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Monday, October 27, 2014

A stupid rant on how I lost faith in my country and its citizens...

Tijuano´s NOTE: First of all, I want to make clear that this is NOT a news article and this DOES NOT represent anyone at Borderland Beat but MYSELF.

I must also warn you, this might not make any sense, it is after all a rant, a way of getting out my anger and nothing more. If, after all that, you are still interested in reading what a simple Mexican citizen has to say about his country and how he feels all is going to hell, then, please, continue...

I don´t know how to start this, how to express the anger I´m feeling right now, all I can say is I lost hope in Mexico, I´ll explain myself: I lost hope in living in a country where the rule of law and justice prevails, I lost hope of living in a country where you can actively participate in politics and make a change in your community, I lost hope in myself as a Mexican citizen.

The Ayotzinapa massacre (I´m sure they are dead, sorry) is just the last of a HUGE number of criminal acts which have taken place in Mexico in the last years, criminal acts which could have not happened if not for the compliance and corruption of both the Political/Government and Society as a whole.

While the idea of a Federal Government powerful enough and willing to kill 43 rebellious students because they oppose the current economical powers is quite frightening and a great propaganda tool for those in the political opposition, I feel something even worse is taking place in my country, I feel all the power the Federal Government once had is gone, We live in a country where a mere small city Mayor believes He has enough power to disappear 43 students without having to face justice, a country where local politicians do whatever they want and  have their kids meeting with druglords to have a drink(Vallejo´s son, anyone?), a country where anyone can be executed and nothing will happen, where you can have your kid go out and never see him alive again, a country where 72 immigrants are savagely execute and nobody gives a damn because "they were some damn sudacas", a country where people forget this massacres in a matter of weeks, sometimes less. That´s a reason why I lost hope in my country.

I must admit I do not share the Normalistas political views, I even admit I´ve expressed in the past my dislike of their acts, and have called them in several times vandals, I won´t deny that. What I will say is NONE of that makes them deserving of anything close to what happened to them.

Speaking of political views, I feel I got to write about this too, I find it extremely nauseating how many in the Mexican opposition are using this case as a way of hitting their enemies without having any real interest in the Normalistas or their well being.

Right now there is no clean political party in Mexico, while its true that EPN and PRI are those in Federal power, both PAN and the leftist parties have a lot to do with the current situation, even AMLO who some blindingly see as a Mexican savior (forgetting he was part of PRI too and forgetting the ties some of his close associates have had to criminals in the past) has a lot of explaining to do. That´s another reason why I´ve lost faith in my country´s future.

The way I see it Mexico is FUCKED (excuse my words, but that´s the only word I can think of), With a society divided between those with little to no concern to anything else to soccer or their soap operas and a group of "political activists" who act only as fanatics of a Caudillo, I feel Mexico has no hope of changing its ways in this generation.

Many will call me a quitter, a bad Mexican, you name it, but How can I have hope in a country where kids outside of elementary school argue over who´s the baddest cartel, over who is more powerful while listening to corridos on their cellphones with their parents amused for the scene? How can I have hope in a country where there is not a single politician willing to do a REAL cleanup? A country where those who criticize the "mafia del poder" are the same who hang around with Julio Cesar Godoy (Familia Michoacana member turned Federal Deputy by PRD), those who launch political careers like that of Jose Luis Abarca (Iguala´s butcher) or that of Narciso Agundez(former BCS Governor accused of having his campaign paid by Francisco Javier Arellano Felix), a country where politicians like Tomas Yarrington, Fidel Herrera or Humberto Moreira rise to huge power levels, a country where the Arellano Felix brothers partied with PAN´s Tijuana mayor?

How can I have faith in a country where a great man like Dr. Mireles is jailed while several of Tijuana´s criminals I knew had been arreste are already free? How can I have faith when I failed as a citizen by omission?

This is just the tip of the iceberg, excuse me if I don´t make sense with this but I HAD to take it out of me, there are a lot of other reasons why I lost hope in my country which I might add later, right now the anger is too much to keep writing.

As a citizen who loves his country and who truly tried and failed at making a change, all I got to say is I´m sorry Mexico, I failed you miserably as a citizen.



  1. I respect your rant my friend. I believe you are totally right in ur views on México its a shithole country to live in. Its not only exonomically sick but spirirually as well, were geeed is a standard held above humanity, as it is my country.

  2. Well this does not surprise me, Last night someone told me that in one town in Jalisco the government officials where paying protection money to the drug gangs, probable too keep the peace!! who knows!!

  3. Despair not !! The situation in Iguala may be the best thing that has happened in Mexico for a long time. From first hand experience, we made little progress in the US with civil rights till we lost many people. Some known, some unknown. We made little progress stopping the war in Viet Nam till thousands were killed and the mothers hit the streets.

    Maybe Iguala is the match that will start the burn necessary for change. I fan the flames when I am able. There is certainly much more internationl attention now, embarassing the macho pendejos of government.

    1. I see what you say, the problem is Iguala isn´t the first and I fear won´t be the last, We´ve had this kind of massacres go on and on for decades in Mexico.

      I don´t like the words, but hopefully something "good" can happen after all this.

  4. Tijuano
    We must have people who speak the truth.Political correctness is a tool that is used to smear and hide the truth..Many many people must still find the balls to speak truth otherwise we capitulate to the insulated venal politicians who rule not just in Mexico but worldwide.Nothing you said is insulting or untrue.It is sad,the apathy and neglect of Mexicans is complete by the so-called elites who rule.It is indeed hard to believe it is 2014 and we are discussing the savage kidnap and burning of students,and the subsequent couldn't care less of Mexican politics? Tijuano many regulars of BB appreciate what you and the other contributors do.

  5. @ Tijuano Did you hack my computer and copy the story I was working on. Seriously, I probably have half a dozen stories I have started or have notes on to write expressing nearly all of what you just said. I am not a Mexican by birth, but having lived here for almost 20 years I have witnessed much of this happening.
    I moved to Mexico because I wanted to live here. But it has changed, and not for the better. In my notes and drafts I used some words like "clusterf...k" to describe much of Mexico today, and phrases like "they have dug themselves such a deep hole I don't think they will ever get out. It's hard to remember your initial purpose was to drain the swamp when you are up to your ass in alligators. when you want to clean house you start to sweep at the top and sweep down, not at the bottom and sweep up.
    One thing you didn't rant about much was Business/Govt./criminals. I visualize each one of those as having hundreds of tentacles, each wrapping around the others, until they are a ball of writhing snakes that it would be impossible to untangle.
    As for the Normalistas, Iwouldn't argue that they are at times vandals. but I would argue there are extenuating circumstances. knowing your rage as a citizen, imagine the rage if for the last 500 years the government has tried to exterminate, repress, suppress, use as slaves, confiscate your land and resources because you were in class considered inferior (indiginous). (Iam working on a story about too.)
    All in all, you and I probably have more similiar views than you would have thought

  6. @DD: I know what you mean, and part of my current frustration is my lack of empathy towards them in previous times, even thou I don´t share their political ideology I can understand what you mention and completely see how they are in need to be heard by a society which have ignored them for centuries.

    I didn´t go into the business because I see them as part of society too, but you are right, they do have a lot to do with what goes around.

    I just can´t write anything else right now.

    Looking forward to reading yous story.


  7. Tijuano foreal I respect ur work and all u at bb I think u understand the situation that goes on in mex a little more than other ppeople that's y alot of people respect ur work well I hope to read more info about wat goes on in mex keep ur head up and fuck everyone that thinks other wise!

  8. Just stick with the facts and translations. No one really cares what you think on a matter.

  9. Good stuff Tijuano. Let it out brotha. You are only typing what a lot of us feel. I'm a teacher and everyday I try to change the world. I work with high school students that come out of camp. Everyday I try to change the world and most of the days it feels like I fail. But not to worry brotha, you've done more for Mexico than 99% of the people have. Thanks for all the work you put in. Be safe Tijuano. GOD bless.

    1. Thanks Nemesis, I don´t feel I´ve done nothing but try to help others know what happens in Mexico. Saludos.

    2. Tijuano let me tell you this is mexicos history bro its always being the same and the shit keeps piling up until it hist the fan every 100 years violence all over mexico for at least a ecade then the waters come down and actually the country comes out better than before stronger if you want to and this time it will be the same mexicos will come stronger than ever from this caos trust me i know the future because i know the past

    3. You put your life on the line every article bro. You can't stand to see injustice and you fight by writing for something better. That's just who you are, and by doing that you change and save lives. Many people talk about it, you guys at BB are about it. Best site in the world in my eyes. Be safe out there brotha.

  10. Agreed that's why I became American, sure there is some corruption no place is perfect, but society as a whole still tries to do what's right, hood luck mexico

  11. Buncha moaning pussies!!. You guys are mistaken when you think you can change mexico or the way of life how it is out guya are flunked out journalist from community college not the fkn x-men. So get over yourselves!!!!

    1. Damn straight! Jajaja this blog is soooo fickin funnay!!! Omg

    2. Look whose whining now. If you aren't part of the solution you are part the problem. It's obvious to me you and dumbass number 2 are part of the problem. GTFOH with your disrespectful ass.

  12. I teared up over your post Tijuano

    I have worked in 12 Mexican states, I know more about Mexico than the majority of Mexicans, I know its ills, its weaknesses BUT at the end of the day, when I my enthusiasm and hope had run its course, I could do something about it, ....I can go home to the United States of America. I cannot imagine what it would be like if I could not.

    There are two important lessons I have learned:
    the legalization of drugs is a path that should be taken. I did not think even Mota should be legal a decade ago.
    Secondly, I never blamed organized crime for Mexico's ills, narcos are opportunists, where a door is open, they will walk through. They are of course responsible for their actions, but not responsible for the society that allows them to operate freely and with impunity. It is not even the corruption that is at the core of the societal problems.

    It is within the people where the fault lies, APATHY, is the grand cheat of Mexico.. as I said many times before, Not thinking or caring much beyond one’s own life; my family, my casa, my job. This was not the case in the generation of my father, and before. At that time, people cared for others and were willing to die for a cause that would benefit the entire country. Mexicans now have the mindset that he is but one, he cannot change anything and nothing will change, so I may as well get "mine". So they take the gifts of corruption and elements of criminality. An example is vote selling. and not seeing anything wrong with doing so,

    Mexico is not only the nation with the lowest percentage of humanitarians and charity in north America but are with the bottom dwellers in global comparatives.

    One day I felt as I think you do today and I wrote a post you may have missed

    1. Chivis, I share you vision of Narcos just being some opportunistic criminals and I too share the idea they are responsible for their acts, what I tried to say with this was how I felt we all are responsible for this situation and how I didn´t realize it before.

      I too thought at some time prohibition was the best idea and it had to be enforced with an iron fist but that has changed, I do feel current sicarios cant be dealt with anything else but sheer strenght, but the root of the problem, the causes which keep fueling this war have to be dealt in a different way, whole different way.

      I did miss that post, you know why, but I hope I can recover faith in my country someday.

      Abrazos Chivis.

    2. Heyy chivis and tijuano i am mexican im from michoacan mexico and i am totally agree with you guys , in my country there is a saying that goes like el que no tranza no avanza meaning that if you do not lie , cheat , or steal for your own selfish benefit you are a pendejo a moron a stupid pretty much and also if you care for others than you or family your are also a moron stupid or pendejo because there not from your family i feel really bad about this because i am one of those few mexicans that try to do the right thing and care for others everytime i talk to other mexicans about whats going on in mexico (i am living in states ) people go like well bad but what do care they are not from your family dont be stupid care about you and your family they even make fun of me for caring about others peoples tragedies. and mexicans are also very hypocrates extreamlly hypocrates they want others to do the right thing to them but they do not do it like they complain about the government steals but if they have the chance to be in the gov they will totally do the same i feel like i am not from mexico i i am from another country i just dont fit in that mind set that most mexicans have only doing the right thing when its the most convinience always trying to chingar one to onother even between family members seeing doimg the wrong thing as good thing and having no remors when doing it .

    3. Well.chivis the people from.cheran michoacan are big exeptions to that they do care for each other even if they are not family they are a true comunity. True real mexicans along with ssome others indigenous towns in mexico but yes most mexicans are like you described them

    4. agree, and have said exactly that in the other post. I had to cut it short here, but my experience shows that those who have the least and are marginalized, are the people who are the exception. Like the Cheran, like the true AD, like the indigenous, like the normalistas. Taking care of each other and themselves.

  13. Soy ciudadano tambien,
    Frustration! There is nothing to anchor to. No island, no amnesty, only vulnerability. The foxes are guarding us pollos. How can there be hope when the greatest ambition of someone in gobernacion is "To get my share"? The gringos legalize mota and do not understand no matter how "available" legal marijuana may become, Mexican pot will always be cheaper, in demand, and dolares will go south and politics, law enforcement, and the judicial system will always be bought and paid for. Viva la revoluccion is dead Tijuano, and 2000 hours is time for everyone to go hide and watch novelas, Secgob will police - by repression of la gente and ignoring those who pay them. Los niños heroes, Lazaro Cardenas, Morelos, and padre Hidalgo must be twisted in anguish. This is what they fought for? Utter failure? Surrender? To be a prisoner of a society that accepts corruption? You are not alone compadre, trust my words, you are not alone.

  14. I am not a Mexican but I love the country and the wonderful people. I do the best I can to help. I wish I could fight for the good people of Mexico. What do not understand why does everybody want leave that has money, stay fight the bad people

  15. Blah blah blah mother fuckers please. Cry me a river. USA is the same shit and your freedom is what the say it is.

    1. Yeah, and the Mexican La Migra is apprehending thousands of Americans every day and night because they want their children to live a better life in Mexico. I plan my escape to Mexico every day. I just need to save up enough pesos to hire a coyote to get me past Highway 2. After that, opportunity and prosperity awaits.

  16. animo compa! thank you. i appreciate your speaking out. at times I feel "why should I care?" when so many mexicans seem not to. personally I would like to see a Mexican Spring. you owe Mexico no apology.

  17. Tijuano: Your post is hard to read because it hits home. I grew up in Mexico, in a small farming ejido, with parents and grandparents who were ejidatarios. The cemetery in that village is full, I mean FULL, of family and relatives, mother, father, tios, abuelos, primos, conocidos, you name it. And I cannot go visit them as I used to on the Dia de los Muertos. The pinches narcos and their pinches sicarios stink up the place, pura mierda.

    I lost hope in Mexico, too. I used to brag that I could walk in my village or in Juarez at any time of the day or night and feel safe. I could visit a rancher up in the mountains and could expect not just to be given water for my thirst, but to be invited to share their humble supper before going on my way. I did this countless times, so I am not bullshitting.

    Now, of course, it seems like a dream. Did I ever live in a Mexico like that, or is it a false memory? Do I remember what was, or what I would like it to have been? So I call on my viejitos, those that are still hanging on, and, yes, that's the way it was.

    The corruption in Mexico, and its other face, the impunity, has come to permeate the country. I have always known that a different law applies to the rich and the politicians in Mexico, who are the same people, of course, so I simply took the impunity they enjoyed for granted. But the narcos have cheapened everything in Mexico, including the people, yes, but also the institutions. Mexicans today have lost their idealism, their trust in their institutions and in their culture. 'Me vale madre' has replaced the rule of law.

    I've given up on Mexico. I've lost any hope of visiting all my dead family and friends, my muertitos, like I used to in more civilized times, and that's really what hurts the most.

    Let me know if you ever regain your hope.

  18. Real men do not measure nor do they pit themselves against lesser men.
    In the first place, lesser men are too many, so youmhave to pick your battles...
    You tijuano, leave a lot to be desired as a person, fo expressing that you "do not have the ideology" or share the ideas, and saying that freshmen sent to do the traditional bus hijacking and collecting some spare change, that is a traditional rite of passage on mexican schools like universities and technological schools, right after cropping the freshmen hair...
    You have not seen their facilities, showers or dormitories, they could have raised more money on the internet, and certainly, genaro vazquez and lucio cabanas arentheir heros, just like che guevara is the hero of many american citizens and of people all over the world, you do not know the ayotzinapa students, you do not know their ideology, and it is easy to lose faith when you have it s easy, and blame the "troublemakers"for their misery, for not chosing to be wise and getting born on a better place, like you, or chivis, or me, for at their young age not knowing how to conduct their social disobedience in a more cultural and dignified way...
    Go back to school, and review your postulates from the school of dispair, ad find yourself some worthy foe, like henry kissinger of the crime family bush, or bill clinton, he can defend himself better than may other zionistas causing mayhem all over the world, just like in mexico, the country that is not and never will be the bellybutton of the world, there are many other fights, just in case one gets boring, when you are done crying over the shock and awe induced apathy of the mexicans, and the murders of those who were still not awed and shocked enough to keep away from trouble because they were blindsided by those that knew what was going to happen, the butchers of acteal and atenco...
    --If you ever wonder why general patton slapped some soldiers to mae them behave, maybe it was because he knew fear too, and needed some slapping himself,,, remember mister tijuano, young men, freshmen at teachers college, do not have an ideology to recognize as "shareable"

    1. I usually do not post your comments, but I am giving you an overall thumbs up, to this particular rant.

      "blame the troublemakers" so correct.....or "misunderstanding from afar", losing sight of the real foe, and not honoring the honorable and brave.

      damn it is time to go I am actually finding common ground with you :)
      BTW my beginnings were VERY humble, but you are correct, I had choices, that I would never been afforded had I been born in Mexico. I know how blessed my life has been.

      For once I can sincerely say, thanks for sharing

  19. wow that was profound Tijuino and all made perfect sense.Wish more people were like you instead of ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away.Canadiana

  20. You both (Tijuano and Chivis) are acting like Mexico is the worst. There's a lot worse places in the world, and the corruption and violence in Mexico is not unique. There are parts of Mexico which are horrible, but not the entire country is like that. There's crime and violence throughout the country but to varying degrees. The same could be said about most countries. Even the best nation in the world has its "Detroits" and its "New Orleans". Most countries in Latin America are riddled with violence and corruption. Look at Africa, Asia, even Europe; they are not above violence, corruption, or injustice.

    I've been been following this blog for 3 or 4 years and often find posts criticizing Mexico and its people. Actually, more than criticism it's just complaining; it gets old. Yes, we get it; you guys think Mexico is a terrible place full of violence and corruption. It's pretty obvious. It would be more interesting if you guys brought out some new insight into the problem and potential solutions but it's always the same beaten drum of "the government is corrupt", "the people don't care", "there is no hope for Mexico", blah, blah, blah. Mexico has survived an independence and a bloody, deadly Mexican revolution; it's not going anywhere. But i guess it's the popular thing to do nowadays huh. Point out the obvious and make yourself seem and feel like a socially aware individual who doesn't eat what the media feeds them, but at the same time doing nothing significant for the issue in question.

    Mexico is not special. You guys act like it is and expect it to overcome the ills that plague all other countries. Then, you become disappointed and bitter towards Mexico and its people for not living up to your delusional fantasies of what an idealized Mexico should be. Violence, corruption, injustice, and apathy have been part of every nation in every time period. To think that Mexico is somehow exempt from those ills is quite gullible. Grow up.

    1. and you are acting like a Willis if that what you perceive. Seems we are talking about Mexio, nothing or nowhere else.

      Criticizing Mexico does get old, I long for the day it is not valid to complain so harshly.

    2. This website is about Mexico

  21. It might not be politically correct but it's true. Great article Tijuano. If you can answer I was wondering your opinion of El Chapo. I have always thought him to be a victim. A product of the environment he grew up in and was raised to be a narco (although he is responsible for countless murders). What do you think?

    1. Thanks, no problem answering:

      My take on Chapo as with several other drugslords is what you mention, a product of the environment, I wouldn´t go all the way to call him a victims since he isn´t the only guy suffering from poverty in Mexico, but sure can see why and how he became what he became. He is responsible for his actions, but he didn´t act alone.

  22. La corupsion de México se va terminar cuando el águila suelte la serpiente . ( sello de la bandera mexicana)

    1. Y cuando te ensenes a escribir el mundo sera mejor

  23. The usa is worst I am tired of the goverment taking half of my paycheck, drug addicts galore, maricones, and poor family values, the divorce rate is high and inner terrorist killing inocent people, its sad when the cost of living is so high that both parents spend more time working than with their kids then the kids grow up pot heads and lazy, the usa is not a place to raise a family almost everyone is poping pills and or getting high just to cope with being a slave to the usa goverment paying more taxes than what I pay for my mortgage, I have lost faith in the usa

    1. Part 1 - I am here in Mexico and many people here carry on with families and never marry. When the pseudo husbands leave it is almost impossible to get them to put up money for their offspring. Many women would love to divorce and find someone better. But they know it is hard if they have children, as they are branded. I was at a party and one married guy broke out pictures of his novia. Next thing you know about 20 more married men were showing pictures of novias on their phones. There are short stay hotels that are used for one to three hours and have private garages for each one. They are only for sex and and the garages are used to keep their vehicles hidden from wives and others. They are everywhere. I know of many women here that know their husbands cheat, but they will not leave because they need that income. Women here have it very tough to make a decent income. Many prostitute for money to eat and pay for their children. Alcohol vendors on many street corners and drugs are available everywhere on the streets.

    2. Part 2 - Lots of people beg and wash windows on the streets for drug addiction. They do not take taxes here, and there are no benefits or help available if you are down and out either. The government hospitals are horrible and many people cannot use them. They are also very expensive and many of the insurance options do not pay for surgery. When Chivas talks about being able to go back to the USA and escape the hardships here and the live a normal life I understand why. There is a reason. Why are there millions of Mexicans that hide out in the USA and do not want to return to the USA. They earn more after taxes in the USA and many things cost less. That is why people crowd the stores in El Paso because things are so expensive in Juarez and further South. Maricones? Mexico is full of them. They are everywhere and flaunt it. But that does not bother me like it does you. 70% of the men over 18 years of age here cannot find jobs so they live with their parents forever. Family values, yes, but out of necessity because they have 3 generations living under one roof. People do not show up for meetings on time, and people just do not show up for appointments and they do not have the courtesy to at least call and say they will not be coming or will be late. Mexicans work harder in the USA because they know they will be fired. Here it is just the opposite. It is expected that they not show are be very late. Your tax money in Mexico goes to the vialidad, aduanas, federal police and more in the form of extortion. Ever driven the roads here. Because of low taxes the roads are fill pot holes and many streets are just dirt and mud. You only have to cross the border and within 10 minutes you can see where the taxes go or do not go. You have to pay money to park in a shopping mall in Mexico, or just parking on the streets. The amount of the money made here would not even be taxable in the USA. Not making $500 or less per month. Kids here spend most of their time on computers, face book and text messaging because they do not have money. They are addicted to there things. The graduation rate among children here is terrible. Look these things up, find out the truth, and then live in both countries for sometime. Most people will choose the USA. Mexico is trying hard to look like the USA but that will not happen anytime soon. Cross from Mexico where the houses have tall walls with razor wire, sharp spikes on the tops of tall walls and bars on the windows. Then cross over into El Paso with beautiful highways and streets. Kept very clean. Not many police and the people have no fences or tall walls, razor wire or bars on their windows. You are clueless. Mothers and fathers here use foul words in front of their children without even thinking about it. They whip out the El Peso periodico and view the naked women and prostitutes available in front of wives and children. I like the Mexican people and most are great, but since you are slinging mud and untruths this is what the reality is. I have to go and by a new motor for my air conditioner today. The last guy that rebuilt it used aluminum and painted it with copper color paint. Scams and fraud here are everywhere and it is hard to get recourse. People here are true slaves. They are treated as sheep to be flossed by the government and the cartels. For the little they make they pay big time for it. You pay 17% tax on everything you buy here and every restaurant you eat in.

    3. Maybe you should cut back on your luxuries and deal with life. Be grateful for what you have and not what don't have. Be glad you don't live in the war zone and deal with some shit Tijuano is ranting about. You sound like a whiny little pendejo. Tijuano is making a good point so STFU.

  24. tijuano,

    im pleased you have spoken out,if all of mexico would think like you,chivis,nemisis and DD mexico would change. i myself dont bother i check the mainboard now and again in the hope i will see the revolution start,it wont.

    mexico needs to follow the rule used with narcos and apply it to the government- chop off the snakes head 1st then the body will die.

    EPN "saving mexico" what a joke.

    all the best to you


    1. To be honest, I don´t see a revolution any time soon and I don´t really see it as an option either, we had our independence and revolution and NOTHING changed(save for the tyrants in power), a guy says in a previous post that Mexico survived those wars and its true, but hundreds of thousands of people didn´t...


    2. Tijuano don't compare prior struggles with todays revolution, we are seen a revolution being formed by social media and the instant diffusion of news, It is happening before our own eyes. Think and be part of the Hope that you say you have lost. We needed to hit bottom and we are very close to it. Mexico will see a re-birth.

  25. The USA is bad only and exactly to the extent that the government has been bought and paid for by the corporations--just like in Mexico. Government employees don't do anything until the corporations buy them and tell them what to do. Government employees don't buy themselves; they don't have enough money. The USA has the best government money can buy and it doesn't buy itself. The oil companies, the media companies, the finance companies, the jillionaires who just want more. All of this is just like Mexico: los pobres y los ricos. The way things are going, they will soon both be the same.

    Do you think you're part of the rich? Ha! You'll find out. If you've got something they want, they'll just take it--including your land, your life, your family. What will you do? Nada. That's the way it works in Mexico. That's the way it will work here and is well on the way already.

    1. The difference between the US and Mexico is if you put the work in and you are driven you can easily be successful. If you do the same in Mexico it will get you killed or kidnapped. Your business seized, your home seized and your land seized. All because the government or Cartel wants it. If you refuse to pay your "tax" to the cartel you will no longer own what's yours. I know several families who now live in the US because they lost everything they owned in Mexico to the local cartel. Luckily for each family they were given amesty from US because they would be killed if they returned to Mexico. In one case a shop owner refused to pay to the Sinaloa cartel they in turn killed her oldest son, made her sign over the property then dropped her off at the border. They told her if came back they would kill her just like her son. Even if she returned to visit family she would be killed on the spot. Hey it is what is and I know there are some of you who no matter what will always defend Mexico. That's great because that is your right but don't be blind to the truth.I

    2. I just lost a friend a couple of weeks ago. He was a hard working family man. He was late on his extortion payments for his business. He was assassinated in front of his pregnant wife and children as he was closing the door on his business. All of is brothers and sisters are successful also. Most of them are being extorted also. You are right. If you work hard and become even a little successful someone in government and the criminals will want some of it. Everyone knows here they are one and the same. Once you are targeted you have no hope here. You cannot fight the police, soldiers and the government. You will loose every time.

  26. We are witnessing the consequences of disappearing 43 students, fresh popo keeps coming out every hour, it may get boring to you, not to all the people participating on marches and protests, most of them poor and hopeless, it isnot boring for the butchers of atenco and acteal, or to iguala mayor or governor aguirre...
    The old deal applies, lead, follow, or get out of the way...
    --we are trying to find the way for now, and we are getting there stray dogs or not, AND we talk about what we know, we know mexico and mexican criminals and mexican criminal governments, we are not mexico's tourism agency or televisa to be giving rosy pictures away about mexico, thank you...

  27. 12:46 CHIVAAA! You do post my rants, usually, i understand they are confusing many times, unfocused and off point, but not in my mind, grown people can have different opinions, but nobody has to accept the right to be wrong, before you go, chivis paladin and other unmentionable names, wants to say goodbye and see you later, i expect you back in office, maybe different address, without el mil mascaras, the jealous sonofagun got gotten too many times...
    Atentamente: the evil motherfucker, your admirer...

    1. Confusing? At times you've given me a grand mal.
      Honestly, I find you interesting, intelligent, funny, annoying,eccentric
      many more of your posts would have made it, but the bush, clinton etc would cause more headache and is off topic, when you allow it to become topic.

      Of course different perspectives should not be a determining factor when deciding if or if not to post a comment. I hope I don't trash those comments on that basis alone.

      I post garbage, even though it pisses me off. That's life, who knows I may change an opinion, I leave an open mind because no matter how sure one can be, someone may come along and prove you've been wrong.

      "I know, what I know, but perhaps it isn't so"...

  28. I feel the same way about Mexico right now. I have not gone back to Michaocan in over 8 years now. I was always in Mexico every summer as a kid.

  29. Well done Tijuano. You have my sympathy and support. Rants are good for the soul, and I hope yours is a little lighter today. I watch helplessly from where I sit at what is happening to Mexico and I cry. I hate feeling this helpless. I feel the same way about my other country Venezuela. May God help them make the change necessary to bring Latin America back from the brink. Chavez is dead, but Maduro is at the wheel. May he prevail, and Mexico needs to purge itself of the corruption that threatens it now. I pray for my Mexican friends here who are with us and safe for the time being. I don't know how long it will be before this chaos spreads everywhere. God help us all. We must unite to bring an end to these madmen, the bankers, the gun runners, the human traffickers, the criminal syndicates running this planet. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE!

  30. You are right, Mexico is FUCKED. I am not Mexican, and I don't live in Mexico, but I am a prolific reader, and I have followed Borderland Beat for five or six years. Sadly, what I see as an observer is that Mexican culture is polluted. Many Mexicans have no self respect, and then of course no respect for anyone else. Mexicans seem to value life the least of all the western countries, the way life is valued is on par with terrible places in the eastern world. A Mexican even said to me as I pointed out he looked Mexican, "Nobody wants to be Mexican!" Mexico has to burn first to purify; it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. In any organizational failure it is ALWAYS a failure of leadership first, and this is the case in Mexico. Dating one hundred years, the super rich do not care whatsoever about ordinary Mexicans, and they have done either the absolute least or nothing to advance Mexico as a whole. Instead what they have done is weaken and corrupt everything in their path to becoming wealthier. And it didn't help that rural Mexicans were having 10 babies up until just a few years ago, and this when they didn't make $100 a month and couldn't feed themselves. The super rich have ordinary Mexicans right where they want them, as de facto slaves.

  31. 8:48 What exactly do you know about Mexico, its the govt that is corrupt not the ppl. You have a lot of assholes here that thing they know what they are talking about but they don't. It's like blaming the US for their addiction yes that is part of the problem but not all, 99% of mex wants peace and a better life you can't include them in this.

  32. Anonymous wrote:

    Tijuano don't compare prior struggles with todays revolution, we are seen a revolution being formed by social media and the instant diffusion of news, It is happening before our own eyes. Think and be part of the Hope that you say you have lost. We needed to hit bottom and we are very close to it. Mexico will see a re-birth.

    And I agree with you Anonymous. This too shall pass.

    EXOPOLITICS: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe

  33. I only resent that more posts about el mil mascaras did not make it, still the job got done, the help is much appreciated...


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