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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bodies of Missing Americans Indentified in Matamoros

Borderland Beat republished from Valley Central and AP

The following is an update in connection with the 3 missing American post

A Mexico state official says four bodies have been found east of the border city of Matamaros, which is the area where three young Americans have been missing more than two weeks. The bodies had gunshot wounds and were partially burned

Today, Thursday, the parents, accompanied by the FBI, arrived at  SEMEFO in Matamoros and positively identified the bodies as those of their children and friend of their daughter.

The three siblings from Progreso, Texas,  went missing with a fourth person (on) Oct. 13. The official insisted on speaking anonymously because he was not authorized to speak to the press.

Alvarado family

The father of the three siblings lives in Tamaulipas, and it was him they were visiting.

Mexican authorities on Wednesday asked the siblings' father what they were wearing when they disappeared, mother Raquel Alvarado told The Associated Press.

According to the Alvarado, her daughter, is the mother of four children aged 3-9, and drove her black Jeep Cherokee across the border Oct. 12 and dropped it at her father's house in El Control. She visited her boyfriend there and the next morning called her brothers to ask them to bring the Cherokee to a roadside restaurant where the couple was eating. The three siblings planned to return to Progreso together from there.

When Alex and Jose Angel Alvarado arrived to pick up their sister, they saw men "pushing their sister and her boyfriend and hitting her," Raquel Alvarado said. The brothers tried to intervene, witnesses said, but were taken away with their sister and her boyfriend. Witnesses said the armed men identified themselves as Grupo Hercules, a police security unit for Matamoros city officials, and were traveling in military style trucks. She said witnesses also saw federal highway police, "but no one did anything."

The adoptive mother of the 4th victim, the boyfriend, says he is 32 and from Valle Hermoso, his name is  Jose Guadalupe Castaneda Benitez


  1. How can people just kidnap and murder at will like these Mexicans? No feelings at all like it is an everyday okay thing to do. Wake up, have some coffee go out and rape your neighbor then kill their kids 'cuz the radio was to loud then dump their bodies in front of the high schools as a "message". The mentality of these dumb fucks and the govt is full of greedy chickenshits who could care less.

    1. You talk like every Mexican is a murderer. There is always a bad side in every country the way you talk makes you sound ignorant. Like in the US there's no crime no murders there's drive bys every single day. There's rape and theft every single day and it's not just the "Mexicans" it's crazy knowing there's people in the world that do the atrocities that happen in Mexico but then it's also crazy that's there's people that act like it's only the "Mexicans" or its only happening in Mexico. Wake up smell the coffee cuz brother our country is as fucked up as theirs is with all the drug consumption murders and rapes no one race is better than the other... OK rant over

    2. Just like the teenagers who were shot at in Florida because their music was to loud.

    3. the arbitrary slayings of people who have done no harm to anyone. frigging scumbag cartel bastards. just picked up beaten and murdered! WTF kind of animals can do this without guilt or feeling?

    4. I live in center of mexico puebla and tlaxcala it's pretty safe if someone tries something iligal it's like magic they just vanish noone knows what happened to them

    5. Aside from all the kidnappings that happen.Puebla doesn't have a narco problem but it has a kidnapping problem which is pretty much the same

    6. I agree that "bad" people are citizens of all nations. I also agree that most Mexicans are decent human beings; unable to act like these jerks. These degenerates portray Mexicans in a bad light and that is unfortunate. The USA incidents provided as examples differ in such that the criminal acts were punished. The participants were held accountable. Generally, when these cases go unsolved in the USA, it’s due to lack of evidence vs lack of response. This incident in Mexico (and many more like it) happened with no response from law enforcement. The criminals involved maintain freedom of movement and act without fear of being held accountable. A terrible situation by all accounts. I pray for the families involved.

    7. Why are these criminals being chosen as representatives of all Mexican people? No one would call all Americans criminals based on the crimes of people like Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, John Gacy, Ed Gein, Charles Manson, Albert Fish, or any other murderer, rapist, thief.etc, so why is it OK to do it to Mexican people?

    8. my first thought reading this: oh my gawwwd! so right! horrible evil mexicans! oh my gaawwd! my second thought: Holy Jesus please help us here in UK 'coz we just had a load of prostitutes murdered by a psycho maniac on the loose prob. a disgruntled client ie. lawyer judge policeman with a god-complex maybe a p.o.s crackhead, who knows but we are all in way responsible for their deaths if we just sit back and do nothing this kind of bull. IT'S EVERYWHERE THIS MADNESS - stop judging others and a look - a really really good strong hard look at yourselves... OK rant over also.

  2. Obama needs to stop being a pussy send in the us marines pena nieto dont need to approve shit lets do this

    1. No boots on the ground they can't stomach their troops dying!

    2. I agree. Many of us do. This is a human rights issue.

    3. No American president will ever send troops to Mexico for human rights violations. Unfortunately that is the cold hard truth. The Mexican government is cunning and deliberate on how they hide the true statistics from the US. Those who speak out get murdered but at the same time not enough are dying to spark interest from the US.

    4. It would be too bloody for us to get involved, too many possible Sicarios already on our streets. Can you imagine the persecution all of our Hispanics (unfortunately the innocents) would face? We only get in high casualty wars when we're seriously threatened. These fucks can't group together more than they already have so we don't have that at the moment.

  3. It's because there is no consequence that they do this...Simple. If your feet touch fire and they don't burn, why stop?

  4. They seem very nice.

  5. In mexico no body gives a shit..that's the reality. I talk to my relatives in Mexico all the time and nobody gives a shit about other than themselves. So in mexico plata or plomo....means lead or silver wild west type of mentality. So like many told me, go to Mexico at your own risk and if you get killed or kidnapped or torture , is at your own risk....I hate to be this cold but mexico is a dangerous place, you have been warned.

  6. Failed Country Full Of Failed People,

    1. Why must you talk like this of the US?

    2. 11:53pm
      By that silly standard then the US is not far behind:)

    3. Please remind "your" people that the US is a failed state and a faild people so you Mexicans would finally STOP coming here!

    4. The US is light years ahead....when is the last time you heard of mass graves in the USA? We're Mr. Peanut with atop hat and cane, while Mexico is a jumping bean...getting eaten from the inside out by a ravenous animal

    5. Failed country full of failed people? Carlos S. is one of the richest persons of the world and he's Mexican.....have you done better than him?

    6. @ 12:52pm You must not read much news about Albuquerque nm..there are mass graves found and im sure there might even be a lot that haven't been found

    7. no mass graves, just the systematic genocide of the original inhabitants of north america... at least the spanish intermarried with them. the early colonists were no better than muslim extremists. they killed off the native americans and claimed it was part of God's plan. they were true hypocrites and their descendents are no better...

    8. At 2:23. PM

      You piece of shit! You are gonna brag about Slim.... seriously? A rich asshole when 80% of mexicans live in poverty... really?

    9. A failed narco state Mexico is that's for sure. Everyone who pays attention and lives in reality knows this. Those of you who think the US is not far behind Mexico know nothing about what is actually going on. And trust me I lived in Albuquerque and "burque" is Disneyland compared to any city it's same size in Mexico. At least in Albuquerque a citizen can carry a firearm in their vehicle cocked, locked and loaded for protection.

    10. No country is perfect. Instead of worrying about Mexico, worry about your own country and how you can protect the countless marginalized people who are having their rights ripped away from them by the GOP, the NRA, and greedy neocapitalists.

  7. Whatever you do, DO NOT COME TO MEXICO. I mean, why would you, really??? If you have relatives there, have THEM visit you and if they don't have a VISA, well.... too bad. Just don't come.... unless you have some kind of a death wish and even then I bet you could find more creative, painless and even dignified ways to die than to fall in the hands of corrupt Mexican officials or drug cartel beasts.
    So far, at least 47 people (all young people) have been killed by POLICE OFFICERS in Mexico in the last month. As if we didn't have enough with freaking cartel motherf*ckers, in addition it's as if being young and a student in this country is worse tan being a criminal 'cause they're getting wiped out by the minute. And that's ALL OVER MEXICO.
    So, seriously, stay as far and away as posible from here.
    Btw, my guess is the sister's boyfriend was into something and she just happened to be with him.
    Also, please, WHY WOULD YOU GET YOURSELVES A MEXICAN BOYFRIEND???? Whyyyyyyyyyyy????? Jesús Christ!!!!!
    With all due respect, 26 and a mother of four.... of course the best she could do is some loser from some God-knows-where-it-is town calle El Control!!!! I can draw a mental picture of the guy's look.
    Where is the self respect of those women, seriously????
    Anyway, may the Lord be with their parents. What a horrible thing to have happen to a single family. Their THREE children murdered!!!!! I read they had gun shot wounds al over their bodies and were burnt.

    1. U go twice every year since 2007 and nothing bad has happened to me.. remember theres bads and goods in every country so that means not all mexico is violent

  8. Hey chivis on the main page, the forum link is missing, it's not on bottom's guys accidentally took it down.

  9. That's good America took the south western states from mexico. Imagine if America would of lost. California would be just as fucked up place like Mexico.

  10. Just read on that Mexican media outlets, citing the Government of Tamulipas say their parents have identified the bodies.

  11. They found the bodies they were shot to death and burned

  12. If it had been Muslims who did the butchering, it would on the main-stream brainwashing media every 5 minutes.
    As other poster have said, STAY OUT OF MEXICO!
    It is a sheethole country!

  13. These three siblings may have been up to no good, but my thoughts go out to their parents and orphaned children if they are dead.

    1. What are you talking about Willis?????
      Since when is it up to no good visiting your father and boyfriend in Mexico? And beaten by corrupt police while eating a meal at a restaurant?
      and brothers bravely seeing their sister being beaten and try to come to her aid when they arrive on the scene?

      What part of this says "up to know good?"? The brothers had to have known they would be doomed, they did not have to go to her aid, they arrived with the car and the beating was in progress. This according to all witnesses. You assume because police involvement the young folks must be guilty? In Tamps the police are the bad guys. the difference is a uniform.

      To this point I have not heard anything to indicate they were doing anything suspect or wrong. They made regular trips to visit dad who is a Mexican national.

    2. You are 100% correct Chivis. Regardless if anyone is a criminal or not...they deserve justice not death, the norm in Mexico is for anybody with a gun or a little power to be judge and executioner.

    3. what's. the story on the father? Anyone? Anyone?

    4. You tell em Chivis! ;)

    5. You are right Chivis. With all the friends I have had killed here, many people will say they must have been doing something criminal. I guarantee you none of the people I knew had anything to do with criminal activity. In fact they would be labeled as great people.

      They killed my friend Jose Refugio “Cuco” Ruvalcaba. A native of Nogales, Sonora, Ruvalcaba who went on to become a high-ranking police official in Mexico City (1998-2000), and later served as chief of police in the city of Zacatecas for six months before he was forced out in early 2008. Because he was with the police many people will say he was corrupt. But if you knew him and his family you would be happy to have them as friends. They lived in a modest house and were just getting by. Not something that would happen to a corrupt person in the position he was in. Some people would spout off that did not even know him, and say he probably had it coming. You can get killed here for being a good guy even as a policeman. You have to walk on eggshells with all the corruption going on around you in your job.

      Look at the uniformed commander that was in Uniform here in Chihuahua the other day. He was on a megaphone in front of the government palace talking to a crowd about all the corruption in the military and government here. The people he was talking about arrived very quickly and removed him while he was screaming on the ground. These pigs that were corrupt, took him because he was honest. He could not follow their directives and rules. They do not know where he is right now. Probably being tortured before he disappears. Sad that you can be taken out by your pears because you want to do the right thing. The video was horrible. I felt so much anguish for him. The government mafia takes care of it's own.

    6. thank you for this comment. People always assume, "but it ain't necessarily so". In my decade in Mexico I now know directly or indirectly 14 people kidnapped and killed. 3 were kids, teens, 2 were brothers young teens, Only 1 of 14 was rescued alive. Only 1 was a child of a "connected" person, all the others had no connection at all.

    7. First time to be called Willis, but my thoughts are with the parents and children. I have plenty of friends and family in and from Mexico, have traveled extensively throughout the same. " May have been" was carefully chosen, so too "may have not" could apply, either way, my thoughts go to the aforementioned. To borrow a (para)phrase from a movie, the dead know nothing because they are dead. Sorrow is left for the living.

  14. ... Tamaulipas.- Los padres de los tres jóvenes estadunidenses desaparecidos el lunes 13 en el poblado Control de Matamoros, Tamaulipas, identificaron a sus hijos entre cuatro cadáveres localizados hoy en un paraje ubicado al este de esa ciudad norteña... They Have Been Found... Sad Story, But It Does Not Make Any Sense And Appears That They Or They Family Are/Were Up To No Good...

  15. What about the report that the daughter was the girlfriend was the girlfriend of a capo, El Negro?

    1. I heard that on a couple of blogs and then no more about it. Have you heard anything new about that? What is el negro's name?

      There was also a story of them all being together and a shootout, but that was not true as witnesses stated. another saying they were beaten for info then let if, and then another commando picked them up and killed them. but all on blogs. if you see something credible then PLEASE send to me.

    2. A witness' s vantage point, biases, motives all play into the veracity of their claims. What one believes based on their perception may not be the truth. More to the story than perceived. (And overheard).

    3. The adoptive mother of the 4th victim, the boyfriend, says he is 32 and from Valle Hermoso, his name is Jose Guadalupe Castaneda Benitez.

      is the el negros name? anyone know>

  16. Chivis, if anyone is assuming that they were doing something wrong, they need to go do research on all the past blogs. You provided great details on the Harry Devert case. That is an example of how things can be. The only solution is that people, especially from America, stop thinking we can travel places and won't be harmed. The innocent citizens of Mexico are harmed all the time. You posted astory about the government attempting to boost up tourism by claiming crime is down. After the long history of violence, people need to be cautious. Right after that blog you told about bodies being found in a truck and all kinds of other violence. The fact is: so there was 100 less kileed, the amount still exceeds too many. The amount of murders in various places in Mexico are just unbelievable, not to mention the way these people are killed. I say travel if you really need to, not because you'd like too. Poor kids are now just an addition to the statistics in Mexico. To say the so called good guys killed them only reiterate that Mexico is still far from safe. Who is the good guys there at this point?

    1. Exactly, Sometimes it is true Americans or Canadians are connected, but in this case at this point only based on what we know, I would guess it was mistaken identity, and by the time the thugs figured it out it was too late. But that is just a guess

      I was reading comments on mexican blogs, and I have never been able to understand why everything is us vs them. Some Mexicans are pissed because so much attention is drawn when it is "gringos" killed and kidnapped. WTF? I mean I see certain cases of Mexicans kidnappings that do get high profile, and in tamps. How can they begrudge this? A mother lost her 3 kids. and 3 little kids lost their mother.

      we need to be on the same side against the malevolent ones.

    2. some mexicans still think Harry was "doing something wrong". As i said some foreigners are in Mexico for Mal intent and are in collusion with bad guys, but Harry was not one.

  17. I am sorry to say this but it is the truth and we all know it......if they were white americans this case would be all over the media since days ago, they are the kids of mexican parents, therefore still mexican and the american media and political establishment do not give a shit about mexicans.

  18. Why is it wrong to be in mexico when you don't have to? Because of all the crime against the mexican citizens, and tourists, one should check before embarking on tourism to anywhere in the world, to not get in trouble there...
    Most of all the crime happens to victims who have nothing to do with it, in mexico, the criminals can not go and complain to the police, the police are the ones extorting the criminals and pusing them on to more and worse crimes all day long to make the piso, or the quota, the government polizetas demand.
    --Lety salazar must be happy, her polizetas have brung fire to her ass...

  19. I am sure those fucking pigs disrespected her in some way and she being a Texan I bet she wasn't going to take it. I feel for the family. I can't imagine the pain as a parent to lose your children in one fatal swoop.

  20. Isn't there a Rivera clan that goes back to. the good ol' days, used to run around control, estacion. Ramirez, ahhh the. music. Duendes de control

  21. chivis, Breitbart copied your information on the daughters boyfriend. Please know they did not have the name yesterday when they first posted a report. I am in Matamoros half time. I am asking around because no one heard of that name as el negro. I think the reporter is making up storys. no blog worth repsect is even saying that this guy is narco or el negro. check on valorxTamaulipas blog. Nothing. Unless proof please don't belive this.

    1. I know this, but thanks. I wrote this on forum. because a couple of people thought the guy was el negro but now do not because someone surely could tie the name together if it was.

      HOWEVER...the mystery is still why. BTW the Fed Hwy police saw what happened and they ignored the screams by the victims for their help. they just watched. that is how much power hercules thugs have.

  22. @ Chivis... maybe the "EL NEGRO" that they're reffering to is M3's brother...if im not mistakin was in charge of the vallehermoso plaza...idk...just a possibility...

  23. i read someones comments saying her boyfriend was a small time drug dealer for cdg. who knows if its true though

  24. You mean Eduardo Flores, that is what I already said. He was jefe de plaza in Valle Hermoso and his moniker is el negro and is the brother of M3. but two things:
    1. the name is different this guy, the BF is Jose Guadalupe Castaneda Benitez
    2. El Negro was captured a couple mos ago.

    that is why I asked is there an el negros with the name above. but no one has heard the name.

    1. I think I am wrong on the capture, i will check.

  25. I don't think he has been captured "officially'...i was getting at the fact that there was probably a love triangle between the couple and "El Negro"... there are very little clues at the moment to start pointing fingers obviously...

  26. Mexico has always had a little bit of these terrible things we see but now it is so out of control. I'm not a Marxist but the country needs to be like those Zapatistas; that would be the only solution for peace. Otherwise, it's a hellbound train.

  27. Im suprised no one has talked about where the victims cars were found i read a news report online that said the cars where found at a car dealership owned by Luis Alfredo Biasi, Matamoros' director of social services.

  28. I did wonder about the vehicles. can you send me a link?

    Readers please include the link when talking about information, it helps so much!
    thanks for the comment, and you are right I think you are the first to comment about it. I really want to see the story you saw


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