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Thursday, September 11, 2014

US/Mexico Intel: Sinaloa Capo Azul is assumed to be alive

Chívis Martínez for Borderland Beat
Two weeks ago articles began appearing in Mexico claiming that both the US and Mexican intelligence agencies, reject the death reports of Sinaloa leader, Juan José Moreno Esparragoza aka "Azul".

One of the sons of Azul was recently arrested,  and he was quick to “confirm” the death of his father.

The story that was given by those close to the family, was that Azul died from heart failure that derived from complications sustained in an automobile accident.  His death was supposedly on June 8th of this year.  The Sinaloa based newspaper, Ridoce, reported on the death in their June 8th issue.  They reported that Azul was immediately  cremated.  

And therein lies the problem, there is absolutely no proof that the capo is dead.  
The only record that exists, reveals that the sole provable certainty, is that Azul did in fact visit the San Jose Royal Hospital of Zapopan Jalisco, but did not die there.  In fact no person died at the hospital on June 7th, and no person died that entire weekend bearing the name, apx age, or physical characteristics of Azul.

Reforma newspaper, was able to access footage from security cameras of that weekend.  Still shots are found in this post, above and below, of a man that resembles Azul, but visited the emergency room department of the hospital at around 11PM on June 8th, the day Riodoce published that he had died.

In the still shots, the man appears free of  distress, walking, speaking to medical personal in what appears to be triage, carrying a book, and at one point puts glasses on.
It may or may not be Azul, but what is certain that there is absolutely no evidence of his death, on any date, and as “Chayo”, the Caballeros Templarios leader before him did, he may have seized an opportunity to pronounce his death, hoping the search for him would cease. 


  1. There is no way his son lied

    1. Mayo zambada snitched on chapo to get his sons sentenced reduced

    2. No chance at all the soon would lie. Lol.

  2. Not dark enough to be el azul

  3. I knew azul wasn't dead

  4. Not dark enough to be Azul, yeah just like Michael Jackson stayed dark his whole life, too.


    1. It's "the best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." It's from "The Usual Suspects". -El Nemesis

    2. alright we have a movie AFICIONADO!!! Good looking out vato!

    3. In actuality, its from the bible

  6. He's alive, so the search goes on.

  7. Not him his team ain't that stupid am sure they covered all bases!

    1. Stoooops mexico is all mickey mouse there lazy asses cut corners all the time dont be beliebing everything you here

  8. Look at his right hand . Exact position as on the left picture

  9. Wouldn't a seasoned criminal like Azul realize there's cameras which could spoil his entire plan!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  10. hes dead, just like lazca

  11. That man looks nothing like the supposed man in the picture BB featured a few weeks ago in their article. I don't think that man walking around in those security "fotos" is el AZUL. Maybe he didn't die and actually wants to retire from the game or maybe he did die and his son wasn't lying. What is un-characteristic of the ESPARRAGOZAS is his son being busted for what he was busted for a while back. If the Don was alive nothing like that would have happened, so that leads me to believe maybe he did pass?

    1. Or maybe he was supposed to get arrested so that he could make that claim more official

  12. Yeah there is a chance he could be azul, after all all dont you want to fake your own death. So you you can be step ahead from enemies.

  13. one dimensional thinkers will concentrate on the photos. They are largely irrelevant, but many of the BB commenters will focus on the photos because they are not capable of thinking a little deeper . watch you will see.

    what is important is the text. and that no one died on the 7th is the most important fact.

    1. Smart ass, we are not that dumb maybe some are but not all.

  14. U think he would shave his moustache at least

    1. That's because he isn't hiding...the government knows where he is at, it's just not convinced to arrest him.

  15. That's the scumbag azul hope they catch him soon

  16. A distraction, dead or alive, the fox keeps distracting the hounds from the real issues, like proven to be alive real criminals and their real proveable crimes...

  17. @1:13....You are SPOT ON

    even I am surprised...comments are about the fotos, and it is nothing about that. I almost did not even post the fotos. I did not post all of them.

    what reforma is saying is this guy came in that has similarities to azul. not that it is 100% him, he was the only person on camera that could remotely be a possibility. I did not think the Christmas foto looked like him.

    all that said, you are correct the hospital records are the most telling. this is the hospital the family said he was at, yet no one died on that day, and that weekend no one died even closed to his age or looking like him etc.

    but you sure called it with the comments.

  18. Azul is alive and well. Regardless of the photos, death records or what the family says. He told Chapo that they should step aside prior to his incarceration but Chapo chose not to. Even back then he was planning his own retirement (death). Azul is as slay as a fox and is smarter than 99% of the narcos in the world. How else was he able to stay in the game so long.

    1. Of couse because you where there with chapo and azul and mayo so tell us more since you have all the real information.

    2. I could tell you more but why should I. You would just mock me anyway. You probably assume that I am some schmuck who doesn't know nada but you are incorrect. Things aren't always as they seem. Big brother is always watching and taking notes. You'd be amazed on much intel is gained from sites like this. There was a showing of El Chapo's interview/documentary at a movie theater in Texas. I won't tell you the city. And guess what??? It as sold out. Half the viewers were plain clothes law enforcement taking notes plus getting intel on Mafiosos in the theater. If the narcos in the theater weren't known to us before they were now. I will say it again....big brother is always watching.

  19. Bueno fuera que estuviera vivo el Don. Y sí lo está espero nunca saberlo. Bien por el de cualquier forma.

  20. have Julio Cesar Chavez identify him..

    1. They should interrogate him and ask him if señor de los cielos and azul are dead hahaha

    2. Its crazy that u bring up julio cesar chavez.....I remember right before he lost to de la hoya I was just a boy and we lived in culiacan and chavez thought he had the fight in the bag so he was partying with my dad and the rest of the plebada de culiacan con la banda y plebitas perikiando y pistiando....hes a pesado and part of the clika str8 up....I knew him and grew up seeing that lifestyle from my father died in the 90's when I was still a boy in a shootout with some feds...he had a few corridos and shit like that but I decided from a young age that I wasnt going to follow in his footsteps....luckily my father made enough money for us to settle in Denver,CO where I have the best life ever with a better education and opportunities than my dad never wouldve been dumb for me to revert to such an ignorant way of life....I respect my dad and I understand that he didnt have many options...I am greatful for what he did for us because I could be just another jr from culiacan but I am not....I am a naturalized American and very proud of my life here in the Great US of !

  21. Puede que si sea el cheken la nariz de los dos i la quijada muy similares....pero nomas el save quien es el

  22. Everybody is saying how the person in the pictures doesn't look like him but we I first saw Chapo when he got busted it didn't look like him either? Now let's remember the last confirmed picture of him is more than 20 years old? I personally don't think he's dead he was a smart business man who would try to work things out instead of shooting up the Plaza he saw what happened to Chapo and doesn't want to die in jail.

  23. 3:00 thats, a good one!

  24. all that cash and they look like bums...

    1. U gotta remember hes old school n hes no flashy flashy "Narco JR"..But Im sure he got enough money than ALL OF US put together..So u sayin just cause he got money he should hit the hospital with LV shoes n a Gucci suit??..Pendejo u wouldnt last as a narco..

    2. Do you want him to drive up in a Lamborghini and a convoy of blacked out suburbans with a bunch of jewelry on like in the movies to make you happy? HE HAS LASTED THIS LONG BECAUSE HE DOESN'T THINK LIKE YOU.

    3. What's the point of working hard if you never get to play? All that money and they have to live in caves and drive around in buckets to evade getting captured they ain't shit but BUMS...

    4. My dad always told me el dinero y el culo no se ensena a nadie in other words make your money dont be flashy stand in the spotlight and be noticed, jst drive a normal car with fat pockets

    5. Then what do you want money for if your to scared to spend it I ain't a narco but I have fat pockets I buy and drive what I want they have millions and drive old cars and trucks and use wheelchairs to blend in come on maybe they have one or two big parties a year and then its back to hiding I party every weekend dont idolize these bums and if your daddy tells you not to show off its cuz he's broke

    6. The thing is to me they dont look like bums they look like regular people and they dont drive buckets either they drive new cars of course not flashy ferraris or mercedes they blend in with the people. That guy keps going on and on about looking like bums they are not going to dress like you a wannabe pretty boy with tight jeans and plucked out eyebrows.

    7. @ 3:51 ur a retard bro! His dad meant that if ur flashy u get in more trouble it doesnt matter if ur a drug dealer or a successful business owner.....if ur flashy u end up getting robbed and people try and take advantage of happens all the time...its better to live like and blend in with the 99 percent than to be like the 1 percent for the fact that u can be un molested by people....I dont get why u cant get...oh wait u must be justin bieber

  25. arrest his family for falsely reporting a death of a citizen
    they will be in a dilemma

  26. "one dimensional thinkers will concentrate on the photos"
    I like it dude,i like it,the photos prove nothing,what is proven is that no-one died on that date ?

    1. Like they would make note of his death. It's as easy as telling them there would be no paperwork.

  27. It wouldn't be hard to find Azul on security footage. Just look for a huge convoy of hummers. No shit, that's probably how Azul did it

  28. Wow good story and evidence to back it up. I want to hear and read more about these new findings.

  29. Well how bout this if thats not azul
    Who is it woulnt that be easier to find out mexico gov oh wait mexico cant do shit right if the us isnt on your ass like ur daddy to take out the trash

    1. Im pretty sure the US cant do shit right either haha think before you say dumb shit like this.

  30. those pics really do look like the guy...

  31. To me this just doesn't make sense! Azul was already a ghost, why risk all the attention your creating and bringing upon yourself if he was really attempting to fake his own death. There has to be a major reason behind him attempting to fake his death. The government went after Chapo and Mayo, Azul was never running from the military or living in the mountains. When people talk about CDS, it's always Chapo and sometimes Mayo. Azul is very rarely ever mentioned. Maybe the rumors of Azul giving his spot to Caro Quintero are true. Maybe Azul had plans to retire and that's the reason for faking his death! Who knows but something shady is going on!

    It's awfully coincidental Chapo gets captured after 10 years on the run, in the fashion he did! Caro gets let out of prison in the fashion he did! Azul fakes his death in the matter he did! All this in four or five month period. Something shady is going down I'd be willing to bet money CDS had some kind of deal worked out with the government! Who knows maybe Chapo gave himself up so Caro could get out of prison and take the reign so Azul and Mayo could retire. I have heard the rumor numerous times that EPN wants the cartels run in the same fashion they were in the 70s and 80s with less killings, less attention, clearing the way for more tourists and more gas and oil investors. As far as the cartels, EPN believes a quiet Mexico is a profitable Mexico

  32. Come on people if the government can be bought why can't a couple of doctors be??

  33. @September 11, 2014 at 5:22 PM

    Are you serious? :D

    Should they flash publicly like corner gangbangers, those evolution's diamonds? I can assure you, there is other places and situations where their money shows.

  34. That's not el azul that's luigi from mario bros.

  35. Azul is in Dubai playing chess with Osama Bin Laden courtesy of CIA

  36. He is dead. Just ask him and he'll tell you. Juan Jose Esparagoza is dead. This guy is under a different name now and he'll confirm the death of El Azul

  37. After twenty years in the shadows, is el azul expected to look like donald trump?
    It gets harder and harder to make the little girls happy and to meet their expectations;it's like murders have never been staged, or oscar de la hoya wearing his fishnet stockings, if photos are not all that reliable, are we going to just up and believe written reports? Or refuse to believe?
    --Let's just accept the information and see where it leads, no need to put anybody down with our informed or misinformed hysteria and supremacy

  38. The technology we have nowadays, couldnt they run the photos through some kind of facial recognition software to determine its him? The photos are just not enough to go on. I also think that a person coming in with cash could probably bribe the hospital into removing any record of their visit. Just not enough to go on it seems.

  39. It's irresponsible to report things that are misleading knowingly. The only relevant fact, is that nobody died in the presumed hospital, but yet BB may have disseminated misinformation at the cost of a possible innocent civilian just as "journalist " did when they posted pictures of who they thought was Fernando Sánchez Arellano but was really an hard working civilian. It's irresponsible and violates the integrity of your journalistic skills imo.

  40. Have u guys notice they all have the same style chapo mayo and azul mustaches and all dye ther hair lol

  41. people don't go into the drug business to look like fucking farmers. chicas, flash, style, pizzass...

    1. How are the computers in prison,flash?

    2. These guys didnt get into the business for any of that shit retard....they are from a region where thats the way of life....its like being a coal miner in west Virginia....its what his daddy did and his daddy did....its a poverty strickin area were most ranchos can only be reached by using atvs and dirt bikes....ur way of thinking is like an african american rapper, not real

    3. "ur way of thinking is like an african american rapper, not real"

      I take exception to that last part 5:44. So are you saying that only AA rappers stretch the truth in their songs? What about non black hip hop artists or any Latino singers? Are their songs about reality? What about the bullshit Sinaloa narco corridos? You sound like a typical bigot I see on Fox News everyday. I bet you have a Nazi flag hanging over your bed. Fucktard!!!!

  42. Most old school narcos aren't flashy at all, they know what they are worth and don't need expensive clothes to earn respect. They will wear a shirt from Wally world and wrangler slacks with raw hide boots and have a bag full of Gs. I remember a lot of old school players being that way, their kids were the flashy ones but the older Dons knew that wasn't the way to last in the game. I always pictured el Azul, Don Mayo and few others like this. Imagine how your grandpa dresses, yea that is them. Only difference is the occupation and yes you have el BLUE and MZ.

  43. Is he wearing a TV Azteca cap?? Looks like a worker from there

  44. And it certainly dosent look like hes sick or a patient there. Or that he was in any serious car accident recently. Hes walking all on his own and hes carrying a book to read while he waits for someone? What does that tell you perhaps he wasnt the patient but a visitor. Too but thats not really el azul. Sorry dea go look elsewhere.

  45. The real deal is he's bidding out cus chapo is sniching on his whole cartel so he won't ne extradited to the U.S.. wouldn't you?

    1. No seas un pendejo. Chapo will never get extradited because he knows to much about all the crooked politicians

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