tweets have no misspellings.

    1. I think they really made her write her own farewell txts... except her last pic of course...

  39. Replies
    1. Its too early to start pointing fingers....only time will tell us who did it...csi from reynosa will solve this crime(sarcasm) lol...

    2. CSI does that stand for corrupt & somehow involved?

  40. This site and the comments really do show how ignorant some people are. Its just a matter of time before those fools snatch one of you idiots and do you the same way. "The authorities are the only people that couldve gotten her identity" LOL just another stupid comment in this site.

  41. Mexican culture is in a state of disease, where freedoms and speech are not respected. The government perpetuates this by not allowing citizens to arm themselves as they (top officials) have armed security guarding them at all hours. The Mexican government does not have the best interest of their citizens in mind. I really feel bad for people like this young lady who are trying to construct a better society yet are subjugated to heinous acts by monsters.

  42. Chivis y el equipo de borderlandbeat, tengas mucho cuidado por favor, me encanta este sitio mucho, estoy aqui leyendo cada dia ahora, pero por favor, no quiero leer algo asi sobre ustedes. Rezo para que Dios te gaurde seguro. Que Dios bendiga a ustedes y a Maria en el cielo ahora.

    -El Guero.

  43. pos pal pendejo que dijo que el barbie dijo que ni la madre quiere a los zetas pos eso sera verdad pero no por algo stan onde stan y la barbie cantando la mananitas aya en puente grande jajajaj en laredo mamo por soplon y chapulin. VALORXTAMAULIPAS te dijieron muy bien las golfas y ves lo que te encargo que si kieres una ayudita comunicate conmigo ...yo con gusto me acerco pa reyno a tumbarte varias golfitas. tu sabes que stando en el negocio todo se sabe

  44. This should make world wide headlines.
    The world should be shocked and outraged.
    Of course, the corporate controlled main-stream brainwashing media will do nothing to bring this horrid crime to the world's attention.

  45. If this Muslims who did this it would be headline news around the world for days!
    Maybe, we should rename the cartels to Mexican muslim cartels and you would get quick outrage and action to destroy them.

  46. This is why the cowardly US journalist have put a self impossed gag order on themselves. I know a few, ask them. Look what happend when a Isis posted the video of a journalist losing his head, suddenly outrage ... it's going to take video of a boob-job-blond-news-anchor to loose her head and implants to the cartel to get these chicken-shits to do their jobs. Chivas and what's left of the real journalist-heros in Mexico deserve a Pulitzer.

  47. Everybody is so focused on who did it ! Yall need to step back and look at the bigger picture. Why are we even discussing this in the first place. The failed drug crusade all these muderous low down pieces of shit have their power because we allowed it for over 70 fucken years we watched all the killings in miami in the eightys and columbia with Escobar and i can go on and on . The point is if we would come to our senses we would legalize weed all across from canada to mexico these organizations would at least have to present themselves in a respectable manner there would be transparency and accountability. Its the black market that is destroying us its the fact that anyone can do it. If only we the United states of America would realize what we've been doing wrong for so long then maybe we might still have a shot to leave our future generations with a scense of peace and a world of order.

  48. esos golfos y zetillas cagados van a acabar todos muertos, el pueblo tiene el poder , solo necesitam ejercerlo, y los malandros tambien tiene n familia hijos madres hermanas, haganles lo mismo, hay ,mas gente buena , denuncien en cuanto vean grupos armados moverse a una nueva casa, no los dejen esconderse en ninguna parte, el pueblo tiene el poder solo tiene que ejercerlo, hay mas gente buena que gente del cartel

  49. Mexico is a failed state, governed by a mafia with the military as its armed wing, all the cartels in Mexico pay to be in power, when someone forgets to pay or gets a little out of hand (massacres, murders that attract national international media attention etc..) then that's when the Government goons arrive to clean up the mess and usher in a new Cartel, or the same cartel under a new name . The impunity given to these very few people (Government scum..soldiers,officials & politicians) has to taken away by force! the only way to do so is if all the Mexican people rise up against these injustices, that includes the Mexican Americans watching from afar. We have the numbers and the Money we just need a leader with power, willing to use it for the good of Mexico's people and future. There are an estimated 500,000 cartel members in Mexico, there are 628 politicians(senate and congress that are more than likely associated with the cartels) and there are 119,213,203 Mexicans that are fed up with their bullshit!


  50. Lacy...
    hola my friend, I will write, personal life crazy busy..I will write

  51. Even Muslims do not act like this!
    Shame on a Supposed Christian Nation!

  52. Take them to Ferguson Mo!


  54. US people, please help border people with a blog. Do not let mexican people risk their lives. They can send their tips to a blog in The USA and it will be harder for criminals to do anyhing.

  55. 4:02 PM
    "Go back and read the original post, it's clearly racist and calls for violence"
    Go away,stop wasting peoples time with your mealy mouthed shit.Mexicans talking about racism?Give me a break.

  56. "US people, please help border people with a blog They can send their tips to a blog in The USA"
    Dude,this is one of them,they could send news right here,anonymously.The only way to get caught out is at the Mexican end,if you tell people?This is an English speaking blog to disseminate news about whats going on in Mexico?

  57. People PLEASE stop with sending complete paragraphs IN ALL CAPS I WILL NOT POST THEM...

  58. @19:19
    Keyboard Narco, if you want to be taken seriously, don't use Spanglish.

    1. Yall leave her alone chivis has more pants than narcos cause she risks her life 4 the good of people unpaid hard dangerous professional work. Unlike narcos who risk their lives doing evil. Chivis eres mi heroina without superpowers ure awesome baby

  59. ... If The Z's Could Reach Out And Touch 1 Of The Anonymous Group People In Mexico, Then Surely A Blogger Could Be Located If They Or Anyone Else Wanted To... $Money Talks And So Do People Fearing For Their Loved Ones... Some Food For Thought... Have A Blessed Day!!!

  60. Fuck chivis...he posts these racist comment from these crackers pieces of shit but wont post my rebuttals to them.......chivis. are you a cracker lover

  61. Cracker lover here...especially fond of Kashi Tasty Little Crackers 7 Grain

    1. I prefer Saladitas Gamesa Chivis. But to each his/her own. Shake these haters off.

  62. ... Go Chivis, Go ... It Does State That Comments Are Moderated... Maybe @6:42pm Wants Some "Wine" And Cheese With His Crackers?...

  63. there you go that is even better :)
    truth is we get about equal of the racist remarks representing both sides the border. 90% of them I kick to the trash heap....

  64. Chivis, First let me apologize on behalf of the many commentators that are disrespecting your efforts. I hate to read about the misfortunes of any human, however, I can both understand and appreciate your cause. We the readers should not insult one another no matter what race the other is. It actions like these comments you receive that show and help better understand why criminal organizations are successful. We fight one another and not the true criminal. I see that many individuals are of Latin descent are offended by some of the comments of Americans. We cannot really see if these individuals are white, hence the posting titles "Anonymous" I will say to my Mexican counterparts, "If you are not there, go back and make an effort to change things" Yes the government is corrupt, but does it have to be? It is scare tactics that we all probably fear. I say perhaps instead of insulting one another, spread the word about this blog. Headlines you want? Than make it headlines. Share this blog info and perhaps other countries will intervene. Mexico has resources beneficial to other countries. It is wise for everyone to protect those benefits as a whole. Words are powerful tools. It encourages people. Look how this blog encouraged a heartfelt discussion amongst total strangers. Chivis, much safety to you and keep up the excellent job.

  65. "Fuck chivis...he posts these racist comment from these crackers"

    Somehow you can tell some of these geniuses aren't regulars?Common garden variety whining losers yes,regulars,no..Oh by the way"he"let your cracker comment in?Feel better know Einstein?Go hate at BDN with the others..

  66. "chivis. are you a cracker lover"

    Are you a butter lover?

  67. Crackers are high in carbs, but so are tortillas ... I stay away from both when I want to lose a few.

  68. Words are powerful, it is not hatingon each other here, it is about correcting some bought and paid for mouthpieces, some blow-suckers threaths are as worthless as mouse droppings...
    --the skills of some mexican computer giniuses, are to be respected, the mexican military school of communications has some of the best, andmay are working for criminals now...
    --Disinformation agents are to be feared and rebuked, like those saying the tlatlaya dead were big dangerous kidnapping narcs, that the students disappeared from guerrero were from a guerrilla school, or that all mexicans are cowards or narcs, or that valoxtamaulipas side with the military, are to be at least closely watched, commenters who hide their pretty names behind anonymous are at least suspect too...

  69. Please chivis, do not waste cookies when a dog turd will do...

  70. Animals! They killed this women for warning peeps of danger and opening the eyes to people around Mexico and the world to the violence caused by so called " men"! And she was a doc? Don't matter if she was practising or not I'm sure she never forget what she trained to do!
    I could come on here and start saying "death to all zetas or whatever shit gang you want to call yourselves this year, but truth is most of them cartel dudes will be dead soon or meet very violent ends or becoming some dudes bitch in the pen..... but I won't .
    Mexican government need to get the finger out or the only other suggestion would be to fire with fire,

  71. No confien en nadie. Este mujer muy intelegente confio en alguien o en una organizacion para que la manduvieran Anonymous. como sabemos con dinero baila el perro!


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