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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Veracruz Newspaper publishes notice in memory of “El Lazca”

Borderland Beat posted by Computer JA and Feynman from Proceso

The Newspaper La Opinion of Poza Rica- the one of greater influence in the North of Veracruz- in last Sunday’d edition published an obituary in memory of Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano El Lazca or Z3 one of the founder of los Zetas cartel.

The Obituary posted in the newspaper, alludes to the second anniversary of the death of the capo, who died in a military intelligence operation  in Progreso Coahuila on October 7th 2012. when “El Lazca” attended a baseball game.

The obituary was sponsored by a person identified as “El Perrito de Evelio” and alludes to a mass which was offered in honor of the leader of Los Zetas on October 7th at 7:00pm at the church of the Virgin of Guadalupe, one of the most popular churches of Catholics Parishioners in the North of Veracruz.

 “The mass which was held the 7th at 7:00pm in the church of the Virgin of Guadalupe, for the eternal rest Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano on the 2nd anniversary of his death. Always together until death do us part.. “Always loyal”

The self-named “El Perrito de Evelio” says this of Lazcano : we will remember you,  always friend and boss, the family you created, misses you.

The newspaper La Opinión de Poza Rica, with circulation in the municipality in Tuxpan, in Tihuatlán in Martinez de la Torre and Alamo, belonged to Raúl Arango Gibb, who was killed on April 9 of last year by 13 gunshots, after he came to establish facilities for a subsidiary newspaper..

Currently one of its directives is Gabriela Arango Gibb, who also serves as a PRI deputy legislature and a member of the Committee to Protect Journalists in Veracruz (Spanish: Comisión para la Protección de Periodistas en Veracruz).

According to the government of Veracruz, the death of several reporters and photographers in the state has been attributed  to the criminal organization Los Zetas.


  1. A Mass in memory of a piece of shit rapist mass murderer? Ignorant stupid SOB's and the newspaper too. The should dance and piss on that motherfuckers grave. Loyal to the end....end of what? And loyal to the butchering of innocents.


    1. I Could Not Say It Better Than This Person!

    2. A ese lazcaperro el ojosrojos lo deve estar violando y torturando todas las noches en el inferno por malvado hijo de puta

    3. you don't understand. it goes like this, you either publish this or we will kill you and your family

    4. Y ese anuncio periodico fue a base de amenaza. Ni ke fuera un santo ese malnacido

    5. 3:59am exacto! thats how it goes with them mf's

  2. Reading this on BB you would imagine regular people at church remembering him. I'm sure this isnt the case. The church was filled with cartel members of the zetas and zeta cartel families. The church obviously allowed them to do it out of fear.

  3. ese wey es como la cancion de paqita la del vario un gusano en vida

  4. They should of raided the church! but NOOOOO thats to show you Cartels even rock the Big Mans house!!!

  5. May this POS rot in hell for all the lives he and his organization destroyed all in the name of greed and power. Hopefully big red has his way with this a-hole in hell.

  6. el zeta ya esta muerta

  7. True boss and respected by even chapo
    If I had to pick one il pick lazca inhis prime boss and had military mind respect

    1. Very true. I'm sure he's never seen action, never known a family or friend that's been victim to these self centered thugs; and he's probably jobless cheering for "respectable" bullies, thieves and murderers every day of his life. Total loser.

  8. This is why Mexico can't progress

    1. You obviously don't know Mexico because it progresses everyday. There is a huge middle class when only 15 to 20 years ago there was none. A few elite have always controlled Mexico (as is the case with the US), however this power structure continues to divert to a democratic process as seen by the PAN victory after 70 years of a one party system, and the inclusion of more elected parties in office today than what the US has. Education, unemployment, government theft, home ownership, transportation infrastructure and many other areas of Mexico "progress" daily and have for years and the generalization you made is inaccurate, mean, and irresponsible.

  9. Lazca is dead and has the war on drugs been won? No! Is the world being flooded with drugs? Yes, and they are cheaper, more plentiful and stronger than ever before. Have 100's of 1000 been affected by violence in this war? Yes, and they are not all innocent. Are the crime syndicates growing in economic and political importance? Yes! Is there a solution? Yes, legalize all drugs!

    Let those who want to toy with dangerous drugs toy with dangerous drugs just like those who want to toy with dangerous guns are allowed to toy with dangerous guns!

    1. Dont forget the kids, thats one of the reasons. is not that easy if it was they would of done it a loooonnnngg time ago! a house with kids on it plus guns and drugs?? your a moron.

  10. Odale arriba el Fausto Galvan putos.

  11. Oh thats what they meant by ,Dirt nap!

  12. El Lazca had Chapo and his minions shaking in their botas when he was running Loz Zetaz. CDS would be a distant memory if El Lazca was still alive.

    1. Yeah thats is why lazca was hiding far from his turff and he needed help frim cdj and beltranes right right

    2. Both of you idiots cheering for organizations that doesn't don't give a fuck bout either of you. Apparently you'll must have never witness any criminal activity at all my cousin worked 6 years for a cartel which I will not name and I will tell you none of them are worth a fuck so stop riding on them kuz you mean nothing to.them

    3. "Yeah thats is why lazca was hiding far from his turff and he needed help frim cdj and beltranes right right"

      Obviously you know nothing about the drug war. Zetaz assisted CDJ and BLO with manpower not the other way around. El Lazca's turf was huge so how was he hiding outside of his turf. El Lazca was killed in Coahuila which is the Zetaz's headquarters so your comment is not accurate. I'm not a hugger just stating the facts.

    4. Coahuila was his turf idiot and if anything they needed help from Z cause they are bigger

    5. Zetaz have never asked for help from anyone. BLO, CF and LFM all asked Loz Zetaz for help to fight CDS. And now look who is asking for help??? Mencho, Mr. "Matazeta" himself wants to be on the team. 8:19am is correct Coahuila is Zetaz territory and has been for awhile. After the split between Zetaz and Gulf Coahuila became the main headquarters for Z40 and El Lazca. Good try 10:14p but your info is incorrect.

    6. @1:40 pm Im sorry to break it down to you but you are wrong. Zetas.leader heriberto Lascano Lascano asked arturo Beltran Leyva for help when he was going to get captured in Veracruz he was surrounded by military and he called Arturo and he send Z3 a goverment helicopter. This testimony is according to el grande Arturos right hand lieutenant.Also Lascano had no contacts in Veracruz with Generals of the military they only had infiltrated military footsoldiers and he and Z40 asked Arturo for help.Arturo ordered General duahuarte or something like that to meet with Z3 and z40 in one of his ranches in Morelos or Guerrero where he presented the zeta leader to the General which was under Arturos payroll. The spanish article where el grandes testimony appears is on the article called Busco Heriberto Lascano controlar Generales en Veracruz.

    7. Sorry 6:41p I didn't clarify my comment very well. I meant El Lazca never asked for help to fight his enemy. In the drug game there is always connections that need to be made. Los Zetas were not drug dealers at the beginning they were strictly enforcers and sicarios. And obviously the original Zetas were Osiel's bodyguards. They evolved into what they are today with the help of BLO and CF.

    8. @6:41 your info maybe right but after arturo death blo were affected enormously for which I have to say if zeta were never sent to Mazatlan, guasave, and sonora to help blo they would have lost all those plazas. Interview of "el guache" a zeta hit men he explains they want to Durango and those places to fight for the plazas as "apoyo" which means help as in helping blo

  13. strange that none of the law enforcers reacted!!!!!!

  14. Dead?! Y el señor de los cielos is dead and so is el coronel lol

  15. Le dieron un balazo en el mero ojo de marrano por correlón, iba corriendo como toda una dama con los calzones en la mano llorando desesperada.

    1. No ke no.? esos capillos sin sus armas y sus grupillos armados no son nada. no ke muy machines ahi esta...

  16. Bunch of fucking haters......if you bitches hate the cartels so much then quit consuming the drugs they ship over here.....what you fools don't understand is the US government is the biggest cartel of them all.......we could stop the flow of drugs to a trickle but we don't so put the blame where it lies assholes

    1. Yeah because the cartels dont murder rape extort people that is not the reason we hate them we just hate them because we are haters we just haters. If you dont like the usa move to mexico asshole go maybe a cartel will take you in asshole!!!!!!

    2. Drugs, Extortion, Murders, Rapes, Prostitution, Charging Quotas, Stealing, Intinidation, Money laundering, Kidnappings, and many other illegal activities!!! That's what These Piece of shit lovers do! And you want to blame Americans? I don't do drugs, but makes me sad to see the poor people of Mexico suffer because the the total all out greed from the Politicians, the cartels, to the piece of shit policeman stealing people's hard earned money! FUNK THEM! THEY CAN EAT SHIT!

    3. 5:45pm Callate el ozico de perra puta malnacida. hija de narcotraficante assesino basura!

    4. All the hatters are cds fans, they hear zetas anf they feel they should hate them. I ain't no fan. Fuck all these cartels equally! !! None of them do nothing good for the community, their state or their country witch is Mexico. They just keep destroying peoples lives including theirs and their families. Real

  17. he looks good face down in a puddle of his own blood

    good riddance

  18. Honor a quien honor merece el si ayudo gente no como el perro govierno

    1. Que honor merece el malandrin barato ese asesino de inocentes y traidor a la.patria que morir como un pinche perro fue lo mejor que le.pudo suceder y por.lo cual el pueblo mexicano esta feliz.

    2. 6:20 y tu pudrete tambien idiota

  19. Looks like a bunch of haters in this blog, para que vean quien fue y sera respeado, cuando se muera su picaflor chaputo espero y le quemen su tumba. Pinches embidiosos..

    1. Wow we really jealous that he had a mass in a church and hes dead and we are alive enjoy life yes we are really jealous!!!!!

    2. 10:18 sounds like you're a little 12yr old haha.. You jelous at all the respect he gets while you my friend do nothing but sit infront of your computer read about the drug war and pretend you're one tought bitch ha

    3. Respect he gets from who?? They all dead or in jail moron why are you so proud of him?? You have respect for him from what?? What you read online?? That he was a rapist murderer extorer kidnaper?? No thank you little boy i have respect for real people in my life and im still injoying life!!!! By the way little boy try to get a life looser!!!!

  20. @ 5:45 don't bother with these keyboard warriors they just know what they read there nothing but sheep listening to there precious goverment, they think are the good guys. When in reality they are worse then any group out there.

    1. And what do you know little girl? Come on, post it. Keyboard warriors? That is exactly what you are baby! We come here to read posts of people who knows because they have ways to get the news,l.But you? You know nothing!

  21. Bronce was is highly respected by the z
    Led them in their peek very intelligent leader
    Tacitly outplayed cds who had the money but not the muscle
    Punked them in every clash if it had to go down to 1 on 1 versus any other boss ill bet my chances on lazcano

  22. I want a hundred copys of the newspaper obituary so that I can line the birdcage of my pet parrot. I could train the bird to say, " Lazca, rot in hell" as he dirtys the newspaper.

  23. What is wrong with 'hating' this fucking butcher el lazca?
    Only that for all his crazy murdering of people who did not have anyhing to do with his criminal world, this short corporal was not the very worst, the coahuila military, retired and active, in cahoots with the state and federal government, were his bosses, not his partners, nor his puppets, the mexica military have had to earn their keep on their own for a while, since carlos sainas de gortari stole the defense budget, that is why the cadets on the colegio militar are selling drugs right in the school and around the block, for the generals directing the institution and cooperate on the raping of the plebes, to make them earn a place there and keep quiet about what goes on at our heroic colegio militar, thanks to the mexican military who earned their medals and grades murdering trapped, defenseles and unarmed mexicans...

  24. I'm a American citizen asshole so fuck your European ass......Mexico is a damn good country ....but since Americans love to indulge in drugs the enormous amount of money has destroyed that country.....legalize marijuana and 60 percent of cartel profits go out the window......we have the manpower to keep drugs out of our country.....we shut down Florida when we wanted go figure asshole......our US government sucks just like you do......quit being small minded and look at the big picture instead of blaming the people who our government enables

    1. Then that means you do drugs since you generalized us americans but like i said before move to mexico if you do not like my country!!!!!

  25. I looked to see if my comment was posted. I must assume it was a little over the top. My point is don't glamorize the evil criminals . Don't allow memorials to be erected for them . These people are scum and any public display of a memorial should show that . This is a terrible war and conventional rules haven't been applying . The scourge of meth has spread across the world .It is so obvious many of these criminals are fueled by this poison . All these insane gun battles and rape across the county rampant . there are many symptoms of meth use . One they look like poisoned rats another is they are very psychopathic and they don't sleep much and their sex drive is over the top. Think about it , a bunch of psychopathic poisoned rats that never sleep and they want to breed non stop .
    In Michoacán when common people (non fighters) went up against them with their old hunting guns the meth heads couldn't stand and fight .
    I think one of Mexico solutions is new gun laws.
    And I still think there should be memorials put up for these leader where people can urinate
    Think about the old family name Crapper could be redeemed . People could say I am heading for the Lazca to relieve myself

  26. Hahahahahaha este vato esta mamando pitos en el infierno.

  27. Dang there is alot anger on this post. Half of you are acting like El Lazca killed your whole family. And by the way I have seen plenty of crimes in progress. I cannot count the amount of dead bodies I have seen and that's not including the people I have seen taking their last breath. Yes, I live in the US but death is death and murder is murder. All blood is wet and all decaying bodies stink. It doesn't matter the race or nationality. It's not cheerleading if you are stating your opinion or facts. Don't get so butt hurt people.

  28. This damn gringos need to start worrying about there country not ours like Obama is helping out wen usa gets more corrupt dont blame the mexs blame him so worry n post on that not on us MUERTE A LOS GRINGOS ..... PV

  29. "This damn gringos need to start worrying about there country not ours like Obama is helping out wen usa gets more corrupt dont blame the mexs blame him so worry n post on that not on us MUERTE A LOS GRINGOS ..... PV"

    Come on man!!! Snap back to reality. Mexico has the most corrupt government in North America. It's not Obama's fault. Don't be blind to the truth.

  30. " If you dont like the usa move to mexico asshole go maybe a cartel will take you in asshole!!!!!! "
    Dude,they are fuckin stupid and racist but blame anyone elese?

    Mexicans ey,class acts all the way.Whining bitches.
    PV ? What the fuck are you doing reading an English speaking blog?Go to BDN with your loser ass,sad skank is probably in the US anyway?

  32. "This damn gringos need to start worrying about there country not ours"
    "Death to gringos"what a prick,listen to mi raza here,mi raza are busy killin each other,you hate each other you dont have to worry bout anyone else lol.
    No one gives a fuck?The only reason for the worry is 1000s of pricks like you are trying to bum rush in?Thats all hermano la raza?Stay in mother Mexico now,you know she needs you?Dont leave her in her time of trouble.
    Fuck do gringos want to go to your hating ass country for?Keep that shit..


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