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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

El Recodo: Aldo Sarabia's body found, wife and alledged boyfriend arrested

Borderland Beat  
Alma Delia Chavez Guerrero, the wife of Aldo Sarabia, and  and Alfredo Yahir Sandoval, have been arrested, as suspects in the murder.  The reports say there was a love triangle involving  the two men  and Sarabia's wife.

Aldo Sarabia, a member of fabled Mexican Banda El Recodo de Don Cruz Lizárraga, who had been missing since Oct. 13, has been found dead on a rural road in  Mazatlan, Mexico. News reports from Mexico indicated that he had been beaten  and shot in the neck.

Authorities report that  Chavez Guerrero, took Sarabia out on Octomber 13th on the pretense of dining at a seafood restaurant, but in reality he was taken to his murderer, Yahir Sandoval.

“He was our partner and inspiration in a thousand battles and all those moments we shared will live in the heart of those who knew him,” reads a statement released today by El Recodo on Twitter. 

 "Aldo Sarabia García was a great friend and family man. A person with a great sense of humor, a musician who mastered harmony and percussion and a human being of exceptional qualities.”

Sarabia was last seen Oct. 12, after the group played a show in San Jose, CA, and returned to Mazatlan. “Once everybody gets home, everyone gets on with their lives and with their families,” said Poncho Lizarraga in an interview. “But on Tuesday, my cousin asked me to call Aldo because he hadn’t heard from him at all.”

Sarabia was a trumpet player with El Recodo, the 18-man troupe that’s long been referred to as “the mother of all bands.” Those “bands” are the traditional banda sinaloense -- or band from the state of Sinaloa -- which are fully acoustic and brass and percussion-based. Although today’s Mexican music landscape is chock-full of bandas, El Recodo led the pack as the first such group with commercial appeal, the first group to modernize the banda sound, the first banda to experiment with genres like pop and tropical and the first banda to gain international recognition.

"In the history of El Recodo, we have never been threatened or intimidated anywhere and not anywhere inside Mexico,” bandleader Poncho Lizárraga told Diario Basta in Mexico yesterday, before the body was found. “On the contrary, we have already received unwavering support and affection."

Founded 76 years ago by Don Cruz Lizárraga, the group today is led by his sons, and was honored last year with Billboard’s Legado Musical -- Musical Legacy Award -- at the third annual Billboard Mexican Music Awards. El Recodo have placed more than 25 singles on the Top 20 of Billboard’s regional Mexican airplay charts.

Used material from Billboard, Borderland Beat Archives and SDP


  1. RIP Aldo Sarabia, its to early to speculate anything that might have caused his murder.

    1. To early to speculate?? Did you not read the article? It was a love triangle, her boyfriend killed her husband. Pretty easy to understand.

  2. I wonder what the wife looks like. ...

  3. Thanks for posting this Chivis. When I heard the news in the morning it got me sad. It's sad to hear that Aldo busted his ass to achieve everything he achieved and a hater took that all away.

    1. It was the whore of a wife that caused it!

    2. Jaajjaja pobre pendejo y todos los casados estan igual de pendejos......

  4. At 4:29 you comment it's out of line , nothing to this story and remember you father it's married to you madre or was married anyhow think before you open you big mouth

  5. The killer is not a member of the band.

  6. Chivis esta banda no sirve para nada aorita la recoditos y la arrolladora son las mejores. Fue una bandona cuando estubo juli preciado pero aora nomas el nombre keda. Si sabes de musica sabes lo ke ablo...

    1. I agree with your statement. The band went to waste. The Julio Preciado days were the best years.

    2. Pero no estamos hablando de eso,ignorante estupido.

    3. Y que tiene que ver. Los logros nadien se los quitan...

    4. Muy bien dicho amigo ya son de lo peor

    5. No sirve para nada??? Tu no sabes nada de la musica banda! Los tiempos de julio preciado si eran los mejores pero no te olvides ke siempre traen exitos mas ke los demas.....cada año regresan con mas exitos....esta bandonona no es poca cosa...llena de buenos musicos....puras vergas pa la musica la te confundes baboso

    6. 12:03 babosa tu
      Tu ke sabes de musica cuales exitos nuevos tienen. Los cantantes valen pa pura madre. El yaki cantaba cono nina. El charlie y el otro bato no la arman. Jorge medina lo a dicho la recodo ya paso de moda. Ahorita fijate la arrolladora la ms la recoditos la carnaval son las ke rifan. La recodo no lleno el nokia theater.

    7. 8:38 estamos ablando de esto por dicen k es numero uno banda.. haha ya no es la numero 1. es como la 50

    8. Comparen la voz de los de la recodo con julio preciado nada ke ver.ya esta se iye diferente. Ya no sirve nomas por el nombre se oyen pero kanta mejor una banda de esas ke tokan en lafiesta. Un ejemplo busca en el youtube la recodo cantado la del mini lic ay se daran cuenta la chingadera de cantante ke traen. Como olvidar los corridos de julio preciado

    9. Amen es la verdad. Poncho echo a perder la banda

    10. Go watch the videos of el recodo en la despedida de Aldo....tell me that isnt one badass banda....u don't know music if u think otherwise....

  7. He wasn't a band member. He worked as a laborer in a carniceria in Culiacan. Here is a link to the PGJE news release


  8. I changed the post within an hour of original post, you can see there was no mention of being a band member. However, I am having big issues with blogger today and could not change the title. It is now changed. Sorry for the delay.

    if you continue to have issues sending comments let me know please. I have no clue what is happening, for a while I couldn't either....

    1. Gracias por todo tu trabajo Chivis. Que pases buenas noches.

    2. Chivis this new system sucks, we are not robots!

  9. Chivis, why do we have to prove we are not robots?
    Then it gets more complicated, frankly i think it is a step backwards...
    --not all wives are that evil or stupid, of course some are not even wives, and in any case, not all of them give birth to strange dogs that walk funny and never had the luck of meeting one decent woman, not one!!!

    1. Oct 23 @9:05am

      Is that a serious question for Chivis? Come on master of the trivial and incoherent mini rants... you know it all!! Lol, or you're trying to trick us that you're normal and don't know it all?

  10. 11:22am that is what you think, in real reality, we do not even exist but as an aberration of nature, and we are not here, but there on another dimension, del quinto sol desquintadoi, even kukulkan is sorry of having created such a sorry bunch of good for nothings...

  11. Chivis im tired of this aldo shit.. univision and many other station just talk about this. There no attention on the iguala students, kidnappings et.
    . even jorge ramos was talking about this orejon sarabia. En ves de ke ablen de cosas importantes pero no. Siempre lo mismo puras babosadas como los riveras ke nosirben para nada.
    Chivis keep the good work cuidate chikita

  12. --The so called main street media does not want to incomodate the goernments who pay them their easy chayote, in mexico, that is all they have...
    --on the US, the self censoring is voluntary in the name of good taste, and the faint hearted, whose genetic lack of convictions can not handle the truth, supposedly...
    5:26 isn't it funny how the trivial and incoherent keep all your worries busy and your name out of circulation except for anonymous? I guess feeble minded robots are too far from being at the level of even the lowest intellects, as our romance proves, i stll love you honey! Granny panties parachute and all !!!


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