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Thursday, September 25, 2014

At least 70 killings of officials in Jalisco-Deputy kidnapped/incinerated most likely mistaken ID

A public servant is killed in Jalisco, on average, every eight days. During the year and a half of Government of Jorge Aristóteles Sandoval Díaz there have been  at least 70 killings of local, state and federal officials, according to figures from Jalisco Institute of Forensic Sciences.

The murders Federal Deputy Michel Gabriel Gomez and his assistant Heriberto Nunez Ramos became the third case of high-level officials, although authorities have not specified whether their deaths were in Jalisco territory or Zacatecas.

The first murder during the current presidential term occurred on March 9, 2013:  The Secretary of Tourism, Jesus Alvarez Gallegos, was executed in Zapopan. Meanwhile, on August 3rd of  this year the mayor of Ayutla, Manuel Gómez Torres was killed.

Among the 70 officers killed between March 1, 2013 and until yesterday, 21  belong to members of  security forces, including police and military, according to Reforma records (authorities claim 60 killings, Reforma's records 70)
Mistaken Identity

The van that was traveling the legislature Gabriel Gomez was used until a few weeks ago by another PRI deputy, Marco Barba. a  suburban, blue color, 2008 model, was traveling with JGH8935 plates. It was registered to Marco Barba Mariscal and his mother María de los Ángeles González Mariscal.

But the truck had been sold to a few weeks ago Deputy Gomez, who was yet to make a  change in ownership. Marco Barba is the son of Alfredo Barba, CROC union leader and brother Alfredo Jr., who serves as mayor in Tlaquepaque.

Because of where the kidnapping occurred and the  and modus operandi,  it is probable the captors would have believed that the person who was traveling in the van was the deputy Barba and not the deputy Gomez. Even Alfredo Barba Jr. and that Barba was the target.

Note: play this video full screen. You can see there are at least three cars involved.In this video Gomez is extracted from his vehicle while riding in the front passenger seat. He is seemingly left at the scene, he walks about, then towards the vehicles of the kidnappers. He is rubbing his head. ;Simultaneous seen, behind Gomez, two men exited a bronze SUV with a wheel attached to the back hatch. They then board the SUV and pull up in front of Gomez, they are mostly out of view of camera. But you can see a struggle at the rear of the vehicle between Gomez and a man from the third kidnapping vehicle. The vehicle then disappears



  1. El PRI can steal all the elections they want, not all the people will go along with them, NO MATTER HOW MANY MANLIOS FABIO BELTRONES regret the murder of their PRI comrades, and no matter how many casinos or billions of dollars they have stashed away from selling out to the powerful high and mighty, while extorting the poor narcos and having them kill each other...

  2. why the hell didn't he jump the fence:???

    1. He was scared. Notice he keeps massaging his head. The hell with the chingazo to the head. U still walking!! Now Run mofo!!!!

  3. I counted at least 5 cars involved. White front car, white Mini van, Mini Cooper, Brown Jeep, green suv. And maybe the white car behind the Mini van

  4. Yeah it's possible a mistaken identity but he already saw the kidnappers faces so he was dead. Anyway I got a better play by play of what happened.The video shows three cars were involved. One in a white family van, one in a black jeep Cherokee and one in a brown jeep liberty. Two people got out from the white van and opened the blue suburban. One of the guy hit the deputy in the head possibly a gun, that's why he was massaging/scratching his head on the way out to the street. The people in other vehicle got out but went back in. The suburban took off with two people with the driver, then the brown jeep liberty swooped in and forced the deputy inside the vehicle. Then took off. Now on the news report they said trucks were blocking the streets, were trucks part of it?

  5. Chivis if you interested,video of Grupo Ciclon estakas fuckin around patrolling on Moros Rap FB,might do you for forum?Not that interesting really,just giving you heads up ?

  6. the idiot coulda ran to the other side but NOOOO hes walking around like a fool he deserved to get kidnapped for that walking move he pulled.

  7. I believe the man in white possibly believed it was over? I'm sure he if knew there was an additional two cars involved he would have left right away

  8. Fuck those mexican politicians they deserve what they get, especially the moreira ones and any of those people fucking over the citizenry instead of helping it.

  9. Hey thanks! I was just able to check it out...they were clearly bored :)
    I posted it on forum...

  10. They were not to just get shot dead, so, what is the message? Is el PRI to take it easy with the arrest, jail and deportations?
    You know, plata o plomo seems to be alive and kicking, maybe el pri and pena nieto's plenimpotentate ministers need to understand and learn to say si siñor when spoken to and to say thank you for having been spoken to.
    Just about time all politicians started enjoying the life they have brought to the rest of the mexicans, God will pick the right politicians, no doubt...

  11. No problem Chivis girl the least we can do..
    Bored as you say,but they don't seem to be worried about running into military/authorities?Halcons everywhere to warn them perhaps?But many many estakas do indeed die that way?

  12. The congressman's driver se apendejo, there was room to escape, and they did not need to open the doors or the windows, any self respecting security guard or body guard knows they have to get out of there, now academi has another selling point, plata o plomo from private security agencies, is genaro garcia luna still running his private security firms, or what?


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